Can we get one of these threads going? Show me what you got.
Made, Saw, Played
Also, template so you can make your own.
>implying anyone finds a DM here.
>implying anyone on Veeky Forums plays actual games.
There was once a upon a time..
Hey, I do. Or did. In college. We actually had a reunion recently...
how did you get the ok from your dm to make a lizard futa?
were you playing an ERP game?
Shadowrun changeling, and not actually a futa. She just has the general pissy attitude of Kaine. Also she's way uglier than the pic is implying, but my GM did indeed give me the fetish fuel reaction when I showed it to him nevertheless.
DM gave me shit for playing a furball until she survived an RPG to the face. Didn't hear any complaints after that.
>GM did indeed give me the fetish fuel reaction
But through clever persuasion on your part he still let you play it?
Well I managed to convince him that she was more than just some fucking fetish fuel. Didn't take too long, really, rules-wise in Shadowrun she's a freak, and she has zero social skills, so if her looks doesn't turn people off, her attitude does. Let's just say that she isn't the weirdest party member. That honor would have to go to her vampire roommate.
We're only one 7 hour game in at the moment, and myself and one other character are the only surviving members of the party.
Hey, I play with friends from 2 weeks to 2 weeks. We play 4th edition and have a hell of a time.
Right now I am DM'ing Expedition to Barrier Peaks, we stopped right as they were entering the ship.
>generic ruler
>shitty harem protag
>funny as shit comedic villain
How? Storytime. Now.
Storytiem, user.
OK I need to know whats happening here
I think he's just played extremely sword happy knight instead of idealistic one.
The focus of the first pic is knighting, not the king.
Was getting caught part of his plan?
This campaign was a magical realm.
>decide to make guard captain of a oft-besieged town
>wears heavier armor, fairly serious, no hobbies because grimdark
>begin game
>every single other guard is male
>they all hit on the character
>some at the same time
>i have to make nearly-nonstop wisdom saves for no fucking reason
>based brodice
>dm specifically describes "at your alluring hips peeking from your tabard"
>when I point out I never described wearing a tabard, and that the chain shirt I'd be wearing under the half-plate would probably make me look lumpy at best, he dismissed it
>eventually end up going to source of towns evil
>everyone nat 1's a perception check on a creeping shadow, fails fear-check from general magic aura in dungeon
>whole party runs from a rat
That last bit was the only slightly creative thing that came out of this campaign.
Did you make Sir Balin?
It didn't stop him from beliving in himself and piloting the spaceship into the keep.
>dm specifically describes "at your alluring hips peeking from your tabard"
>when I point out I never described wearing a tabard, and that the chain shirt I'd be wearing under the half-plate would probably make me look lumpy at best, he dismissed it
Your DM is a faggot.
Made by another player from my group.
Getting enslaved by Dark Eldar can do funny things to a character
sounds fun
>Making Herger
>Not playing Herger
One player dead on the first session already. 3 more to go.
He was Herger, to start. But after dealing with too many stupid Silver Fangs, he became Frederick Barbarossa.
As played by Herger.
>DM killed the campaign before he could complete any of his goals
I put so much effort into him too.
I'm a Kumiho, damnit.
I figured that out pretty quick.
Rogue trader game using homebrew rules.
A Anima beyond fantasy game, our gm wanted us to be serious, He must hate me.