What would be a good system to run a game in the Avatar setting? Or should I just homebrew up some kind of D10 thing?
What would be a good system to run a game in the Avatar setting? Or should I just homebrew up some kind of D10 thing?
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I appreciate titty monster Korra
More could be helpful.
We used Savage Worlds and its powers system for techniques, with some very modest homebrewing to allow for technique-less bending via pure skill roll. The houserule was, in essence, "You can do anything a spell can even if you don't have it, but at double the cost. You can do anything not covered at the GM's discretion."
seems I made the classic blunder
all my other Korra pics are unsuitable for blue board
thanks for the tip, looks like a decent fit
There is an avatar homebrew game
Post 'em either on another board, or here while spoilered. You'd be surprised how long nsfw content can last before it's deleted.
there's almost certainly a thread on /aco/ already
I would not expect anything good from /aco/
Well, I'll be back. I forgot that board was a board. Thanks user.
Let's see if it uploads well from the phone
The whole thing of Savage Worlds with punching out mooks with one decent hit and shaking off most attacks quickly lends itself well to this kind of stuff. You can emulate practically any fight from Last Airbender of the gang versus one really strong opponent with it if you make the guy appropriately strong and just make him switch targets once he hit somebody and knocked them down. That gives 'em time to recover and jump back into action once another player got their shit slapped, which is how most of these fights went in the cartoon.
Is it so much to ask for Korra tiddies without having to shovel through three square tons of atla incest porn? You may be banned, but you'll be banned a hero.
the artist is k-y-h-u if that helps
try /u/
Legends of the Wulin. If you get past the godawful editing, there's no better system for supernatural martial arts.
>Apocalypse World hack
Into the trash it goes.
Got a half-finished SW load of homebrew here for an Avatar game that never started.
This system works well, I've run it a few times
I know of a 4e based one that's actually not that bad. Remains one of the few actually complete 4e homebrews.
Strike! has some mini setting rules for an Avatar-inpired game as well.
who A) no longer goes by that name and B) no longer draws lewds.
Goin' legit is hard. I think the same happened to 13bis. We need more guys to take Jab's path and get fired from Disney/Nick/CN and go exclusively lewd.
She still lewds, it's just behind a patreon paywall
If you can wait another month for me to finish with the final content additions, I'll be publicly releasing [beta] version 1.0 of Avatar: The Second Age.
It's a full conversion of FFG Star Wars to the Avatar universe.
Here's a little bit of a preview.
She went legit cause some faggot outed her to her strict asian family.
That is even worse. I was hoping she got an art related job and was moving up in the world.
Also why can't people do that to shit artists like Tram Pararam.
I've no idea what she does for work now, although she clearly still does patreon commissions. It'd be awkward to ask her or her roommate at this point.
agreed. but her art has certainly evolved since then as well. ^_^
Ah yes, the SLAVatar,
The last kneebender
Why is there so much Korra porn?
>korra's sex juice
what did bottle-san mean by this?
Chocolate Veeky Forumsgirls is best girls. Lesbian is bonus.
she's hot senpai
she fine
...I don't usually have to say this, but put your mind -in- the gutter.
Get out.
>Korra with Freckles
Jab worked for fucking disney? i mean he got some quality art but you'd think you'd recognise his art from a show or two.
If you look at some his older stuff you can really see it. Especially his Scooby Doo (I know Scooby Doo is Hanna Barbara but Jab's renditions have a very Disney look to them) and Alice in Wonderland stuff. He has gradually moved away from that but you can still see traces of the Disney style there. His Goofy Troop comic is so spot on that I wonder if he worked on that show.
Looking at his stuff, yeah he definitely has a style reminiscent of 90's - early 2000's Disney.
>you'd think you'd recognise his art from a show or two.
Artists generally conform to a house style in a big studio.
Honestly, I don't know. I know though that LoK was highly anticipated thanks to nostalgia for TLA, so naturally lots of people where picking it up and thus creating large exposure. I guess it was just the right amount of people picking up the R34 potential (Owler and KYHU) to drive the trend while the watertribe buns were still hot and lots of people were buying. It's why in some cases you can't find basically nothing in cases of R34 even though the show would be perfect for it while in other cases you get fucking swept away.
Speak for yourself, nigger. Korra, dropping her personality and mindset entirely, is a very attractive person. That's why there's so much porn of her.
Well of course she's attractive, but so are many other cartoon/anime bitches and some of them have next to nothing regarding R34.
Her mindset and personality just make her all the more attractive.
ment for
Her mindset and personality are complete trash though
Do you get an erection every time you look at a pile of trash, user?
Are you going to expand on your assertion?
Legend of the Elements is probably your best bet. It's an RPG that was explicitly designed for the world of Avatar.
