>FW does thing: awesome
>GW does same thing: abhorrent
Why? Many such cases
>FW does thing: awesome
>GW does same thing: abhorrent
Why? Many such cases
I get annoyed that GW never fucking acknowledges FW stuff in canon or in rules
>In rules? Yes
>In canon? ...
Too bad GW didn't replicate the hull texture of the FW drone.
Every Forge World sale is one less Citadel sale. Interdepartment competition is cutthroat. The two don't even regularly communicate.
Well GW managers have proven to not be exactly geniuses
The FW ones just looks so different. Especially when it comes to height. I can't have this one flying alongside the Forgeworld ones at all.
Hey don't be discriminatory now. Poor blight drone :(
>Squad of Blight Drones fly by
>Measly little one at the end stops, stares at audience
>"Iiii've been siiiiick"
GW is oversaturated with copyrightable detail ordered by marketers rather than sculptors..
FW is simpler but gets the point across clearly and concisely.
i agree with you user, it's probably due to GW sculptors dealing with direction meddling
they probably also have less time to work
>FW can do no wrong
>GW can do no right
>the thread
Nice digits, fellow nurglite
You should see the hobbit releases, most are ass and don't fit the game at all and then Bard's family has melting faces.
Nurgle bless this post.
GW shill detected.
really it's because Forge world stuff is not set stuff, its optional fluff that your opponent doesn't HAVE to permit if he doesn't want to deal with it's rules set, Codex units, (which is GW's domain) is "core" if you will, and there is very little an opponent can do to keep the other guy from fielding units that may be broken, OP, or just something that is effectively an 'auto-win' because it needs specific units to have any hope of combating and you, the opponent, don't have those specific units.
What the hell is this? You cannot tell me this fits the tone of the game.
It's even worse than the goats.
Even the worst stuff FW puts out is miles better than anything GW puts out. Utter perfection. Flawless execution.
Eh, it helps to remain critical of everything.
This must be shopped.
Oh fug I didn't even notice
Fuck off redshirt.
What's a redshirt?
Literally a WETA design
>Warhammer Community
>model looks like Warmachine
Mystery of the Bards
I dig it desu.
Looks more religious, big flying holy symbol of nurgle.
I like my chaos boys to be praising it. Papa nurgle needs all the advertisement he can get in this day and age of violence and sex.
Same user here but have we seen any other angle on this guy yet? What mysteries may lie in his backside I wonder.
When forgeworlds indexes?
Soon, apparently
thats called a squad leader
A quick Google has me worried it's legit.
Is it? If regular GW won't make titan models then people won't be buying them off GW anyway. So FW isn't really 'stealing' their customers in that way.
Is that a fidget spinner?
came here to post this
Because 40k is for casual kiddies and 30k is for bitter old neckbeards with bottomless wallets.
FW drone looks like a sick machine
GW drone looks like a sick sack of shit with a drone bodykit
30k bobby as is looks awkward as fuck
30k bobby with 40k bobbies helmet looks awesome.
30K Bobby is literally Mike Pench
All 30k primarchs barring Magnus and Angron should have helmets.
>"Iiii've been siiiiick"
Get cancer.
I say that in good faith :^)
WETA can get things wrong.
See: all the fucking plate armor and Smaug being a wyvern.
Jesus Nurgle, clam down.
Also, where do blight drones come from?
Corrupted automata.
tb h I think it will look loads better when its not painted by one of the flailing retards on the GW painting team.
Fuckadoodledoo they have put out some shite over the past few years.
>fidget spinners are getting out of hand
I'm guessing you don't visit the WIP threads. The guy doing the NMM Lorgar made him look absolutely amazing.
Wait, seriously?
To be fair, Angron's model is the best, if not tied with Peturbo's. I don't even have any World Eaters, but I might get him anyway some day.
smaugs a dragon.
doesn't have a stinger so not a wyvern.
just mount it on a flyer base as well. problem solved.
Needs two more arms and a longer snout.
Tolkien dragons are closer to the more derpy classical depictions than whatever Smaug is.
I wish they'd stop doing this, it just looks tacky.
Case in point, goofy flounder dragon.
They acknowledge both all the time
This may have been true 10 years ago but not anymore. The Prospero/Calth boxsets by GW show a heavy level of cooperation.
>Implying a revived primarch in M41 shouldn't look like a demi-god
many people struggle to understand the concept of less is more, they look at you like your stupid "uhh no, more is more"
Is there a rear shot of this guy yet?
It's chaos
Chaos is tacky.
limb number doesn't matter.
dragons can have 4 or 6 limbs.
St georges dragon was typically shown 4 limbed in medieval artwork for example.
A Nurgle fidget spinner. Now I've seen everything.
They even still use the fuckawful Armour Through the Ages models to show off older armour Marks in stuff like WD articles, except in the cases where they gave an older Mark a plastic kit. You know, despite FW offering Mk II and V models that don't suck.
It happens here and there. The Kastelan section of the Cult Mechanicus Codex mentions the patterns of battle-automata that were available from FW at the time.
Or GW seeing that HH was selling and deciding they wanted in on some of the money it was bringing in, anyway.
GW is capeshit
FW is kino
Im new to the hobby, yet ive already gravitated to browsing the Forgeworld site a lot more.
That seems to be where all the cool models and conversions reside.
I then check Chinaman catalogues to get a reasonable price for them
Probably something to do with it being CAD designed. It's a really easy texture to create with modelling putty.
>using capeshit and kino on any board but /tv/
Get out and stay out
Someone get this hothead outta here.
>he thinks recasts are reasonable market prices
There's a reason they're so low dumbass.
It's cause they give chinamen cancer. If I could I would pay for just that, but only if the company offering the service weren't chinamen themselves
Everyday day stupider and stupider shit gets said on Veeky Forums.
Except it's FW who were responsible for both BaC and BoP.
I prefer the GW version.
>Except it's FW who were responsible for both BaC and BoP.
They were?
ok I thought I was the only one who hated the "foetid blight drone" (ugh really?). I guess Dark Vengeance set the bar high with the raging Helbrute. I was expecting an equally impressive big bad evil hulk in this box set... not a tacky ripoff of a forgeworld classic
>"foetid blight drone" (ugh really?)
Welcome to the era of easily trademarkable names. Or, should I say, Nounverb Epicnames.
I aint paying 11-20 pounds + shipping for a handfull of tiny resin pieces just so i can make my dudes look lore appropriate.
Nevermind the batshit prices on full models.
Even Chinaman is too expensive imo, but they're tiny operations so i give em that leeway.
That's fine, but you also don't get to just decide what prices the market sets.
>Even Chinaman is too expensive imo
Get a job faggot
>That's fine, but you also don't get to just decide what prices the market sets.
He never said he could. Chinese rip offs are part of the market.
I see those sweatshops sell everything else for pennies so naturally I want the same for resin.
Not that it will happen for various reasons.
Have you maybe considered that casting highly detailed resin models at a decent to high level of quality isn't easy and that that is why it's always "expensive" no matter who's selling?