Don't forget, Veeky Forumsnessmen: This is the path you chose. You could've researched and invested in stocks like a sane person; you could've got a job and actually EARNED money, but you wanted to gamble on imaginary currencies that don't need to exist. You chose to take these losses.
Don't forget, Veeky Forumsnessmen: This is the path you chose...
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry but I'd rather not waste my life wagecucking and making money for someone else.
you do realize that people spend part of their lives working for other people in the hopes that they one day learn enough to be their own boss and hire other people to work for them?
or has no one on Veeky Forums ever told you that, and it therefore never crossed your mind? you sound like a fucking 12 year old.
don't have a job to go to wagecuck?
boomer detected
I remember when my mouth tasted like cock
you will also remember that one time you lost all your money in a week by doing nothing, and then had to go back to sucking dick to pay rent
How fucking MAD are you right now, coincucks? (Assuming you haven't all comiiteed suicide yet)
Looks like us nocoiners got the last laugh, huh?
they're gonna spend months in denial, claiming that this is still the future and actual money is "an obsolete thing of the past," clinging to the hope that some guy who has tons of actual money will take their shitcoin to the moon so they can buy that lambo they saw on tv, only for him to dump it again and send them right back to the poor house
the rest of the world will continue to function and prosper as it has for millenia - by going and and getting the things we want and need instead of waiting for it to be handed to us through luck and laziness
it's literally nothing, not even november numbers. hoping for a reset for mad gains.
Jokes on you user, I fap in the shower cuz im not a dirty wojak
wow no coiners still exist.
but then you're old and gross
i still have coins, but i have no reason to post pink wojacks. my investment was a small fraction of a months income - i couldnt care less if it disappears. im not saying that people are stupid for trying to make money on this shit, just that there are people who went full retard for betting everything and hoping to get rich on zero effort and they deserve to starve to death in the streets while "normies" walk right by them without a second glance
Lol, luck and laziness? Both of you are just jealous as fuck, simple.
I spent a shitload of time on learning everything I can about crypto and learning how to analyse markets. It has made me 600k within the past 4 months. I cashed out yesterday and i'm gonna enjoy life.
Stay mad cucks.
To all my fellow coinbro's, GL.
i'm glad you were smart enough to do the right things with your money, but your not the kind of person i was talking about. the people who blindly follow whatever is being shilled here and lose their money; the people who FOMO'd in in the last few weeks knowing nothing aside from people were making money on the internet; the people who mortgaged their houses and spent their parents money and lost it immediately - theyre the ones i'm talking about. easy come, easy go
The audacity of you fucking retards. You come here sharing tips and analysis of crypto, when it's just a roll of the fucking dice. You're like a sad old booze hound that thinks he's got a great method for winning the coin slots. You all think you're Jordan Belfort. If you weren't £1000 deep in crypto by 2014 you're a fucking victim. If you haven't already lost most of your money, you're going to at one point. Even the photos you post of your "14k portfolio", you're not kidding anyone. Spend 10k, up 4k one day, down 4k the next. This should not be a business and finance thread it should be a help thread for problem gamblers. You're fucking pathetic. You're lazy. You have nothing going in in life. That's why you choose crypto currency. You're all too lazy to invest in real business ventures. Take me for example, a real entrepreneur. I've been buying and selling cars since I was 17. It's paid my bills for 6 years. Just this morning I bought a "spares or repairs" listing for £150. Got it running after a quick reference of the hanes manual and an hour on YouTube. Same car, similar age and millage are selling for £4500 on autotrader. Night just sell it for £4000, for a quick sale. Even if I buy a car that is truly fucked, it still has scrap value, real physical value. What do you have? Nothing. Ive also put the deposit on a car that cost 3300 but will sell for 5000 easily. And all that took was 15 mins looking for a good deal. Last year I used only £8000 to buy my uncle a van and tolls for his landscaping business, for which I'm getting £1200 per month cash for zero effort. No sleepless nights. No spending hours each day following trends (100% pointless task) and now I'm looking to buy a small piece of low grade land for forestry operations. You idiots really have no idea about business or finance. I hope bitcoin crashes to 1k most of you fucking hang yourself. Worthless posers.
Jesus christ calm down pastaman.
Well in that case, I completely agree. These people will learn the hard way though.
t. boomer
Times change you fucking retard. For the vast majority of people, conventional ways of making money are nothing but dead ends. A rat race.
Fucking moron. So many people made so much more money than you could ever hope to make on stocks.
Fucking salty idiot you're just happy to see it crashing because you didn't buy any months or years ago. Shut the sweet fuck up, you godforsaken waste of flesh.
This is coming from someone who missed the boat. Just fucking shutup you reject.
