You have ten seconds to prove that Slaanesh isn't the best Chaos god
You can't
You have ten seconds to prove that Slaanesh isn't the best Chaos god
You can't
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Hedonism is boring. Excess is boring. There is so much of both of it already.
You're Boring
Slaanesh can't grant me the final death I desire.
That's why they'll always remain as the second _best chaos god behind Khorne.
Ruins the grimdark, and not in the funny way the orks do, but just going from creepy to naked old man running in the park. Nothing scary or creepy, just fucking weird. And that's supposed to be on par with those that make corpses walk, giant bird demons, and a man who has killed enough people to make a mountain out of one single type of body part.
>Implying the god of faggotry is anywhere close to the majesty of the Lord of Change
Plus birb daemons are best.
> what is perfection, the post
Malal is best mist chaotic and canon god.
>Not realizing that Slaanesh is the fall of civilization as an age of decadence
My post wasn't that good.
Because in the end everything withers away, which is why nurgle will ultimately come out on top
Do you think yannid will give slannish a pity fuck before decapitating her? of maybe keep her around as a cock slave?
Isn't actually chaotic, just like Nurgle, Tzeentch or Khorne.
Adhering to a dogma (whether excess, trickery, wrath or apathy) is pretty much the antithesis of the concept of chaos.
At this point there is absolutely nothing chaotic about the Chaos gods.
Hedonism and Excess in combat are useless like their patron Goddess
Did someone ask for perfection?
Necoho the Doubter
That's actually a good point. I guess the Emperor is, or at least was, more of a chaos god than the actual Chaos Gods, because he was really anti-dogmatic and encouraged free thought. What could be more chaotic than a massive group of people thinking for themselves?
What are you on about? Theres tonnes of instances of Slaaneshi warriors letting themselves get killed just to know what it feels like. Her greatest champion's entire gimmick is based on dying.
Only when he was alive.
When the Emperor died, he became a Chaos god of fanaticism and fervor.
>he was really anti-dogmatic and encouraged free thought
Are you 'avin a giggle mate?
Well, Chaos isn't strictly chaos. It's just a name for a place, which is chaotic, hosting beings which are Chaotic but not exactly fully chaotic.
I don't want a barbed dildo up my ass.
Your full of shit. His whole point was to force all of mankind to do things his way. Any dissenting or different opinions or beliefs were ruthlessly crushed and supplanted with his one imperial "truth."
I'm making a slaaneshi stained Hive/Jungle planet.
anyone want to partecipate/share ideas/characters?
I'm thinking of a Deamonette bound in a human body. How do you see such an abomination trying to survive in a underhive?
Tell me more! I'm totally a fan of this
is it sexual
Reverse Jack the Ripper. A whore who murders clients. Throw in some Hannibal lector just for kicks and giggles.
Made several Slaaneshi clans. Need to be fluffed more. For example
>Clan of Olm'Hulud
40k jacked up version of albinos. Those poor mutants are not white, they are transparent. The only not transparent thing is their eyes and their blood, the only reminder of the fact that they are still humans and not some sort of xeno.
They hate the sun. Do you remember your last sunburn? Now imagine it ten times worth and not on you shoulders but on your kidney. Being transparent sucks.
People of the Olm'Hulud posses incredible regenerative powers, they are not fast working but are able to regrow limbs and repair tremendous damage without leaving scars. Despite being clearly mutants the bodies are perfect, Greek statue level of perfection. Fit, beautiful, with no defects. As they age they get no wrinkles, no back pains and no other problems associated with going over your expiration date.
It would seem that his time Ruinous powers gave more gifts then drawbacks, but there is a small matter of Olm'hulud flesh being very tasty. Their flesh in fact is a mild aphrodisiac and tastes like an explosion of ecstasy. And you know what lengths humans can go for something that tastes good and supposedly increase male potency.
Add to the mix a rumor that eating Olm'hulud flesh will stop your aging and maybe give you immortality and many Olm'huluds end their days in a Mafia boss basements getting carved up, regenerating and getting carved up again in an endless circle.
This is why members of this clan don't trust other people and hide in the underhive.
And she just have to do it for survival. Pretty classic.
