Considering last thread had the apocalypse narrowly averted via necromancy and manipulation of the fundamental nature of reality. Let's try to not almost end existence this time. Starting off with a simple question: what type of dragon are you draganons? How old are you as well? I will go first: ancient dracolich.
Meanwhile on /dragon/
Other urls found in this thread:
Copper Dragon, An Adult, but not an Ancientfag. Found /dtg/ when I was around 16 centuries, still here at 19 centuries, nearly two millenniums now.
Reminder this is why you don't deal with most things in the void when possible.
I'm a silver, tinkering with my genes to get that awesome platinum swag.
Black scale, benevolent nature. Living near an old human who catches fish for me and shares his beer with me. He seems very laid back and has a simple life. We planted a peach tree near his home and a local druid has blessed it to survive in the wetlands here. She has asked that we keep any seeds for her, and if the human makes spirits from the peaches she would very much like to try it when shes passing through again.
Life is simple and good here. Whats this business of an apocalypse? I have not been on this Faerunian spirit projection weave in a while.
Some young water dragon dived too deep brought back some stuff that should not be. I turned the entire ocean into a mini shadowfel killing everything alive there. There will be a problem with zombie fish and vampire merfolk but the ocean was lame anways and it was reality or the ocean I picked reality
One of these mortal planes had their Ocean's life obliterated to save that reality. Don't worry, This stuff happens all the time.
Silver dragon here. I'm still a young adult, getting a handle on life. I hope to copulate with a gold dragon someday.
I've begun to take a liking to helping the small ones and their problems. They've begun giving me tribute as their way of saying thanks. I try to refuse, but they insist. I've no real need for money, but I guess it helps to have some so I could buy stuff.
Adult Silver
....why are you all looking at me like that?
good to see I'm not the only silver on here last time I went on /db/ they called me a dirty human fucker. Im guessing they're just filthy chroms jealous of our glorious generics
I'm a young blue dragon, so call me a newfag if you want but I'm not gonna be your bitch.
I wish I were a chrome dragon so I could look like a dragon pimp...
Dragonwrought Kobold...
Fuck you I'm a dragon.
Yellow dragon here.
Fuck you if you think we don't exist.
Maybe if you aren't yellow like bananas or piss, people would want to notice you more. I can't imagine your scales reflect well under the sun.
Hammerspace dragon here. What's it like, being so fucking big? Being able to fit into little holes is nice, but I sometimes wish I could instill fear and respect in the humans and human-like races just by showing up.
>they called me a dirty human fucker
Well yeah, it's /db/. You can't go there and expect any meaningful discussion.
You don't actually fuck humans, though, correct?
so all of the divine presence from all of the shrines of both tiamat and bahamut I can scry suddenly flared and then vanished. Any elders or priestly dracoanons have any idea what the fuck happened?
Inb4 they got put on farm status.
It's like if everything else was tiny I guess.
uhhhh so now the shrines are gone, and there just one there that looks like both combined. Very unnerved
>schitzophrenic dragon god degenerates into a genderfluid multichromatic liquid metal dragon
So, three possibilities:
>Bahamut and Tiamat are for some reason fusing together to make one bigger dragon god
>they fuckin'
>someone's playing a trick with their shrines
Oh shit, or maybe Io is coming back, this could be really good or really bad.
>>they fuckin'
My guess is this too.
I'm not good on my ancient history and mythology (grew up around humans). Isn't Io the crystal one?
Io would be the dragon god who created Tiamat and Bahamut and us and then got sick of all of our shit and left, This was so long ago even our records are spotty. If he's coming back well, he made our gods and us but he also doesnt seem to well like his children so who knows.
(Void Dragon, has lived for countless eternities/*dreams*). (Also we agree that avoiding the situation that happened last time would be for the benefit/interest of us all).
Red Dragon here. I'm Adult, and very reasonable. All I demand to live in my territory is constant worship, statues to my glory, and biannual tribute. Considering I live right atop a gold mine it's not a bad deal.
ahh my void born friend. It seems the father of us all might be returning, the signs and portents are well interesting right now
Digits would suggest so.
Why do you feel the need to be worshiped? Do you really need validation from mortals to satisfy your ego? It must be sad to be so angry by nature.