Outside of that, your best bet is probably modifying one of the superhero RPG systems. Champions or Mutants & Masterminds would be my recommendations there.
I love fucking white trash girls tbqh
Well I'ma need some trailer trash Kora now.
Not him.
Well, if we actually take a good look at Korra in the canon, she is a headstrong, unreflective, insensitive and spoiled brat completely unaware of how to deal with people in the real world. That has its reasons as she's been raised in what I can only describe captivity surrounded by old farts. Still, she rarely if ever has to deal with the consequences thanks to author's fiat, but everyone sees that she would get fucking blasted out of the park if the author's weren't complete hacks.
It's equally annoying when we see her would-be alpha female behaviour crumble under pressure and she just becomes a bumbling "Plis don't hurt me mister", like when Amon catches her unawares and paralises her.
The only moments she is genuinely likeable is when she's goofing off with Bolin. If you ever met such a girl IRL you would be hard pressed not to start thinking of her as an exhausting person.
Mutants and Masterminds, all bending can be easily and accurately represented with dynamic arrays.
>tfw your Wacom is borked and you can't draw some Kora x Marie trashy goodness.
>over confident, self-assured, spoiled, but easily broken.
Kora's like my wife if she had just a little bit more confidence and if she could be serious when it was needed.
I'd be down for a brown qt3.14 to roll with.
not from the trailer parks, but straight off the reservation
>Well, if we actually take a good look at Korra in the canon, she is a headstrong, unreflective, insensitive and spoiled brat completely unaware of how to deal with people in the real world. That has its reasons as she's been raised in what I can only describe captivity surrounded by old farts.
>Still, she rarely if ever has to deal with the consequences thanks to author's fiat, but everyone sees that she would get fucking blasted out of the park if the author's weren't complete hacks.
You mean like when she got BTFO'd by Amon at the Statue of Aang? Hell, even Equalist mooks regularly cause problems for her early in season 1.
>It's equally annoying when we see her would-be alpha female behaviour crumble under pressure and she just becomes a bumbling "Plis don't hurt me mister", like when Amon catches her unawares and paralises her.
As you said before, she's used to winning all the time. Amon took Korra, put her in a position where she was completely powerless, and threatened to utterly ruin her. I think her reaction was completely understandable.
Not to mention the fact that she matures and changes far more than Aang did over the coarse of TLA (this isn't a dig against TLA, as it took place over the course of 1 year and LoK takes ~6 years). By the last episode (actual spoiler to follow) she doesn't even beat the BBEG up, she talks her down by empathizing with her, which is the mark of a great Avatar IMO.
moar or is that all?
Its all she's good for
Mini six?
I know there's an Open D6 homebrew .doc floating around the web somewhere
GURPS with powers is fun, and let's you build equal point total normies alongside big hitters
Feng Shui?
Savage Worlds?
Depends on where you want to go with the setting itself.
I mean by people who aren't technically her enemies. It's the same as sheldon from TBBT, or any other character from sitcoms and cartoons whose defining trait is "difficult to connect", if it wasn't for author fiat this kind of person would never have any friends or circle of acquaintances to speak of because they're so exhausting that their redeeming qualities are overshadowed.
She's head strong
She's physically fit
She's brown
She's basically the perfect woman except for the fact her character was handled so poorly that I can't help but feel exasperated/frustrated when thinking about her.
>ITT: Kora wasn't a moe-blob archetype, but instead actually had a believable personality, so she's trash.
seriously, squandered potential.
Im tempted to write a story based solely on wedging a Korra rip-off into it, just to satisfy my desire to see her kind of character done justice.
>Trying to bring /a/ bullshit to Avatar thread.
And like this user pointed out, it wasn't Korra's fault the series was mishandled to the whazoo.
>ywn keep Korra in a cage in your basement and make her watch while you fuck Asami every night.
I like her flaws as they are.
Her character is believable, engaging. She reminds me of many people I know.
Combined with her shortcomings and that fact that she is not, be default, the strongest actor in the universe makes for an engaging story.
I'm not saying her initial concept is bad, it was just handled badly. She, for the most part, doesnt have to change or take responsibility, and essentially has solutions handed to her(thanks to either her Avatar spirit or her friends/allies, or mere coincidental circumstance.)
When I watched the first episode, I expected a hot-headed, impatient young gall who took advantage of her new found power and almost god-like reverence of her. But she blunders and fails(due to her not listening to her trainers and friends but instead saying "fuck it if there's terrorists I'll tear the city apart to find them, then I'll smash them all into a pulp!"), and eventually screwing things up, and worsening the divide between bender and non-bender.
And so, being dragged into having to assist in unfucking the shit she fucked, she learns humility and the concept that no, you cant just beat up bad guys and everything will be okay. Essentially, she learns to balance her lust for action with the wisdom to see when to launch into action(sort of how Aang had to learn to be more action orientated and realize that sometimes he did have to strike).