I have a lore question. Deamoentte are said to disappear if not experiencing emotions. So if yo bound one to a human and let her sit doing nothing she would die?
thank you sir!
>that pic
No idea. Jacked 6 times during a ritual and it just appeared on my desktop. Thinking of doing the 66 times jacking ritual next but unsure if I will be able to handle it.
AKA What happens when little girls are sacrificed in the jungle to please the Dark gods.
Greenish skin and no mouth. Can't eat, can't speak, grew alone in the jungle after being left behind as sacrifice.
Their main ability is releasing emotion controlling pheromones. Can put to sleep crowds of people, turn a mob that came to burn her into an orgy or make them shit their pants and run away. Those abilites extends to plant and animals.
Ivies are starved for contact with fellow humans and are craving socialization. Being raised in the jungle and not normal society makes the first contacts end rather badly.
They have no problem communicating with written word except the whole: raised in the jungle, never taught to read or write part, heck often never even taught the language.
If meeting someone with half of brain (difficult in 40k) who would take care of her an Ivy can become a invaluable asset.
The few civilized Ivies like to play music instruments to compensate their lack of vocal expression.
>Able to absorb nutrients only by drinking and getting lost in human territory often results with a Wild Ivy consuming the easiest to obtain nutrient liquid: human blood. One of the many reasons Hive abitants dislike them.
Well, boredom is an emotion, although admittedly not a positive one. She'd probably be fine with a human brain, as the brain always has something to fall back on unless there's something seriously wrong.
are there any Slaaneshi Trannies in this thread
I would worship nurgle, because he seems to be the only one to actually care about his followers. An unholy grandfather indeed.
Don't worry, we can sound your penis channel with one if that is your preference. The Prince do no judge.
Tell me about the slaaneshi character you wanted/tried to play.
Slannesh is escapism, a self destructive spiral of going further and further to date your ever-growing hunger and hide from reality.
Nurgle is the Death of all hope, but in a way that grants internal strength. It is not wallowing in Sadness crying woe is me, but The acceptance of fate and the void, and through it, the strength to endure them. If it wasn't for the disease shit, it wouldn't even be a contest.
A good concept I read was a follower that wore drab, itchy clothes, wore a mask that blocked smells, and ate shifty food. He did all this because he wanted to build up all his desire to be unleashed upon his death.
The diseases doesn't bother his followers that much anyways, so if you follow him it won't inconvience you.
well slanesh is the weakest of the gods and the youngest.
not to mention the fucking harlots are that annoying its a wonder the ydont off themselves
and finaly the god does nothing useful/ represents nothing useful
nurgle is resilience and decay that feeds the earth
khorne is the martial honor and survival of the fittist
tzeech is creativity and smarts that put humans at the top of the food chain on their homeworlds
>The acceptance of fate and the void
No that's Nurgle's Anathema. Acknowledging shit is hard and that you got to work through it cause it's the right thing is the opposite of what brings people to Nurgle. Nurgle's followers come to him in despair, looking for any escape they can find from their inevitable deaths at the hand of disease and plague in a Galaxy they know cares nothing about them.
Jackson (the sniper) from Saving pvt. Ryan. Believes in his gift of precision and hones it into art. Carrying visor from Vindicare as a trophy optional.
I think slaanesh gets a bad rep for having a feminine god represent them, people think slaanesh is simply hedonism and debauchery and it's not. A very overlooked part of slaanesh is that their followers are obsessed with everything. Obsession can lead you down very dark roads and can easily turn into striving for perfection. If you had to classify nazis under one of the four chaos gods, they would easily be slaanesh. Obsessed with their own views, striving to create a perfect world free of what they considered degenerate and sub human.
Khorne would be your typical warlord warrior tribe
Tzeentch would be like a corrupt religious institution that preaches one thng and practices another
Nurgle would be just your average psychopaths
But slaanesh are nazis for sure
Only Deathguard don't feel the pain of their afflictions cause thats the deal Mortarion made when he accepted Nurgle's power over him. For 99.99999% of Nurgles living followers, life is shit, but at least they'll escape death.
You have no friends and you just want someone to accept you? To pat your head and tell you that you are a good boy and daddy loves you? Are you so pathetic to sell your soul for THAT!
