So, fellow larpfags, Drachenfest is near and the question arises: Which one you will be there and in which camps?
Personally I will be in the Landskencht camp
Also, general larp thread.
So, fellow larpfags, Drachenfest is near and the question arises: Which one you will be there and in which camps?
Personally I will be in the Landskencht camp
Also, general larp thread.
Those are some big fucking skaven.
I'm not sure all of them are skaven
Isn't LARP stuff generally on /cgl/?
it was always a Veeky Forums thing. But cgl is a slower board so the threads there stays up longer.
Also I generally like Veeky Forums more and the people who come here. Even the shitposters are funnier
Where does one acquire metallic armor like these guys are wearing? Is it custom-made? I've seen people selling this kind of stuff at conventions, but I'm not a conventional size at all.
Not fat, just very small and female. It breaks my heart to think my only option to ever be a knight is crafting shitty papier-mâché armor myself.
well the huge majority of the armors show here are from larp shops. As you can see there are ones that are good for females too.
Although there are a few examples of costum made ones that are made by blackmsiths and for that one person and his/her size. Those are WAAAAAAAAY more expensive obviously.
So yeah, you can be a knight.
Also, armour that is made out of foam and latex is also an option and so is various plastic ones like this one
I'll admit that armor is good-looking. I never thought plastic could be.
I'm preparing for a very small larp (less than ten persons) and I don't technically need armor at all. But it's always been a goal of mine to have, and wear plate someday.
And yeah, I saw there were ladies like wearing metallic armor, though they still look pretty large/tall.
Thanks for the information, and nice pictures by the way. Did you take them?
nah, these are the official pictures from drachenfest. I took a few hundred every year when I'm there but mostly they aren't that good and it's about stuff that is near me when I actually have time to take pictures.
Also about that's a costum made armor probably although not terrybly high tier but still a lot of money. it could be made into a more slender version and stuff but it's not that late period plate and also, look at that cloth underneath it, that probably cost an arm and a leg too
Then again chainmail and scalemail is also an option if you want something that isn't too xpensive and still not bulky
Ancient Egyptians weren't negroid.
mummies weren't walking either. Your point?
I'll see someday (probably not too soon, sadly). I know it's expensive, and probably much more for someone small, though, but I really dig the look of plate. Maybe I could do something with just a breastplate.
I'll stay content with organizing stuff for the moment. I've actually never been to a bigger LARP, only historical stuff (and only as a spectator). Must be pretty different from tabletop-sized roleplay, no? Don't people get bored sometimes because there's so many of you?
nice garb you all are weak
look upon me and know thy superior
>I know it's expensive, and probably much more for someone small
smaller ones are either the same or slightly cheaper. But mostly the same cost. I mean it's the work hours that you mostly pay and a blacksmith has the same amount of work with it than for a bigger guy.
And yes breastplate on it's own can be a "game changer" but there are lot of possibilities even with that.
>Must be pretty different from tabletop-sized roleplay, no?
Yep it is. sky and earth the two things
>Don't people get bored sometimes because there's so many of you?
because there are so many people is why it1s so hard to get bored. Always something is happening around you even if you just sit down and rest.
truly a pro larper
I want all name fags and trip fags to leave.
also example of girls with breastplate.
Look at the one on the left. Also ignore that abomination of a gorget she is wearing. That's shit and should be under the breastplate
Those plates on the girls are like kids menu on mc donalds.
and I want a lot of money, but here we are shitposting all the same
it's mostly the shit tier gorgets that fuck up the whole pciture. I have no idea why people are buying them or why they wearing them, especially in the wrong way as it should be under the breastplate. Although it's so shit quality that probably you can't wear it under the breastplate
also this one is not from a larp but shows perfectly what you could get from a proper armourer
So how does it go exactly? Are there GMs, what do they do? Specific events throughout the thing, I guess, but how much of it is scenarized? From what you've posted here there seems to be groups of just about anything, so what do they all do together? Do groups organize their own events? Do they do things spontaneously?
I'd be really interested in knowing how the whole thing works, from a roleplay/story point of view. I've been organizing small larps like I said, so it's basically scenarizing like tabletop, with more emphasis on problem-solving and socializing with other PCs and NPCs. I don't think it could scale up, so I'm curious about what happens at giant events.
Isn't it from some movie? It reminds me of something.
Well the pics here is from Drachenfest so I will show specificly that game but keep in mind that there are a lot of other games around in the wrold where it works differently.
First thing first, Drachenfest is the second biggest larp in the world, with roughly 5-6000 players plus a few hundred organizer.
There are scripted events here and there but because of the sheer size most of the game is not.
I will start the backstory because it's kind of important to understand how things go there.
