D&D 5th Edition General Discussion
>Download Unearthed Arcana: Revised Subclasses:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
>Resources Pastebin:
Previously on /5eg/:
D&D 5th Edition General Discussion
>Download Unearthed Arcana: Revised Subclasses:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
>Resources Pastebin:
Previously on /5eg/:
What class would you give Captain Jack Sparrow?
>No op question
Step up your game
Hmm... interesting idea... maybe each feat only gives you two tails, and thusly, if you want to get all the magics of a nine-tailed kitsune, you got to be willing to burn four feats on just pimping out your butt?
It's a bit of a feat tax, but it's purely optional, and certainly less so than the original "you need 8 feats to get full power" PF version...
Any suggestions on what spells I could associate with each feat?
can someone post a link to a black&white version of the player's handbook. Preferably with bookmarks but not necessary.
Drunken Master
Not this same guy but I also can't find a PDF of the DMG anywhere. I found the PHB easily, and some weird flash-based webpage for the DMG, but the download button on the page is broken
Thanks for the help, I understand your concerns. I think I'll take an approach that just makes conversion factors really easy to keep in my head. It's still close enough to something more standardized, and makes it easy to fluctuate if I ever want to throw some curveballs, like sleazy scalpers.
>1 day of normal travel = 1 hour by train
>10 gp fare per hour of train travel
dmg is in the trove, and it's definitely working. unless you're looking for b&w that is.
The trove has a transcript if you are looking for a smaller file size
Hey guys, we're running a one shot today as level 12s and I've decided to go with a half elf paladin. What are some fun builds to try?
I saw that, but I specifically want a B&W version of the PHB.
paladin with polearm mastery and a halbard can smite 3 times a turn once he has two attacks, I think. That's sounding pretty damned cool.
Rogue (Swashbuckler)
How is this even a question
it's called bait, maybe you've heard of it.
this was good bait though, excellently disguised as a genuine question.
Because it keeps getting asked.
As a general thing I don't think it's too good to encourage players to haggle on everything. Though I guess if it's only in 'cutscenes' rather than 'assumed shopping' like when someone wants to buy something from the PHB they can do it out of character.
I probably find the best time for haggling is when haggling for monsters - players know that monsters might not play fair, and haggling has consequences - they might anger the monster.
I want to add something akin to the Deck of Many Things to my campaign, but not as overtly aggressive with the outcomes.
I was prob gonna use a physical deck of playing cards with one of each, as I don't own a Tarot deck. or maybe ill buy a tarot deck
Are there premades out there you guys have used? Or do you have any suggestions? effects that make a mark but not a stupid impact like "lmao 6 levels"
That does sound pretty full interesting, do you have any recommendations for magic items? He's giving us 2 uncommon and either 2 rares or one very rare
Just do DoMT, but remove/alter the really really hardcore ones like donjon or the 3 wishes one.
Worked fine in my campaign. They've actually gone after the DoMT yet again, attempting to find it and use it one last time to become more powerful.
The Cleric had pulled a Vizier, and just now used it to try and find the deck again so I let him do it. It's on another continent in a green dragon's horde
What's the best single monster to drop on a 12th level party in the Underdark?
>Dark Evilguy has join your party
>It's clearly a 14 year old
First, focus on why it exists in the first place.
The easiest excuse is 'It's the artefact of a trickster god'.
Second, ensure it isn't so stupidly bullshit that it can end all of creation.
Third, make sure the options are still fun. Even if it has a negative effect, it should be a 'fun' negative effect, somehow.
I can't really post any .pdfs or links or whatever but there are certainly modifications out there and you should probably follow the above even with the premades.
I made a game where the players collected a tarot deck of major arcana, and each creature in the party could hold a particular card at a time, which granted them light boons related to the theme of the card. The Tower essentially functioned as either a 1/day wand of lightning bolt or a once-per-day free inspiration.
Use your mind-head.
Maybe a Death Tyrant in its lair?
Purple Worm?
