Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

An invulnerable save is a save you cant modify but easily ignore, edition


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What's the baby with the meltabomb for? I got it in the Devestator kit.

Reminder that blood angels lost melta guns on their assault squads

Rules question that was unresolved in the last thread: Do chaos daemon units that are summoned have to be included in the initial battleforged list? Some people seem to think so, but I can't find any rules justification for it.

Read. Its a armorium cherub

armorium cherub. it is just for representing the wargear. it doesn't count as a model.

it is also a great conversion piece. like teleport homers etc.

Reminder that leman russes in obscured cover are pretty good bunkers for their cost

Also scout sentinels are ok

Dark Eldar are finally great. Where's the catch?

>Reminder that blood angels lost the ability to take raptors


Armory cherub, doesn't need to be modeled on but you can put it on a separate base to remind you that you have it.

He is around 415pts, i think.

As for killing, his smite does 7 mortal wounds 40% of time, so he could kill two half of the time.

However, real issue is his mobility. I don't think that you will have easy time focusing him.

You only have to pay the points for them, you don't actually have to decide what to summon until you do it

No, the points for them have to be set aside but you don't have to decide what you actually spend those points on until you summon them. That's the benefit of summoning, is tailoring your list to the situation on the fly.

What are Tau players going to do with all their Riptides?

They're the new "WAAC" faction and people will turn down games with you if you bring them.

So I really wanted to fit in a 10 man squad of Mandrakes, but i can't think of anything to drop
Dammit GW
Archon: Agoniser, Blast Pistol - 68
4x Sslyth - 176
[Venom: 2x Splinter Cannons - 95]

5x Warriors: Blaster - 50
[Venom: 2x Splinter Cannons - 95]
5x Warriors: Blaster - 50
[Venom: 2x Splinter Cannons - 95]

5x Trueborn: 2x Dark Lances, 2x Blasters - 125
[Venom: 2x Splinter Cannons - 95]
5x Trueborn: 2x Dark Lances, 2x Blasters - 125
[Venom: 2x Splinter Cannons - 95]

>Fast Attack
5x Scourges: Power Lance, 4x Heat Lances - 174
5x Scourges: 4x Dark Lances - 150
6x Reavers: Agoniser, 2x Heat Lances, 2x Caltrops - 244

>Heavy Support
3x Talos: 6x Scapels, 6x Heat Lances - 363
Total: 2000/2000 points

You don't even have to pay the points for it. Summoning still effectively increases your point cap.

So can i mix imperium units in detachment or no? Cause my inquisitor needs some vehicles

I don't know but I hope it involves crying

They go the way of Bretonnia and the Tomb Kings.

Not even true.

The catch is that once you start getting Codex updates you're probably going to get Haemonculus Covens, Wych Cults and Kabalite Raiders all as separate books.

>Fallen Champion may replace his bolter and/or pistol with 1 item from the Champions equipment list
So can I just replace his pistol for another bolter for some dual bolter action?


How ARE orks. Have we figured it out yet?

What even is their statline?

>You don't even have to pay the points for it.
Yes you do, read the fucking rulebook.

Yep, a unit can fire all it's weapons in the same phase but remember it has to be modeled on!

If that is on the champion equipment list, yes.

Hi, I'm new.

nothing because normal tau dont have any to begin with, it's only the FoM WAACfags who have boatloads and now they're racing each other to buy carnifex

They're mediocre. Hopefully their codex makes them ace.

I am, and I don't see anything that supports your justification.

Still bring them if they're the type of player who actually painted them and cares about the faction and isn't just a WAACfag manchild, because they mrely got toned down from openly fucking overpowered to reasonable and still good?

The faggots with like 4 half-assembled grey plastic ones can burn them.

People got the books early and are playing test games.

DE, Eldar and Nids are top tier.
Orks and daemons and bottom tier.

Ur dumb

Those riptides have paint on them. I don't understand, I thought that was impossible.

Can I play FW units in a normal game of 40k? Not talking about alternative models, but specifically FW only units

Lol, do they actually think Carnifex spam will be good?

yes, as long as they share a tag they can be allied
>tfw finally have a reason to buy sentinels

Read it again with a friend who actually knows what words means to fucking dunce.

Thanks buddy!

It's a special paint conceived by NASA, CIA and Bob Ross. A special formula prevents the paint from flowing right off the miniature.

>and now they're racing each other to buy carnifex
Jokes on them, Carnifexes are mediocre.

I can't wait for the first time I play some bandwagonning ex-Taufag in a nid mirror and crush him because he has no idea how the faction plays and doesn't realize they don't have any auto-win units like Riptides.

Yep and he and his acolytes can ride in ANY imperial transport

Yes although we don't know their 8th edition stats yet

I've been at the office all week and haven't gotten to go over the leaks. What changed that made Deldar so Good? I play them and irks and I want to know what to avoid taking so I can keep slumming it in shitsville. Been here since 5th and don't feel like leaving.

Oh baby

Replace them with SS's I guess?

I don't know, do you think MCs with the same statline as a dreadnought but can be fielded for like 90 pts vs a dread being 140 is good?

They have a Movement stat of 7" which is good, 2 attacks per model, come with a free Alluress now who still has the 3 attacks base, maximum 30 models per unit, Quicksilver Grace is arguably an improvement over high initiative though in low points games it will probably be less useful.
With 20+ models in a unit each model gets 1 extra attack, so with the max number of units your attacks should be 91 made at 3+ WS 3 S -1 AP and dealing 1 damage, but any 6+ to wound rolls increase that AP to -4.
Also daemonic icons are cool, gotta pay points for it but daemons can still flicker back onto the battlefield during a morale test.
All in all, looking good.
Oh yeah the heavy weapons thing is gone, I was stating it mostly for the glorious blastmaster out of sheer habit but honestly you can afford to shoot it at -1 to BS

Oh cool! And it is legal right? I'll just have to buy the FW book whenever it comes out, right?

