What are your thoughts on Anima's lore and how the game plays?
Some kind user is slowly translating Gaia volume 2 it looks like. Pdf related.
What are your thoughts on Anima's lore and how the game plays?
Some kind user is slowly translating Gaia volume 2 it looks like. Pdf related.
Defend moth.
I dare you.
Any fun monsters that could attack people in moth? Mostly looking for wake related stuff
Better yet: Defend Prince Lucanor
How is he even alive?
>How is he even alive?
lvl 16, crow agents and killer cat.
Better yet: Defend Sophia Illmora
How did no one killed her after she was hired for knowing too much?
>>lvl 16, crow agents and killer cat.
But he didn't have any of that as a child. I don't understand how his Father failed so many times to kill him.
Dank +attack buffs man.
There is like, infinite illmoras too.
He was aided by the TOP imperium agent!
Isn't the imperium incompetent as hell though?
Thats the joke.
Ah, I'm still unfamiliar with Anima's lore.
(Imperium had no hand his dad is just incompetent)
You know why Lucanor can't be Emperor? Because he drew royal blood. So his father couldn't directly kill him, just do weird shit and try to off him indirectly. He put him inside a massive labyrinth when he was like 5 I recall, and he came out unscratched by 12. His father response was "Took you long enough". Old Emp was just lazy and greedy, not really brutal.
I bet argos and the dominion are silling to overloom
>Miembro de Imperium art
That is a schoolgirl.
Barny is over 1k.
He is the perviest
They needed to have schoolgirls somewhere in the game, otherwise weebs might have sued.
How does it work getting yourself sleep'd into graven?
Anyone here ever broke a weapon?
Depends. If you count the plethora of arrowheads, two ballista bolts, and three swords the Mentalist has Mag Acceleration Attacked with that have disintegrated, then yes.
You fall asleep. In your dreams, you wake up in this strange city, with this odd compulsion to stay there and work on building it up, and a hazy recollection of who you were up to that point in time. You are also unaware that you are dreaming.
I don't know anything about it but I have a feeling it has little to do with the anima/animus or CG Jung and that upsets me
Interesting, how does graven look and what do the other lords of nightmare, such as dementia think of it?
Think Silent Hill. Kinda like that.
Most of the other lords of nightmares don't know about it, otherwise they'd be trying to either destroy or take it over.
Oddly enough, Svalkislavos and Ambrosia probably swing by there once in a while, as they're pals with Malekith.
You may be right, however I know nothing about Jungian(is that proper pronunciation?) philosophy or psychology, so I can't really say.
So what sorts of animals are fun to give to players as totems for Elan with Rafael?
Gave one of my players an Ermine whose baseline personality is "is that a thing I can kill? BRB, killing it."
The funnest lore I can remember with graven is that it is like the meeting place for all the random gods within a 1,000 mile radius. So you can get shit like Demonic dukes, Elder gods, Awakened mortals, Ect all having meetings on how shit has been going lately.
Probably one or two Oni or Kami there, if they got lost after slipping out of their hell...
Wasn't there an imitation of Graven in Gate of Memories?
>So what sorts of animals are fun to give to players as totems for Elan with Rafael?
A duck.
So, what? It'd just follow the player around gong "you ever wonder why I got a corkscrew penis?" and being a noisy fuck?
>and being a noisy fuck?
Yes and make it a thieving duck. Or, better yet, make it a magical duck that feels like a mockup Sheele. Ducks have potential to be annoying as fuck while being great the same time.
All I can now picture is a thieving duck with a latin accent named El Mallard Magnifico, who has Illusion(Nobility) path levels, and acts like a combination of the most irritating traits of Robin Hood, Zorro, and Lupin.
it did look quite normal.
Does he also speak in faux french?
On a scale of most inept to least inept, how do the various factions and NPCs line up? Imperium's pretty high on the regular fuckups scale.
The issue with Imperium is that they fuck up on shot term, not so much on long therm; and the scale of their fuckups, since there is only other two orgs at their tier to compare and they barely get mentions.
Black Sun is a massive fuck up that has been building up and it will burst open at any moment.
The Inquisition is such a massive mess that the leader of it its a fucking half-elemental.