>Dark Evilguy has begun the final confrontation with your party
>when all hope looks lost, the paladin pulls out his trump card
>he calls Dark Evilguy's mother
>Dark Evilguy is vanquished forever (or at least until he isn't grounded anymore for being rude online)
Here's the full description on it. Paladin of whatever race, Half-elf is fine, but alternate human is optimal. Choose whatever skills you want. Any paladin sub-class is fine, but Vengeance paladin is optimal for that OP vow of enmity. I prefer oath of ancients paladin though since they make for good tanks and the auras entice your team to stay near you so you can work the sentinel feat to it's best advantage.
you're level 12, so you get 3 ability score improvements or feats. take polearm mastery for 3 total attacks and the opportunity attack reaction (all of which you can divine smite on), and sentinel for getting off more reaction attacks (of which you may smite with).
You can pull of some stupid powerful strikes with this.
as for magic items, I wouldn't know, but anything that helps improve damage or reach would be great. Or items that give you more effective spell slots.
Any people playing their characters according to the 5e guides or don't bother?
Rename it into deck of fate and switch the bad into infusion of power. The fool just lower all difficulty by one and easy thing auto succeed.
What do you mean "according to the guide"?
I might glimpse over a guide to see what people think is worth multiclassing or if there are any useful spells I'm overlooking, but I'm not going to follow one and take every amazing option
What guide? The game is simplistic enough that "optimization" is taking a melee feat on a melee character, or a ranged feat on a ranged character.
I have it but I'm not going to post it. Stop pirating books, fucking buy them on Amazon, if you don't have sixty bucks to spend on the three cores then you don't deserve to exist. People like you are the reason RPGs are getting shittier, they can't make any money so all the good developers get fucked and as a result the market goes to Kickstarter faggots who rip you off for a shitty game like End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse. Just buy the game. You are putting FLGSs out of business all over the country with your rampant twattery. But I guess since you are a NEET you probably don't go to these stores anyway, you probably hate FLGS like most of Veeky Forums who thinks they are being edgy and cool by hating on one of your greatest allies, while using strawmans / making up pure bullshit about the one nearest you because "wah wah 5 cents above MSRP" and throwing out the same old arguments about brick and mortar being on the way out, yet ignoring the fact that by pirating you are hurting WotC directly and will probably end up with them not making new content for the game anymore (not that the greedy fucks are making any new 5e content anyway but that's a separate matter). I've gotten six of the 5e Megas taken down so far and I plan to continue to do so, they are literally breaking the law and that is indefensible. Stop. If you want to play the game, you get to pay the price. Or just keep reading PDFs on your stupid-ass tablet. I can't wait for there to be a special squad to hunt down and kill people who pirate. I would vote for that govt. institution in a second. You and everyone in your game group would be thrown in the motherfucking gulag and left to eat rats and eventually each other. Have fun crawling in a real dungeon, you worthless greedy penny-pincher jew fucks.
Hello gents.
So Im trying to stat out pic related. (Star Toffee) but with a different name, of course. Our DM is allowing sny fun or crazy ideas but we can only referance the PHB, DM guide, and Volos.
In thinking Dragonborn fighter. Noble background. Maybe barb?
Any help would be appreciated greatly.
People have already written several 5e guides and posted them on Zenith, Enworld, GitP.
So the system just works well as is? Huh.
starting a new game with 10 players. I doubt I'll be looking at the guide that much, if not solely to keep the game moving. I don't really care what a player does as long as the action does break immersion or is overtly rule-breaking.
Call me retarded, but where in the trove?
So, today's Unearthed Arcana is an update and discussion...that they've moved Artificer and Mystic to the DMs guild and when they have a bit more data they'll make them officially playtested material for the Adventurers League.
I haven't had time to review their moved documents...are they updated at all from the initial UA postings?
Okay, this is my first draft for the Kitsune Tail Feats; rip me up for how immeasurably overpowered these are.
Feat: Magical Tails
Prerequisite: Race - Kitsune, Minimum Level - 5
Effect: Choose one of the Tails listed below. At 5th level, you gain the ability to cast a single spell determined by that tail. At 9th level, you gain a second spell also determined by that tail. Spells cast through this feat are cast at their minimum caster level and use Charisma as their spellcasting ability score. Spells cast through this feat can be used once, and then you must complete a long rest before you can cast them again.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you select it, you must select a new Tail to gain.
Special: Each time you gain a spell-like ability because of this feat, you gain an additional tail.
Tail of Charm: Suggestion at 5th level, Hypnotic Pattern at 9th level.
Tail of Wrath: Blindness/Deafness at 5th level, Bestow Curse at 9th level.
Tail of Fire: Aganazzar's Scorcher at 5th level, Fireball at 9th level.
