> The world is very cold, but not unbearable.
Veeky Forums makes a comfy setting
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the equator is one long band of tropical islands covered in rainforest. you can circumnavigate the world by traveling between islands
The day is 25 hours long, so everyone can get an extra hour of sleep.
Wars are largely slow and formal affairs, fought mostly with less-lethal weapons. Days can go by in the trenches without a shot being fired.
Animals and humans bond quickly, forming freiendships that last lifetimes.
>The world is very cold, but not unbearable.
The North has long winters and mild, pleasant summers. It's mostly inhabited by small towns and villages full of friendly people known for their hospitality and love of drink.
Northlings love alchemy, and trade herbs and spices with the folk from the Summer's Crown the equator isles to brew all matter of colourfull drink.
These alchemical potions are as varied as the hues they take, from healing to hairdye.
Forgot pic
Trolls are driven with a natural urge to make bridges over water bodies and charging small tolls from passersby, making travel routes abundant since any time a body of water or mountain blocks a road, a troll will come along and make a bridge/tunnel to let travelers through for just a few coppers per traveler.
The northern lands are alternating between long stretches of boreal forests and mountains. The people of those lands can easily subsist on the rich fishing grounds and varied berries and nutrient-rich roots. The fresh environment stands in contrast to the warmth of these people, welcoming any visitors to their often solitary homes.
Once a year the althing is called however and the northerners come together in a feast that last for days, sometimes a week. It is during that time that the night becomes day and the fires never cease to burn, reaching to the heavens. Laws are passed and a chosen few get sent to the summers crown in heavily loaded boats for trade.
While conflict exists in this world, wars are fought with little to no loss of life. Honor dictates that the winner of any conflict is decided by whoever has taken more prisoners of war. Peace treaties are signed in the favor of that faction and all combatants are returned home.
Apart from common wildlife, the beasts of the lands are the enforcers of the laws of honor. These majestic creatures, as varied in form as there are stars in the night sky, reflect upon the amount of bloodshed and strife in the lands directly. As long as cool heads prevail, the beasts are tame and docile, but legend tells of the days long past when brothers drew each others blood just to be devoured by enraged beasts.
Some islands float above the sea, inhabitants can attempt to steer them
Mages typically wander the lands providing their services for cheap, offering the ability to rebuild damaged homes things like earthquakes in exchange for a roof over their head and food to eat. Rebuilding the homes magically take a far less time and effort than doing it by hand so mages are well loved by townsfolk
The Trolls are an odditiy, neither beast nor man. They build no cities and have no society. Instead they build. Bridges are common, tunnels where needed and even wayhouses have been built by these lumbering giants. No explanation is ever given for this, and no apparent structure exists to their kin, but using their structures will require one to pay a small fee, whatever the service may be.
Technology is moderately advanced, but fossil fuels are in short supply. The rivers are dotted with waterwheels, and lines of windmills march into the far horizon and stand sentinel off the shores.
>War is basically LARP but slightly more dangerous and the result has political ramifications
Super comf.
A nicecromancer who enslaves the dead, bodies and souls, has taken over much of the world, using them as free labour to build a city of riches where nobody breaks the (strange and arbitrary) law for fear of becoming one of them.
In a setting like this, keeping troupe morale high becomes even more important than in our world too. If your troops do not believe in your cause or your generals are incapable they may just give themselves up. This would lend itself to extremely strong honor-based values being developed to avoid such behavior.
That's not really comfy, that's some Dark Sun right there.
Not very comfy. How about this:
While most mages lead a nomadic life, a group of practicioners of necromancy have settled on the western continent and founded the City of many faiths where the sick and old can go to get their final rites in luxury in exchange for their mortal bodies to become laborers after they have proceeded to the great beyond.
It would also mean ingenuity and bravery are highly valued, probably leading to some battlefield shenanigans that range from hairbrained schemes that blew up spectacularly or daring gambits that went down as strokes of genius.
