Yog Soth, call of Cthulhu general.. I guess

Any good ideas for a call of cthulhu campaign? just any old idea or theme, how are your scenarios/ campaigns going user?

you all take a trip to a ski lodge, only to get more than you bargained for when the blizzards keep anyone from leaving, and there are whispers in the dark

attack of the snow skeletons!
the horror that will chill you to the bone!

I was thinking something along these lines except with bank robbers, after they rob a bank in Arkham and subsequently have a gunfight and chase with police they manage to get out of the city, they already have a safe house further out of boston in the snow mountains of vermont or some where else (not an American, don't know that many mountains on the east coast) Anyway, once they arrive they begin to look at their loot, they find a strange book and begin reading it aloud, big mistake. I haven't figured out the rest from there. I was also thinking of making it so you can play as either the cops chasing down the robbers, asking around down, following their tracks, or as the robbers , themselves, does that sound like a fun scenario?

Dumping Lovecraftian images



It does if you split the group into a few more options. The robbers, the cops, the owner of the safehouse (One of the robbers cousins, maybe?), the owners girlfriend, a kid caught in the snowstorm seeking shelter and whatever else you can come up with.

I used Brasov in Romania for a similar adventure a while back. Carpathian mountains and 20s Romania are very spoopy and Gypsies and slavs make for great characters.


Never thought of Eastern Europe, now that I think of it that might be better than Arkham, thanks, i' was also thinking of adding a very small town of say 30 people about a mile away from the safe house, a blizzard as well to ramp up the tension




I still can't see why call of cthulhu isn't more popular as a system, it's so fun when done right and with a good keeper any sort of scenario or campaign is possible, I just can't understand the lack of popularity, it baffles me

Eastern Europe in the 20s is great for Cthulhu, perfect mix of urban and rural lifestyle coupled with a lot of mythology and worldly conflict. As much as I love Lovecrafts writing, Europe during that time is just far more dynamic and interesting. Also Gypsies, use them.

Blizzard is definitely an option, but heavy rainfall can also fuck with mobility in that time when the roads become so muddied nothing can pass anymore. Low visibility alone can lead to the characters chosing to stay the night when in the mountains.

>It's so fun when done right and with a good keeper.
That's the problem exactly. If D&D 5e is a mechanical pencil, CoC is a form of paint. An artist, given any medium, can create a great work, but some mediums are just more forgiving than others, and mastering them takes time and effort. It's why people stick to the systems they know. Telling someone that their system is shit is like saying that the markers they're using are inferior to Photoshop. They don't have the money, time, or resources to practice with Photoshop, so they stick to markers, because it's what they know.

It's a shame really, that's the nature of effort = quality i guess

That pun is so bad i will steal it one day and gm the shit out of that

Metagaming question: are your players noobs? Because mine will not even touch any books thus not setting of your plan. Interesting idea would be cabin in the woods style: have multiple items laying around each tied to a specific monster/being and first one touched gets used. OR ALL OF THEM

i like using B-movie concepts for my investigators
it goes with the 50s setting i use

you could make one of the books look different
simply describing a book in above average detail will pique their interest

I'm planning to run Horror on the Orient express for my group after our current campaign ends. Does anyone have experience with this module? It seems solid, but is there anything I need to keep in mind, or weak spots in the story that need improvement?

The one thing I don't get is why I see people shill GUMSHOE constantly and actively shit on CoC.

CoC is hugely popular all over the world (Japan, France and Germany for example), just not on Veeky Forums because here we have an endless circle jerk about all fucking flavours of fantasy fetishes. That or 40k

But you are right, it is my favorite RPG.

Reminds me of the Doctor Who episode "The Snowmen" which has the Great Intelligence (an aspect of Yog-Sototh according to the extended universe)

>tfw you traumatize your players IRL

How are you guys doing? Writing up a Delta Green Vietnam short campaign.

I have some vage ideas for scenarios in Invictus, 1920s and modern. Gonna start writing for a con scenario as soon as motivation hits again