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Journey to the West: What kind of character do you plan to bring to our newest game?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Journey to the West: What kind of character do you plan to bring to our newest game?
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I want to make a famous blonde-haired, blue-eyed Ulfen guide of the Aganhei path who retired in Tianjin after falling madly in love with a Fox-Wife!
> I-it's a combat mech, not a toy, baka!
I'm playing games that aren't yours. Chances are that most posters are. I'll just tell you about who I'm making for my next game:
I'm bringing in a machine man who wants to protect all the organics' children, because no one else will.
>Journey to the West
>not Journey to the Wist
Small mounted characters are going to be something else in Starfinder, I tell you hwat.
>game explicitly set in paizo weebland
But are Katanas going to be considered Martial weapons or not?
Don't do this kind of shit, it's almost as bad as that time someone made a thread with Priscilla as the OP during TSS' run. This is just going to lead to accusations of overshilling and reactionary shilling from people that prefer Ensoulment, leading to reactionary shilling from people who dislike Ensoulment and so on so forth.
Let's put this name thing to bed:
They always are, aren't they?
Reminder to vote if you haven't
What's it like in the courts of the Boneyard?
They're like Bastard Swords, for whatever stupid reason. I guess someone with martial proficiency can always just get the Ioun Stone if they want to 1-hand it, but that's stupid.
Because katana are two-handed weapons in real life, and are just a little too heavy and long to use one-handed effectively (much like bastards).
Why don't was ask Mouse how well polls work here?
>Trying to build a character after getting introduced to the genre by 5e
So many options, jeez.
fair enough
Welcome to the hell and heaven of Pathfinder: So many options, so many of them not that good.
>hell and heaven
You're damn right
Everybody's freaking about the name, I feel like I'm the only losing it over
Don't worry, most of the options are total shit.
Tell your GM to use Elephant Tax (
Did Path of War errata ever come out?
Reminder to vote for short hair.
Fuck off, Woolie.
So it's something like this picture be acceptable in Starfinder?
Oh, my bad. For some reason I thought they were on the martial list. That's weird when the Eastern two-handed martial weapons contains the nodachi, a giant katana. Actually that whole list of two-handers look like exotic weapons. Sansetsukon is a three-jointed nunchaku. Some of their stats are also above and beyond the martial norm, nodachi being a 1d10 falchion with brace, and two 1d8 reach weapons having scythe crit multiplier.
Existential nothingness is very appropriate for Starfinder, user.
Short curly hair's the best, especially when it always seems a bit messy.
> when it did not include my picture
I support existential nothingness in Starfinder. In space, no one can hear you meme.
Looks pretty good, I'd say go for it.
As pointed out katana are martial if you wield them two handed, but exotic if you want to wield them one handed.
I prefer short, slicked back hair. It's exceptionally rare on women, but damn is it hot.
I've always wanted to play something like the power armor from Infinity but with a more fantasy flair to it!
> I want to fucking effeminate Guido boy
That sounds like it would only work on an angry Italian Tomboy with a boyish figure.
Nothing. Can't make the time slot.
But if I could I would have made a character based on the demon Boy Sage King, son of the Bull King, after he was subdued by Guan Yin. With the theme of struggling with the idea of righteousness against what is effectively righteous slavery by a supposed all-goid bohdisatta from the original novels.
Bond confirms, has the gay.
Friendly reminder that, due to the progressive ways of Starfinder's future, an Android man can have an entire cabinet full of special enhancements for the bedroom they can switch between on the fly.
This. This is exactly why we need /pgg/.
Here's the Feat Tree since it's kind of buried as one of the last links among many. It's by far the most accessible way to view feats for a newcomer. Being arranged under their prerequisites and listing a basic description is a big help for finding what's applicable for what your character's options are or searching out keywords you want the character to specialize in.
Some things like Style feats are missing, though, which is fucking annoying.
>The physical stature of half-giants lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a half-giant is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the half-giant is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-giant is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A half-giant can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefts of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
Can someone explain to me how the FUCK DSP thought this ability was okay? This is giving an entire Fighter archetype to a RACE at level one.
Fucking degenerates. Battle-brothers, do not let yourselves feel anything but contempt towards the enemies of the Empire.
I would rather sex up one of those big space lizards I bet they like it rough and fuck like a dire tiger
Can we talk about Ironfang invasion applicants? Who has the best reason to murder filthy goblins?
How do you handle the backstory of PC with long lifespans?
It's also missing Weapon Mastery feats (despite having Martial Focus), Weapon Trick, Equipment Trick, etc. It's got basics but after a certain date it's just spotty as hell for some reason.
Does starfinder even have an emperor or other monolithic ruler?
You make them cocksluts
>Can we talk about Ironfang invasion applicants?
No. Go away.
Get disk to ghostwrite
Because that archetype is shit.
