>tfw you finally get to run your dream campaign
Tfw you finally get to run your dream campaign
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What is it desu?
An Arthurian themed Adeptus Evangelion campaign set in an alternate 1980s.
That sounds fucking rad, user. Have fun.
I'll never get to run my dream campaign, not just because I don't have interested players, but also because I know for a fact that it's a bad idea.
Yeah, I've tried that.
Turns out when you are trying to have a Bronze Age nomad band campaign with complete laymen, they can't handle it at all and ruin the entire fun of running it due to their utter lack of any knowledge about the subject.
So then I've changed my strategy with different campaign, basically first asking them to make characters (without telling them what it's going to be) and then dumping them into a campaign, waving the "We are playing Infinite Worlds, so suck it, this all makes sense" flag, while their incompetence was part of the charm.
Best time of my life and they've actually enjoyed it too.
This is the best picture I could find.
what do you mean by 80's?
How the fuck does King Arthur fit into Neon Genesis Evangelion?
More importantly, how the fuck does that fit in the 1980s?
I'm morbidly curious and interested, user.
Not OP but:
Chivalry out the butthole, honour duels, fucking brotherhood of knights united under a king being pious and chivalrious as fuck
>Adeptus Evangelion
All those knights are GIANT ROBOTS IN SPACE
Synthwave, shoulderpads, sunglasses and an appalling colour palette
OP, write down the events of your campaign, for such a thing MUST be preserved for future generations.
You mean the Dreaming Dark campaign set in Eberron best described as "Minority Report in D&D"?
But OP,
If I'm running it, it's not my dream campaign, because that means I have to GM.
I have to be a player for it to qualify.
I have and am. Coming up on five years and the grand finale, too. It's been everything I ever wanted out of roleplaying. I can retire happy for a long time after it ends.
And then the ERP starts.
tfw you make plans and ready the materials for your dream campaign but all your friends are completely unreliable and its too good to run with randoms
>Aliens invade
>King Arthur busts out of his fucking tomb wherever it is "NO SO FAST MOTHER FUCKERS"
>"SHIIIITTT" shriek the angels in binary or whatever
Fucking fund it
>Adeptus Evangelion
>80's stereotypes
It's a lie. Your players will fuck it up.
I know that feel OP, and it's a wonderful feeling.
>And then the ERP starts
>Turns out when you are trying to have a Bronze Age nomad band campaign with complete laymen, they can't handle it at all and ruin the entire fun of running it due to their utter lack of any knowledge about the subject.
I encountered a similar problem trying to run a war+wuxia campaign that derived elements from Three Kingdoms China and Sengoku Japan. Only one player in the whole group was able to RP in a way that fit the setting, everyone else treating it like a generic fantasy game that killed the mood and my motivation to run it.
The same things is deterring me from wanting to run a Napoleonic-era game that I've had on the backburner for a while. Most of my regular group just can't gel with the tone of unorthodox settings, I feel.
> Second Impact
> Adam, a giant of light, is moments from ending the world
> As the nations of the world panic, an engine roars
> A bearded man in chainmail and a crown ride towards the giant on a commandeered motorcycle, shouting in old welsh.
> Its King Arthur, weilding the actual goddamn Lance of Longinus from the Arthurian legend of the Fischer King
> the following fight is too anime for words to describe, but the end result is Adam destroyed, and Arthur all but dead with him
> The Angels are coming to finish what Adam started
> But there is hope...
Are you bad enough dudes to steal back the actual goddamn Holy Grail so you can heal King Arthur in time for the final battle?
I accept this fate
I too read that comic.
That's why for my another dream campaign I've intentionally played up their "laymaness" - so they were playing characters they've wanted to play, but in a campaign I wanted to run. Took just a bit of trimming when they've handled me over their characters for acceptance and then few games to everyone grasp the setting and immerse on own pace.
Best cheesy anime-inspired game I've ever had, especially when they've started to get a hang of it and the fact it's running on anime rules.
>tfw first-time GM about to run my dream campaign with a group that's on board with it
>petrified of fucking things up
>tfw I run my dream campaign
so Berserk?
>How the fuck does King Arthur fit into Neon Genesis Evangelion?
I replaced the Judeo-Christian stuff from the show with Arthurian trappings. ADAM is Arthur, Lilith is Guinevere, the Angels are replaced with creatures loosely based on the Knights of the Round Table (the NERV NPCs are also loosely based on this), and SEELE is called the Council of Merlin. I'm planning on bringing in the Christian elements of Arthurian myth to forefront if we get closer to instrumentality, and basing it loosely on the quest for the Holy Grail.
>More importantly, how the fuck does that fit in the 1980s?