>implying silvers don't need regular "validation" from mortals
Mortals are fun. Interaction with them beyond "Give me your shiny-shiny sparkles and get on your knees" is possible.
They're also excellent sources of food, and are sometimes half-decent at skill-games like chess. Though, finding one who takes me seriously at these is more difficult - the number of times I've pulled off that stupid 4-turn mate because they didn't think me an actual adult...
so the shrine is just getting larger and the more I stare at it the weird I feel . I like powerful...but wrong.....but I cant bring myself to look away.
(Father Io/Great One is returning)? (Let's hope he forgot how much he hates/despises/loaths/regrets our existence).
>Literally sucking mortal dick is superior to being revered as a god
Only silvers say these things.
Question for those with experience keeping mountain lairs:
How do you deal with a dwarf infestation? Some of them showed up about a century ago and being the young and impulsive red I was I set a few of them on fire to see how fast the rest could run. They seemed to have taken this as a challenge and now refuse to leave the area.
I don't want to damage the region too much as I make quite a bit of money protecting/extorting the caravans that travel through the nearby pass.
Im not sure he is too fond of my ilk either
[beep boop beep beep beep]
>How do you deal with a dwarf infestation? Some of them showed up about a century ago and being the young and impulsive red I was I set a few of them on fire to see how fast the rest could run. They seemed to have taken this as a challenge and now refuse to leave the area.
How deep does your lair run? I've dealt with some of the local Dwarves and we had an unfortunate disagreement over what they wanted to do with my aquifer. They enjoy tunneling out rock much more than I d however, and I eventually worked out an agreement with them.
From what I know of your kind, you can tel the value of any object at a glance. That is very valuable to dwarves, and you may be able to parley with them. Could you perhaps kidnap a noble's daughter and send her back with a message, after taking all her jewelry? That's what I did.
He's been gone so long I wonder if he remembers why he was so angered as to abandon us. I wonder if any one of us remembers either
Are you sure he's not a wizard?
So some elf showed up at my lair, started casting some spells and claiming he was going to steal my power and awaken a few dozen ancient chromatic dragons around the world
Needless to say, I torched his ass and took his magical amulet. But now I'm wondering if what he said had any truth to it. Has anybody else here had this happen?
According to my research there were once were three divine children of Io and the one day the third was dead and big t and big b each blamed the other so Io just got pisse and left
Pretty deep. There are a few passageways I suspect might go all the way to the underdark that I've sealed off with melted rubble. Luckily only a few slimes seem to be in the area. No sign the dwarves are close to my main lair, but considering how fond they are of digging I've been getting increasingly paranoid about them making a breakthrough when I'm not around.
Parley might be difficult; they're still sore about the whole burning thing. Though your suggestion about kidnapping one of their nobles might help with that. If someone else does the kidnapping and I help get them back maybe they'll be willing to listen? There's a local lich who owes me a favour I could recruit for that, but keeps giving me excuses about a paladin of Pelor hunting for him.
Anyone have any suggestions for getting liches to behave?
>So some elf showed up at my lair, started casting some spells and claiming he was going to steal my power
... Yeah, actually. I had two elves show up who were all about that. One was a Totemist of some sort who I think just wanted to become a dragon, and the other was a warrior with an amulet like you said. I still have the amulet, but it has no magical aura and the stone is pure white. Can you describe yours?
I think some of the dwarves here mentioned a desert elf cult surrounding Chromatics. I've been meaning to look into extracting tribute.
Might be my fault. I've spent several centuries spreading rumours of ancient godlike wyrms with unimagined treasures to give the hoard-seekers something to do besides bother me. From what I've heard some of the tales have become quite outlandish.
That worked? Color me surprised; I would've thought they'd go after your hoard anyway, then save the rumored one for later. Bird in the paw and all that.
They're just jealous cause they know that half-dragon hybrids are the true master race.
They kept at it for a while. The trick is to manoeuvre them into attacking a backup lair and put up a good fight. Let them think they've won only to find the treasure is all an illusion. They get pretty sick of it after half a dozen goes around.
