>*flanks your tribe*
*flanks your tribe*
I wish we still had quest threads on Veeky Forums.
We're a confederation, excuse you.
Teutonic Twats need to LEAVE. GO. WE'RE CATHOLICS TOO. STOP.
You're the ones who invited us over for the big Pagan Purge.
And? We live 2000 ft, higher than she would be ever able to climb. They are all just dirt pounding plainers.
Frankly orks give much trouble simply because they climb better and don't fall over because the air in the mountains is to clean for them.
Are you sure that you're fellow Christians? Because the greed you voice sounds awfully Jewish...
T. Mortarion's step-dad
That's because he's Catholic. They're pretty much just Jews wearing fancy hats.
Was the Teutonic Order an IRL example of Lawful Evil?
>The order was formed to aid Christians on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals.
Doesn't sound evil to me.
Yeah, besides the whole "purging Slavs and fellow Christians in Poland" thing.
They were literally Chaotic Stupid in the purest form, with short periods of Lawful Stupid inbetween.
It will never cease to amaze me those fuckers actually "won" in Baltic, while loosing each and every single skirmish and battle and being mangled few times in a row. The locals simply got bored eventually with constantly fighting with those guys and strike a deal with them - they will go Catholic and those cunts will stop getting outside their castles.
>All those things
>Ogórki kiszone aren't home-made
You literally had one job.
>Doesn't sound evil to me.
They forgot everything after being kicked out of the Holy Land. They reversed their heraldy and after arriving in Europe managed to piss off both kingdoms who let them stay. First Hungarians and then Poles. And after killing fellow Christians for greed and power they decided to become Protestant. Fuck them., they are neutral evil at best.
I don't know what going Protestant has to do with the rest of that, but sounds pretty CE.
Lithuania should've stayed pagan, would've been more interesting.
>I don't know what going Protestant
Not that I have trouble with Protestants but it shows their willingless to betray every oath they swore.
Says the heretic that worships three forms of god. You know what happens to heretics? They burn like witches.
I have no fear of death because I don't have to fucking pay to go to heaven.
Your payment to heaven is prayer and death of heathens, you insufferable Christian. Praise Allah. :^)
It doesn't really matter considering how the inquisition fucked them over.
I wonder what would happen if it still existed...
>Reinforcements have arrived
The Book says that Lord gave his faithful Ark of Covenant, mighty weapon that let them overcome any foe. It was lost in ages. But the faithful toiled and managed to capture fraction of its power in design of their own. Nowhere near as mighty as the true gift, but with enough power to wear down a bit of flanking. Now turn or burn.