Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus: Necrons


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The wording on the eternity gate is interesting. The reference to any number of infantry units and to night scythes imply that your dudes will no longer embark on a specific vehicle, instead you have a pool of dudes in reserve and can teleport in whoever you need in a specific place. Kinda neat.

The mololith's always done that

Can someone do the math for how many guass flayers it takes to destroy a land raider?

I think the shine on these has slightly diminished now that we literally have the full rules.

>Charge monolith and it can't fire even if it falls back
so useless

Hits on 3's wounds on 5's against a 3+ save of 16 wounds

It's all there for you to do yourself

I prefered the last iteration of RP where it was basically the WHFB ward save

But the night scythe hasn't. This implies that if your monolith is dead, you can bring dudes on with the night scythe instead, and possibly vice versa.

Night scyths could in the 5e codex.

About 192 shots.


I can run the math for that if we had the rules for user's toughness and noose


7 shots, maybe 8...

It will take on average 72 shots

T8 is wounded on 6's by S4.

I think it's going back to something actually interesting and thematic again

Always preferred the idea of models literally rising back their feet after being cut down. Turning it into just another save was a boring move.

yes, it can, it has the fly keyword

>tfw they do it each turn not only the turn they were slain
>literally impossible to kill unless you wipe the unit

Well yeah, all units are impossible to kill unless you kill the whole unit.

The dakkajet gets less shots every time they update it

Also warbikes no longer have exhaust cloud

Well yeah, that's cause it's already fired some of its bullets before, why would it have just as many bullets before if it's already shot a bunch?

Someone go wipe all the 40k tactics pages on 1d4chan. We have to start anew.

Looks like I have more warriors to glue together tonight. Looks like they're going to wreck some butthole.

hahahaha,no fuck that shit

Not 216?

>Beautiful RP change
>Tons of buffs
>Imotekh no longer a lamp with a Lord of War slot.
>Tesla actually worth a damn
>Flayers, whip coils, and Phase swords no longer garbage.
>Lords possibly worth taking
>Crypteks now come with RP buffs stock.
>Staffs can now shoot AND stab
>Tons of teleporting options that actually sound decent

>Loss of Gauss special rule
>Flayers are just melee Deathmarks now
>No Court (Or none currently revealed)
>Obyron's port buffed, but counterblow now guarantees his death, also no way to heal his own wounds.
>Dispersion shields seem way less effective.

It's a shame about General Grevious, but all in all, This was the sort of love we needed from GW.

What does general grievous have to do with this?

This guy right here; kinda looks like Grevious with his white paint job.

Additional benefit is that C'tan are somewhat useful now. Unless I read it wrong, does The Deceiver's Grand Illusion function as an immediate teleport just outside of 12" to any enemy? And that it's for any Necron unit, not just infantry?

>Beautiful RP change
It's a substantial nerf.

>Lords possibly worth taking
For rerolling those Ld10 tests? What?

Meanwhile, they have the worst anti tank of any faction, are the slowest faction in the game and almost every single unit got nerfed in some way.

If this is love to you, you must hate yourself pretty hard.

>At the beginning of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins
Kind of. It lets you reset your side of the board, potentially fucking up the strategy of your opponent.
But Yeah, I do believe it works with Monoliths and such, as NECRON appears to be a tagline, rather than a particular unit.

I wouldn't say so. The previous RP was just another FNP roll, and if it failed the unit would then be immediately removed. This time, RP is retroactive. As long as someone is still in the unit, they can keep rerolling RP every turn. That's really damn good.

As for Lords, yes, the morale ability sucks, but their statline is pretty decent, and if you just need an extra warscythe or two, they may be relatively cost effective.

>Loss of Guass special rule
Holy shit I didn't even notice

It caught me off guard too. No more glancing knights to death,

>Substantial Nerf
>A save you could only take once, and if failed the model was gone forever
>Better than a 5+ you can roll every turn

You are the autismo.

We still have -1 rend guns that always hurt them. Functionally identical, except they are more likely to kill it.

On the other hand, if the unit is wiped you get no roll at all. Unless you're playing someone incredibly bad, who's actually going to shoot at a Necron unit then leave it alive for multiple turns?