Might just be my perspective, but humans seem like they'd be really unsatisfying mates, and terribly easy to accidentally puncture (and this *is* personal view, but their bodies are too damn big for casual interaction, would be closer to breeding stock than a more intimate mate). Why would you choose one over another dragon?
Ah, clever. Did you ever leave a cheesy note for them saying something like "maybe the real treasure was the friends you made along the way"?
I haven't identified it completely yet, but it was the only thing on him that wasn't melted by my breath so it must have some more advanced enchantment on it
The amulet is made of pure silver with a large topaz in the center. It has some weird designs on it that look elvish but I don't fully recognize it. There's an elf noble far to the north that owes me a few favors after I destroyed a vampire's lair when I was going there
Great so now I'm going to have to move to a new lair? Don't you know how annoying it is to move all that gold and jewelry?
If you're going to get freaky with humans like a degenerate, might as well go for the kobolds too.
I am a demon but my cock is a dragon
So that makes it count
fuck your ugly half dragon subhuman shit, gas them all
Pure dragons are the true master race
That one didn't occur to me. I did try leaving them a note with explosive runes on it, but they didn't fall for it. The best part was their cleric getting so frustrated up he punched the wall and broke his wrist. He couldn't do the somatic component for a cure spell so they had to waste a potion despite the battle being long over.
Half dragon kobolds make surprisingly effective assassins. No-one expects the kobold to be strong enough to stab through plate.
>punched the wall and broke his wrist
Do humans actually do that? That's wild; dumbest thing I've seen one do was trying to backflip from one cart of hay to another. Got stuck for a good minute or so, wasn't even drunk.
Plus, aren't some breeds of kobold actually distantly related to dragons? And the offspring would be hatched from eggs properly, rather than the weird live-birth thing mammals do.
>Why would you choose one over another dragon?
Diversity of offspring. Good for diplomacy. Human appendages and smaller size tends to be useful. Also tends to me more loyal to me and the family.
You should. Variety and diversity of offspring allows you to accomplish any task.
You sound jealous, user.
>The amulet is made of pure silver with a large topaz in the center.
Fuck me sideways, this one is a white topaz with brass decoration. I can't exactly test it against heat, maybe I'll let the dwarves fuck with it. I don't like how they used brass for this... thought since you're a gold and not a silver maybe there's no connection.
It depends on the human in my experience.
I've met some that are incredibly stupid, some that were incredible warriors and tactical masterminds, some that could steal the prized treasure of an ancient red and get out unnoticed, some that even I'd go to for arcane knowledge, hell I even found one human woman that could even convince me to have sex with her if she wanted to.
It's hard to judge humans as a whole, you put two white dragons beside each other and you'll see two dragons that are almost identical in terms of how they act. You take two humans and put them beside each other and you'll be hard pressed to find two things that are similar
well fuck from one end of the world to another possible end or possible utopia
>Human appendages and smaller size tends to be useful
Right, that's a problem for most dragons. Sorry, most of my size issues go in the opposite direction, so "fitting into buildings" isn't something I even considered a problem that might need solving.
>tends to be* more loyal to me and the family
How so? Do your draconic offspring tend to be more independent?
Could be the ramblings of a madman. Or a shitposter. We've been picking up a few of those, I think.
Yeah, that was poorly worded. I asked more as "can humans really reach that level of stupidity" than asking as a whole. Don't worry, I've watched or dealt with many different humans. Their species seems like blank slates that any personality can be thrown onto.
>Io is coming back
I follow Io, is this true?
Hey guys, I was in the last thread; I was the one who had the weird arrow that I found off a mortal. I decided to follow some other draganon's advice and jabbed it into a spot where I had recently shed a scale. I haven't felt anything yet but I'll update when I do.
Pic related is the arrow
Keep us updated. Let us know if anything bizarre happens
Well I cant speak for the maddened one but seems to be the right portents and my holy symbols of Tiamat and bahamut have just melted and merged so yeah this could be bad or good I have no idea how Io thinks of dracolichs
>Do your draconic offspring tend to be more independent?
I have yet to have one that doesn't either fly off eventually and completely ignore me or attempt to usurp me. The hybrids tend to respect the concept of family loyalty a bit more. Or maybe they're just less ambitious.