>For the vast majority of people, conventional ways of making money are nothing but dead ends. A rat race.
>So obviously the thing to do is throw that dead end money at a non-physical asset based entirely on speculation.
Stocks and investing is just the same rat race taking place on a nicer track. The rule for investing is exactly the same for gambling:
Don't bet what you can't afford to lose.
Why does it matter if we gamble on imaginary currencies or on stocks? Are you retarded?
go to bed already gramps
>Breathes in
See ya on the next bull fucking boomer trash. Now go lick your boss' cock. Your wife's son needs money for his new buttplug
Why are you so mad, friend?
Cryptocurrencies have always been a bubble waiting to pop. It's funny watching all of this because that's what happens when you invest in numbers on a screen.
>b-but it's based on a physical asset b-be-because, uh, the electricity it takes to mine it!
That gives me a chuckle every time.
Face it, once bitcoin went over a thousand dollars, it was never about using it as an actual currency and became a way just to make money. Like any pyramid scheme, the sooner you get in, the more you make, and eventually the pyramid is going to collapse.
t. rich at 75 right at the moment your hearth is failing
It's good to learn from others, but some other people like me wanted to be the ruler of our own destiny since the beginning. Maybe it's in our DNA.
Dumb thread. I make 127k from my job a year.
>Cryptocurrencies have always been a bubble waiting to pop.
>What's capitalism?
That's why all you can aspire to be in this life is a fucking bootlicker. Now gtfo grandpa.
nice boomer shit, they want to replace you with cheap labour from a dirt world shithole that will work for a fraction of the cost and have no recourse against them for poor working conditions
wagcucking is a race to the bottom
what did it taste like?? any good? been thinking of sucking my friend's cock lately
wut, still running strong at 12.6k faggot. When its 1k then you can laugh
>he doesn't understand the difference
This is why the world is in such a shitty predicament. Your grandpa worked hard for a living, probably killed some japs, and obviously got laid enough to got your granny impregnated at least once. He had to work hard for everything he had.
Meanwhile you want to live the good life simply by putting money into numbers on a screen, without any actual work or contribution of your own.
I'm sorry you're too lazy and completely unskilled in the real world to get a job that pays you enough to live comfortably, just like the rest of the millennials who can't get jobs. But good thing bitcoins exist, so you don't have to work at McDonald's anymore.
Of course, if BTC keeps falling, maybe you'll be getting me my fries in the not too distant future, eh? ;^) But chances are likely you'll forget to not add pickles, but you'll expect to get paid $15 an hour.
Of course they want to replace you with cheap labor, because all you want to do is party on the weekends and make money off of nothing.
What are you actually good at in the real world that makes you a useful member of a productive society?
Besides, you forget that everything, including your precious pseudo-money, is rigged in favor of the corporations. The house always wins in the end.
I never said it was based on anything. I never said it was going to last. I said you're a fucking salty idiot because you didn't buy in and make immeasurable gains like a lot of people here did, fucking moron.
I said you're a salty fucking moron who didn't get in on free 100's of times return and now you think you're a fucking genius for stating the obvious that everyone else knew.
Stay mad that a lot of people here made a fortune you fucking idiot. You're just mad you didn't buy in early and make out like a bandit, fuck you people are so obvious.
seriously such a clownshoe fucking faggot.
Glad to know thousands of people here made a fucking fortune off this in spite of faggots like you touting their investment brilliance. Fucking turd
not speaking for everyone obviously, but im not mad about anyone making tons of money - good for them, and if you did, good for you. im also not mad about the weed/crack/heroin dealers on my block making money standing in front of their buildings - get money as quick as you can, by any means necessary; but dont fucking complain when it comes back to bite you on the ass.
i made this thread to remind people that this crash isnt some divine intervention or sudden magical catastrophe. people have to own up to their own decisions and losses instead of posting a million pink wojacks. we get it, you were fucking stupid and lost all your money betting on the wrong digital horse at the wrong time - now shut the fuck up and think of a way to get it back. or better yet, actually fucking kill yourselves.
Barely fucking anybody here lost money on crypto you slow-witted fuck. I bought in two weeks ago and i've over doubled my investment and pulled back into fiat for now.
Stay fucking salty you absolute mong
First of all, I'm not even the same guy, if you were calm enough to look at the IDs, you would recognize this. Look at the differences between our posts. I don't think I'm the one who's in a rage.
>the number of times you use salty
Jesus dude, just shut the fuck up for a second, take a deep breath and just calm down. There's no reason why I should be making you this butthurt, especially if it is just a nothing dip, unless you're projecting.
