What's your favorite traditional game?

What's your favorite traditional game?

How "Traditional?"
Because I've always been a fan of Chess, but I also play D&D.


Getting mad at people who like what I don't like or don't like what I like and engaging them in a circular venomous argument until the thread autosages, because to stop arguing would be to admit defeat even though the argument is circular, going no where, accomplishing nothing, and just generally wasting my time.

probably blood bowl, but I haven't had the time to set aside for proper league play in years


Sex. After that I enjoy Cyberpunk 2020 and Changeling the Lost.

D&D 3.5

Right now, I particularly enjoy Legend of the Five Rings.


You get one, not both.

It's really hard to call a favourite RPG or board game, there are so many good ones that create distinct and enjoyable experiences.

On social deduction games, though, Secret Hitler blows all the rest out of the fucking water.

vore ERP as a dragon pred
Honestly, probably cribbage. I've never been good at reading others' expressions, which makes all sorts of poker styles fucking awful, but cribbage is pretty fun.
>deciding which card or two are most likely to give the dealer the least amount of points
>or, as the dealer, figuring out which card or two to sacrifice to get the best total value out of both hands
>jockeying to hit the 15 and 31 marks
>smirking like a smug bastard because you just scored 6 points from 3-of-a-kind because the last person got a pair
>watching the reactions as the top card is revealed, because there's literally no reason to hide reactions
>seeing the dealer cringe or grin as he looks over the crib
>moving the little pegs around the track
It's so much fun.

Dragon mostly unrelated.

FFG Star Wars is the best RPG system IMO, because of its dice alone.

>magical realming

What ever miniatures game I'm into at the moment.
Looks like this summer is warmachine with a hint of the game I'm making atm

The most traditional game. Life.

Pirate Dice.

It's what we use for gambling in most of my campaigns because it's quick.

Everytime I play Life I get stuck with two vans full of kids.

That right there is winning at life user...

I always have a tonne of fun with Urban War when I can find people to play it with.

Talislanta, baby!