Hello friends, I am in a bit of a pickle.
See, I know a ton about firearms, as they are a passion of mine, but my experience with them in RPG's has been limited. I am working on a little homebrew system, pretty generalized, but the firearms and other weapons are intended to be well-explained and have good stats.
My problem comes in when determining a good way to use dice to scale firearm damage, from caliber to caliber. There was a thread the other day about firearms in settings, and in that thread some people talked about how damage from firearms is an abstract sort of thing. But I feel like there has to be more to this.
So my questions are: In your experience, which system stats firearms properly, making their effectiveness and use similar to their real-life counterparts?
What is the best example of reloading a firearm, that you have seen? Did it take a full round to do, or just a part of your turn to do?
I am capable of determining the relative damage of individual calibers, but my issue comes in when selecting which dice to use for which caliber.
At what point is it better to use 2d4 instead of 1d8? That kind of thing. Thanks in advanced, I will be around for discussion.