>Potentially jamming an arrow of dragonslaying into yourself
>The things Chromakiddos will do for (You)s
He'd already been struck by it once, hadn't he? That's how he got it, I thought.
Ah, okay. The family loyalty thing makes a bit of sense; humans and kobolds are far more social creatures than most dragons (though, less so for us smaller breeds, I think).
I felt really tired right after I posted, and ended up falling out for a bit. After I woke up I thought the arrow might have been cursed or poisoned so I started to freak out a bit, and as soon as I get stressed this glowy blue sword just pops up out of the ether and flies straight into the wall of my cave. It stuck in for a second and then shattered.
Tried to draw what it looked like, pic related.
Tar, and I honestly forget. No real point remembering such things after a while - one simply Is at that point, and the only other state they can be in is Is Not.
>adventuring party decides to tread into my lair to pick a fight with me
>Amused, I offer to let them have the first strike
>they line up in a row and draw weapons, and take combat stances
>they just stand there for a good two or three minutes before I ask what's wrong
>"bards late."
>"give him a minute."
>"yeah hold on a minute."
>awkward pause for a good thirty seconds or so before I hear footsteps from someone running
>look and see a silly looking man joining the group, apologizing
>he asks if they're ready
>suddenly they all start chanting
>suddenly they feel a lot more powerful
>tough fight, but I managed to kill them all in the end
I noticed they got a lot weaker once the bard went down. Does music really make that much of a difference in combat? Post your battle themes, I need to start building a collection and hiring some bards of my own.
I have no reason to be envious of your poorly drawn animu waifu shit that makes the shit on /ic/ look like Todd Lockwood
>not posting Granberia
Can't even convince these anons baka
How do you older dragons endure that awkward teenage/young adult phases?
It's really hard not trying to think about what it must be like to be in a romantic relationship with a male dragon when I have 100 or so years all to myself. Some of the pictures I've seen of them are kinda cute.
Are social gatherings a thing? I just want to hook up with someone and get this out of my system.
this is something I've never actually thought about. what is life like for a dragon from birth-young adulthood? do they have parents or are they just dropped in the wild to fend for themselves or what
>dealing with liches
Holy shit, fuck those bony cunts. They're like the bad stories you hear about asshole wizards but with even less regard for anyone else.
>have comfy lair right next to a shadow crossing
>in the Material Plane it's just a cave where the local humans bury their dead because of some stupid custom they have
>whatever, I just leave at night for some fun and come back to the cave before sunrise
>go out one night, as usual
>come back, there's no longer a cave to go back into
In the time I was gone, some asshole lich not only broke in and decided he wanted to raise all the dead in the cave, but that he needed to blow the roof off the cave in a show of magical force to spook the villagers.
>lets all the sun in
>puts torches everywhere
>no more portal to the Shadowfell
I had to spend all day out in the bright ass sun looking for a place to hide. I still think I have eye damage from all that light. Fuck liches.
>forgot pic related
>delicate shadow dragon crying about too much sunlight
Might as well be an undead cause you act like a vampire lmao
I need someone's help. I was a human, or an 'Arisen', and now I am a fucking dragon. The dragon in tapestry related ate my heart and sent me on a quest to get it back. I somehow did it, then the world goes to shit. Turns out there is this faggot called the 'Senchal' that is something of a god. He slapped me like a bitch, I wake up, and now I look like the dragon I had originally met. What the fuck do I do now? I don't even know how my body works anymore!
>t. normie dragon getting mad that some party of misfit trash raided his hoard for the Xth time this week
Just keep your stash in another dimension you brainlet. Or is it too spooky for you?
How should we know? How did your puny man-body work, could you tell someone how? Figure it out. You'll probably break a bunch of shit in the process. Might as well put that to good use and do it intentionally.
Honestly, I am just doing all this shit touch-n-go. As a man, I stood upright and did whatever with stuff I could grab with my hands. I can't do that anymore without falling on my ass, so I need all limbs to stay standing. I could destroy some shit to release some pressure, but I don't want to be an asshole for no reason.
Have you thought about using your new powers to fight evil and protect the innocent?
The main thing is to build up your hoard and let everyone know it. Even if you aren't the type to partner up long term, no would-be mate respects a dragon with a pittance of a hoard. This matters less as you get older and build up a reputation, but early on it's essential. Beyond that, it really depends on your species.