Our New Mono is almost the same price as a knight at no where near the effectiveness.

It's far less damaging against vehicles, now that they have so many more wounds and actually have saves.


Deathmarks don't have a Deathmark ability anymore. Just a normal deep striking sniper with S4 guns at no ap.

We have -1 ap for flayers now to make them much better than bolters, and with vehicles ahving wounds, that's an okay replacement for gauss.
Same can be said about the new reanimation protocols, best ones were still from 5th, but 8th is much better than 7th when it comes to what it represents.
I'm mostly bothered by lords not joining units anymore, to me that's one of the defining things in how necron armies are organized, though i know gw disagrees with me. Oh well, can't have everything i guess.
Weird though that they're pushing them in a more melee direction.

No more taking MSU for everything?

If you seriously think even a full unit of 20 warriors is staying alive 3+ turns when an enemy is trying to kill it then I really want to play against your opponents.

It's similar to the 5e rule and it'll play out like the 5e rule; i.e. the rule may as well not exist.

Why would you go on the internet and tell lies.

It's true, they can't wound a unit on 2+ any more. It sucks.

They still get the interception.

It's much better than the 7e rule given how it forces the enemy to try and focus fire infantry blobs if they don't want anything to happen. This much is obvious. Within the casual scene is it's not surprising some moron would think it is worse.

Not him, but he's half correct. They still have their intercept ability, but don't get their better chance to hit the guys they're intercepting.

Yeah, but they were pretty distinctive due to their 2+ wounding rule. Now they're still good, but it's a shame to lose that rule.

If you think this is better than getting an extra save VS every wound, you're going to be hit hard by reality. Units used to roll for reanimation at the end of the turn in 5th - the net result was that no unit lived more than 1 turn and the rule did nothing at all. It's exactly the same. Anyone who played any amount of competitive games with the 5e codex in 5th & 6th will tell you the same. No need to get your panties in a knot because you're bad.

On a cool note our T Stalkers give rerolls of 1's to all necrons to the thing it shot at.
all necrons... including our vehicles.

Now that you can't sweep there is a better chance you can use it than in 5th. Just a thought

Getting mortal wounds on 6's is pretty nice.

5e codex was played in MSU meta and 8e RP keeps happening until the end of the game for every model. It's a strictly better version compared to the 5e one, and strictly better than the 7e one as long as you don't take 5 man units. Your garage games of course might go differently because you've kept going with 5 man MSU since 5e.

So, any chance we get a return of the overlord simply jumping off his wrecked command barge, or does he go down with the ship?

Also, am I right in rules-reading that the command barge Overlord could do a fly-by and cut other flyers out of the sky?

Due to the nature of the barge, I'm assuming they'll get special rules that allow it to operate more like it did in 7E rather than just being a generic 8E vehicle.

Command barge is just an overlord with more wounds.

>read through the rules
>The C'tan melee weapon is called "Star Gods fists.

Hmmm...how hard does a C'tan punch?

Try to think why people went MSU in 5e and wonder why that would change.

You haven't even been able to 5 man MSU warriors since the new codex, so I guess that shows about how much you play. If you seriously think people are going to struggle to deal with 20 T4 4+ wounds, you're kidding yourself.

Str 7 AP -4 D 3.

Str7 apparently.

I'll just put this here.

288 shots.

Save is (1/2) instead of (1/3) because ap -1

Was previously 36.

Yes, obviously. If you want to kill a 240 point warrior blob you'll have to commit 780 points of scatter laser bikers for instance. It's then likely, but not guaranteed.

You do only have to kill 15 before it auto kills itself with battleshock.

Land Raiders have 2+ saves. You'll need over 400 shots.

But bolters need over 800. Anything with S5-7 and no AP modifiers needs as many shots as gauss flayers. Gauss blasters need "just" 144 shots. Autocannon Havocs need 108.

>Too big to enter

That's the first time that sentence has ever been heard on The Rock.

Is there a collection of all the necron leaks?

Oh, whoops. Someone said it was 3+ and I didnt bother checking.

My Will Be done boosted Heavy Destroyers could do it in 8 shots. This highlights the importance of dedicated anti-tank.