Thousands of temples of every type and age are scattered about the landscape, accumulated over the centuries. Once constructed, it is bad luck to allow a house of god- any god- to fall into disrepair, so orders of wandering monks maintain even the smallest and most obscure shrines.
>the oceans are full of coral reefs so the average water depth is about 2m
>inhabitants use small boats to travel island-to-island, but some also have well-maintained bamboo bridges between islands built atop the reefs.
Some wanderers and vagabonds claim that trollbridges are actually trollhouses and that if you pay the trolltoll you can in fact take shelter under the bridge with them. There you'll find a small trollfire and running water from the trollriver.
Many scholars consider this a myth, asserting that the hardy trolls do not require shelter like softer folk.
The firstborn sons of noble families nearly always next become the heads, so other sons often go to one of the many great universities and become scholars. Naturalists and historians abound.
>God is absent but he's left instructions and he'll be back in a while
>We apologize for the inconvenience
Ancient history weighs heavily, some places. From the endless wind and tall grass of the northern plains, to the crater lakes of the southern coasts, half-sunken machines sit in mute reminder that the world was different once. Faster, brighter, louder, denser. Better in some ways- and in others much worse.
We have, over the course of millennia, traded in vast and grandiose dreams for small and /human/ ones, and are the better for it.
All the inhabitants of the world are well-versed in song. Even if they are unskilled in instruments, they can at least carry a tune, but many simply sing. Music carries through every populated place, and the different styles of song are innumerable in all the land.
I wish this image was still limited to only one thread at a time via the duplicate check that Veeky Forums got rid of for some reason
Aye. Thanks guys, this is some nice comfy.
the wind always whistles at night, but it only howls high in the mountains.
There's excessive amounts of green plantlife everywhere you go and moss ground rampant on every surface
Ghosts are relatively common and will tell you stories of their lifetime if you beat them at their favorite game.
>ancap dream world
But what makes magic cheap?
This means that instead of waging war, you may sabotage your enemy's economy by sneakily filling their territory with shrines that require costly upkeep.
There are a number of gigantic beasts within the ocean however all are timid and would often hide away at the sight of boats
>Ghosts of old priests hanging out in ruined temples
>Ancient bookkeepers of the faith, go into lengthy and friendly discussions with travelling monks about faith and whatnot
oh joy.
>Create thousands of Small Gods out of Spite.
>You don't really believe in them but the people and monks do.
>Excepting this will end well for you.
Imagine a world where you can't physically keep your shoelaces tied.
Everytime you make toast you drop it on the butter side. Every. Time. Even if you butter both sides.
Whenever you play a sport while your girlfriend is watching you lose the game in the final play while simultaneously having your pants fall down.
Whenever you go fishing you catch old boots and garbage.
Just imagine.
fug me
Wars are fought with skirmishes involving small groups of elite fighters, rather than large armies.
Thread soundtrack
An incredibly-widespread species of tiny plant-bulb-like creatures can be found in most gardens. Although incredibly diverse in colours and patterns, every single one of these creatures are incredibly shy and flee/hide at the first sign of violence. When they are overjoyed at any given moment, berries grow inside of their bodies and emerge from the top of their bulb-like body. These berries are said to be delicious, and the creatures will gladly offer anyone who makes them happy the berries they produce. They live on sunlight, water, bacteria, and the berries they produce. They are easy to tame, but will only ever be eternally loyal to the first person who tames them. They live for up to 10 years.
>Even if you butter both sides.
The mountains of the world are actually dormant titans that ha slept for countless eons. Legend has it that the world was built by the titans who then went to rest after their hard work
>Too lazy to read a short thread
Elemental spirits are relatively common in this world. Seeing one is always a good omen.
