How do you like your dragons, Veeky Forums?
How do you like your dragons, Veeky Forums?
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Trogdor was a man.
Intelligent or bestial, sorcerous or simply terrifyingly strong, there's one thing I want every Dragon to be- Significant.
There are exceptions of course. Whelps and lesser draconic forms like Drakes and Wyverns are all well and good, but when you come to a true Dragon? Nothing they do should be boring.
Where a Dragon walks, the earth should shake. Where a Dragon turns its attention, people should be very afraid. When a Dragon speaks, people should listen.
A Dragon should be something you cannot ignore or dismiss, an echo of something deep and old and powerful that threatens change and upheaval wherever they go, whether for good or ill.
tl;dr Dragons should be a big fucking deal.
I mean, he was a dragon-man.
Classic. I mean really classic as in it follows whatever legend originally spawned it.
Maybe just a dragon?
I like my dragons as being smarter than everyone else in the room and amused by their bumbling antics. My dragons are pretty fun to be around, once you get past the largely justified superiority complex.
Overpowered to the point that hroup of adventurers can't take it out.
You must respect the dragons.
In maid dresses.
But he was still Trogdor!
I've long since relegated dragons to beings similar to gods and demons. Another contender in the celestial plane vying for souls
Elemental embodiments are pretty cool. So are manifestations of sin, and harbingers of the apocalypse.
Could go any way really.
who would a dragon willingly serve as a maid to?
A masculine, brave warrior whose masculinity and physical prowess has awakened her naturally submissive role as female.
You have different dragons than I do.
Memorable, horrifying, and deadly. Generally something to curb overconfidence.
I like them with names generated from
I only know how I DON'T like them.
Sexy, or able to transform into sexy people. Or able to transform into any kind of people, really.
I've never seen that power done well and I think it's magical realm as fuck.
This reminds me of that one game where the princess happenned to be a dragon all along.
The real princess was kill. She got the crown.
I prefer them to be bestial, but cunning.
Like, as smart as a crow/raven at the very least... Personally, I like to make it so that dragons gather treasure hoards to make their nests/dens look pretty, and to attract mates... But of course, that also means their nests are full of shiny (but worthless) items as well. Pretty rocks, polished bits of armor that haven't started to rust yet, colored glass, and so on.
And of course, they need to be a rare but still terrifying sight to behold.
Like, nobody should go "Oh hey, that's a dragon, yawn". When a dragon appears, there should be panic, fleeing, praying, gearing up for the worst battle of your life, etcetera.
I dislike dragons in general. I think, while a staple of fantasy, they tend to be a bit 'overloaded' in what they can do and how powerful they are due to all the different artists and authors and ideas people have about them over the years, similar to wizards.
In the current pop culture state, they're too much to work with. Dragons who are intelligent, magical, shapeshifting, huge, fire breathing, flight having monsters aren't really that interesting because there is nothing really definitively stand out and interesting about them. In terms of 'realism' or rather setting cohesion it makes little sense that anyone could ever fight them or that the setting would function. They're a bit like a Mary Sue but a monster or racial version.
Much better, in my opinion, is not to use dragons at all or split them up.
>Intelligent and scheming monster- patient maneating crocodiles who mimic voices
>Fire Breathing- Salamanders, weird fire elementals, weird dingos that eat campfires and spit them out at humans
>Magic and Shapeshifting- Any number of trickster spirits
>Huge size and strength- Giant constrictor snakes or komodo dragons
>Flight- Giant magpie or other birds that would pick people up.
Dragons are still an extremely iconic part of fantasy, but they defy good worldbuilding and game design on their own without seriously limiting them in some way or just handwaving it. At least you can have sex with them, but that's about it.
Six limbed followed by Asian serpentine but nevertheless intelligent and cunning, ancient beings of enormous power. From significant movers and shakers to god like beings of the highest order either way always significant.
Yeah dragons at every CR was a mistake, though an understandable one.
I like them as wyverns. Hexapods never made sense to me. This is one thing that GoT got right.
aslo intellgent, niihilsitc and with a wicked sense of humorr ::)
At the peak of might and magic is all I need.