We get it, you don't like people who actually do something that nets them enough money to live comfortably without having to invest in lines-of-code on a computer screen because bitcoins (something you can't use as """currency""" outside of the internet) are your only way of making an income outside of fast food.
With attitudes like this, I almost can't blame corporations for wanting to import mexicans to do work, because they actually work instead of sitting in front of a computer screen with a superiority complex.
Remember: Breathe in, breathe out and it'll be okay.
I'm glad they made a fortune too, just like I'm glad that some people made money out of Enron before it fell.
>touting their investment brilliance.
Because they put their real money in meme money? Again, I'm happy for them just like I'm happy for people who had their money in Enron and cashed out in time.
At least the bitcoin soyboys can quit their jobs at Hot Topic now.
Larping is fun
>made all this money and he's still this mad
maybe if you had a job or something to do outside of look at numbers on a screen and shitpost you'd be a more well adjusted individual. money can't buy a decent personality, as you've clearly demonstrated. good luck in the future, bub - you sound like you're gonna need it
Fuck you are such a complete faggot LOL
well, i got a job this whole time, and i just made a extra year of income.
Die boomer DIE DIE DIE DIE
>you chose to take those losses
A fucking fraction of people here lost money you festering anal wart. Shut the fuck up and go back to muh precious metulz
Free will doesn't exist, you were doomed from start buddy
>it's melted down into just shitpost spamming
I don't know how you expect me to feel anything except pity. If you were planning to actually make me feel inferior or pissed off or something, the first rule is to not act like some welfare recipient's spoiled, obnoxious 2-year-old. You're supposed to be the better man so you can subconsciously enforce superiority in the one you're arguing with. You had a good thing going there, but you killed it.
For someone who seems be "so rich", you act so poor. Please grow up and act in your class for once, will you?
>I'm So Fucking Mad: The Posts
Fuck's sake, what is wrong with you people, you go into panic mode the moment someone even mentions doing a job.
As I said before, I am sorry you are all unskilled and are not capable of performing jobs that would net you enough money to make a comfortable living. I can't help but feel bad for the guys who had to be your boss in whatever your previous occupation was, if you've ever had one.
>inb4 more all-caps saying i'm the angry one
Nobody here has earned money, it's all larp
Take some tips from my boy Terry Rimmer instead:
>This is the path you chose.
At least I've had a free will.
>You could've researched and invested in stocks like a sane person;
Is this bait?! Stocks are overvalued and risky. Also your gains are way worse. Blue chips like Apple didn't even gain you more than 40% p.a. It takes you FOREVER to get some money.
>you could've got a job and actually EARNED money,
PFFFAAHAHAHA Most jobs und businesses are meaningless. All that matters is making money.
>but you wanted to gamble on imaginary currencies that don't need to exist. You chose to take these losses.
Go and buy some worthless metals, boomer shit.
>grow up
says the "mature adult" POSTING ON FUCKING Veeky Forums LOL
>hurr durr my bank account is so real
>le hard work meme
kys already
>At least I've had a free will.
you could've chosen from a multitude of jobs that make lots of money, and plenty of them aren't hard/demanding. unless you live in a third world shit hole, you had plenty of options. you also had the option to not be terrible at english.
>Most jobs und businesses are meaningless
like the programmers who made the technology that you've been betting on, or the companies that run the exchanges you use to buy and sell these coins?
not even sure why im replying to you when its pretty obvious you're even fucking dumber than the salty poster
I think about you in ten years wasting away in a nursing home as all your “real” money is sucked away by the nursing home and no one comes to visit you and you eventually die alone hopefully with an adult diaper full of piss. Fuck you no one will shed a tear, boomer.
can you go to an ATM and withdraw bitcoins to buy food? can you pay for gas with LTC or any of the other fucking shitcoins on the market?
this is the problem: you think this internet money is any different from your bank account, when the fact of the matter is the only difference is that you can lose it all overnight and have no way to get it back. get a grip on reality, you're only hurting yourself
tfw been lurking for a month now, just yesterday wanted to deposit the money.
Fiat to BTC/ETH local exchange site which has low fees doesn't work around Christmas and now can't do shit since all sites for fiat to crypto require ID.
Tbh mixed feelings
>you could've chosen from a multitude of jobs that make lots of money
Let's see. I could make a shitton of money and live free or I could sit 40 hours in a fucking office. Hmmm.
its a shame you cant get in now while everything is cheap, but its not too late. keep an eye on the market and read about whats going on until you can get it. just be cautious when you do and dont throw in more than you can afford to lose - you'll end up a pink wojack
>the entire world works in an office
you are so fucking deluded its almost scary. if i wasn't on Veeky Forums i'd be worried. i have nothing left to say to you except good luck and go fuck yourself
well only chance is a BTC ATM which has a fee around 8%-9% I believe, the exchange site I think has 3-5%, but I am thinking is it worth it going to town to get that dip.