The Silent Brothers, as they are called, are a group of necromancers in the city who have achieved the dream of living past their final day. Rather than use this power for evil, they instead maintain the world's most illustrious library, carved deep into side of a butte. In its gently lit corridors lay a peerless collection of ancient scrolls and books, well preserved by the dry climate, as are the bodies of the necromancers themselves.
The Silent Brothers wear voluminous robes and gilded masks, so as not to alarm people with their appearance. They also converse primarily in sign language, as not to frighten with a rasping voice.
In the city of the necromancers, they are treated with the reverence given elsewhere to priests. Among their most sacred duties is maintaining the Book of the Dead, an index (kept in triplicate) of all the souls ever interred or sent beyond within the city.
Scholars from around the world will visit to consult their records. The Silent Brothers are happy to assist, in exchange either for a small fee, or a story that has not yet made it into their collection.
are any of those in conflict with earlier posts?
Not directly, but vegetation, beasts and conflict have been talked about and these posts do not expand on them and instead start at square one, lending themselves to no discussion and asking others to combine stuff for them.
Nice try, Rucks
Phismosis does not exist in this setting.
Shadowmancers are actually just people who can make bomb ass shadow puppets with magic, nothing more
Which setting ever had Phismosis?
Get well soon, user.
Everyone has a friend in the form of a tiny spirit assigned to them at birth by divine power that has a complementary personality to theirs which helps their growth as a person.
I think the first two can easily be combined with this post The gigantic sea creatures are another docile enforcer and small warbands lends itself better to little to no casualties.
The third post is just saying everything is lush so I don't see much of a problem here.
Even though most of the oceans are incredibly shallow there are areas of deeper water with giant underwater cities sung into shape from living coral by fish people.
They often trade goods from the ocean in exchange for new songs and stories
There is no problem, just a pet peev of mine to get slightly salty when people use these kinds of threads as dumps instead of discussions.
I just want to imagine a kingdom of loli's and shota's somewhere in the north
Militaristic ones?
The Driftwood Bazaar is a town-sized "boat" of sorts, comprised of various wooden constructions attached together. It is part circus, part merchant caravan and floats around the Summer's Crown, most times. Anyone can join, provided they can do their part to maintain the "ship". Captains are democratically elected at every stop, so the destination never gets boring. The navigators are a group of wind and water mages, to move its unwieldy form and prevent it from stranding.
The reefs around Summer's Crown are shallow, precluding the crossing of most large boats. Happily, most settlements are full of strong-backed porters who schlep exotic furs and potent ores across the islands for a nominal fee. Most captains have a strong relationship with their counterparts across the island chain, timing their voyages to exchange goods across the island. Some make use of befriended albatrosses, who nest on the masts of ships and are happy to carry messages long distance in exchange for food, shelter, and companionship. Especially lucky sailors will be able to bond with a fledgling albatross, who will be a lifelong companion.
OP clearly wanted a world where everyone wears coats but the first thing people did is put a bunch of jungle and tropical climatevin the setting.
Why couldn't we go with OP's thing? Comfy winterworld sounds way more original than tropical equator archipelago. Even if you don't agree it's a conflict, you have to admit nobody's even tried to build on the cold thing.
Here's an addition that does: The trolls don't only work construction. They might be lonely, silent creatures, but they know how to make a good coat. All trolls make warm clothes out of whatever materials are handy. Some have even been reported to string together the coins other creatures pay them with.
What's wrong with having a bit of both? The world is vast. But okay, let's try something.
In the dead of winter, snow storms can rage. Although hamlets are very well-protected against such occurences, travellers might be at a risk of freezing to death or getting lost. Thankfully for them, that's when the Winter Wisps arrive. Those sprites look like small, smiling children carrying a lantern, and are more than happy to guide travellers to safety - for the price of a lantern or other light-source, so a new Wisp can be born. Thus, travellers in the North always carry a few lanterns, just in case.
