Updated IG list from before. Any pointers/c+c?
2000 IG: making a list out of what I have + a Stormlord I want.
Brigade Detatchment (+9 CP):
HQ: Company Commander w/ plasma pistol, power sword - 39 points
HQ: Company Commander w/ bolt pistol chainsword - 31 points
HQ: Company Commander w/ plasma pistol, chainsword - 35 points
Troops: Infantry Squad w/ flamer, autocannon, vox - 67 points
Troops: Infantry squad w/ flamer, autocannon, vox - 67 points
Troops: Infantry squad w/ flamer, heavy bolter, vox - 60 points
Troops: Infantry squad w/ sniper rifle, lascannon, vox - 67 points
Troops: Infantry squad w/ sniper rifle, lascannon, vox - 67 points
Troops: 5- man Militarum Tempestus squad w/ plasma gun, melta gun - 67 points
Elites: Veterans w/ 3 melta guns, sergeant w/bolter, Chimera w/ multi-laser, heavy flamer - 199 points
Elites: Veterans w/ 3 plasma guns, sergeant w/ bolter, Chimera w/ multi-laser, heavy bolter - 180 points
Elites: 5 Ratlings - 25 points
Elites: Command Squad w/ Medipack, Regimental Standard, 2 plasma guns - 53 points
Elites: Commissar w/ bolt pistol & chainsword - 31 points
Elites: Commissar w/ bolt pistol & chainsword - 31 points
Elites: Commissar w/ bolt pistol & chainsword - 31 points
Fast Attack: Bane Wolf w/ Chem cannon, heavy bolter - 96 points
Fast Attack: Armoured Sentinel w/ plasma cannon - 55 points
Fast Attack: 2x Armoured Sentinel w/ plasma cannon - 110 points
Heavy Support: Wyvern w/ heavy bolter - 93 points
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapon Squad w: 3 missile launcher - 72 points
Heavy Support: Heavy Weapon Squad w: 3 missile launcher/Lascannons(?) - 72 points
Super-Heavy Auxillary Detatchment: (+0 CP)
Lord of War: Stormlord w/ twin heavy bolter, 2 heavy stubbers - 452 points
Total: 2000 points, 9 CP.
HWS go in Stormlord with CC, other commanders go into gunline with a commissar, other commissars go into chims with vets for ld buff.