For the players who insist on only playing male characters who look and act like themselves:
If you had carte blanche to play a female character in your favorite game, with no limitations aside from "don't break the rules" and "don't try to game the point of the whole thing", would you play it and what kind of character would you play?
Easy mode: The GM and other players are figments of your imagination and/or live on the other side of the planet. You will never meet them again, nor will a single grain of proof of the game reach anyone but you.
If you still don't think a female character can be played by a man without implying some kind of latent homosexuality or pedophilia, I'd like to hear the reason for that.
For the players who insist on only playing male characters who look and act like themselves:
Wide-eyed, energetic oni barbarian who just wants to see the world, eat foreign cuisines and get into fights.
Pic related.
Lady knight who poorly disguises herself as a manly man knight, but the 'lady knight pretending manly man' disguise is actually a ruse in and of itself, because she's actually a horrific, flesh-eating ghoul under her armor.
I do only play male characters, but none of them look and act like I do.
To answer your question: No. Simply because I don't feel like playing as a female in most circumstances, because I'd rather roleplay a dude
She will get along nicely with the blind ghoul samurai of the group..
Short-haired Bitch who's got a head full of crazy and combat boots full of badass. I would say she's edgy, but she's really way too "kick-face, put up with Shit later" for that. This would be for my "Vanilla" group, which has Mormons in it.
For my other group it'd be a lesbian bombshell of a witch who spends most nights seducing innocent women, and likely played by a red-headed Catherine Zeta-Jones.
No joke, I actually came up with the idea for a Shadowrun game. When I got to Gaichu's recruitment mission shortly after handing my characters sheets in to the DM (one with the totally-not-a-girl-knight with riot shield and sword, the other with her true ghoulishness on display), I felt like a massive idiot and a plagiarizing hack.
Straight up Cold Wat spy fiction era femme fatale. Non of this modern strong female character=dude with tits who fights bullshit. Perceptive, manipulative, as good at capturing attention as she is at avoiding it, works to her own goals and self-interest above all else.
I have a thing for strong stoic knight bitch. Is it a cop out to just say Brianne of Tarth since she struggles with her own femininity, and is the closest thing to playing a dude that still wants the D?
Somebody old and unatractive, if I am allowed non human races, then the least human looking one in order not to appear like sick fuck fetishist playing his fapfu, because that woudl be uncomfortable to the other players.
I think women are ultimately uninteresting and to play them as otherwise is too unrealistic and would just serve to break my immersion.
Since we play characters that aren't level one, I will play an old-as-balls witch woman who will hex you if you fuck around and annoy her.
Her goal would be to kill the family of some character that slighted her in the past (he might have killed her niece/nephew or he could have burned her forest down... something that made her hate him)
Witches are a staple of fantasy stories, after all.
A female elf ranger who is straight to business, and comically repressed.
As a sick fuck fetishist, I am surprised by your implication that the least-human girl would be the least appealing thing to a sick fuck fetishist.
Could it simple be because i never saw anyone playing a female character that was more than boobs and dont want to add to statistics?
If i'm having fun whats the damn problem?
If you have a solution and don't use it, you're the problem.
Not only are you contributing to a hostile and paranoid climate where almost half of all potential character concepts are off limits, you're also using "fun" as a way to excuse not broadening your horizons, possibly because you're afraid of finding out that you weren't having as much fun as you could have.
Because you didn't go ahead and play that female character who isn't just a pair of tits, that's one more entire group that's never going to see that and one more entire group spreading shit about people interested in actual roleplaying.
Sometimes, people forget the "role" in roleplaying. If you're playing the same character or discard whole categories because "they're not like me" or "I'm not interested", then honestly you should ask yourself if it's roleplaying or hitting numbers against numbers you enjoy.
Tough as nails Samurai who is fighting to retrieve her lost sister.
Her sister is actually her daughter and all of her memories were created after the fact to cope with the blank spot in her mental timeline. She was impregnated on the eve of her adulthood by an evil god, Baalspawn style, and the end of the campaign is this reveal and her being forced to kill her own child or they'll bring about the end of all creation.