So first of all there were the dragons, powerful and whatnot. Created the world then they couldn't agree who should rule it so fought each other.
The world in the process was destroyed.
So they created it again and said "new rule: we won't do personally the fighting thing again." Also since then every year they summon armies of their own from all over the world and dimesnions to fight for them and decide who should rule the world for the next year.
That's the short version.
There are 10 camps of the dragons, all representing various ideologies, all of them are open and anyone can join (although the Copper Dragon's camp is the NPC camp, you can freely join that one too but it's "stricter" on what you should play)
There are also smaller camps who aren't under any dragon but they can't "win" the festival of dragons to rule the world for a year.
Basically the big camps all have their own flags that can be stolen various ways, and you want to steal the other camp's flags because that give you dragon eggs (which represents the points)
There are also various other quest to get dragon eggs (points) that camps or individuals can do.
yep, it was made for a small relatively unkown movie by a world class blacksmith because he was friends with a producer. The thing is made out of aluminium and it was made in the span of a weekend if I remember correctly (effective work, not counting various smaller fittings and such)
So at te end of the game whichever camp has the most points wins and they will rule the world for a year. The next year the city will be in their color, the money will have their camps insigna, have various other fun stuffs, etc.
That is the global happening on the game.
Which is what most people slightly give two fucks about it. I mean there are always hierarchy and all, and the leaders of the camps (all players) try to win obviously so they try to lead the few hundred other guys to victory but it's like herding cats obviously.
Some camps are more disciplined than others but at the end of the day it's pretty chaotic and there are thousands of people who don't give a fuck about getting dragon eggs for their camps they want to do their own fun stuff, like chasing glory or honor or money or whores or whatever they can think up.
There is also a city with traders, arena, casino, hospital, artist, etc.
Lot's of things happening, even if you sit down to have a meal in the main square of the city you can see beggars begging for money, city guards patroling, some random abominations from the chaos camp doing shady things, while soldiers from other camps either getting drunk together or eyeing each other if they should shank the other guy now or wait until the guard patrols move farther.
You can be always ambushed when you go back to your own camp, but you can hire bodyguards, or act that you are from actually from an entirely different camp.
Also it's an international thing, while it is in germany and most people there german there are still hundreds if not thousands of people there who are from other countries with at least a general idea about the english language.
So as I said it's huge.
You don't get quests. You have to go and find them.
Or make up your own goals.
Nobody will hold your hand and show how to play it, but maybe your camp leader will issue orders (that you can obey or ignore)
Again: it's huge.
All those pics are magnificent. Thanks for sharing op and others
Okay so it seems more gamey than story-heavy. Although I suppose with everyone in character, stories write themselves anyway. Thanks for the info. I've always been curious. I'm not sure it'd be my kind of thing, but I'll get to it someday (when I get an armor, ha). I've got options, anyway, thanks Europe.
Can players disguise themselves as characters from the other camps?
nah, it's really story heavy. It's just everyone has a story and you aren't the most important in the game. Nobody is.
It's a living, breathing world that actually functions. When you just stop and look at others you see they all do their things, living their characters life there in that week.
I just gave you the simplest explanation because word limit and also it's 2 am here
yes. We done it several times, it's fun. There is no game mechanic on it. If you can bullshit your way through guards you can do it
And here I have to tell a few words about the rules.
The rules are shit. It's an overcomplicated mess. BUT, and this is a very big but, nobody gives a shit. Most players are there for playing not for rules lawyering and they follow the rule of cool most of the time. It's interesting to see that it mostly works.
If someone wants to do something most of the time he will do it actually. Be it sneaking into other camps, or bullshitting their way through guards or stealing stuff, etc.
I bet this was asked a thousand times already but how much a custom made stuff like that costs compared to a half-decent armor that is made in bulk ?
Since i am a ww2 reenactor myself i know that the prices can have very huge gaps between them and it will depend a lot on the various different materials that can be put together to set-up a full kit. A very general estimate would suffice.
Sounds really good. I hope you have fun with it.
What kind of game rules are there? I've always found the implementation of rules in LARP pretty complicated and immersion-breaking. Last one I did, I had a rule where you had to grab a specific piece of clothing from someone if you wanted to neutralize them because we were playing inside and I didn't want them to break stuff. It was the only, single rule. They didn't give two shit, they mock-fought and broke stuff anyway because they were too caught up in it.
well, depends on the actual style of the armour you want, from whom you order it and where is that guy lives.
Eastern europe generally cheaper, people can make stuff here with a profit and for the same money someone in western europe can hardly buy the raw material.
Also actual blacksmiths obviously will be more expensive IF they are any good, (with some exceptions)
But ballpark numbers: if we are talking about a simple breastplate, nothing fancy, then from a larp shop you can get one for 100-200 euro (there are obviously cheaper ones too) but those are either thin or not looking that good from a reenactors point of few and generally made by a bad pattern that is easy to mass produce but uncomfortable.