Man the fuck up! Go, live, kill, fuck, plot. Your existence is nothing at the very least sell your soul to someone who will let you go with a bang. Better die while crashing your fregate in the Inquisition ship while sniffing coke from a hooker ass then live a thousand years as a pile of depressed shit.
Everyone knows slaanesh is a qt trap
It's genuine, there's couple more pictures from different angles around. The person is /lgbt/ regular and besides the occasional cam-teasing is rather pure and bashful. And has real nasty chair.
I dunno, looking for Escape or last minute savior deals sounds more like Slannesh or Tzeentch respectively. I feel like if despair was just a really strang sandness or woe, it would fall under the purview of Slannesh.
Never really thought about "Chaos God's" as 'Gods of Chaos' but more like 'God's out of Chaos'. They don't need to be utterly chaotic, they don't own 'Chaos' as a fundamental force nor Immaterium. This power just spawned them.
Well I always thought slaanesh was a dude since it's name was the prince of pleasure, but chaos lore fags showed me examples of slaanesh being depicted as female, then I just decided that demons don't really have genders, nor do angels for that matter
>nor do angels for that matter
I'm pretty sure Celestine's a chick, unless you were thinking of some other kind of angel.
Does he write names of his future victims on the bullets? Or collect bullets after the kill?
How do you figure? Slaanesh accepts and promotes only the drive for the beautiful and the passionate in helps those seeking it to attain all their delights. A person at the end of their rope facing death isn't concerned with those things and is almost always incapable of attaining it.
Tzeencth offers no help to his servants beyond their arbitrary mutations and the occasional hand of good luck. Tzeencth is only for those servants capable of using their own will power and drive for change to succeed, sometimes with Tzeencth directly contesting them with his own plots.
Slaanesh overlaps with the emotions associated with almost every Chaos God. Theres a difference between the masochist who wants to feel the deepest depths of despair cause the emotion fascinates them and someone who just happens to be feeling despair and wants an out.
We had a mafia drug factory outside the hive being overrun with Jungle. And afterwards local fauna was high on cocaine and expanded conscious drug.
Never went anywhere with that idea. Suggestions? Slaaneshi jungle cats?
Celestine isn't an angel, she's a warp entity that takes the form of the human girl she was in life. Angels don't exist in 40k, or at least we haven't seen any
Slaanesh looks like whatever you imagine to be the most beautiful and perfect either subconsciously or otherwise. She used to have an ugly tranny look as her art depiction but that is largely been tossed aside. For some he's a masculine form striding as a shining beacon, mankinds hero and hope. For others she's a little girl and the epitome of innocence and kindness.
She takes on whatever form she needs to get your to obey her.
>nor do angels for that matter
Angels are Masculine. Just like G-d
>for others she's a little girl
take a seat please
Nah bruh, angels and demons don't have genders. They're not human so they don't follow our rules
Then why are they reffered to as the Sons of God in Genesis, sculptures of men with wings in Exodus, and possess the heads of three masculine animals in Ezekiel? Demons are either masculine or feminine according the Jewish mysticism.
Why wouldn't Angels have gender?
I figure that Slannesh's main theme is excess, the pursuit of a passion so great that is overshadows all else and becomes the singular focus of ones life. And while that would entail over-enthusiastic hobbyists, i figure it would also entail a big part of escapists. Like the Addict or the deviants, who keep chasing pleasure in a effort to escape reality.
And Tzeentch is the essence of change, of the refusal to accept your fate. I feel like he would be more likely to pull random asspulls for nobodies on a whim than Nurgle would. I figure just wanting to create change or make a deal with no consequences would seem like prime pawn material for Tzeentch.
because Nurgle exists
I remember years ago the idea floating about a campaign where PCs were noise marine that went giving concerts on various worlds.
Have the potential to be epic as fuck.
>Slaanesh cults
>conscience vines
Come on user, it writes itself.
90% of all people are heterosexual.
>yfw faggot white hair pretty boy
Veeky Forums isn't exactly representative sample of humankind at large.
And we should be grateful for that.
Not that guy, but:
Angels are spiritual beings, which means, that they cant reproduce (and dont need it, btw). This is also confirmed in the gospel:
>For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. (Mar. 22:30)
As for your other statement, in semitic languages, including hebrew, masculine forms are primal, so even if species dont have gender, masculine form is used.