Both mages orgs are pretty okay, mostly because their ability to survive, even if they constantly feel like poking onto things and bringing forth unkillable monsters.
And the Order of the Sky (Or however the fuck are the royal guard called in english) outside of the MASSIVE FUCKING MESS that was Elijared and Lucanor they are pretty good at what they do.
Weissen, Lucanor and Tol Rakuto are the low on ineptitude, only with some few bad spots here and there.
Obviously, the two least fuckups are Rah and Elijared, since for one of them fucking Gaira had to came down to stop him, and the other one might destroy the world by fucking a man and playing with politics.
How about Selene, Samael, the Illuminati, and The Technocracy?
>(Or however the fuck are the royal guard called in english)
The Heaven Order.
Rah did nothing wrong.
I wish we had more information about the technocracy.
Selene does jack shit, so it's hard to fuck up that. And they did exactly that, with the daughter of the leader of the group running away and forcing half the org to chase her around the globe.
Samael kinda works, but they can't really fail together since they barely work together. Like the mages org, they are competent enough to keep muggles ignorant.
And Illuminati and Technocracy have jack shit of information, the only real thing we know is that Technocracy doesn't give a shit about Nerelas nuking humanity.
I wish they'd do a Gaia 3 and 4 on the other two thirds of the planet (i.e. the non-human areas). Is that what their rumored next supplement is going to be (beyond light and darkness, or something).
Samael objective is keep themselves hidden. In thats why they are competent
>have jack shit of information
I feel like this applies to Anima lore in general. I definitely have a blast with the system, but the setting lacks a lot of basic information. Maybe it's because of a publisher issue. Who knows.
I heard rumors about several books being in production along with the fact they were supposed to announce something a couple, or a few months ago, yet there's still no announcement.
Beyond Light and Darkness is a book about Gnosis, Gods, Elan and Avatars. Mostly an expansion on all those rules, and more lore on the godly creatures.
The other books that were in production at one point were in this order:
>The Lost Logias
>Hell: Khalis
>Hell: Lunaris
>The Wake
>Beyond Light and Darkness
>Forgotten Tales (Book about tales and legends about Gaia)
>Powers in the Shadows
Most of the books were delayed because of side-projects (Anima Tactics, the games, and now I think the publisher killing off everything)
It was fun ;-;
Shit. I want all of those books. I feel like there's hardly any info about Hell and the Wake.
>Anima Project will never release all these books as PDF/Print on Demand through DriveThruRPG
Shit sucks. Especially since Edge pulled all their PDF titles from DTRPG, so now the only way to buy Anima stuff is in hardcopy off their website, which is probably just whatever stock they have in their warehouses.
>I feel like this applies to Anima lore in general.
I think they tried to do something akin to what 7th Sea had, with a basic book and then publishing more and more expansions. But after the Exxet release, they started to increase the scope of the entire Anima Project, and turned it into cards, minis, vidya and more, and they kinda had too much to do. It doesn't help that the English editions were so shitty it ruined a lot of overseas sales. Let's just hope the can pick up the slack now that they can start anew.
They never officially killed it, just all the game publishers (Both english and spanish) ended the runs. Carlos never said Tactics is over, and the PWG that game with the Kickstarter has stats for Tactics for some characters or so they say.
Eh tactics was fun
Not good.
>church and samael
Is anyone else not a fan of Warrior Summoner? I'm not really interested in any of the invocations Anima has at lower levels. Not to mention trying to homebrew your own invocations seem like a pain, too.
I see the fun in being a fighter with arcana and incarnation support, but what is the point in wizard-mentalist?
Also why is there no mentalist-prowler type?
>no dom wiz
>no dom ment
>no dom prowl
Sasuga carlos chan
>what is the point in wizard-mentalist?
For masochists. I see no point in playing this role. Telepathy is too good to pass up for Psychic, and you have to invest quite a bit of DP for your spells unless you take Ofuda, or Natural Magic. Then there's DP to be spent on PP and other crap. Maybe a mental pattern if you feel like it, but have fun trying to buy secondary abilities.
Really depends on your advantages.
Wiz ment is the group's potato support really.