I wouldn't play as a girl in an rpg, but for video games it's different. Usually for video games you gotta spend a long time watching your character run around and do stuff, it doesñt hurt to have your character be a sexy girl.
Even if there will be no one to judge me, i still will judge myself, so no. It's male human fighter for me.
You spelled "cute loli" wrong user.
See a psychologist, and if not, please treat yourself with deer shot applied internally.
People like you aren't only obstinate, stubborn, get in the way of normal social interactions and make everyone feel they should walk on eggshells around them, but are also backhandedly proud of never doing anything new, never risking anything, never investing anything and never accomplishing anything because they've found some cheap "ideological" excuse for why they never listen to people, never try and in the end just end up being the one friend that everyone hates but lies to to their face.
You have just declared yourself not a roleplayer by stating that you're not interested in playing a role, and likewise you've declared yourself unfit for any kind of social activity including roleplaying by stating that you're not going to fix your errors no matter how other people treat you.
You might have a legitimate problem, but if you have a problem and don't immediately see someone who society acknowledges can help and leave it utterly up to them, it's still your fault what happens due to your own laziness and refusal to listen to people.
>If you had carte blanche to play a female character in your favorite game, with no limitations aside from "don't break the rules" and "don't try to game the point of the whole thing", would you play it and what kind of character would you play?
Either one of the following
>Female knight
>Wicked chivalrous, does the whole "protect the weak, have mercy upon your enemies, the death of a foeman is a neccessary tragedy, only the most irredeemable are to be smitten without hesitation" thing to a T
>Musclegirl with some scars here and there, tends to feel ashamed of her 'unfeminine' body in certain situations like balls or other public appearances
>Actually a very kind and sensitive person during her downtime
>WICKED chivalrous, like "will attend a prominent enemy's funeral, shed a tear over the loss of life and comfort his/her loved ones" chivalrous
>Loyal to a fault
Basically mai waifu
>Female bard
>Generally a good and amicable person, always in for a good time (not like that, you pervert)
>Wicked unchivalrous, isn't above lying and cheating to knock the baddies down a peg
>Aware of her beauty and, while flirtatious, doesn't enter full slut territory
>Optimistic, always thinks in solutions rather than problems
>Loves to talk smack, will insult yo momma in the middle of combat
>Despite her mischievous nature, she always keeps her word to her friends
Basically mai waifu
In short, if I were to play a female character I would start with waifu traits and then desexualize and deromanticize them
He just doesn't want to play as a girl dude
>WICKED chivalrous, like "will attend a prominent enemy's funeral, shed a tear over the loss of life and comfort his/her loved ones" chivalrous
that's not chivalry, it's compassion and respecting life as a value
both of them have little to do with chivalry
And if you can't see the problem, then you're just as unsuited to roleplaying as him.
There is no other excuse for refusing to roleplay a concept than there being nothing fitting or applicable for the game in that concept specifically - that's what disqualifies memes, slipshod hackjobs and clichés as roleplaying characters, and why people aren't obliged to "give something a try/chance" when they see an obviously bad concept. If you can explain why the parts you refuse to play are damaging to play and to the narrative and dramatic side of the game by definition, then you're at least arguing from a roleplayer's perspective.
What he's doing here is disqualifiying a scanty 50% of all human and humanoid characters from play forever because "I don't wanna catch cooties".
It's immature, unconstructive and damaging to group enjoyment to apply such a childish knee-jerk pick-and-choose approach to roleplaying, and in the first place you're playing roleplaying games because you want to play roles.
Let me spell this out for you.
The previous poster, or alternately you, has disqualified around 50% of the potential character concepts that can be made with human or humanoid races, not because he's able to prove that they lessen his and his group's enjoyment of roleplaying but because he doesn't chare a gender with them.
This is literally the opposite of roleplaying. It's refusing to play a role because it's not yourself. You're the retarded kid who shows up to school play in their own clothes and face paint their mom put on, and who's ten years old but still thinks that classmates wearing monster costumes are monsters and they'll become one too if they put on the costume, which is why they get the whole fucking school to chase around after them as they burble, gibber and dart below benches to sob wildly, and all just because they couldn't realize they weren't fit for the school play in the first place.