As for" jewish mysticism", you are referring more to kabbalah, that is severely different from traditional judaism and opposes it in nearly all spheres.
That's correct about Slaanesh but I don't see how that applies to people at the end of their rope.
Anyone who looks death in the face and makes real active steps to avoid it on their own grounds isn't a nobody. Thats rare and Tzeencth would notice them. But what Nurgle does is send a plague to devastate a world, then starts listening to all the people suffering and begging for an alternative to their upcoming death because they know they're fucked and don't have the Hope to do anything about it. That's what cults of Nurgle consist of. They're all just giant convents of lepers looking for an escape.
> Ferrus and Fulgrim argues
Slaanesh is the best chaos god though.
Roll for Slaaneshi warp perils?
But I already have
That is why you need to pursue better and more greater pleasures and sensations so you don't get bored.
Daemonettes lost fleet and +3 to run moves in 8th edition
it's ok she looks 12 but is just immortal.
>implying you can't have both at once
>implying you can't be perfect in your knowledge and wisdom
>implying you can't have titty birb daemon servants
>while you purge nerds for skulls
>and make all your friends really happy and immune to sickness
do you even chaos undivided?
not true,just before death a deal is struck,for the lot of them they feel no pain at all.thi is dont to rob slaanesh of power.nurgle tries to make sure his followers feel no pain.he wants followers to delight in his gift,not dread it.also its why alot of his followers can take a beating and keep going. he tests his plagues out in his garden and finds when their in agony,that he must refine or change his work,but when their in a delirium he thinks of it as bliss.
Bullshit. Nurgle is an abusive cunt who takes delight in watching his minions suffer with diseases he thinks are gifts.
ah but they are gifts. viruses,plagues,bacterial infections.maggots,mold,moths and flies. these are nurgles mutations.they are both biological and sorcery. nurgle does not take delight in suffering,thats slaanesh.he loves the fact that he is creating life in his own design
His creations cause suffering, if he didn't enjoy it he wouldn't create disease and rot. And nurgle does not create life, he is the god of stagnation. Tzeentch is his opposite, as god of change he would create and destroy life, and nurgle should do neither.
Also , Slaanesh does not delight in suffering specifically, but delights in delight. He delights in pain and pleasure, as long as the feelings are delightful in some way.
you're giving sentients and reason to something made from the warp.he doesnt like suffering,it's obvious he would want to give slaanesh or tzeentch/khorne power but it is inevitable.
That's actually a good point, never thought about it like that.
He's never defeated an entire Hive Fleet.
>Le sex, drugs and rock and roll god
That is because you are unimaginative faggot that only sees that in Slaanesh.
Get sodomised.
Sauce. Sauuuuuuuuce
UNF dat comic.
Judeochristian angels take the appearance of beautiful men. Angels are messengers of god. If you're talking about other beings, then those aren't angels, even if those have wings.
Unless they use the ball-of-light or beast-flaming-winged being, in which case they're still men. :^)
>titty birb daemon servants
>implying the daemonette would even try to survive in the underhive
Unless whatever sorcerer bound her in that human body was there to keep her in line, she'd probably just go on an epic debauch until she died.
We're talking about a being with zero self-control trying to operate a frail mortal body in a morally bankrupt environment where drugs, sex, and violence are absolutely everywhere. There's no way she isn't going to want to find out what it's like to drink until she passes out and wakes up getting raped in an alleyway. Or properly trip balls on enough hallucinogens that she can't trust her own senses. Or experience the excitement of a knife fight in a body that can actually be injured and feel pain. Sooner or later, something's going to kill her, and that's a win too. just another novel sensation, and then she's free to return to the Warp and brag to the other daemonettes about all the fun she had.
Judeochristian angels take on the appearance of whatever the fuck they want.
They're not human. They don't normally resemble humans. There's a fucking reason the first thing they always say is "be not afraid."
>titty birb daemon servants
It saddens me that most of these are from the porny days of old Veeky Forums and can't be posted anymore.
I thought it was because suddenly they were confronted by shining beings, and people thought seeing the face of god caused instant death. Being spirits, they wouldn't be restricted to a human form, but surely that'd be a good way to convey a message to humans.