So does anybody else feel like using the Cityfight rules by default? Even if you aren't using a table that's densely packed with ruins, the rules just seem nice overall. Units get extra movement when they're in the open and not going through terrain, ruins have a way to give better armor bonuses than other terrain, grenades are good for clearing out units in cover, and there's a lot of interesting Strategems that both players could make use of to help deploy their army or fortify a position in different ways.

What's up with daemons? The tzeentch stuff taking a hit?

Currently no, but there's apparently 8th edition rules coming for every FW model, they said by the game's launch.

More generally, it depends on your local club/store. Some places don't accept FW stuff. Weirdly, this includes some redshirts who won't have FW stuff in their stores.

Yeah forgeworld armies are completely legal

>Jokes on them, Carnifexes are mediocre.
Shhh, don't tell them. I snatched up like a dozen on the cheap from the Deathstorm starter set a couple years back when they were shit and now I can sell them for triple the price to netlisting WAAC retards before the meta stabilizes.

were does it say that?

Daemons are still legit, but summoning lost a lot of its brokenness. It's mostly useful as a way to unreliably deep strike mediocre units.

How many points has the Death Guard half of starter set? I'm thinking about mixing them with nurgle daemons Start Collecting which has something around 450 pts

Summoning costs points, and psychic powers were way toned down.

Tzeentch Daemons are on suicide watch, other gods are doing just fine. I hear Khornates are actually pretty happy.

Any? Well, time for some corvus darkstar acolytes

How does /40kg/ feel about recasts? I'm considering getting back into the game with 7th and I think I might just order a 100% recast csm army.

Daemons lost summoning and in exchange got a lot of buffs while receiving point reductions in some cases. Very little in their section of the chaos codex isn't at least usable

They got screwed over by changes to psychic phase. They only have access to a total of 3 powers + Smite now, and Psychic Focus means you can't use any non-Smite power more than once a turn, so you quickly get to the point that your psykers are just Smite-dispensers. No universal deepstrike either, replaced by the new summoning rules. Pinks got pretty heavily nerfed, due to now being awful casters and blues/brims costing points and not having a ranged attack.

This is more urban legend than truth especially in the last few years

I haven't looked at the new codex are my gun lines and hammerheads good now?

Quick question from a retard here. If I were to try my hand at a Gabriel Angelos model, what would be the best way to go about it?

Would it be a good idea to buy some tartaros termies then a captain for the commander bits? Would the captain boxes have a thunderhammer? Havent played since 5th so Im not familiar with what boxes contain these days.

A unit can fire either all of its nonpistol weapons, or all of its pistol weapons.

About 950 points on each side.

Whats changed about them? I have some friends that play DE, whats new for them?

pfffffft oh god you're one of them

is this a new rule? cause some of those things are nowere near balanced

So. How is it. What does it do in 8th?

Right in the shooting phase of the rulebooks.

Why is GW fucking allergic to giving Orks good rules?

So the Khorne Daemons are okay? I was thinking about buying them this summer but

He has a fw model iirc

Thinking about doing the same

Some of GW's stuff in 7e is nowhere near balanced.

They're fine, but they'll always be second fiddle to Slaanesh.

>About 950 points on each side
Oh wow, are you serious? Fuck, that's a lot

sorry that was unclear, where does it say that they have to be modeled on?

>Doesn't move.
>Expects to make the charge
>Somehow expects his mental retardation is the game's fault.

user, plz.

It's a suicide flamer. Causes mortal wounds when it dies.

you through it at expensive elite units and laugh and laugh

ANY. Feel free to give them drop pods, not a bad idea with plasma acolytes

>Where's the catch?
You're the new Tau. No one will play you now and everyone assumes you're an edgeaboo

Ah gotcha, I was curious about that thanks for the quick responses. I'm primarily a Nurgle guy and I've only seen a little bit but I'm pretty content.

You can choose your combat drugs
Dark light weapons and really powerful now
Agonizers are massivly undercosted
Stuff like that

Tzeentch isn't very good anymore, very low damage no and good psychic powers.
Everything they rely on like summoning, monsters and psychic powers got nerfed or removed so they're really feeling their lack guns and transports.

Greater daemons are half dead by the time they reach the enemy gun line and then they strike last when charged.
all their troops are still just T3 5++ as well only now loads of weapons ignore invulnerable saves.

Chadmarines will be available separately, right?

We skirmish game now

10 inch flamer, S5 AP-1 d6 hits. T4 W4 4+ save with an AP-3 melee weapon. 42pts

>Replace units that have been destroyed
Would this include models? That would be pretty bad for Necrons.

His DOW3 model is going to be made by FW

There was a limited edition captain two handing a thunder hammer with gabes haircut, it's the perfect non termie gabe

Armorium Cherub. I believe you spend it for a reroll once per game.

Sell them and buy primaris

>same statline as a Dreadnought
>WS 4+
>melee unit

They're literally the new >I2 melee race meme, dont make me laugh.

Models aren't units

bad idea with 100 point droppods

It's been like that for a while

No replacing models in a unit is fine, creating a new unit costs points

>Tzeentch Daemons on suicide watch
the only Tzeentch Player I know is hording those little brimstone horrors and intends to field vast hordes of them and spam smite at people.

I have noticed that old boxed deals like start collectings have lost on their point value. Looks like most of new players will stick with DG or NuMarines

Weren't they high tier in 5th?

Oh wow 1 less WS in exchange for being 2/3rds the price and able to take 3 in one HS slot. How terrible!