Honestly I've had a lot of character ideas that I wont use because they just seem to work better with a female character. I have a female drow piratess set aside for the next campaign that starts with a prison break. Another is a female human cleric/thief with the idea being she is a "reformed" petty criminal who talks people into paying her tithes in exchange for blessings and healing.
If my group was only dudes I would have no problem with playing a female character. It just feels weird to play a female character with an actual girl in our group. Even though she plays male characters all the time.
I don't roleplay as a girl because I can't act like a girl. If my character is going to be "dude with tits" then why bother with the tits? Especially since no one is going to see my character.
That said, I do like playing girls in vidya. I like strong female characters and I enjoy things such as a chick slaughtering hordes of enemies with a big ass sword. Plus, since it's vidya, I can see my character. So I can actually enjoy looking at it.
The only time I specifically want to play a female character is in vidya or smut. Any female character I would make for a regular game could just as easily be male; because I like doing voices for my characters, I choose to make my characters men.
Simple, he doesn't find it fun to play a female. If you demand that he suddenly find it "fun" and force him to play a female, then you are the one ruining the game.
Nice pasta, I remember seeing it back on /pol/
No I wouldn't because it just doesn't appeal to me. The only time I have a problem with men role-playing as women is when it's over the top and grinds the game to a halt as they flirt with everyone at the table.
How about if it's a male character doing that?
Not that user.
There's a problem tho: isn't roleplay all about immersion? If you think you can't pull off a certain character, giving it depth, or simply don't feel comfortable playing it wouldn't forcing yourself be counter-productive to the whole point?
Point that is "having a fun and enjoyable experience for myself and my group"?
Don't start attacking them saying they just wanna number-crunch if they're just admitting that they don't feel like doing it, because it may just not be the case.
Not rant user.
I think these some value to stepping out of your comfort zone though, and playing something new to give it a chance. I don't know if any of the people in this thread who said they don't play female characters have given it a shot, but I think they should, if only to be sure they can't enjoy it.
Yeah, charting new territories is fundamental to understanding what you like and what you don't.
Still it should be your choice, and should not ruin the experience of the table.
What playing Chad Thundercock and trying to hog the spotlight from other players? Yes same situation, it's a team game I get having an over the top personality but grinding the game to a halt because "it's what my character would do!" is annoying as fuck.
I was actually pretty interested in one user's story about his undead PC. A grieving mother who hung herself after a miscarriage. The absolute DESPAIR that woman would feel. Now doubt she did it because she felt guilty about something that wasn't her fault. Would she feel betrayed or shamed, having been denied the punishment she longed for in repentance for "failing" as a mother, or would she simply go mad, clinging to the impossible hope that if her corpse can walk, perhaps her child who never lived can as well?
Beautifully tragic, a perfect still frame of harsh, unrelenting grief in its totality. It'd be fun to portray it well, assuming I could.
True, but hogging the spotlight is the bad part, not the sleazyness.
We have a male fromer slave in our Exalted campaign and he has everyone coming out of the closet for him, but he does it nice and quickly, without fuss, and so the players all have a laugh when he seduces half an army at the same time.
>but he does it nice and quickly, without fuss
It's almost like that was my point, people being over the top and grinding the game to a halt.
>If you still don't think a female character can be played by a man without implying some kind of latent homosexuality or pedophilia, I'd like to hear the reason for that.
I don't get this mentality, if your a DM you're basically everyone whose not a PC. You're every man, woman, child, animal, and plant. So why is it okay for a male DM to assume the role of a woman, but not a player?
is she from something?
>I don't roleplay as a girl because I can't act like a girl. If my character is going to be "dude with tits" then why bother with the tits?
I think that the difference in psychology between you and a girl is probably much smaller than between you and an fantasy adventurer who fights fantastical beasts, slaughters shit for a living, and has seen many decent people and/or friends die. The idea that it's no problem to jump into the role of a murder hobo, but that women are way too alien seems ridiculous to me. I mean, if you don't want to play women, then you shouldn't feel obligated to, but your reasoning seems silly to me.
Still pretty new to playing tabletop RPGs but I tried with my previous character, a rather old Warlock woman who was a stranger to society and only on a mission from her Fae patron.
