Which dragon do you like the best. Not a category, just a singular dragon.
Also dragon art thread
Which dragon do you like the best. Not a category, just a singular dragon.
Also dragon art thread
Other urls found in this thread:
The one that's dead.
That'd have to be Smaug, because he had style.
>My armor is like ten-fold shields.
>My teeth are like swords.
>My claws, spears!
>The shock of my tail, a thunderbolt!
>My wings...A hurricane!!
>And my breath......DEATH.
If you didn't vote for Dunk, you're living wrong Omae.
Smaug got outdone by a man let with hairy feet. & bragged about his halitosis.
I'm glad you're dead
-not firewing
Borys of Ebe, aka THE Dragon of Dark Sun.
forgot my picture.
Vilentretenmerth, aka Three Jackdaws
I like his daughter better because mind controlled lesbians are my fetish.
Why is brown only cute when it is 2D? 3D brown is disgusting.
This one.
When I was a kid I used to have a 2e starter box that had some black and white art of him on the cover of one of the booklets! I never knew he was a named entity.
2 cute
>nobody's said Temeraire yet
Such a fun series. Likable characters (and despicable, in the case of Albino Bitch), neat interactions, interesting worldbuilding - though Novik tried way too hard to "realistically" justify dragon biology.
He deserves his whiskers lovingly caressed.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
>Implying Dragons are that bad
They'll go to sleep in a few millennia, calm down Vauclair
False. He got outdone by a guy with a big bow.
Eurasian features.
Source for this?
I also remember another dragon comic with a similar premise (guy interacting with a female dragon). All I know was the guy decided to move in with the dragon.
OP said dragon.
The comic there is Trash Knight by RML on FurAffinity.
The other dragon comic is Dragon's Burn: e621.net
Damn it, both are incomplete. I blazed through as soon as I googled them up.
But sooo good too. I need moar.
> Which dragon do you like the best
The one I never cut a deal with.
Cute dragons.
Fuck off, shitskin.
Mah darksouled brotha
A dirty little manlet stole from him, I'm not talking about his death
All hail the true mascot of Veeky Forums.
is that way
>haha ur gay xD
I love this pic
Reminder that Vauclair did nothing wrong.
The dragon looks like they know what they're doing, but I like the idea of them half-panicking over "oh fuck a human called in a favor and their hatchling is so weak and tiny how do they survive what do I doooo"
"it just screams. It screams all the time. I was told not to give it meat; how is it supposed to grow strong if I don't feed it meat?"
"do humans really start like this? do *dragonslayers* really start like this? are humans actually real? oh fuck it's screaming again"
Love it
I have this concept for a knight or paladin type hero in D&D or whatever will fit, of a human being raised in a cave by a dragon who owed the characters father a favor
They occasionally swing by the dragon's lair, sometimes with a gift/souvenir from their travels, sometimes looking for stuff to do or help somehow, sometimes just visiting to talk, see what's been going on.
Whenever they join a new group of adventurers, they always have to warn them about their... unique parent.
Not a dragon type, so disqualified
Yeah, Grigori is THE shit.
Malygos did nothing wrong!
Faggot shitskin.
Dragon breeding group, my dude.
Still dodging me bro?
If you talked less you learn more.
ravioli ravioli
I'm torn between Drakonis and Vadise, both from Legend of Mana.
I like Drakonis more as a character, but I really like Vadise's unique design.
One of the best, for sure
reminder vauclair did everything wrong and re-releasing APEX was a bigger mistake then trying to kill firewing.
The end was coming, and that the Big D. could only keep it away for a little while. Horrors come in cycles and APEX dies when they destroy it all. A small price to pay for a future free from the tyranny of dragons.
Oh ye of little faith. We can beat the horrors, but we need the dragons to help. Then we can beat the dragons.
The dragons slumber when the Horrors rise. DunzelKhan was the only one to sacrifice himself to buy a little more time.
I'd rather beat off the dragons.
Don't fug the dragon loli.
I like to have a dragon has a dick
As far as models go.
What about a hydra as a dick?
DB is super slow updates, barely ever anymore. The other one is new and updates often. On their tumblr.
They actually got the art style right, I thought it was a real card until I saw the disclaimer.
came here to say this.
Hey guys. Can I join the Dragon club too? I'm like, 10.78% Dragon.
Source on this cutie patootie?
Did anyone suggest Big Pappy yet?
What the fuck is this bullshit doing here?
Get the fuck out
I loved that series and I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier.
don't suppress user, we know you really want to fuck a dragon
Dude, don't hassle the Gay Black Nerd. They're an endangered species with an extremely low sense of self-preservation and we need them for sitcoms, voice acting, and to ensure that there's a steady market for absolutely FABULOUS Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
Posting Lord Gwyn's waifu
Mother to Gwyndolin, & Yorshka
Shit forgot pic
"The greatest honor is to feed Atarka"
will they ever make another movie like this again?
They actually made three of them. They sucked.
Dragons will put their ding dongs in anything, and put anything in their lady parts.
you posted them
Even an entire human?