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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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What is he trying to compensate for, /jc/?
Speaking of Autochthon...
Having read the Cities of the World jump, I've been inspired to give a Colossus/Polis option a shot. Currently it is a kind of multi-levelled capstone.
As I'm a little concerned about getting the feel and power involved right, how do people feel about this, the tentative final perk for it:
>400 - ...it is the Sum of its People [Essence 9] (requires all previous perks)
>All life within your borders is a part of yourself, just as you are a part of them.
>From merely receiving it in prayer, you now have a deeper bond to your citizens. Essence (and other energies) can be passed back and forth with minimal loss, and the deep well of the people's pride can be tapped in times of emergency - lending you their strength, speed and resilience, to directly reinforce your Charms and avatars. Those who live within your borders for a prolonged period, exposed to this fundamental interconnectedness, will also find their health and personal power being stimulated somewhat by your own - leading to a naturally higher level of personal Essence, an improved sense of community, a greater ability to engage with any aspect of Polis-culture - from its sciences to the arts - and numerous other small benefits.
>On the individual scale, this contract can be formed with any organization you are considered a meaningful or defining leader of - though in this case it requires either conscious acceptance or an honest internalisation of that organization's principles. The ability to tap attributes additionally requires prior and active agreement, and is a semi-permanent transferral - those who grant you these qualities lose them to such a degree that it threatens their life, those drained of strength left unable to even lift their heads; those drained of wits, stripped of memory. The transfer lasts for as long as they live, unless somehow disrupted or the pact is deliberately annulled - by either party.
Mir, read the OP edition. This is a shitposting thread. Wait for the real one.
Just because it has a stupid edition name doesn't mean it's not 'real' you autist.
The fact that he didn't make it past the first few second of his first jump
It would be so sad if he was the only actual Jumper here.
The fact that this is your second attempt at making a thread all about shitposting about him does.
I'm actually already using Jumpveria in the combo. But this is Gundam, so I'm fluffing it as being a space colony itself. I want the space elevator so that I can launch things up to the colony without having to pay either the Earth Alliance (currently being infiltrated and taken over by the Illuminati using a racist terrorist group as their medium, making them bad business partners) or the Emirate of Orb (very preachy and entitled and I hate them, the whole point of establishing Jumpveria in Gundam SEED is to upstage them at every point possible). So I want my own heavy launch device. A space elevator, or a mass driver, or a laser launch facility, or whatever.
Artifacts (600 CP)
And here we are - the weapons of great heroes, tragic villains, and the worst that the world of Azeroth has had to face. These Artifacts all bear great and terrible power, and something more horrifying altogether - Potential.
All of the Artifacts available for purchase below can be found in the greater world - or, in certain instances, will be created during the events of the fourth Legion invasion. And they will bear their capacity for growth even then, although as some heroes will find that potential will eventually plateau. By purchasing them here, you can be well assured that your Artifact’s growth rate will continue to rise.
Each Artifact grows in different ways and by using different methods, but there is one shared across all of them - by sacrificing other items and objects filled with magical energy, the Artifact will take that resulting energy in as it’s own, and slowly expend it to increase it’s own parameters and capability. Although there are ways to guide this growth specifically...
Hint: Look at the benefits associated with Order Leadership perk.
We're gettin' there. slowly but surely we're getting there.
Will you stop trying to derail/destroy a thread over the OP making a joke you don't like, user?
Even if it started as a shitpost as you said it can still be treated like a normal thread.
I saw, I'm just spiting you. I think that the guy trying to convince no one to post is more of a shitposter than the guy who's weirdly obsessed with the douchebag that haunts these threads. After all, is it really shitposting when talking about how horrible bancho is is one of Jumpchain's most time-honored traditions?
Why does it make you a symbiotic thing? I don't remember Patropoli/Metropoli doing anything like that.
Can someone post seven deadly sins for me?
Obsessing over Bancho is shitposting just like Angelposting is, and just like Angelposters, you freaks probably want to fuck him.
Import option please.
Yes, yes, keep arguing that the only reason someone wouldn't take your side is because they want to fuck the target of your ire. That's not convincing everyone that you're a shitposter, nope.
I've been debating on that. I mean for some it'll work no problem - just import a sword into Ashbringer, hammer into The Silver Hand, bish-bosh-kibosh.
Then you got the fuckier options like the fact that all of the Rogue artifacts are split between two - the Kingslayers are two daggers, the Dreadblades are two swords, etc. Same with Druid's claws, Demon Hunter's glaives, etc.
If I can find a way to make THAT work, I'll allow imports for all. Sound good?
Oh wow, you can't read.
>tfw you finish compiling your chain into a google doc
>tfw when the word count clocks out at about 64k
>tfw it's full of so many typos and grammar errors you want to vomit or edit as quickly as possible
>tfw you're not even at triple digits yet
Is this what being a long-term writechain Jumper feels like
Is this the hell I have chosen
So... This gives you Essence 9 to start with?