In the Xenos 1 PDF

Thanks m8

Speaking of antitank I'm gonna miss the days of warscythe can openers the most. Now I have pretty much no reason to run my 5 man warscythe lychguard.

What with S5 and S7 wounding T4 on 3's and that extra point of ap and extra point of damage not really being worth it over a 4++

Take it in the spirit it's intended, but outside of melee anti-tank I never understood Lychguard. Praetorians are faster, have range, can deep strike, and were part of a decent formation. Wraiths are more durable especially with Canoptek Harvest, and also far more mobile.

Lychguard seemed like overcompensation that somehow you needed more unkillable robots than Necrons already were.

They're meant to be a bodyguard for overlords.

I just put mine in a barge and flew him into people, shouting racial epithets 65 million years out of date. He was still more protected on average.

Then you'd take the shield variant which won't open cans.

Personally I just liked dropping 5 of them with a solar staff cryptek next to a squad of centurions.

Death Ray of the croissant is now pretty good at that, could probably bust open a lr in 3 shots

Derpstriking units next to centurions is safer now at least.

6 lychguards with warscythes charging a dread will fuck it up before it strikes back but it will take a while to kill a Land Raider with them because of S7.

If is right then it takes 432 shots.
If it wounds on 5s, then 216 shots.

4/6 chance to hit (3+), 2/6 chance to wound (5+), 2/6 chance to fail save (3+). These three multiplied together gets you your average wounds per shot. Wounds to kill divided by wounds per shot equals shots to kill.

16 / (4/6 * 2/6 * 2/6) = 216

Same, but with 1/6 chance to wound (6+).
16 / (4/6 * 1/6 * 2/6) = 432

Might have to go more Immortal heavy, S5 and -2 AP for a balance against armor and infantry. If against more Hord army the about of shots from the warriors may be better.

Scarabs may not be a bad choice either seeing as they always wound on a 5+.

Tomb Blades are still one of the best things in this codex.
>4 Tesla shots per model
Fuck Yar.

From the leaks, can anyone tell me why bother picking a Transcendant C'Tan over the nightbringer or deceiver?

He removes cover bonuses from enemy models within 6".

They're expensive now though. 42 points a model.

Guess We'll have to see if that cover save is really that good that it equates to redeploying up to four units in your opponent's face for alpha strike.

This isn't looking good for Necrons. Before warriors were a sort of catch all, not especially strong at anything but resilient and could take down things with enough firepower eventually. But now it's bad. It used to take 27 shots to take down a rhino but now it takes 90. More than triple the shots and that's just for the basic rhino. Massive amounts of small arms fire used to be the core of Necrons, and while it might be marginally better against infantry the tradeoff against high toughness models is insane. We only have 11 shooting weapons capable of inflicting multiple wounds. Three of them are found on found on a triarch stalker and one of them is the one use tachyon arrow. Time to stock up on destroyers I guess.

Tell me there's hope.

Probably not, but that's more on the deceiver being really strong.

Rhinos are also 70 points now, so it's worse but not as bad.

Sure but that's just the rhino. I know it got a decent increase in points, but how are we supposed to destroy a land raider?

I mean a land raider is also 350 points, so an equivalent amount of our anti tank still hurts it.

Not really. Our equivalent amount of anti tank before would have been 36 Gauss shots. Obviously that would be way to powerful now, but it now taking over 400 like is ridiculous in its own right. What if they had done something like on a roll of 6 to wound against something with the Vehicle trait, it instead inflicts d3 mortal wounds. or maybe something like it inflicts one additional automatic mortal wound, but you still roll for the armor save.

Why do Immortals cost less than Warriors?

flayers are free but blasters/carbines cost points and are a mandatory upgrade that aren't factored into their base point cost.

>Tell me there's hope

Acanthrites have Melta weapons, sentry pylons have a giant-ass Melta cannon or a twin death ray. The tomb stalker is bound to be faster now and might be decent at vehicle smashing, and his brother the tomb sentinel has a giant version of the Wraith's exile ray.

Also the Pylon may well be our one genuinely good Lord of War.

Save us Forge World!