So, half-giants.
Could a male giant fuck a woman without killing her?
Could a male human fuck a giantess and satisfy her?
So, half-giants.
Could a male giant fuck a woman without killing her?
Could a male human fuck a giantess and satisfy her?
How big is a giant?
10/11 feet, 15 feet or 20 feet.
>Could a male human fuck a giantess and satisfy her?
Just like human women, only the first eight inches matters, so you should be fine.
> Could a male human fuck a giantess and satisfy her?
Truly, the hand is wondrous invention.
Maybe giants are like gorillas and they have absolutely tiny penises and vaginas. If so it could definitely work as long as the human is on top.
This too
Up to 15 isn't too big but you might have to get creative at 20.
There's always the good old Enlarge Person spell. Enlarge Penis is a skill.
enlarge person spells
>cast Enlarge Person
>wears off during penetration
Giants use humans for sex, but it's like the thing with the hamsters and the tubes
Holy fucking shit.
Saving it and going to deploy it every time I see a thread making fun of gnomes from now on.
Jesus fucking Christ.
>justifiable gnomicide.jpg
>people abuse & hate us for no reason.
>let's give them a reason.
muslims aren't exactly known for being bankers.
or promoting interracial breeding.
If normal game then depends on size of giant
If erotic game then depends on GM/Player fetishes
Clearly the answer to the second is "yes", how else would your pic have happened.
As for the first, it depends on how big and how "big" the giant is.
>Could a female human fuck a giantess?
Yes, and she'd probs do a better job than a human male. They both end up having to use their hands anyway and the female knows how a vaj works.
>Could a male human fuck a male giant?
As long as its oral. Tryna do butt stuff will either end in disappointment or grisly, prolapse-y death.
>Inb4 this entire thread is deleted because this discussion belongs on /d/ not Veeky Forums.
Well we were simply discussing the mechanics of half breed races and procreation between species, something that can be considered part of world building for the purpose of playing an rpg if you wanted to include half giants, but you decided to drag sex for pleasure into this instead of leaving it as an objective discussion on the possibility of crossbreeding. Thank you degenerate, thank you.
>Thinking you need to stick it in to crossbreed
>Not thinking of artificial insemination
>Not thinking of them just getting the seed out of the male and putting it in the female
>Putting /d/ levels of thought into crossbreeding
Do you also wonder how a burning golden ring with fourteen eyes along its outer circumference has a baby with a human male/female to produce an aasimar?
So Jewgnomes?
Theoretically. The potential for Lenny-ing her is high tho.
Depends on the guy. Probably feel like the ol hotdog/hallway saying for 90% of them.
You are assuming that is the form taken by divine beings, this is not necessarily accurate. Also, you are comparing a pysical being to a spiritual being. Unless they have developed modern technology the only way for giant crossbreeds to happen is most settings is for someone to stick a cock in it.
>Not actually reading my post
>Not actually reading OP's post asking if a human man could "satisfy" a giantess
>Thinking holy spirits of goodness would lower themselves to take on an impure human form
>Not realising the fallacy of anthropomorphism for divine beings is a human construct we use to make fundamentally alien beings more relatable
>Not asking if a human could satisfy an angel
Go play fatal you terrible excuse for a human being
Why did those morons kill a bunch of prostitutes when they could have avoided the problem by using a female ogre?
But that wouldn't be edgy enough user.
Females only want male ogre dick. Not puny human peenies.
I'm not sure female ogres exist in Arcanum. They are assumed to exist in some in-game books, but only in a speculators manner. Every single half ogre is male, too (also referenced in a book so it's not just Troika never making a model for the female half ogre in the way that there should have been many female Turians in the first two Mass Effects.)
...That raises some obvious questions about how ogres normally reproduce, but fair enough-- can't use a female ogre if there are no female ogres.
Maybe ogres are a male-only species?
Spores or they're like some tubers and sprout new bodies from lost bodyparts.
>The Jew is killing hookers to breed subhuman bodyguards to protect his banking wealth!
>Okay, this sounds fine, you're in the roster of CRPG classics
Was this literally written by /pol/?
>Could a male giant fuck a woman without killing her?
>Could a male human fuck a giantess and satisfy her?
will they ever learn?
They have full blooded ogres already but they are more like beasts. They want half-ogres who are intelligent and obedient.
They could have just as easily boiled it down to "Gnomes are experimenting with ogres and humans to create useful minions." Without recounting the entire story of mr. X.
the older style RPGs always abided by the mantra of "more lore is better lore"
yes and yes.
>we have seen cunts so big you can fit a whole arm or a man's head inside
>we have seen dicks so tiny and thin they are a standalone argument for voluntary Euthanasia
Are you sure "X" wasn't "Hands"?
>we have seen dicks so tiny and thin they are a standalone argument for voluntary Euthanasia
I'm surprised they stand at all desu
But you have to admit they're much more likely to be alone when they do.
Hagrid mom used his dad as a living dildo, from the inside he could easily stimulate her. The problem being the insemination of the giant woman, Hagrid dad just had to use expeliaramus on his semen to send the future kid directly to the egg
For a giant male though I have trouble imaginating it, unless he have a smaller penis than the average giant the woman will have some trouble
Then how could they possibly breed with a human to produce a half ogre?
>go to the Tarant Times after this sidequest to report everything
>the "what a scoop!" human reporter was replaced
>... by a gnome
Fucking Arcanum. What a trip.
>Could a male giant fuck a woman without killing her?
Yes, but not with his dick.
>Could a male human fuck a giantess and satisfy her?
Yes, but not with his dick.
>taking the bait
>like a hamster eating a banana