>Metagame thoughts?
Weekly Modern Metagame:
>Metagame thoughts?
Weekly Modern Metagame:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for all versions of Death and Taxes
Stop net decking.
Come at me scrublord.
Literally everything I can think of. I spend at least two hours every night brewing on Xmage
Salty Asian pricks who get butthurt when my white border Lightning bolts make their fully foiled out DSJ deck eat dick.
>Metagame thoughts?
Too many retards who buy flavour of the week decks without knowing how to properly pilot them or innovate and tweak their decks. Netdecking is good, and you should do it often, but holy fuck people you do not need to play the exact same deck that [insert pro player name] played, you need to pull the deck apart and tune it to your meta.
>you need to pull the deck apart and tune it to your meta.
Sounds funny coming from a burn player. What spicy tech you running bro?
Is net decking really that a bad thing? Don't decks evolve and diverge when people experiment on a successful deck?
A one of Lathnu Hellion in the main and a playset of Nacatls in the side.
That's so spicy it's vital to space travel.
No It is good, the problem is that you have retarded mouthbreathers on reddit who exclusively netdeck what won the most recent GP or whatever and leads to the abysmal 13% Death's Shadow Meta we have now.
This is the exact same shit that got Twin banned.
No, des is just retarded. He claims to have 75% win rate against net decks at FNM (lol), yet hates nets decks? That doesnt make any sense, he should like that people net deck because he is apparently destroying them. Net deckers also forfeit the mystery of their deck for game one. You see a card, you know what they are playing.
>Is net decking really that a bad thing?
Des doesn't even know how Affinity works.
Should I try making a deck around Ravenous Intruder and Atog with cantrip artifacts, or a deck revolving around Impact Tremors and Reckless Fireweaver with artifact creatures?
Or should I not even bother?
Make a self mill deck centered around Approach of the 2nd Sun and Phyrexian Unlife.
Yo I've been crushing all the netdeckers at my local weeklies with Ponza. Deck seems real good right now and you can play all kinds of spice with all that mana so no one can accuse you of netdecking.
I just think hes a salty poor fag. I dont think he can afford cards. He also assumes that net decker means you are also an asshole + cheater and he says that they always say when they lose "I should have won, I paid more for my deck" which i doubt lol
But by playing Ponza you are Netdecking. Its a established archetype so it has to be a netdeck.
tier 0 incoming
But what if I'm playing Jund Ponza?
Des probably thinks Aaron Rodgers is better than Tom Brady?
That's a combination of two netdecks, you double netdecker
Nigger should be wordfiltered to netdecker IMO
Well I'm not playing that but I have been brewing this abomination
Don't bother watching the video, it's garbage. Look at the top comment from Jeff Hoogland instead.
not a fan of hoogland, he's a piece of shit, but he is right
>I'll save everyone the clicks:
Jeff Hoogland (19 hours ago)
You know what's bad for the game? People like you attacking other people for playing Magic in a way you do not like.
TCGs are great because they are a lot of things to a lot of different people. If you enjoy being different and doing your own thing, that is great. Enjoy it.
Don't attack people for wanting to focus on playing the game well instead of building their own decks though. If there isn't enough diversity when people are playing the best decks that is WOTC's fault for designing a crappy format. Not the fault of people who want to play optimal decklists.
Everyone type in the thread: user is a stupid netdecker!
>boohoogland actually says something worthwhile
Color me surprised
>Oh let's all hold hands and get along. WRONG. Net decking is ruining the game. Not calling people out for it is called enabling. Screw these toxic players. They have no place in the community.
>If you want to see how you are wrong then I suggest this equation; Des' Video + Brain = Why you are stupid
These videos always make me laugh, how can people actually listen to this shit and take it seriously.
this faggot just hates competitive magic that he can't win because he wants to be a special snowflake
play pauper, where those decks can be competitive
Both of those are basically just Pauper decks and aren't explosive enough as an aggro deck in modern
Boohoo earned a little bit of respect from me
Is Thooth and Nail a good competitive deck?
What combo deck in Modern has the most lines of play? I've been thinking about building one as my next deck, but so far goldfishing them feels like doing about the same thing every time.
Lathnu is pretty solid. 3 mana for 8 potential damage. Hes a bit more resilent then Ball Lightning. Have you tried Shard Volley?
Probably one of the CoCo/Duskwatch Recruiter decks.
>tfw no pod
It's okay. I feel it's best when T&N is used as an "oops I win" button in a more standard G(r) Devotion list. It's certainly a deck people won't really be expecting and can almost feel a little bit like a janky abzan coco at times where you beat down then just happen on your combo and win on the spot.
It's not great though, just to be sure you understand that.
What's your playmat, Veeky Forums
I just use the one from the most recent event I went to.
have you tried pic related? i feel like it has many different lines, depending on your criteria for difference. the game plan will always revolve around putting a huge creature into play, but within that realm, there are tons of ways to get there and then assemble a win from there. even while you are going off with grisel and chaining shoals, there are usually several paths you can take and the number of options available gets pretty large when you have 30 cards in hand.
jesper is so dope
whats that masterpiece?
Aether Vial.
I've been thinking about getting a new one. I'll probably grab this or some other background from tsutomu nihei, run it through waifu2x and send it to a chinaman to make it
>have you tried pic related
Not yet. It does look interesting, but it's also oddly expensive and I worry about a deck that leans heavily on the graveyard with Dredge running around in Tier 1.