Or the support for the potato group that wants to go 4 martials.
>full martial
>Not the correct way
c'mon kid, deus is vulting today.
It's time to shake the shackles of oppressive magic and go on a jolly adventure along with your fellow ubermensch in an adventure of enlightenment and violence, but mostly, violence.
>Not going Azrael Elan Paladin with Sainthood
>Not Jihading the Inquisition with the entire world
Deus Vult works best when you are a Saint
>Not the good guys
They're stupid, but they're good user, you just have to tactically pacify Romeo's own idiocy and tendency to make faustian deals and keep very dangerous monsters that nathaniel and tol rauko have yes they too.
Honestly Tactics was a bad competitive game, but one of the ultimate beer and pretzels game, not a lot of miniatures, relatively easy to play.
They are pussies, instead of burning the witch that destroyed the entire Holy Empire to the ground, they just stood there and watched rome burn. Their job was preventing it, and since they failed at that basic idea it's time to reconstruct it from the bottom with people that understands what it needs to be done, and most importantly stop turning all the people that can change the world into your enemies and making pacts with literal demons when you get against the wall.
Who's the witch?
Elijared. When the prince of Remo called her a witch that had used magic to charm the emperor, she just let a small laugh and said "oh, really?"
Then she burned the entire principality to the ground. The church and the Inquisition just shrugged and kinda cut ties after the Fall of Heaven.
Who was the leader then?
Elijared was Archbishop, but it was against every single rule and tradition of the Church. So while she was leader, everyone directly under her hated her. On the Inquisition, Romeo was still in charge and had enough authority to put her on a stake since while part of the Church, the Inquisition responds only to the Emperor and if he casts doubt on the Emperor's judgment then nothing really stopped him
Clearly Romeo was fucking Elijared, and hence he isn't fit to be inquisitor.
let the inquisitorial games to see who is the next high inquisitor start.
I vote for the Bearer.
>Giving the bearer more pressure
She deserves a nice house near the beach with ergo far, far away.
What alternatives to her are there? Your local batch of PCs?
There is this young lady called Anna Never that has potential and the blessings of the angels.
He would have murdered Eljared, and well everyone, but elrajed would be dead.
Am I missing something, how exactly is wizard mentalist bad? It lets you use the endless amounts of attack powers of psychics and save your zeon for the situational yet awesome spells. The only real drawbacks I see are that you get slightly less max points in either magic or psychics (because unlike other hybrids your class point values are otherwise the best of both worlds) and that you probably have to take a bunch of 2 point disadvantages in order to afford everything you want.
The only class that seems actively pointless is illusionist
Secondaries, buttload of CP.
2p disav are fucking YUGE.
>buttload of CP.
You can get gift/powers, ambivalence and either recovery or magic nature with three level 1 disadvantages. As for level 2 ones, psychic consumption, unlucky destiny and slow learner aren't THAT bad. If you take one of those instead of a 1 point advantage you can further pimp your spellcasting or get see supernatural or something.
You have friends, I assume? Failing that you can get your own. Take all three of the 2p disadvantages I just listed and get a comically long list of advantages, something like
>Access to a single school (pick whatever combat heavy school you feel like spamming every round you aren't doing something important, you don't need utility stuff because you have spells)
>Psychic ambivalence (aka the thing that makes psychics competitive)
>Familiar (pick up a shelee. I personally suggest light for comically high notice/search aka the two secondaries that matter, darkness for extra defense and stealth perks aka the secondaries that kinda matter, or essence to get lots of healing and the ability to see spirits aka the one thing you can't already see from being a wizard/mentalist. also it can turn into a bear or something)
then you have 3 more points to spend on magic perks in whatever ratio you like
the only secondary you really lose out on doing this is runes, except you can still get a decent score just from your natural bonus and having your sheele help out with it's slightly lower score
As for affording two types of projection, for powers you can take introvert/courage mental patterns (courage reduces defensive projection, but introvert makes you automatically hit if you cast something exclusively on yourself, meanwhile introvert has a -20 for offensive projection that gets balanced out by courage +30, leaving you with some social/combat disadvantages that make for fun roleplaying/weaknesses to plan around and powers that you can have at a higher level than normal
meanwhile with magic, beyond tweaking your score to be heavily baised towards attack or defence depending on if you're supporting magic is status effects or utlity based, you can just take defined projection metamagic a couple times
Whoops, I forgot how defensive powers work. don't post when you first wake up. While introvert pattern makes it so you don't whiff the casting, you still get a -20 to actually defend against attacks. If that bothers you then you can make it so you defend and cast passive stuff with spells (and pimp your projection accordingly) while your powers are strictly about attacking (and you replace introvert with extrovert to get big numbers for powers that are already visable, like energy)
This nevar girl does seem to have a spectacular sense of justice. Almost like she's used to positions that require heavy forethought and consideration of the repercussions of her actions.