I assume an earlier perk gives you the Essence 8 minimum to be a Polis then?
>Stop talking about bancho, I bet you're only doing it because you want to fuck him!
Stop talking about him because obsessing over pathetic people is unhealthy, irritating, and shits up the thread.
It's alright moon kitten, I feel for you.
Edit and correct it all and then publish it on Amazon as an E-book. Be the one who makes Jumpchain famous.
But that's not what was said, user.
>Sound good?
Sounds good. My advice would be to make it so you have to import a matching set into the matching sets. Matching daggers into matching daggers ETC.
>Be the one who gets sued for copyright infringement
Do as just pull a E. L. James and change the name of characters and settings
And that'd be a best situation, until...
Skull of the Man'ari. or Claws of the Sleeper.
... Alternative magic focus of some sort for the first one? Claws I'll just up and say I have no earthly idea.
I meant Claws of Ursoc. sonofa frickity frack.
What are they?
That's a terrible idea for several reasons. Besides, even written as it is now, the chain is just kind of a glossed-over summary. Wouldn't really hold up unless I made the jumps self-contained.
Also, IPs being used and whatnot.
Split it into multiple docs, linking to the next one. Will save you lots of time with loading.
Literally a pair of bear claws that you stick over your hands as a Druid, and when you go bear form it makes your bear form a literal avatar of a Bear God.
>Skull of the Man'ari
Importing a skull sounds interesting, actually.
In this case, it's a case of a thematic perk rather than a strictly canonical one. I felt it was appropriate given the relative lack of known Polis capabilities.
Yes, each step puts you up one Essence:
Elder Alchemical [each level requires the previous]
100 - Colossus: Macrochassis (upscale Charms, etc) [Essence 6]
200 - (TBD) [Essence 7]
300 - Polis: Subdistrict Spirits (create little spirits to manage your components/abilities) [Essence 8]
400 - Collective Will Empowerment Thing [Essence 9]
For those of us with no idea what essence levels are how powerful is level 9?
So you could import your BEAR HANDS!
Hey Mir, thinking on the goal of the scientists in the early days of your namesake in the Ar Tonelico lore, what would be the result of an Alchemical Exalted Reyvateil at Clarity 10?
Anyone else writing a series based on Jumpchain? No? Just me?
Do we have any skull items in the chain?
That sounds cool. I know WoW druids can turn into cats and birds, too (and some sort of owl/tree thing, I think?), are there any equivalents for those forms?
>In this case, it's a case of a thematic perk rather than a strictly canonical one. I felt it was appropriate given the relative lack of known Polis capabilities.
I mean, they're infrastructure... But fair enough.
Why no essence 10 though?
Also, we can still advance in Essence normally with retrofits and age, right?
You'd be a very shiny city then.
The only one I can think of is the Pandora's Box item (not actually a box) from Justice League Dark.
Cats, yes. The Fangs of Ashamane, a pair of daggers that enhance your cat form on the same level as the Claws. Owlkin form is mostly a sub-mode for Balance Druids who get the Scythe of Elune, and Treant's a super-mode for Restoration Druids whose artifact is the last branch and part of the trunk of G'Hanir the Mother Tree.
Third Circle Demons are often E9, so think living natural disaster only being Exalted instead of Demons the Alchemicals are probably stronger.
Post Chain/Jumper/Companions themes
... That's gonna be hilarious seeing as the Skull of the Man'ari is literally floating and still alive. Every time he talks he just starts gassing out magical energy.
I was thinking of importing my own skull, actually. I took it out and duplicated it a while back, slotting the copy back in with some extra enchantments, and was kinda wondering what to do with the original...
It is just a matter of time before someone amasses enough autism to write and publish their own writefagging
What are some jumps where mecha fight giant aliens?
Macross and Pacific Rim are the only two that come to mind.
I'm going to try this again because I didn't get much in the way of helpful comments from the last thread.
Divinity: Original Sin WIP 0.36 - Magic Edition
If you scroll down to Aerotheurge, you'll find the section is now completely, along with a little foreword about Magic in Rivellon itself. I would like to know if people like the way it is set up or if they don't. "Why" would also be helpful to include. I mainly worried I'm a little off base, but I think the format I'm using is a little more flavorful and thematic than just "Here's X magic."
Also Talents have been roughed in and some Discounts have been changed around. May change them back considering Loremaster is turning into somewhat of a larger Talent than I expected. It may go back to being a Skill.
Yeah... Except you're immobile, and your Charms are buildings or city-wide grids.
... Morbid, but y'know what given the solution I just came up with, sounds about right.
Assuming you meant 'theme songs', mine is obviously:
Neat! I'll give it a look-see after some vidja.
Very powerful.
Alchemicals are powerful in a more physical way than the others though - so to destroy an unsightly mountain they need to construct a massive Wave Motion Cannon, instead of just casting fist.