I actually can pay with BTC in a restaurant near my home. Also my boss is considering to accept BTC payments.
>says the "mature adult" POSTING ON FUCKING Veeky Forums LOL
So that means you are a kid and bitcoin is for children. Good to know.
Oh, nice double post, I see you couldn't get enough of me.
>le hard work meme
The only reason anything exists is because somebody had to put in hard work. I make a decent living at my job, and I am sorry that you are incapable of doing anything that makes you enough money to survive.
kys first
Did this become a YLYL thread?
How else am I supposed to react from such drivel? The fact that I have made that much of an impression on your life speaks volumes.
Yeah I get it. You're working at McDonald's when you're not LARPing on Veeky Forums.
its going to dip more in the next 24 hours, just wait
Face it boomer scum you’re going to die alone and poor in a nursing home. I only hope you know how much worse your generation deserves, but you’re a self obsessed boomer so I know you don’t. If we’re lucky there is a god and you will all suffer in hell for eternity.
>The only reason anything exists is because somebody had to put in hard work.
Are you american by any chance? Over 40?
Because you're "hard" work is so important to you. While I agree that it needs work to get shit done, it doesn't have to be complicated or hard. People like you will have an identity crisis when machines take over the job market.
>I make a decent living at my job
Why should I even care about "your job"? You sound like Roger Ver who thinks he's the king because he got some money. It's good for you that you're successful and happy with your work but why should I care?
>and I am sorry that you are incapable of doing anything that makes you enough money to survive.
Yep, you must be a burger.
eww who showers at night
Keep embarrassing yourself, it's funny.
>Are you american by any chance?
>Over 40?
Under 30
>Because you're "hard" work is so important to you. While I agree that it needs work to get shit done, it doesn't have to be complicated or hard. People like you will have an identity crisis when machines take over the job market.
What I do is contractor work, something a machine can't do of the different applications that may be needed on a job to job basis. And back when there were no machines, remember, people back then still made enough to make a living, raise a family, and spend things (made by other human beings) that kept the economy in flow.
And the funny thing is that machines really haven't made anything cheaper for us because of the markup. It only costs Ford around $5,000 to build a car, but after all the fees and everything it ends up between 20 and 30k or more.
>Yep, you must be a burger.
Isn't that a diss to all your ancestors who struggled through the years to get to the point where we are now for you to sponge away on the next big-cash-out? It's no wonder the entire world is in such a shit predicament, with all the limp wristed people like you around.
We would have never made it to the stone age if early humans had been like you.
See also: Africans
You here in bitz are black and white thats what make me laugh, I invested around 35 dlls a month ago and I have 250 dlls now, Do this as a hobby just to learn something that maybe change things, you can work and buy bitcoin and shitcoins just for the fun of learning something. If it helps to stop wagecucking why not, diversify in life not just in shitcoins
eeeeeyyyy a fellow contractor. no wonder we have no problem with the concept of "hard work" - we actually enjoy it and are well paid.
Now this guy is OK.
I see bitcoin like lotto with better chances. No harm in putting a little something into it, but then you get these obnoxious weenies trying to cover their inferiority complex by acting like everyone who didn't invest in something that only exists in cyberspace is as inferior as they are minus the bitcoins.
And the people who got good off bitcoin, just like people who struck the lotto, I'm happy that they're not worrying about their bills anymore, but just like winning the lotto, it seems to turn them into barbie queens.
These people will never know the feeling of accomplishment coming home after a long day, kicking back, and relaxing after doing a job that they're proud of.
And hey, that's fine if they don't want to do that, but I just don't understand why all these people then start acting like they just watched Wolf of Wall Street and are trying to larp as Yacht-owning investment gurus.
And the people who DID make that kind of money off of bitcoin most certainly isn't wasting their time browsing threads like these and arguing at those who were okay with not getting into it.
Sure, getting money for nothing is all fine and good, but I don't see the point in acting like we're back in the caste system and it somehow pumped them into another field while they still act like poor trash.
thanks for the new copypasta m8
the average you make from gambling from swapping money through crypto is less than $0. It's a zero sum game, no value is created, some is lost through the costs involved. So if you lose, don't be surprised, just like any other form of gambling, the average outcome is loss.
False representation. I never get out of bed.
You do realize that the current baby boomers made money because they found a random petrol site?
>everyone can be bourgeois
Lmao you fucking retard
oh noooo
I x20'd my money, and now it dipped 20%
what ever will I dooooo