Paizo Games General /pgg/

Paizo Games General (Pathfinder & Starfinder) /pgg/ (formerly /pfg/)

Sibling Edition:
Does your character have a sibling or other close family? How do they feel about his adventuring career?

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I feel like doing this would be too much effort without enough payoff - I mean, I give my characters siblings and parents and relatives, but they're just shadows in the background, or threads of the backstory.

>having family in an rpg
It's like you want them to be killed/raped.

My girlfriend and I are currently playing a brother-sister pair. She's a paladin, I'm a cleric.

My dawrf has a huge family. More than 100 brothers and sisters huge. I assigned one sibling as a mirror to each of my party members so I can constantly chime in with stuff like "That's exactly what Horin would say!"

Step 1: Fuck your sister.

Hey, I'm gonna shill this a few more times.

Less than a week left for applications for Depths of Darkness. Probably will be equal parts combat and roleplay, with emphasis on exploration and survival. You'll start at level 4 and level pretty quickly just because I know everyone's tired of low level games- me included.

50 siblings. 100 cousins. 23 aunts. One of the consequences of long lifespans.

Jaime no. Stop.


He has a half-brother. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And another one. And a whole bunch of half-sisters. And then some extra for good measure. His mother had trouble keeping her legs closed.

What's the average lenght of an elf pregnancy?

I feel kind of bad for you, why is no one applying anyway? Did you shill this in the discord? Do you want me to do it for you?


Add next time.

Can do, didn't realize it was missing.

That scary avatar probably has to do with it.
Like unironically an avatar doesn't HAVE to represent you but it does hit people with strong first impressions.

There is nothing concrete, so assume some months longer or as long as a human's.

I don't think a lot of people are all to hot about being members of the Pathfinder Society as in the in-game organization.

This question has a simple answer, exactly one year from conception (which is typically 12 months or 365 days, Elves love their symbology) but we could explore the concept even further and come across some startling revelations.

More specifically, would it be unwise to assume the Elves share qualities of native woodland fauna? I mean, take the deer for instant; swift, noble, wise in the animal way and kings of the forest, they're practically Elves themselves, so what if Elves shared characteristics of a cervine nature? Of course, this would mean Elves would have twins; During times of plenty, deer will typically have twins, it's quite the problem in suburban areas where food is at a maximum and stress is at a minimum. Elves likewise will suffer the same fortunes, which explains why so many of them are so gosh darn SKINNY. It's not just a product of their bodies, but a deliberate attempt to keep themselves from producing too many god damn kids when the batter sticks. Intentional mild malnourishment, in other words, with all the implications a full-figured Elf might posit.

It would also, if we continued this Deer analogy, suggest that Elves are able to operate at full capacity right up until birth - Elves just don't really *show* like Humans do, a valuable trait for a swift woodland creature who needs every muscle working properly until it's time to have kids. And why shouldn't this make sense? Humans jury-rigged their uteruses to produce large-headed young and we're still reaping the consequences, Elves are either Super Duper Ancient or Made By God, they'd either be Built Tough or sufficiently evolved.

But yes, exactly one year.

I feel dumber for having read this, but I'm glad you've found something that makes you happy user.

Well, my previous character gets along with most of her family, especially now that she's moved out after the rape. Sure, she was possessed, but her brother really didn't deserve it.

My current character outlived everyone in his family some two or three thousand years ago.

My next character is either going to be a tiefling who doesn't have much in the way of family, or a slightly obsessed and somewhat imaginative twin to another player's very down to earth character. They only share a bed for sleeping purposes, user.

>especially now that she's moved out after the rape. Sure, she was possessed, but her brother really didn't deserve it

I remember this story, years ago.

>Recommended: This girl was Born in the Jungle, her Photos are Insane


You know, your timezone actually works for me, so I'll see about throwing something together. You aren't allowing Spheres of Power, so I guess I'll use this opportunity to play a Cryptic.

Of course. Unlike others who have backup twins out of nowhere, I like to engage in a little foreshadowing.

What would be a meaningful way to involve a character having family that doesn't involve immediately killing them?

I would think for something like Starfinder where, instead of being a wondering hobo you have some place to go back to (the two major places being Verces or Abasolom) Maybe if you have a business they maintain it for you while you're out doing the adventuring aspect or work on projects like making X items or whatever. This also goes with having skills that wouldn't make sense for a wondering hobo to have that would be better suited to having a place you can do them (like having a shop or lab or something)

Although I suppose when you think about it you can replace family with random loyal doods and not have the emotional impact of them being killed off.

>wondering hobo to have that would be better suited to having a place you can do them (like having a shop or lab or something)
>not having an amazing lab ship/caravan ship or riding on ships that have quarters for that shit.

Everyone's gotta have a family, somewhere. You make them meaningful by making them own some family business the party can use. Who needs Random Shopkeep #3 when Dad is a pharmacist and Mom knows how to cook a mean lasagna? Or, as suggests, just keep 'em on the ship.


I think you were already too dumb to begin with, that's why you don't see his logic.