Aesthetics, partially. There's something appealing about mixing Evangelion with the questionable, neon-filled fashions and aesthetics of the decade. The soundtrack for the game is mostly synthwave and early-mid 80s pop and glam metal. The other part is because I'm trying to run it as a bit in the vein of a 80s coming-of-age movie. I even pitched it to my players as 'The Breakfast Club but with giant robots and a looming apocalypse'.
My dream campaign is one I'm not strapped into the GM seat for.
>basing it loosely on the quest for the Holy Grail
Insert Monty Python joke here
Jokes on you, since it's one of those classics everyone talks about and knows and yet I never saw it, despite literally making a living on watching movies.
same. life is suffering.
>when you join a dream campaign and it's absolutely perfect but you realize you were the problem making all your other games suck this whole time
My GM just announced the wuxia campaign everyone always wanted to play since '12 will start this weekend and he secretly prepared everything for past two months.
I wasn't this excited since I made my helmsman license.
>2nd Ed. Exalted
>Ran an indiana jones themed relic finding game
>After a few games group got a big map of creation marked with potential exploration sites of varying size and difficulty, about 50 different sites each with a dungeon, encounter, or major set piece written for them depending on the size.
>Players get in in game/real life fight over stupid trivial shit and slam their airship into the ground causing a TPK
I put a lot of effort into that and we barely scratched the surface, oh well.
All you had to do was making it a crash site adventure, a la Flight of the Phoenix. Or force them to cross the barren wasteland where they've crashed.
So it kinda-sorta is your own god-damn fault for pulling a TPK.
>Blame! campain
One day I'll get people enough interested and enough knowledge as a GM, one day.
>tfw you spend weeks working on your dream campaign
>your group makes shitty meme characters and fuck it all up in two sessions
Why can't I have nice things?
>that mindfuck of an ending
>tfw you run your dream campaign and it's fucking amazing and then a year down the line it's bogged down and barely progressing and only 2 players are still enjoying it and you dread every session
>tfw you finally get to run your dream campaign
>tfw none of your friends are nearly as excited about it as you are
>tfw two sessions in they clearly aren't that into it
>tfw everybody just fucks around and acts like That Guys, no longer giving a shit about your dream campaign
>tfw they finally fess up that they're not having fun and want to do something else
god why are japs so ugly...
Nah they got so hostile with each other over something retarded and stopped talking to each other, the game was effectively dead from real life drama and then trying to game while mad and they started a fight with each other in game due to their real life bullshit.
It was more
>OH ok you are trying to kill each other on your flying battleship while arguing about some real life drama at the same time oh shit your handheld essence cannon just blasted the control panel YOU ARE GOING DOWN.
I made a short D&D campaign set in ravnica for the other two as an apology for the asshattery of the first two players, fun, but not nearly as much work put into that as I did into making unique encounters for a giant fucking world map.
my dream is playing a dual longsword elven who wants revenge cause his kingdm was utterly destroyed, his family died, and he's alone in the world, a fearsome, bitter elf.
Aka feanor.
Try running it again some other time. It took me a few times over the years to get my campaign going. Best of luck.
>tfw you run your dream campaign, realize it was kinda underwhelming, but you can always assemble a different group and give it another go and do it RIGHT this time
Man I'll tell you all what, at this point, even if I got what I wanted and ran what I wanted, I've been trying for so fucking long to make it happen that their is now way it'll be work the effort sank into trying to make it happen.
So nah, I'll let this dream game stay one at this point.
There are players into that sort of thing. You just gotta find them.
Not exactly a campaign, but when i finally managed to bring back a whole party from a previous game for a "30 years later" campaign was pretty fucking fun.
Running a Digimon game were the players play themselves, with the plot ripped out of Devil Summoner Overclocked, pic very related.
I have a nasty feeling it's going to go south fast, but if I can just get them into it it'll be smooth sailing.
But god damn I wish I was a player and not the DM
Further proof that SMT mixes with stuff surprisingly well.
Also good choice in partners. I totally forgot there was a child/rookie that legit has a gun.
Thinking back, Digimon was basically SMT for kids wasn't it. Even down to the weird bondage angel.
Weird thing is that SMT did try to make a for kids version called Demikids, for the GBA, no idea if it was any good or not, from screenshots it looked kinda naff though
story of my forever Dm life.
I envy you man.
Our group switches dms but recently one of my bros invited a girl from his college that he wants to smash who "likes to dm".
Last 4 months have been nothing but her dming, shitty part is she has no idea what she's doing half the time and everything is her shitty horror fanfics with some weird homosexual undertones.
I've been waiting patiently for my FF style ultimate "let's kill god" campaign that I've been working on for 2 years but we've played (and quit out of) 4 fucking campaigns with this bitch.
No one has the balls to tell her she's shit and her stories fucking suck, and I don't want to leave my group.
