Help me to fluff out a Space Marine chapter based on Sumerian culture, Veeky Forums
Help me to fluff out a Space Marine chapter based on Sumerian culture, Veeky Forums
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Chaos Squats, so basically just use non-Primaris marines.
That's Assyrians
The have manly buttsex, following the example of Gilgamesh and Enkidu
The story of Gilgamesh is about a demi god being humbled, maybe the chapter is on a crusade to atone for a past failure?
I like this idea.
What would their past failure have been?
Their purity seals are on little ceramite tablets instead of paper.
I want to fuck Gilgamesh.
Something to do with arrogance, of course. Something something, because of the Chapter Master/Founders arrogance, his greatest friend and brother died
Enkidu died of a wasting disease, Something nurglish?
Scouts are marines serving a punishment
holy shit, thank you user.
May Gilgamesh spot us.
Bows. Lots of bows
Under the leadership of their Chapter Founder and Master, they rebuked the temptations and of offers of alliance from a Slaaneshi Warband known as the Sons of Ishtar, who saw in their pride the seed of Slaanesh. For their temerity, the Sons of Ishtar released a terrible chimaeric beast upon them. The Chapter Master and his second did battle with the beast alone and overcame it, but it's terrible poisons led to the wasting ignoble death of the Chapter Master's second, his greatest friend and brother. Stricken with grief for his arrogance (what may have happened if they had not challenged the beast alone for prides sake?), the Chapter Master placed the chapter on eternal crusade to seek penance and true immortality through doing great deeds in the name of the Emperor.
The chapters scouts are actually their elites, and are highly skilled marksmen. They wander the galaxy seperate from the chapter fleet, seeking monsters to slay and wars for the Chapter to wage. They're sort of analogous to Eldar rangers.
The text at the bottom of the image makes it great
The Chapter Master should be shirtless.
Just pure hulking muscle and curly hair.
Their infantry advance in phalanxes using heavy ablative ceramite boarding shields and bolters
The Chapter acknowledges the purity of human form, and when not training with their arms and armor (which is admittedly rare), often go about almost naked save for a loin cloth
they search for a tech priest, one who's been around since the days of the great crusade, now overseeing a factory/oceanic world, trapped behind a warp storm.
He is rumored to be knowledgeable of how to turn a dreadnought into a standard marine.
Going through wikipedia...
>An early founding to account for how old sumerian civ is.
>Their homeworld is in the midst of an otherwise barren cluster or star system. Two stable warp routes lead to the rest of the Imperium. It is called Ki-En-Gi, meaning "place of the noble lords". These barren surroundings might have been the work of a xenos invasion named in the archives as "The Flood".
>The sumerians called themselves "black-headed people". This could be adapted to the helmet's colors? Lapis-lazuli and copper and obsidian were valued... copper and blue pattern?
>Place's names to rip off. Several cool ones.
>The chapter-monastery is patterned as a gigantic ziggurat, perhaps even looking like the Tower of Babel itself. Ziggurat-looking hives surround it?
>The chapter master is called "Ensi" or "Lu-Gal", and the Council of Elders may be formed by the numerous Chaplains or the 1st Company.
>One famous brother was Sargon the Great. He pulled the chapter through after the Flood ended. His Helmet is an artifact patterned after the mask of Sargon of real life.
>Swords weren't used in war. Perhaps the chapter uses power lances with detachable blades for close-quarters? Axes also available.
>Battle-plates marked by cuneiform glyphs.
>Possible symbol on top left
I would counter their homeworld, or homeworlds, should be a cluster of Agriworlds in an otherwise barren system - the Sumerians were a riverine people who were among the first to successfully cultivate grain in sufficient amounts to establish civic centers. I like the idea of an ancient 'flood' of xenos that stripped the other words. Could have been a Tyranid Splinter, could have been early Necrons, could have been something unknown.
Each of their Force Commanders assumes the 'identity' of an ancient great hero, donning their helm and mask when they assume the mantle of command. In this way their legendary heroes are undying god figures who still walk among them.
Rather than swords, what about bolters with Bayonets, and large slab like ceramite boarding shields?
So basically the chaos counterpart of Minotaurs?
>I would counter their homeworld, or homeworlds, should be a cluster of Agriworlds in an otherwise barren system
It could be more than one, yes... Perhaps they guard a fertile cluster of agri-worlds feeding one or more hive-worlds, the latter being their chapter home?
It could be a cluster very up or down in the galactic plane, quite exposed to the intergalactic space. This is why there is a "desert" around. The Flood was a xenos from outside, but tyranids are too recent. I like Necrons, they fit the mythology of an very old Flood. Interstellar "Grey Goo" Scarab Swarms?
>Each of their Force Commanders assumes the 'identity' of an ancient great hero, donning their helm and mask when they assume the mantle of command. In this way their legendary heroes are undying god figures who still walk among them.
That's cool. Primarch masks, besides Sargon's?
>Rather than swords, what about bolters with Bayonets, and large slab like ceramite boarding shields?
Okay, but what are their melee weapons? That's what I was wondering. Or you mean bolters and bayonets as stand-ins for spears and bows?
I like it, but I'm not OP;
>Interstellar "Grey Goo" Scarab Swarms?
Some sort of Von Nueman archaeotech perhaps
Following with more ideas...
Pic shows another possible chapter symbol.
>Veterans simply add "Ur-" as a prefyx to their names.
>Records are too important to be left for servitors. Chapter serfs are trained as scribes.