Now if you want a _proper_ breastplate that is actually good AND holds up to steel sword it can easily start at 400-500 euros from a decent armourer.
Obviously you don't need that for a larp so corners can be cut and you can probably get somewhere close to 200-300 euro.
Or if it's eastern european then even cheaper because the economy is in the shitter here. I got my half plate for roughly 600 euro which is a breastplate, backplate, gorget, a helmet, arms, and gauntlets. But it was munitions grade, the armourer back then wasn't well known and I was a friend with him so he gave me serious discounts. In western europe that would have costed me easily five or ten times as much
(you can also order some kind of abomination from an indian manufacturer for even less money but then you will actually buy shit that has metal in it)
Well most of the people ignor the official rules and follows only two rules (this is basically the general german approach on a lot of their larps)
1. Every time someone is interacting with you give some feedback on it (if you got hit shout in pain, or if they slap you spit on the ground showing it doesn't hurt you, whatever) so basically do some acting don't be passive.
2. Don't expect any specific reaction.
>tfw American LARPers tend to be fatasses while Euro LARPers look like they're acquainted with physical activity
anyway I'm off to sleep because I have to wake up in a soon. If the thread will be still here in the morning I will continue
Oh, it wasnt as bad as i was expecting. Thanks for the help.
Have you or anyone in the community had experience with reenactment supplies co uk btw ? They look decent from the outside but since armor quality and historical accuracy of the items are out of my area of expertise time period, i cant reliably gauge if an items in online shops are good or not.
If they were they wouldn't be black.
He is much too attractive to stay with her.
They're actually all manlets lmao
What is the combat like? What kinds of weapons and shields are used, and what materials are they made of? Where I live all the LARPs are shitty 'lightest touch' games for weebs and fat, balding geeks, and everyone uses these ridiculous shields that are about as large as a small tower shield, but with the grip and fighting style (because they're made of lightweight foam) of a buckler.
>TFW the only LARPs that seem to have traction in Australia are fucking VtM based and reports from friends are that they've devolved into snarky bullshit and are slowly dying of cancer.
I just want to try one...
Good God, I wish I could fly out for that. I still do SCA stuff but stopped doing LARP shit in the states because no one puts in any effort, it's the same shitty tag systems played by the same shitty people with the same shitty costumes. Pls kill me
In SCA what matters is if the gorget protects the neck.
Get into SCA. It's focused on historicity, but the fighting game is awesome and it's generally fucking awesome. And you can LARP as hard as you want, it's up to you. Also the historicity thing really ties it together. Contextualizes everything, legitimizes lots of things, gives power to the little details, gives you something to work on and research and think about when your making things like garb or tents or whatever.
Oh hey a friend of mine is actively trying to fuck the king of Lochac. SCA isn't an option for me, I know of two snivelling cunts in my relatively small city who do it and there's no way I'm putting up with their high horse shit. Otherwise totally would, looks like fun.
larp armour in general fits poorly.
You'd be better served saving up and sinking some cash into some real armour. look at, they got some really cool and affordable brigandines in various sizes and you can sk them to alter them to fit you better.
they got breastplates too, but they are not as affordable
you guys really should have Mad Max larps...
I would give my left nut for one. Problem is most of Australia is really green. There are some convoy ride alongs near Broken Hill once a year or so but nothing like a LARP.
personally I don't have experience with them but I will ask around. As I skimmed through it looks like a hit and miss, some stuff are decent, some are painfully wrong.
they are slow, so if they were walking they would get a SERIOUS tan because they would spend so much time under the sun.
well depends on the game. For drachenfest it's mostly latex weapons that are used and nowdays I see more and more calimacil weapons (and I personally use mostly calimacil weapons) but there are always a few home made ones here and there.
Anyway as for combat, noone wants the other guy to actually die so safety first. That said if you go to a battle better bring some helmet just to be on the safe side. What is really special to UK and German larps is, no stabbing allowed. I will never understand that rule but there you go.
Also if both sides agree you can turn up the intensity of the fight, but only in smaller battles so it won't get out of hand. This way orks who dropkick into shieldwalls can happen
last I heard the whole point of gorgets were to protect your neck, I mean everywhere in real life.
That said, those abominations protect nothing and look ugly as fuck.
Anyway: gorget goes UNDER the breastplate, buffe goes ABOVE the breastplate.
Have you heard about Swordcraft? I mean it's closer to a battle game than to a larp but I heard it's fun, also there is a few more similar ones there
>landsknechts laughing as they stab some poor fuckers to death
accurately portrayed
that's really our whole gig. That plus blackjack and hookers