If I had to compare her to anyone, I'd say she rather resembles the Empress. But that's just silly.
I vote Alexias. He probably wouldn't want the job, which is a good quality in that kinda position.
>Fuck you guys, who's gonna take care of the children?
>slow learner aren't THAT bad
>Hey Alexias, did your adopted daughter's hood just twitch in two places.
>Wha in alla tha blood-soaked heathen hell are ye on abou'? Yer eyes muss be playin' tricks on ye.
>Right, sorry. Where'd you get that fur belt for her, anyway?
>Made it masel'. Outta demon hide.
I feel like it wouldn't be bad if you were the sole true human in a nephilim group.
It's only problematic in long term games, something shorter and you'll barely notice it, especially if you use the CP it gives you properly to punch above your weight class
>Not having long games
>Being the GM of a long term game
>Never getting the chance to be a player
>But you have these awesome ideas for characters that just won't work as NPCs
The true suffering starts now.
I know the feeling user, I know the feeleroo.
What's the best Principality, and why is it Manterra?
Lucrecio>Shit>More shit>bleach>Cyanide>Your shithole of a """"home"""">Moth
>being a frog
I thought the Gabrielense were the frenchies.
>Psychic ambivalence
Why you insist in it being so great?
It feels fine for a multispammer-highish level psyker
>Why you insist in it being so great?
Because it takes the main strength of psychics ("I can use my powers a ton of times every turn with no resource cost") and rewards you for doing it with basically no downside, and only costs one CP.
If you take an average potential of +40 and split that into 4 powers (+10 potential), I can now use that power 4 times as +30 instead (+5 potential * number of powers used in one turn = +20 to all of them). When you start adding bonuses to potential from mental patterns or from spending PP to strengthen specific powers, you can basically always hit the 80 or 120 you need to throw out the base power every turn. Doing 50 damage 4 times in a row every turn is nothing to sneeze at.
You still have to LAND the hit of course, but against block/dodge characters without specific abilities they get to eat a shitload of penalties from avoiding all this shit, or failing that you can instead use telepathy or another power that is invisible to most people and get them that way.
There's almost no reason for a psychic character to not only take it but use it constantly.
Patrons apply per cast?
Was their ever a proper translation of the Core Exxert book? or it still the rule changes PDF?
No translation.
Never ever.
Did the Core Exxert book at least take steps so I didn't feel like I need to take an 8 week college course to figure out character generation?
Did they rewrite it? Because looking at the rules changes file it doesn't look like they took anything away (beyond some 3CP advantage options)
Is there another GM screen with all of the updated penalties?
The Spanish site lists a 'Pantella del Director Edición Revisada' as EDG9101. I think that might be for Revised 1e, though, which is the edition that was translated into English, because R1E is EDG9100.
Though, Core Exxet's full name is 'Anima - Beyond Fantasy Core Exxet Edición Revisada', so it could be for CE.
Is it wrong to think that Barnabas would love the song "My name is human", by Highly Suspect, for his personal theme?
Would it be wrong to use it in his fight if the players decide to go after him?
Noob question
When I buy a technique, and say it costs 10 ki, but I want to split it between two attributes, if the second attribute has a +2 next to it, it becomes 12 ki, but I can split it even between the two? is that correct?
So if you had a tech that was nornally dex 10, and you put some into strength, which is at a +2, you'd wind up with a 6/6 dex/str split.
Who is the biggest shit in Anima?