Just found it too difficult to roleplay and swapped her out for a boisterous male barbarian-chef, having a lot more fun now.
I'd have to disagree. I'd say an adventurer is inherently masculine in nature, making it much easier for a man to emphasize with and get in character as (this is before considering life experience, which would have greater effect). So if you want to be a female, you have to balance the feminine with the masculine. I can't do that for shit. So instead I play a male character well instead of a female character badly.
>women are way too alien
This attitude has been part of the hobby since it's inception. One of Gygax's buddies even cooked up female adventurers as a seperate race with different xp progression, stats, and rules in an early issue of Dragon.
Post it, faggot.
It still seems to me like a guy who's okay playing a crystalline alien who communicates with flashes of light, but balks at the idea of playing one who only has two toes on each foot, because that would be hard to relate to. Granted, the female mindset may not come particularly naturally to many of us, but it's still more relatable than Stabby McLooter, the elven fighter/wizard who just got brought back to life after a dragon immolated him along with half his party.
I'm not the guy you you have been talking to but i couldn't disagree more. Female and male psychology and in particular the male dominance hierarchy are so different and D&D is essentially male dominance hierarchy distilled down to its purest form.
Reverse gender Oldboy then?
Muramasa: the demon blade on PS Vita
It's not fears of latent homosexuality or whatever else that are stopping me (I mean, seriously, it's 2017, why do people still care where other people stick their dicks), it's that I my game group is majority women and I don't want to ruin a good thing by coming off as creepy or rude.
If I didn't have to worry about that shit I'd probably play a jaded soldier who uses sarcasm to shield herself from the horrors of war, because I find the contrast of a nihilistic war vet and an attractive woman to be compelling.
Oh you can recruit that guy? I killed him super hard, now I almost feel bad.
>For the players who insist on only playing male characters who look and act like themselves:
Welp I'm out.
Until I see people trying to cope with how to properly portray their character's PTSD, well... Let's just say that it seems like people are selectively concerned about the accuracy of their portrayals. Your depiction of a magical murder hobo from a fantasy realm is laughably unrealistic, but nobody takes issue with that. It's only when we start talking gender differences that suddenly you need to spot on or it isn't worth trying.
I only play male characters who look and act like myself, even on easy mode. I don't mind if any other guy at my table wants to do otherwise and I don't automatically assume any sort of latent homosexuality or pedophilia.
speaking just for myself I DM and i do play female characters but it is more difficult unless you want to just have them be a male in a female body like the other user said. The reason it's harder has nothing to do with accuracy and i wonder if you even believe this argument you make if so we are thinking of this completely differently. Most D&D characters are actually something your average male understands more than an average female. Murderhobos are a lot of masculine features taken to extremes. I'm not talking about physical features either those are far less important.
starts on page 7
I think that's going above and beyond, mate. Especially in a war where tensions between two sides run high, most wouldn't think to honor an enemy's death and many would even celebrate it.
I will preface what I have to say by first saying that I have in fact played a female character. My buddy wanted to run a highschool geist game. After looking things over the concept I cam up with was female. I'd never tried roleplaying a female character before, but I gave it a go, and I loved it. To this day that has been probably my favorite character that I have played, except for maybe my jayne Cobb inspired shadowrun character, but that was just shenanigans.
I was hesitant, but ultimately enjoyed it, and I think others could too.
That being said it's their choice, and I'd they aren't comfortable with it there is nothing wrong with that. Where the hell do you get off trying to force others to adhere to your beliefs? Your vitriolic attack is wrong, and it's just gonna make them less likely to consider it because they'll associate the idea of female characters with ass hats like you trying to tell them what to do and force them into doing things your way.
Wasn't what I was going for, but I can see it. I was mostly inspired by Silent Hill 1.
women aren't that hard
>wants to feel appreciated and attractive however that may present itself.
>will tend towards safer bets, lower risk/reward, security over mobility.
>Prefers actions that include the actions of more people/companions
>will probably have a litany of "creature comforts"
Obviously some of these apply to both men and women, but women more so. Women are people and people are different. Some women do act like "men with tits" but in my experience tend to do so looking for validation and will lack the self confidence you would want in an adventurer.