>"So I heard on the grapevine you were pretty smart at chemicals and shit, if you catch my drift (wink). I'll let you on my ship for half price and give you a place to sleep if you hook me and my boys up with some dank shit"

Just... Give them a family man. Do you intend to keep living with your mom forever? Christ.

>Do you intend to keep living with your mom forever? Christ.

What if he does? You can actually play a momma's boy in Starfinder, or even a full-fledged NEET.

why is everyone ignoring chronicles?

it has 26 apps and still rolling, and some of those apps are pretty waifu material

What race and class should I play in my next game?

>The game would be played over a mixture of discord and roll20
Strike one
>with sessions being run bi-weekly.
Strike two
>vague sandbox premise instead of something with a strong goal and direction
Strike three, you're out.

How do I make a strong ki user like this?

You play a better system.

1.Make a Path of War character and take E.Flux. Call it Ki instead of Arcane Sorcerer fuckery.

2. Make a Sphere's of Power Character, entropic sage hedge-witch works wonders for it. Call your magic Ki manipulation.

3.Play a Deadly Fist Warsoul Soulknife with E.Flux. Call your E.Flux and Psionics Ki.

I can't disagree with any of this, especially when I recall that one user who said he wanted to make a pirate hunter who hunts terrorist to protect his family who work for the corps they are targeting even if he acknowledges their grievneces against the corps

>Everyone's gotta have a family

Will we be able to build Tenno in Starfinder? How about space Jews and space Russians by the horde?

I imagine really high end shit would be akin to their armor. The majority of their weapons I could certainly see.

So how would you prestige into this class? I'm honestly debating a mix of Anti-Paladin and Slayer levels (want to get Shield Master at level 6 through Talent > Ranger Combat Style and I like using social skills/Intimidate, plus Cha to Saves would be nice).

Actually, Tenno armor is bad. Really, really fucking bad.

Where the corpus have recovering shield generators, and the Grineer have extremely good alloys they use for their armors, the Tenno have shields (Except for Inaros and Nidus) that are far, far weaker than anything the corpus can pull out, and armor ratings that are paper next to what the grineer can manage.

Like, a corpus character will be able to hit something around 4k shield HP at level 30 or so. Grineer? they'll have around 4000 armor. No Warframe can even come close to that.

Instead, the Tenno rely heavily on their mobility, fast ability to act, and how utterly bullshit their abilities can be.

>alignment restrictions
>fucking gender restrictions
Attaching mechanics to Golaion fluff so fucking close was a mistake

>I just found out the name I gave my character that I came up with on my very own is the name of a demon in Golarion that is said to pay unwanted attention to you if you even say his name


What's the demon?

your character's parents were secret cultists, congratulations.

Pazuzu Pazuzu Pazuzu


Yes. Pazuzu. Like really, never heard of the name before I "came up" with it.

He assumed he'd have money to gamble from this assignment.

The fool.

>He doesn't Google names before using them

Holy shit dude

It's not bad so much as where your priorities are.

Mesa is not meant to tank bullets to the face but Rhino can, Volt is meant to go fast and Loki is Loki.

If everything was meant to tank bullets to the face without flinching that wouldn't leave us a lot of room to do other stuff.

That said, even if I could tank bullets to the face I would rather not do that.

Aunt Lammie is gonna rape your boy

Best bet is to work on a plot with your GM for this. You have discovered a situation OOC that could be real fuckin' neat in character. Roll with it, because as said, this likely means your parents were cultists.

>Somewhat of an outcast because of the name and the unwanted attention it invites
>Eternally plagued by cultists and demon assassins

>Lamatshu wants your head

No, I did. But all I got was an african deity. So...

It's a girl, and the thing with Lamashtu is a bit complicated, given how she's a gnirl.

>this likely means your parents were cultists
It's.... Complicated. I can't talk under the watchful eyes of the teammates who still don't know my backstory but visit this thread.

Well, in her tribe she never had problems.

I might just retcon it off. Her name just has to start in Pazu.



It's a gnoll girl, the rape is probably going in the other direction.

>user projects
user, she's a matriarch. Gnoll girls are stronger than males. It's not like with you humans.

How do you come up with "Pazuzu" independently?
Pazuzu isn't exactly a common PC name.

Oh, then her parents being worshippers of Pazuzu isn't just likely, its probably fact.

why does this matter?

What is this even again

I'm just shitposting though, don't mind me

sometimes people have funny responses though

Oh, I know, but you as a Tenno can't pilot a Warframe the same way a Grineer Bombard might walk into a room blithely, even if yoiu're one of the tankiest frames in the game, such as Inaros.

I feel like it's an interesting contrast, but it's a bit of ground rules if you eventually want to build such a character in Starfinder. No doubt the whole "not actually in the suit" thing is liable to be downright impossible as well.

Of course, being in the suit means you've got some mighty large curves to fill for any of the larger ones.

