What's his name again?

What's his name again?

Other urls found in this thread:


Charlie "press tweet to fud the pajeets" Lee

Jackie Chan

Spank me and call med Charlie

How the FUCK did he predict it? He literally sold like 1-2 days before this madness.

Satoshi Nakamoto

Jackie Chan

char i bought the bottom lee

Chun Li

Satushy Nintendo

Lucky Lee!

He just sold his entire stack right before the crash.Haha oh man what a lucky guy!

sell out


he didn't predict it you retard, he knew it was going to happen. establishment money dropping crypto so they can make money off of shorts, he got a tip from someone and got the fuck out.

$150 end of year!

>7th December Charlie Lee posts a pump signal (chicken with rocket on back) - twitter.com/satoshilite/status/938825477833101312
>price was $90 or so
>price proceeds to Litecoin ATH of almost $400
>20th December Charlie Lee dumps everything, and even tells you guys about it
>2 days later, entire crypto market tanks

So, I assume everyone was smart enough to make bank here?

I believe it was Chink Lee

>the chicken will leave its cave forever

Charlie "Special Interest" Lee

Lmao, funny how he drops his LTC bags at the top just a day before the market plummets

What a lucky guy

> lucky

>Charlie "insider trading is a noncrime" Lee
hhheehhe it was just a coincidence that he sold 10 minutes before the massive dump

King Kong Lee

he definitely didnt load up on BCH to dump at 4200 after the coinbase pump

>le xDDD charlie is based he definitely didnt use his coinbase connections to insider trade BCH

HA! yeah he's definitely not the guy who boasted about making 800mil profit on that deepweb forum

Jihan Poo

Mr. Sell high buy low

>insider trading applies to commodities

u wot?

Charlie "do opposite of /biz" Lee