But instead we got a bumbling buffoon who, after the first few times going into a situation guns-blazing(metaphorically speaking) and fucking up, she doesnt learn. She keeps bumbling into situations without thinking about it, but the story, the world, and general common sense bends the space-time continuum to make sure she succeeds. What was her brilliant plan to take down Amon? Run into the terrorist's main base and hurl an unsubstantiated claim. And when that doesnt work, she fucks up an entire city block trying to bring him down.
How about that time she had to destroy the evil Avatar giant(pfffft wtf were they thinking)? SHe was shit out of ideas and gave up, until all the other avatar spirits came and possessed her because she was too incompetent. Then she became the Blue Man Group's ultimate final form.
>I like her flaws as they are.
>Her character is believable, engaging. She reminds me of many people I know.
>Combined with her shortcomings and that fact that she is not, be default, the strongest actor in the universe makes for an engaging story.
I understand and agree with this, but the problem is she never overcomes her shortcomings.
She doesnt change.
Hell, I'd be happy with her succumbing to her shortcomings, even.
But nah, she's totally static throughout.
And further more,
>tfw the Avatar will never be your gf
I like the canonical yuri though
It was just very very sudden.
You are the reason we don't get to have nice things.
As much as I like yuri, it was obviously shoehorned in suddenly as a cry for attention on behalf of the series.
She's a completely different person by the end of the show. Like said, she changes a lot over the course of the series.
I feel like people are forgetting that heroes in their early stages are rarely likeable people or have few redeeming traits. I found Aang so irritating when I tried watching season 1 of TLA as a kid that I didn't give the show another shot until two years ago. And people frequently bring up how whiny and obnoxious Luke is in A New Hope. I'm not saying that characters HAVE to be annoying at the start, but they do need personal problems to overcome, and it isn't really fair to criticize a character based solely on their first outing.
As do I, but I will admit that it seemed to come out of left field. It was, however, sort of hinted at later in the series.
But that opens another can of "squandered potential" worms, Asami. She suffers something far worse than Korra: She is not only afflicted by her kind of shortcomings, but has less going for her because all of her characteristics are less developed, more flat.
There's a reason why people forget she exists sometimes.
And that's awful, because she couldve been a fascinating character, what with her father and yada yada.
I first started noticing it at the end of season 3, when Asami was helping Korra with her wheelchair. At the time, I didn't think it was yuri, but the thought of it becoming that crossed my mind. When season 4 rolled around, there was enough build-up (with Korra only writing to Asami, for example) that I bought it when the finale came up. The build-up was pretty subtle, but it was there.
Completely agree. Asami was one of my favorite characters, I found the idea of a badass inventor who fights with technology alongside the benders was extremely appealing. She was also one of the more mature characters in the series, and has an infinitely more interesting back-story than Mako or Bolin. She definitely deserved more screentime.
as soon as they pulled it from the air towards the end of season 3 to become a net exclusive, the direction changed, and bisexual Korrasami was born. it was subtle at first, like you said, but the hints were clever and for those who understood the dialogue they used, just within reach.
although I personally rooted for Kuvira, it was a satisfying conclusion to the series. can't wait for the comic. :D
>Avatar spirit or her friends/allies
Which is part and parcel of the entire Avatar series.
And honestly makes the series all the more enjoyable.
The Avatars strength, and therefore how they deal with problems, doesn't come from their power as an individual. It comes from all the Avatars before them, plus the relationships they build with their allies and friends.
That's the whole point, and part of the reason why both series start out by surrounding each Avatar with people who support them.
The Avatar doesn't exist in a vacuum, something I feel was captured and expressed very well.
Anyways, we're starting to venture into /co/ and /tv/ turf, so lets get back to something a bit more Veeky Forums.
How would you mechanically include themes of friendship/allies into an Avatar ttrpg?
God could you imagine the salt if they'd aired a bisexual heroine in a children's cartoon.
oh the hate would be LIVID from the bible belt.
>can't wait for the comic. :D
I'm hyped as well
>How would you mechanically include themes of friendship/allies into an Avatar ttrpg?
Ideally, the GM should ensure that the PCs balance off each other well and that their enemies are in a good position to take advantage of their weaknesses (and vice versa).
Someday I'm going to watch this just so I can understand it for myself. I've seen thw first season and thought it was kinda shit, but i hear it gets bettwr so ill watch it someday. Someday, but probably not today.
It was harder than I expected to find sfw Korra pics
Veeky Forums brown tomboy
The second season is worse than the first, but after that, it improves dramatically. Seasons 3 and 4 are really good.
I gotchu senpai
Anyway in done. Just go check sankaku complex. There's a ton of stuff
They were already pretty pissed off about asian and brown main characters.