People from the North tell all sorts of tales about them, but the most well-known goes such :
It is said that the Wisps are the children of a slumbering goddess, sleeping deep under the snow's blanket. She awakens at the beginning of spring, and moves North to the eternal snows with all of her children, teaching them morality and goodness along the way, weaving strands of wind into new Wisps and gifting life to them with the travellers' lanterns. When winter comes back, she travels back South to sleep under the snow, and her children put her to sleep with stories of their good deeds from last year.
Mages have to keep traveling and adepting to a nomadic lifestyle, as their choosen school of magic often requires rare plants or following what could best be described as mana-clouds. Magic itself is not cheap, mages simply offer it for cheap in exchange for company, a comfortable bed and food whenever possible.
Some mages double as travelling performance artists, further offering their magic to lend to a night of enchantment, joy and childlike wonder. Magical fireworks and lightshows aren't something many would pass up.
how do we deal with the fetish question?
Common lore states that the reason the wisps arive during the Winter is that this is when the barrier between the coporeal and spiritual worlds weakens. To bring good luck in this time it is tradition to bring a piece of the forest,which can range from a whole tree to a twig, into the home in pride of place. This connection between the worlds reaches its peak at Yule, when the jolly King of the Wisps comes to distribute the toys his subjects have carved to spread joy in the coldest part of the year.
Interpretations differ on who he exactly is. The Godess' Husband, the Caretaker of the Forests, the ghost of the First King and many others have all been suggested, but the folklore of a merry old gift giver appearing in the coldest months consistently appear around the world, as do little wooden toys that seem to appear out of nowhere.
That's cool as hell.
Very rarely, someone will bond with an elemental sprite, gaining a life-long companion, though they aren't telepathic by any means, over time they gain the ability to sense each other's emotions and understand each other's speech.
The person in the bond doesn't gain elemental powers, but they do gain the power to summon their elemental companion in a heartbeat if needed. For an elemental bond to occur, the personalities of both the person and the elemental must either match perfectly or perfectly contrast and compliment one another.
Circumcision also does not exist in this setting.
Having your genitalia mutilated at birth is most definitely not comfy.
and no jews
And never come back.
thats not very inclusive of you.
also genital mutilation isnt comfy believe me, they botched mine.
It's not mutilation you dipshit.
>they cut off the most sensitive part of your dick
>its not mutilation because its socially acceptable
in this society it wouldn't be socially acceptable
Stop shitting up the thread. Move on.
>This is what Amerifats actually believe.
Legends tell that at the top of the world, in the deepest part of the Ice sheets where the Northern Lights dance eternal, giants roam, dragging with them axes headed with obsidian. These giants serve a great bonfire, flames as tall as mountains, that they have tended since time immemorial and venture southwards to the edges of the Boreal Forests to harvest lumber which they drag back and feed to the flame.
On occasion travellers claim to have met them, they speak slowly and offer jewelery fashioned from never melting ice in exchange for things to burn, particularly coal, fossil fuels and on occasion items of sentimental value to the travellers.
It is said that if one is to go to the top of the highest mountain deep in the frozen north, on a perfectly clear night they can just make out the souls of their ancestors dancing among the stars.
There is a large moon, and this moon has two smaller moons.
Based mods, thank you for removing the circumcision argument.
The moons are celebrated all over the world, under different names, as symbols for love, mostly romantic and parental love. The bigger moons is said to symbolize love itself, while the other two are soulmates gravitating around it. Most cultures have at least some sort of annual festival based around this belief. During those festivals, lovers will of course exchange gifts, but, mostly, kids will thank their parents for giving life to them.
Astronomers have extremely complicated vernacular to refer to the various possible moon phases : what moons are showing in what phase and at which position relative to each other. And then they have to interpret it. So being a good astronomer is a life's work, which is often continued in unlife by taking up the vows of the Silent Brothers.
Watchtowers and small forts dot the countryside, remnants of wars past. Most have long since been converted to other things- inns and storehouses and windmills. Others have been left to slowly crumble, ivy creeping up their stonework.