Any ideas for comedic optional encounters?
Any ideas for comedic optional encounters?
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An animated, sapient trader's wagon with a coin slot. Insert one gold coin, get a random thing. Could be a magic item, could be a swarm of angry bees.
Can't beat the classics.
Rolled 29 (1d100)
cant wait to have fantasy commies trying to be robin-hood-gone-wrong on the party
Involve lolis
plot twist: they are monster lolis
Works for me
Not sure...
/roll 1d100
I've long wanted to run a session where a bridge troll had run out of riddles, so the PCs had to find or make up new ones.
If someone tries "What have I got in my pockets I'd either make a Hobbit reference or point out that's a question, not a riddle.
Rolled 1 (1d100)
rolling is diffcult
Off the top of my head:
Runaway bride complete farce.
Couple are in love, but promised to others, greedy, manipulative, or foolish parents, nosy and fundamentalist relatives, evil rival lover, slutty friend, hidden fortune, wise old ancestor, etc...
i thought of a wackier version of the cast of Corpse Bride, but there are countless examples.
Then just trap them in physical proximity to the PCs via weather or beast attack.
Bonus points if the beast is one of the wedding guests.
▲ ▲
Spotted the newfag.
I had my party fight dinosaurs that know karate. It was pretty funny and also almost killed the two of them that got completely surrounded by roundhouse-kicking velociraptors.
Rolled 40 (1d100)
are you the one who wont stop nanachiposting?
Breaking and Decorating is truly the most heinous anti-crime. Whitemail comes in close second
Encountering a lich's lair wherein the lich has boobytrapped everything with harmless practical jokes.
Rolled 18 (1d100)