>assyrian fashion
Yes. Like something cooked up by the Men of Iron during the fight against Humanity? A feral left-over weapon?
If you're going for heroes from around the area of Mesopotamia/Eastern Med, you could do a bunch of Semitic-speaking heroes through the ages. Sargon's one, Egyptian Hyksos dynasty for another, maybe David?
Bolters with Bayonets to replace spears and bows
Power lances
Sickle sword power swords/Combat 'knives'
Chain Axes
Possibly even something completly benign, like a recycling system that was originally used to terraform the worlds. Or a weapon left over from the DAOT, used in some long forgotten war.
Agree with what the other anons have said.
Make them thousand son loyalist successors, it'll go cool with the theme.
>The five "first" cities, said to have exercised pre-dynastic kingship "before the flood":
>Eridu (Tell Abu Shahrain)
>Bad-tibira (probably Tell al-Madain)
>Larsa (Tell as-Senkereh)
>Sippar (Tell Abu Habbah)
>Shuruppak (Tell Fara)
The lost worlds of the system
>Uruk (Warka)
>Kish (Tell Uheimir & Ingharra)
>Ur (Tell al-Muqayyar)
>Nippur (Afak)
>Lagash (Tell al-Hiba)
>Girsu (Tello or Telloh)
>Umma (Tell Jokha)
>Adab (Tell Bismaya)
>Isin (Ishan al-Bahriyat)
The remaining fertile worlds of the system, each playing host to their own company that recruits from them exclusively.
The remaining company is the elite scout company, made of a curious mix of veterans and penitents. It draws it's numbers from the other 9 companies.
I particularly feel that deviates from OP's proposal. Someone mentioned Gilgamesh. The sumerian pantheon could offer inspirations.
The cloth fits well with them.
>Bolters with Bayonets to replace spears and bows
>Power lances
>Sickle sword power swords/Combat 'knives'
>Chain Axes
Ok, but if you had to portray a single marine, which one would he have?
Were it up for me, I would have the power version of this axe Loved the design.
>The Mesopotamian flood stories concern the epics of Ziusudra, Gilgamesh, and Atrahasis. In the Sumerian King List, it relies on the flood motif to divide its history into preflood (antediluvian) and postflood periods. The preflood kings had enormous lifespans, whereas postflood lifespans were much reduced. The Sumerian flood myth found in the Deluge tablet was the epic of Ziusudra, who heard the Divine Counsel plan to destroy humanity, in response to which he constructed a vessel that delivered him from great waters. In the Atrahasis version, the flood is a river flood.
The "Flood" might even have been the Horus Heresy itself, or specifically its warp storms, or... someone let loose archeotech forbidden weapons. The Flood might have been a phospex storm which somehow crossed interstellar space. Warp portals? Commandeered webway gates?
I like.
Pre-Magnus Thousand Sons.
The original marines could have TS loyalists which never went to Prospero. I believe someone like that is mentioned in the latest FG book.
If Tiger and Euphrates are the warp routes, the "Flood" was a sudden emergence of warp surges which had a catastrophic sinergy with the phospex someone let loose.
Their sword/weapon blades are treated to look like fresh/aged bronze. The more aged the blade looks denotes seniority.
Company Commanders each take the mask and identity of a founding hero of the chapter, the identity passed down the generations.
They are:
(these were all pre flood kings)
Sargon (Commander of 2nd company, current chapter master in absence of 1st company commander)
Gilgamesh (departed with 1st company on a penitent mission due to the pride of Magnus, seeking the secret of Resurrection in order to revive the Emperor. 1st company now elite scout company, eternally seeking lost chapter master)
Aquamarine blue Rhino transports with golden sphinx decorative filigree, also lions, lots of lions. Robes stolen off of Dark Angels.
Power spears, big shields, curly beards and Space marines riding archao-chariots pulled by griffin units stolen from Fantasy and painted to look like Hippogriffs. Also homolust because Sumerians were huge gays before it was a thing.
Their ziggurat buildings would descend from Prospero's pyramidal architecture?
The use of scribe serfs seems to fit with TS.
You mean the oldest weapons would look green?
How about "ordinary" blades are copper-colored, and the best ones are bronze-colored?
Go look at a canon chapter, then come back with a paint scheme that doesn't have that ridiculous banding that you people keep insisting on
They are sworn enemies of the Sanguine Shields
Aspirants who fail to become brothers but survive become scribes
Destiny chose them not to make history, but to record it as observers.
What did he mean by this
was there a hidden message
Okay now look at the belt, knees, wrists, and elbows
Notice anything?
Something it wanted to communicate through it's screeching
'reeee i can't paint reee'
the world will never know
Oh you're stupid, gotcha.
It's probably for the best. It most likely wasn't anything very smart.
You've missed the most important element of a Sumerian ripoff
>Power Beards
Point out the differently painted belt, knee pads (other than unit, chapter, personal identification) elbow pads, wrist joints, and collar.
Go ahead, show me where. And if you do find it, tell me if you think it looks good
This thread makes me want to start anothe Space Marine army.
Did OP participate in this thread at all?
I did. I was bouncing off peoples fluff ideas and also posting bara Gilgamesh
Because Bara is Better than FSN Gil.
Fate Gil personality in Bara Gil Body go pls
Oh okay.
What did you settle for?
looks like he injected synthol into his pecs
Tshirts, shorts, rubber ring, beach towel and a beach umbrella. There.
Scheme should be brown except the torso and the thigh, use a light brown in there.