>No one has the balls to tell her she's shit and her stories fucking suck
Then it's all your fault, you fucking eunuch
>A decent 40k campaign where we can and want to save the entire Imperium from it's myrad of problems, and nobody is meming around
>A decent Exalted Campaign, where we are a Solar Full circle, we can and want to save Creation. Not just take over because POWAH, or fuck over important aspects of it because muh revenge
I should really stop playing games where I care about the world.
I've always wanted to run a VtM game that's pure Cam and is entirely about politics and intrigue.
I'm also aware there's a larger chance I wake up tomorrow to find out I've finally absorbed enough yellow sunlight to fulfill my destiny as the last son of Krypton
>Then it turns out to be boring as fuck, and nobody enjoys it. Not even you.
It's funny how standard being the hero campaigns have been subverted to the point they're incredibly rare rather than the norm they were originally mocked as
A decent 40k campaign where we can and want to save the entire Imperium from it's myrad of problems, and nobody is meming around
>memeing around
what did he mean by this?
General goofing around, and shit that makes no sense aside from shits and giggles
>Trying to roleplay a space-marine in a non-Deathwatch campaign
>Try to kill other PCs cause muh Commissar
>Trying to get a Tau waifu
>Trying to get an eldar waifu
>Making promscious characters trying to fuck everything
>Trying to summon demonettes for the aforementioned
>Playing IC idiots, who fuck up everything on purpose
>Trying to get an eldar waifu
>literally making a living on watching movies
wait wut
Turns out critics aren't extinct yet
Although with the drivel they have to watch these days some of them wish they were
I'm a journalist by trade and education. No, not some e-journalist, actually writing for a regional newspaper. My weekly column is dedicated to reviews of premieres and "spotlight of a week", describing director I felt like writing about this week. Which means I watch 20-40 films a week for a living. Bless you, insomnia.
And yet I never saw any Monthy Python movie. I know most of their TV sketches, but outside memes, I have zero knowledge about their films proper. Unless post-Brazil output of Terry Giliam counts, but that's hardly Monthy Python stuff.
>the drivel they have to watch
You can't even imagine how true this is. Then people wonder why reviewers "hate" entire genres. I'm sorry, but how would you react if you had to watch n-th superhero movie following the exactly same formula, with exact same actors and their exact same wooden performances? And not because you feel like it, but because you simply have to.
You won't have half these issues if you took a "Shoot first" policy.
Eldar or Tau Waifus? Shoot them as xenos trash
Someone trying to get people to fuck? Shoot them as secret slanesh cultists
Summoning Damonettes? Same reason
IC fuck ups? Just helping the Commissar sir!
>with the plot ripped out of Devil Summoner Overclocked
That sounds amazing
I hope it's everything you ever hoped for!
Now if I can just find player that aren't pussy/who don't know me to play my dream Silent Hill/Earthbound/Stepford wives campaign...
>knight houses.jpg
>king arthur finally comes back from avalon
Problem is, that is just as much memeing as the opposite, going "hargbargle murder kill everything that isn't a WASP" is just as much a problem as people who want to bang an Eldar.
True, but it'd be in theme with 40k, Aka "Kill everything not us, that doesn't think like us, or wants to fuck things that are not us"
With over 20 years of GMing experience under my belt, my advice is this:
1. Never expect player interest in a campaign to last more than two years.
2. Never expect your interest in a campaign to last more than one year.
>Shin Megami Tensei 3 themed game
>world has ended, is in the process of rebirth
>dozens of factions and forces, both malevolent and otherwise, are trying to push their ideals to influence the rebirth of the world, to remake it in their own image
>demons errywhere
>Matador pls go
>Mot pls go
Evil campaign, obviously.
A modern/urban horror fantasy setting ala The Secret World.
If anyone can tell me which system would make running this easy, I would be immensely grateful.
Urban Arcana
The urban fantasy's right there in the name
the horror is running the d20 Modern system
Some horrors aren't meant to be suffered by any mortal.
D20 L5R anyone?
Is that literally a bunch of drow standing in as black people?
I got into the whole roleplaying thing through Oriental Adventures, which is d20 L5R if I'm not mistaken.
I'd be too nervous that I'd screw it up.
Oriental adventures was the d20 l5r module under 3.5 iirc. That book was a mechanical disaster as a d20 splat and as a L5R successor. The lore bits and the art were fine at least.
>simply have to
They can get a job digging ditches if they think watching Marvel Civil War 4 is really so terrible.
sounds orgasmic.
Oriental Adventures was D&D's Asian splatbook for ten years before L5R existed, but the 3.5E version was indeed an attempt to port L5R
All Krieg campaign in the style of Pacific.
Not him but how consider for a while following option:
Maybe those movies really are fucking horrible? And being forced to watch them instead of watching them because you feel like watching some big dumb action movie could be painful.
But surely, this is their fault and they've should change job if they don't enjoy watching horrible movies.
Truly, an idea fitting for a manchild.