Stat him Veeky Forums
He looks like a big guy
I'd put him at around a GM III. Maybe a Jesta, depending on what he's packing in those arm-mounted guns.
I mean, it's better than imitating Bayformers but why do the more mechanically dominated franchises shift to MSGundam art style so much?
It's happened to Battletech (well, the games) and now they're doing it with Halo as well.
It looks nice but it's kinda unimaginative, if you ask me.
Well the people who grew up on it in their youth are currently productive adults, and when they need to be inspired that's where they draw from
btw, how about this one Veeky Forums
>28mm halo game never
why do we live
Because life is unfair?
At least we got a 15mm one....
Those stats are classified, son.
The first depiction of combat mechs in Halo was in an anime OVA. The carryover of the japanese aesthetic was probably mandated by 343i for lore consistency.
Didn't they do one in Clix about a decade ago?
I remember that failed miserably, much like anything Clix related.
>belt fed sniper rifle
I feel like that would interfere with accuracy
How so?
Most beltfeds are open bolt
an ez-8 knock off with random bullshit taped to him?
>doesn't mention the glaring problem of a sniper carrying incendiary rounds on his chest
it'll make for a hilarious cookoff when he gets hit
Regarding "snipers" you find unless it's designated marksmen blapping you from 1km+ range, the role of ranged support within a squad is being increasingly filled by 7mm LMG's with scopes. They can accurately put a 3-5 round burst out to 700m without a great deal of trouble.
For me.
That's interesting....
Is that official or fan art? It doesn't fit the USMC aesthetic at all.
anyway, check out halo legends anime, where a similar size suit is a prototype to mjolnir iirc