Don't just pile your hoard up randomly either, presentation is important. We've all figured out keeping the good stuff on the exterior and less valuable bits in the middle to give it volume, but there are a few tricks to help. Sprinkle a few less valuable coins and trinkets on the surface to contrast with the good stuff - make sure it's still majority good stuff on top, it makes it seem more like your hoard is like that all the way through.
If you don't have a physically large hoard and have been focusing on small, high value items, spread them out as part of a display. A central platform surrounded by your choice of elements with your hoard arranged around it works well. It's not too hard to persuade earth elementals to help you grow some crystal formations around each item to make it harder to steal. The spread out nature and appear-valuable-but-not-really bit in-between help make an otherwise small pile of magic items fill a room.
The tricky part is making sure would-be mates find out about all this. Kidnapping local mortals and finding an excuse to release them works (a good way to get ransoms too). Letting other dragons see it for themselves is asking for trouble.
I don't get why you put so much effort into protecting the lesser races. The die faster than you can blink and even if you do decide to keep one alive, odds are it won't be a century from now.
Even their kingdoms do this. Have you ever sat back and kingdom-watched for a few centuries? They usually start imploding within that kind of timeframe.
So I choose my lair partially because of the presence of this large pillar supposed placed there by Io, there are insrcibing in this pillar that despitre how many comprehedn languages I throw at it I still cant't read, now this wouldn't be interesting in itself if the pillar hadn't just starting glowing with pure divine energy strong enough to melt the parts of horde close to it. Its only getting brighter and more searing hot, I think this could another omen of his return
Oh wow, it actually worked! Wait, does it just send everything I- Okay.
Uh, hey, dragons? Is it all dragons? I don't even know how to ask. Are there dragons out there attracted to regular people because I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about dragons and it's actually getting really bad in such a way that I just spent all of my money on this cheap looking crystal which some weird guy assured me would help by letting me contact some group about it and I assume you're that group but I'm not sure exactly what I should do and I feel like I'm going to die from this but it's all I could think of so it's what I tried and here I am I guess.
Uh. How do I, how does
depends on the breed, probably. some parents stick around long enough to make sure the kid has the basics, then chase them out of the cave as new potential rivals, some just abandon their eggs like sea turtles, and some (e.g. hammerspace dragons) support their hatchlings and introduce them to the local community - though, tend to stop giving assistance after a certain age
>Are there dragons out there attracted to regular people
>"regular people"
Hello, human. There probably are, but I'd wager most of that group are either only interested platonically, or plan to use you as a toy rather than a mate. I think most of the draganons on here who've talked about breeding with a human have seen your kind more as a means to a half-dragon end.
Isn't there a human board where you might find others with similar experiences? I figure you guys might have one if even kobolds do.
Za Warudo, Toki wo tomare
You might turn, from what I know about ancient artifacts, turn into a Synthesis Summoner.
Some synthesis summonses like to call their summons [Stands] and give them names based on popular songs and bands. These [Stands] are known to have a specific unique power, some good, some harmful.
How do I know this? I'm a Brass Dragon Synthesis Summoner myself. My stand is called [Ghost Opera], I've been a Synthesis Summoner since a was a whelp. My [Stand] helped me fight most things off when I was caught flatfooted.
There is a trend that [Stand] users are bound to find eachother, so be careful.
Brigands I can handle, but this talk of dragons? World's gone mad, I say.
You'll probably be okay as long as you don't run into [Inhumane Incidents Instigated Inexpensively].
Who's the weirdo that gave those humanoids ideas for something like this? I-I would NEVER wear something like a maid outfit and serve a human for life!
We need humans to fear us, not fetishize us.
This is why village burning needs to be a semi-regular thing. Maybe step it up to small to medium sized towns if they don't get the message.
But if we burn more villages, we lose our primary source of revenue. We need them to fear us without reducing their numbers too much.
What about instead of virgin sacrifices, we demand humanoids that are attracted to us, and making an example out of them? The villages get to have their numbers grow, and we weed out the degenerates that I'm sure the humans themselves would treat with disdain. Win-win I'd say.