Okay; you might remember me as the Kozuni player. I had an array of similar-sounding names I was trying out for her. Mostly, the biggest choice was between "Kozu" and "Pazu", but I wanted those two to be informal-yet-official ways to call her, and so be a little bit longer; like you'd call a Maxence, just Max. I tried out several ways to finish these names with a gnollish sound to it (at least how -I- see gnollish language) and PazuZU sounded like a nice backdrop to KozuNI. First, it's a repetition, and that makes it more diverse, second, I couldn't do Pazuni or something like it anymore, because (Mighty Quest crew if you're reading this that is spoiler) the two characters are twins and so their parents tried to not make their names sound alike like it was a stupid joke but they didn't realize they'd end up mostly called by the shortened versions, which makes said stupid joke - Kozu / Pazu. [spoiler/]

Both twins agree Kozu should have gotten Pazu's name and vice-versa but that's just flavour referencing how I had a hard time picking[spoiler/]

>Okay; you might remember me as the Kozuni player.
Suddenly things are much clearer.

One of the big obstecles here is replicating some of the powers of the warframes.

Right now we don't really know what sort of spells we have with the mystic and technomancer but I don't really see the element bending to the degree warframes can do (even though Hydroid gets no love it seems having water tentacle is pretty dank in my opinion).

Except for me. Explain.


They're Neutral aligned

If every they named her that it was because they might have believed it would give her power, they're not stupid about the race's demonic taint

Aunt Lammie can rape girls

He's even dumber than Rory.

there's also the fact that warframe and Pathfinder are completely different systems. where in warframe you need to aim and if you hit, you hit, there's no such mobility thing preventing you from being hit in a game like pathfinder. Both of the Tenno's primary weapons (mobility and powers) are going to be hard if not impossible to replicate in Starfinder, just due to the nature of how the game systems work.

You may be better off trying to base a character on the Grineer. There has to be at least a few organizations spewing out defective clones that make for cheap soldiers.

Not if she rapes her first.

My character when back in time and became his own father.

That's me you're actually talking to, actually.

But pscht, user. All you do is shittalk other people's games, but I don't see you getting into one and having a life to talk about. Would that mean there's envy and jealousy involved?

...Given how much you care about e-celebs, I'd say you're living your game life through them.

Lamashtu is the Archdemon Goddess of Rape. You aren't beating her in a rape-off. That's not happening

How much aesthetic can I fit into a kitsune soundweaver kineticist and their wolf animal companion with the bestial kineticist archetype, both of them blasting their opponents with their voice- the kitsune being the main singer and the wolf the accompaniment

There are much, much better systems for this sort of thing than friggin' PF.

Don't dare me. For all you know, that might even be this character's goal already.

Not really the point of the conversation. Some games would do it better, sure, but we're here in the Paizo Games thread, so we're gonna try to do it with Paizo games.

I actually prefer the look of the Corpus, especially since I want to create a religion similar to theirs and Orhzov but doesn't involve Abador

yeah, I'm not concerned with replicating Warframe in Starfinder, beyond weapons their powers are way to out there for the scope of SF


It's worth bringing them up instead of perpetuating the cycle of 3.PF players being so close-minded they cannot fathom playing anything other than PF.

Hidden fetish detected.

Gotta admit, I way prefer the aesthetic of the Grineer over that of the Tenno or Corpus I've always been a fan of cybernetics, and something about their color palette and the bulbous way their armor looks is really appealing. Given they're much easier to replicate in most sci fi games anyways, I don't see a reason not to copy them over the warframes themselves, even if Warframes are way more powerful.

I'm now imagining a touching schene where the ship's mechanic is kneeling down in front of the team's soldier, and doing maintenance on one of his cybernetic legs.

A fair point, but not really a concern at the moment.

Ignoring that for a moment, what's your gripe with Abadar? He seems like he'd fit the Corpus to a T

>Maintenance on legs

/pgg/, are your legs okay?

Woops, screwed up the order of my paragraphs/sentences there. the question about abadar should come before the second quote.

>I'm now imagining a touching schene where the ship's mechanic is kneeling down in front of the team's soldier, and doing maintenance on one of his cybernetic legs.

Was this actually a thing in game? I only played for a little bit but I would find it amusing espeically if it was a female grineer demanding the male mechanic to work on her leg

pic related.

My legs are always OK.

Hi Slow.

Nah, thoroughly matriarchal society, so it's unlikely it'd ever happen the way I said. Doesn't change the fact that either way you spin it, it's a nice little scene.

Listen up, /pgg/. Your DM has been working really hard to make you happy. I want you to go find them online as soon as you can, and thank them for being so good to you.

Can you do that for me, /pgg/? It would mean a lot to them if you did.

Guess again.

They were until Starfinder decided that magic items don't stack in the same slots as cybernetics/grafted limbs anymore.

But user, the company has dissolved the extreme notion of "racial purity" that Ileosa hawked for the Gray Maidens; this means body positivity (HAAS) and PoC.

You've got a perfectly fine, no maintenance required set of limbs that work just fine.

What did you expect was going to happen when you added chain-saw knees and grappling hook arms?

>Text only
>Text only
>Text only

Shit tastes confirmed

Being fair here, it's a good balancing point. It's something that could have caused serious power problems later on, and we would have still been dealing with the same old magical christmas tree problem. while it's still going to be an issue of filling all your slots, at least you'll have the option to be fully nonmagical now.