Give it to me straight
How bad did 8th Edition fuck my glorious golden banana men?
How did the most OP faction in HH become one of the weakest factions in 40k?
Give it to me straight
How bad did 8th Edition fuck my glorious golden banana men?
How did the most OP faction in HH become one of the weakest factions in 40k?
They are weak as shit because nobody has played them yet in 8th. Wait a month for fuck sake jesus Christ.
The only OP thing about custodes in HH is their stupid hover-Sicarian. Beyond that there is not much particularly beastly about them, but a lot of dumb failures, like the shitty guardian spears, worthless Saggitarum, superfluous Pallas and non-Assault transport.
>but muh tankbune
Yeah, no, he's very hard to kill and that's it.
As for 8th, they look reasonable. Guardian spears are again kinda shit when compared to the sentinel blade, even with damage2 guns. Their biggest issue will be dealing with hordes,as rhey have a very low volume of attacks per model and few infantry erasers.
Here's to hoping FW will give us access to their custodes infantry and walker stuff in 40k. I could do without their vehicles.
>how is somethng that has stayed the exact same for 10000 years no longer the best
7th ed custodes vs 8th ed
>No deep strike rules when it's the only saving grace for many meele units.
>3 wounds are worth less in 8th ed than 2 wounds in 7th. Same thing can be said for 2+ armour.
>No 10 ld and fearless, we should be gratefull that it's not 8 ... wait, they actually ARE 8 ld with shield captain being 9 despite all of them being trained to fight and think as a lone warriors.
basically that it, no deep strike is the most problematic since it's even harder to meele in new ed without special rules and they have none
>how is somethng that has stayed the exact same for 10000 years no longer the best
If it would stay we would at least have all the fancy hover vechicles, dreadghnouts, and more than 1 variety of infantry.
FW could make rules for 40k, but GW with talons of emperor said specifically that they don't produce them anymore.
How do you figure the spears are worse than the swords?
Swords can be used with stormshields (or knives, if you're weird), spears can't. For a cheap 3++ giving up +1S is a no-brainer.
On top of that the built-in gun in the sword is Pistol2, meaning it can be fired once you're stuck in, which helps with the tarpit problem at least a little.
I could do without the vehicles, honestly. They look nice, but their sleek forms don't match the custodes at all.
Now, Galatus/Achillus dreadnougts, Sagittarum and Aquilon terminators on the other hand...
Their LR is nice, though it costs a shitload of points. 2+/5++/6+FnP is pretty good for a transport.
Wait, did they confirm no more plastic custodes? When? I'm beginning to fear we will never see a codex.
The vehicles don't fit custodes at all. I just want to run a full army of custodes with deep strike, like gk terminators do.
I was so concerned with the loss of deep strike and parry that I didn't even notice the loss of fearless. Fuck gw.
They are now worth less than a unit of gk paladins.
No hq. Yet they are still troops.
Do they want me to run ridiculous minimaxed imperial detachments with custodes as troops and paladins as elites? wtf
Just wait for Custodes Prime.
Still better than Grey Knights besides their huge point sink requirement
Custodes are designed to be a powerful super elite addition to an existing army than a full fledged force; used to provide a force multiplier and tackle special tasks while the main army (Guard, SM, GK's etc) do the bulwark.
Think of them as being like the Temple Assassins.
Why do you say they are a point sink? It seems to me that they cost about the same as a unit of terminators or paladins, while not having deep strike and psychic abilities.
I love the models but the new rules are a little discouraging. Especially the lack of an HQ.. Now we cannot have a pure custodes detachment and this is really grinding my gears
Yes, everything for custodes outside that one kit will be FW.
Can you please provide source?
Will we at least get official rules for 8th?
Pretty sure they were dumbed down to make Nustartes look better.
Not to mention the Grey Knights inevitable "Primariztion"
Take Girlyman, paint him like this and you're good.
As for the GK thing, none of them has access to stormshields on the cheap or extra-hard LRs.
This right here. They are not designed to be an elite standalone army in 40k, rules wise or fluffwise.
They are designed to augment an existing force much like scions which was why it was weird as fuck to every IG player ever when they made that minidex for allies that people were trying, and generally failing, to run them as standalone.
Some FW guy at some official event a while back.
And we do have official rules for 8th, right here. It's not going to get more detailed, I suspect.
I mean rules for FW models
Of all the possible, reason, that's the least likely, as Custodes happily shit all over Chadmarines
You will get rules only for the stuff thats usable in 40k when FW releases their indexes. Most of their stuff I feel will remain in 7.5th for HH.
Oh, we know their vehicles won't get rules and neither will the jetbikes or anything with a deathlaser like Sagittarum, on account of none of that stuff working anymore.Basically, maybe dreads and maybe terminators and nothing beyond that. And even that I have my doubts.
user termies are point sinks.
Being unspecialised, expensive and in a grab filled meta knee capped them.
Nigga what?
They were expensive, weak and poorly optimised for u
My medusas laugh in their general direction
Or maybe that's launch ID plates.
Scoria is op. the custodi are a small squad for more than a thallax cohort and with less utility.
In a game where you will see stupid unbalanced lists.
God the sheer thiccness of that claim concerns me
I hate that Custodes have become officially playable. I liked them better as unknowabley powerful warriors that are above the squabbles of the galaxy. Having to make them balanced with all the other armies makes them lame and ruins the mystique.
Their new designs suck to.
I thought you were comparing them to GK termies, np. I'm still hoping elite armies will be viable in this meta, but I have my doubts. Starting from command points, where a low model count bars you from having 6+/9+ points
I am a different user, user
You forgot them being a marines +1 army.
Just like deatwatch, gray knights and primaries.
Way to make them unique.
I also hate the retcon about their black armor in 40k
I don't think so.
While the command points might be of issue I can't see them undercutting their Chad marines by making elite forces bad.
At the very least they might give you chaffed squads like henchmen, sobs, storm troopers and maybe some adepts or some shit.
It goes against the the big hitters trend they've had, I've heard in AoS that heavies are preferable.
Your bananas may not be so lucky. But the again you can resign your self to beer and pretzels like me.
(I play finns in FOW and guard here)
>tfw not sure if I want to make one of these
I suppose they needed to explain it in some way, especially since the gold armour has been a thing since the pic related book series.
Yeah, I've been wondering myself. Might be col, but the kit is pretty expensive and one of the models in it is pretty bland.
>Emps has crux terminatrus
Bahahhaha that looks retarded.
Doesn't make sense either.
Honestly I'll just use Valdor's model as a counts-as for Guilleman, if I did want to field him, along with my dreads. I started Custodes for 30K cause I love the way they look.