Forking DAG cryptos for a Veeky Forums currency

is DAG the paradigm of the future?
why not making a Veeky Forums fork of something like byteball to have something like in the good old times of dogecoin?
after all it doesn't cost anything, right?
yeah, i know about Chancoin, but it was too old for 2017, we need something completely fresh instead

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a nigger playing achilles? Jesus fucking Christ britcucks.

As a hugeadmirer of Ancient Greece I find your pic offensive and request that you don't start threads with bait images in future.
Thanks in advance.

>pic related
what a fucking joke

kek, token nigger destroys another classic

What's with BBC casting black men to replace Wh-

Oh wait

kill yourselves retarded /pol/acks. nothing you posted has anything to do with Veeky Forums. nice /pol/bait though OP

i picked the first picture in the folder
now let's talk about the fork
anybody who can fork that shit?
i know how to make a btc fork but not that

Besides being a nig, he looks like a generic mook
Brad Pitt as Achilles sold you the half-god hero
this guy looks like he's about to take a spear to the face in five minutes

kek, cry more plebbit

Why the fuck is Achilles a nigger? BBC enslaved to the BBC.

Fuck off tumblr faggot

Retards like you are so annoying
Some rich crypto Veeky Forumsraeli should buy Veeky Forums off hiro and start a wide-range ban policy on "back to /pol/" posts
Could also remove the malware ads...

I dont get like black people depicted as Greek demi gods??

>new troy series
>achilles played by a nigger
the absolute state

Greeks were black.

>Token nigger...'s worse

le epic biz centrist
Bet you're playing with NEETbux larping as a big stock broker boy.

They wuz all

Holy fuck! This is just unbelievable.

From a blonde Brad Pitt to a Nigger in 13 years.

So they have niggers playing every single character, and then Aphrodite is a white roastie?
Britcucks are too much, wipe them out

>token white person is becoming a thing
I miss the old timeline

>ultimate state of britain racial cuckcery

Imagine being home invaded to make sure you pay for your telly in vpcase you refuse to finance the cultural prostitution of your country.
That's why I have my hopes on biz at least anons can into cryptos and outjewing the jews.
Of course user,aphrodite must remain true to character how else would you justify the enrichment if all the heroes are black.
Also i wanna hear how "where are the white wimmin at" sounds in ancient greek when they charge to assault troy

They only one I'm ok with is the casting of Zeus, because he is black irl

The casting director is Victor Jenkins