Thanks for this, looks like the comment has been deleted now or something. I would guess that Des finally got salty enough about people thumbing up the comment and thumbing down his video that he lost it.
Any list running coco really. Elves catches a lot of people off guard, especially when you chord in a shaman for lethal. Vizier druid deck seems to have a lot of different lines. You can beat down with finks, go infinite with life or mana into ballista or spawnsire for spagniscience
Any tips for good synergies with this? Currently building a Golgari deck with a ton of discard, but finding it hard to get the speed in for rush.
Usually I can get this out as a 4/4 by turn 2 but I'm thinking perhaps Undergrowth Scavenger may be a better option despite its higher cost and lack of trample and Mill.
I'll post up my full deckle tomorrow
So when are these threads bringing back the $$$$ COMPETITIVE $$$$ titles? All these shitbrews are obnoxious and what's even worse is that people are replying to them.
Also tfw I can't afford goyfs
>I'll post up my full deckle tomorrow
don't bother it's trash
you can thank me for saving your time later
Well the staple discard spells in Modern are red (cathartic reunion and faithless looting).
There's always One With Nothing ;)
Other cards that seem to fit the strategy in your colors are Boneyard Wurm, Grim Flayer, and Varolz, the Scar-Striped.
Thanks user I needed reassurance
Better than custom-card fags at least.
I got this put onto a mat by Inked. It looks slick and occaisionally a fellow metalhead will recognize what it actually is.
Currently I'm running Commune With the Gods, Mulch and Satyr Wayfinders.
I looked at Grim Flayer before and it looks like it would work well, Varolz seems a little redundant though but I'll see if I have any in my folders
Both deserve their own threads, but if we don't specify that this thread is for competitive modern discussion only, it just opens the fucking floodgates for timmies, johnnies and shitters in general.
I don't like obvious shitposting (like that dude that keeps spamming that ink-treader list), but I don't really have a problem with people posting brews if they are serious about it. I don't think clogging up Veeky Forums with multiple threads for Modern is a good thing.
hey baby
The best
>punch all bears
How would there be multiple threads about modern? There'd be only one (the dedicated competitive modern thread). One would be for homebrews for any format, and the other would be the custom card containment zone.
If they were at all serious about their brews they'd have enough honesty to tell that they aren't viable. Not saying that all brews that are posted are trash but the vast majority are.
also what said
I don't see that happening.
I'd love to hear your reasoning on why brewers/kitchen tablers and custom card retards wouldn't have an incentive to create their own threads when their (you) supply gets cut off by people ignoring them in a competitive thread. There just needs to be a disclaimer in the OP saying to not reply to them.
>their (you) supply gets cut off by people ignoring them in a competitive thread
Because that doesn't happen.
>There just needs to be a disclaimer in the OP saying to not reply to them.
No matter how often we tell people not to reply to shitters, they reply anyway. You can't win.
I wish Inferno Titan had Haste instead of firebreathing
It's not the worst thing ever the issue is that no body does anything different. People just settle on a "best" set of decks and don't deviate. Playing magic is more fun when more decks are around it's why modern was great for a while. Killing Twin raped that format to what it is now. Ill just stick to legacy for now.
>Killing Twin raped that format to what it is now
One where the top 8 of events are extremely diverse?
>not at a point in my life where i can play mtg
>probably people able to play in about a year after finishing school, getting a decent job, and having some money in the bank
tfw all you can do is watch
Define Decent
I'm a fucking janitor at McDonalds living paycheck to paycheck and I'm able to play MtG competitively.
Just play online?
I work a part time job in semi-fast food while going to school. I'm able to put away maybe $50 a month on everything that isn't essential and I'm still able to play mtg with expensive decks.
You gotta get serious about it.
just make friends with someone that has multiple modern decks and ask to borrow one jeezeus
well i dont have a job so i cant spend money i dont have
yeah just show up to a lgs and say hey bro can i borrow a deck
mtgo isnt free
>year of our Lord 2017
>burn players not running 2-3 thunderous wrath mainboard
They always end up in my opening hand, or I draw them on a turn when I want to hold up mana. Pretty shitty feel yo.
Modern Fireblast reprint when?
I've been slowly cutting back the number of Bonfires in my Ponza list for this reason, down to just 1 now. They seem dope on paper but rarely are in practice.
is there a deck that uses fling in modern?
I've been trying to get my friend into modern and he said his favorite game play was killing people by attacking with a fat clickslither and then flinging it at people. any ideas or should I just try to sell him on something else?
You could try porting something like an INN/RTR gruul aggro list to modern.
>my tortellinis are done
Animar, and I've got a SCG Donkey Young Pyromancer that I won at pre-release as my mousepad
What deck/decks do you play?
McFlurry machine is down and a deck related to flipping cards
>using mtgo
whats the other alternative?
xMage or Cockatrice.
I personally use xMage because it's more user friendly.
Burn is my main deck, but I've been building Tron and Affinity.
>building Tron
Stop, stop right fucking now
Not that user, but if I wanted to make no one angry while also being competitive, what deck should I build? Jund, Abzan, Burn, Grixis Delver?
I was just listing examples, by the way.
I borrow WG Hatebears and RW Prison, by the way.
You're always going to make someone angry, a lot of people are just sore losers.
Hell, I play Norin Sisters and I have people tell me all the time that Ajani is a cancer card.
Blow me, salty jundnetdecker