Powerful Build is baseline +3.5 avg damage and +1 to CMB/CMD, which is what a feat should be worth more or less.
There's a reason we shit on Weapon Specialization.
Also, with Bloodforge, you can take it for a feat.
The Azlanti Star Empire presumably has an Emperor, possibly a clone of Aroden.
I make them far, far too young to be adventuring and see how long it takes for anyone to figure that out.
Depends. When playing an elf I tend to go with the school of thought that elves take a longer time perfecting something, so it's ok to say they spent 20 or so years perfecting the art of magic. As is, elves are still usually considered children until their first century or so. I tend to bring out a little more of the way that their long lifespan affects them in their personality, not as much their background.
By making them fall behind in training and that's why they aren't level 10 by the start of the game.
Scales aren't fun when they're rubbing up against your skin, shit's abrasive.
Here is the thing about a character with a long life span or immortality; they could spend a very long time studying and perfecting that one thing they're really into and they can take a lot of vacations. Sabbaticals are part of the learning process, you can say they have been studying abroad and generally observing things for the sake of learning and education. Or if they are less academically inclined p'raps they're going around studying hell other races fight so they learn how to be a better combatant. Maybe they are inclined towards nature and they want to learn more about other environments, their guardians and the dangers therein.
Just because they've lived a long time doesn't mean they were necessarily doing the high adrenaline life or death adventuring that your default player character does during a campaign.
I think DHB's Falafel handled it well by spending 2 centuries being a nihilistic hedonist.
>Age 17
Well first things first you need to oil them up
Follow the Asari model of maiden, matron, matriarch. Varying stages of maturity to inform your behavior.
DSP? That's WotC's, copy-and-pasted from one of the most balanced and well-received 3.5 books (save for the Soulknife). And it has significantly reduced effect because size bonuses on combat maneuvers are +1. You look ridiculous by objecting to this.
A 17 year old elf would likely still look like a child. That would be pretty messed up.
I want a middle-aged Lashuntan ojou-Sama going "ohohoho."
I usually make them young adults or teenagers. Like, by RAW my last two characters were supposed to be in their 60s, but I put them in their 20s on the assumption that they mature quickly, physically speaking.
The fun part is where one is in a party with a character of the same race, who IS in his 60s (I think he still is) and looks younger than my guy.
I just assume that elves spend about seventy years or so as some kind of mindless insectoid monstrosity before they molt into a sapient humanoid form.
Then you can't get a good grip on them, or they can't get a good grip on you. This sounds overly complicated.
That fucking face is unfathomably infuriating.
But that sounds perfect.
Personally, I've always seen it as a cultural thing where the first hundred years are them living within Elvish or Human society doing things like having kids or learning a trade. Hence feats like Breadth of Experience.
Oh no... the orcs... they're elves.
Andromeda was a flop of monumental proportions, it's okay.
>Not playing elves that age like humans until puberty
I guess that's okay if you like being lame.
Have her speak in a royal "we" type manner and always in third person.
What's lame about it? The child would still be brilliant, they'd just look like a child. You could be an adult and you'd have a child that may remember you when you were an infant. It's great roleplay material.
Rolled 5, 5 + 2 = 12 (2d10 + 2)
I'm happy with it; elves are born as grubs, pupate after a couple years into horrifying bug monsters, and decades later, molt into near-human beings.
Do they? I'm pretty sure elven society just has young people walking around at adult height, their minds just don't develop that fast. Other elves can distinguish them easily by the bright colors they wear and their Dora the Explorer backpacks.
Azlant is eternal, bend the knee or be destroyed.
...said the Thassilonian?
>Yu Jing scum
PanO for lyfe nigga
It's a cosmopolitan empire. Think of 3rd century Rome, where you've got Emperors from the provinces.
> why isn't everything like my disgusting fleshy meatbag hairless ape body
Enjoy never fucking anything except your hand with that disgusting humanocentricism. I bet God Emperor Aroden told you thathumanity is the Supreme Master race as well you xenophobe!
We still don't know their fluff. The empire may turn out to be a case of WE WUZ.
Because old kid elves are silly and make for really shitty options for interactions with shorter lived races. Fast-to-slow maturing elves leads to interesting options like elvish children being adopted by humans; in the slow-to-slow world that child would watch its parents die while it was still in diapers.
40Kfags are the only thing I really do fear in a transition to a Starfinder-focused general.
I play CA actually
It's never explicitly stated, but I feel like that also makes the Forlorn a little more able to be empathized with. If their best friends started dying even as they were still just children to a degree, that's pretty messed up.
So how jazzed is everyone about wasting space goblins in new and interesting ways?
user, everyone's assumed the Hellknights would be Space Marines since they were first revealed, the fact Hellknights base their operations out of mobile citadel-ships doesn't help.
Fuck yea
I'm from Absalom Station, and I say kill'em all!