But not quite so powerful that the canon cities are easily capable of saving Autochthon, fighting back the Void, and ensuring their people don't live lives of mindless toil. That said, part of that is because they're in a very delicate position in terms of resource scarcity and their Essence budget.
Hrm. Might be a bit like Mir - emotionless and hyperefficient. The completed tower might also be a gigantic memetic antenna that sings the glories of serving the Populat in a superhumanly persuasive fashion.
Going up to 9 fit neatly, and it leaves room to grow - that said, might be worth being a quick scenario.
Kind of hard to say. The scale only goes up to 10, so that might lead you to think that you're just shy of the most powerful thing in the setting. But what charms you have is more important than what your Essence is, with Essence only unlocking access to stronger charms and giving you a larger resource pool to spend on casting them. And we don't have any examples of Alchemicals charms beyond Essnce 5. But, for a point of comparison, Alchemicals are generally considered to be able to reach the same power level as Solaroids (Solars, Abyssals and Infernals) in their field of specialty, though falling behind in other areas. At Essence 9, a Solar can locally rewrite laws of physics, cast their enemies into eternal torment in hell, enchant themselves so that when they die their ghost will be an eternal guardian spirit for their organization, move at the speed of light, block natural disasters with their bare hands, all sorts of weird stuff. Not saying you'll be able to do those things in particular, you'll be using Alchemical themes of "the orthodoxy of the Machine God" instead of Solar themes of "I am so awesome I can do anything", but comparable power level.
Is there any benefit to buying Grail Knight and also winning the Green Knight Scenario? Does the scenario reward render the Grail Knight perk redundant.
I did say generally. And I mean, hey. Celestials are consistently seriously trouble, so it's not like him getting punched out by Spider-Man or whatever.
Can I create OC Companions with the import option for Dream Crew?
I assume so but just making sure.
Current canon has the Celestials as the ones that fucked with the first and stronger meta-Eternity.
For Digger.
Because E10 is basically "Chejop Kejak and the Scarlet Empress"-tier.
I wonder what a god who had the Domains of Void Light and Darkness along with those 3 from KH.
The Empress is Essence 8 I believe.
She is also weaker than any other type of Exalted would be at that level.
Yeah, buying both makes you super buff, plus being a Grail Knight would help with dealing with the more physical challenges.
Current canon also has Mjolnir being a prison for a feminine cosmic fart and Odin being stalemated by an 70 pound cancer patient.
Considering it tricks things into thinking your pure of heart, it might help trick the blade for the final challenge. At least having all that goodness would make you more capable of succeeding the final challenge.
The scenario Reward makes you just like the Green Knight, who is already far stronger than any normal Grail Knight.
You can't even really say that they would stack since the actual green knight was a Grail Knight before he became the Green Knight.
Main Chain:
Writer Chain:
Doctor's Companion:
If you take a similar quirk to a character in My Hero Academia can you choose to be their relative?
Pair of gauntlets meant for hand-to-hand combat? Could also help the Fists of the Heavens.
This is actually something I've been thinking about a lot lately aside from Divinity due to Katawa Shoujo turning out to be so musically focused. The songs keep changing though. Which is interesting in itself.
>Rip Van Winkle
>The Four Amigos
>And one just because it's a great song
Yknow what, that works. Thank you, user. It's simplier than "NEED TO BE ELABORATE FIST WEAPONS IN SIMILAR VEIN."
Imports for the Artifacts are now open for business.
It isn't actually as stupid as it sounds, still stupid but not quite that bad. Odin is, without tapping the Odinforce, weaker than Thor and presumably any who hold the hammer. Still stronger than most Asguardians with out it but the Odinforce is what makes him the strongest.
He still jobbed by not using the Odinforce but there is at least a half decent explanation for it if you look for one, then again if he was going to use the Odinforce to deal with her he would have snapped his fingers to deal with her from the start. Though why exactly he didn't do exactly that is also a mystery.
You're not becoming just like the Green Knight, you're succeeding him and gaining his powers. Those powers should stack with what you already have. Even if it doesn't, Grail Knight would help with both that one trial involving escaping through a forest filled with monsters while being pursued by a lord and his knights and dogs, as well as any other difficulties or enemies you'll face before becoming the Green Knight.
Yeah, and he also nearly died before becoming the Green Knight. The circumstances are different here.
I'm 90% sure he was shooting Odinforce lasers at her during that fight, but I can't remember exactly.
how far along is alchemicals?
Starting a chain, and I need 8 jumps.
Warhammer Fantasy: Bretonnia
Teen Titans.
Oh, in that case the fact that she could do anything resembling noticeable damage to him is a pile of bs.
Food Fight
Garzey's Wing
Johnny Test
The Room
Warhammer Fantasy: Orks and Goblins
Godzilla The animated series
SCP Foundation
Boomkins were really fun. They were probably fastest caster to level as. Dropping a meteor on things really was fun.
So are we looking at Gameplay artifacts or Lore artifacts?
Do you have that list copy pasted or something? You always suggest those jumps when someone asks for them.