Tail of Malice: Crown of Madness at 5th level, Fear at 9th level.
I think that this is actually an announcement and the real article is due on the 5th? I'm not sure, I really haven't made heads or tails of it since they went back to monthly schedule.
This better not be the only UA we're getting for the month, though...
>Calls others Jews
>As he Jews as hard as possible and wanks about being a cunt
Same, Artificer is anyway.
In the OP post
What I don't understand is why you can't get a PDF download by proving you bought a book. Personally I like having both and use one or the other depending on the situation.
I fell for the bait.
spare me. I have another PHB i'm loaning to a friend and have purchased 3 starter sets, and 2 DM screens, as well as all the spell cards, twice.
The players are going to be running into their penultimate big bad, a Dragonborn warlord, sister of the big bad.
They are a party of 5 level 4's atm. What stat block would make her menacing and a challenge but not soul crushingly unfun?
slightly beefed gladiator? gladiator with some guard minions?
get fucked, kiddo
I'm curious, why do you need a black and white pdf of the DMG specifically? Is it about file size?
If this is bait, pic related.
If you're serious, legal issues aside, you need serious mental help pal.
Simple answer is a dragonborn battlemaster or gladiator works. But you're going to have to give us more information.
Can someone double check if they changed anything yet? I don't want to make an account for that.
Forgot to mention I'm the shmuck you're replying to, and the one requesting the B&W pdf.
Not only do I collect D&D paraphernalia and probably have spent more money on this game then you and half the people on Veeky Forums combined, but I compile various PDFs of TSR and WotC books solely for the purpose of making all of it readily accessible to people once the game inevitably dies. I'm asking for a B&W pdf because I can't be arsed to tear apart one of my $35 books to make a scan of it, and because I know one is out there.
Theres D&D books that literally don't exist on the internet, and I intend to make them all free for anyone, because that keeps the game alive longer.
Party is 5 level 4s.
>Sun Soul Monk
>1 Rogue/2 Warlock (cant remember his pact, great old one?)
>Divination Wizard
>Storm Herald Barbarian (tavern brawler, is using improv. weapons and grappling a bunch)
>Moon Drood
The penultimate baddie is a Dragonborn warlord. She commands the armies of an empire of "liberated dragonborn" whose purpose are to serve and conquer for the ones who freed them, which this is one of them. She is super honor bound and if she thought the fight seemed fair, would take the party on alone and tell her soldiers to stay back and watch.
Gladiator block seems about right?
Minimum level 5 is horrendous since that's code for minimum level 6/8 if you're a fighter or not. Remember that most games crash and burn before then.
In the article, they mention we will see more revised subclasses in the June article, so it seems this is just a minor road map.
I prefer to have a copy of everything compiled in B&W file size, but I also want an original scan to have the book itself preserved as well, rather than a transcript of it. I'd ask for copies of all printing iterations of the PHB, but that would probably be much, and I just want to provide a copy to my group before we game, since not all of them can get to their books throughout the day and smaller size PDF files corrupt less easily.
Nope. All the same.
Good that people are leaving public reviews about the issues with it though. People can scream the Mystic isn't OP all day long, it's very, very good though and very versatile. In the way it can literally be doing most people's jobs at the same quality as them all at the same time.
Artificer is mechanically sound but just fucking boring.
Well, what'd be better? Minimum of 3rd level and let them have 3 spells per feat select, ala the 5e approach to Dragonmarks?
Yep, sounds pretty good, dude.
not to mention generate and load faster on mobile devices.
Why does it have a minimum of 3 when you get feats at 4th if you're not a variant human. If people have homebrew that might let someone get a feat at a different level, then you don't account for that.
I guess just old habits. A level requirement seemed to make sense. So, would you give them a spell at level 3 or not, just to be clear for balance?
Not where IS the trove, but where IN the trove is this transcript?
I remember you. You're butt-hurt FGLS-chan 'We should force all prospective DMs to pay hundreds before they even know what they're getting in for'.
Dragonmarks give 2 1st when you take it, 1 2nd at 5th, and 1 3rd at 9th. Anything you do should be compatible to it. I find most marks to be bad, so changing the formula to be different, but in practical terms better is usually the correct decision. It's the same design they use in MtG when they want to make something better, but avoid being labeled "strictly better".
You've created a design goal of "8 effects total" since they're 8 tails. The only place to go is either lowering the level you get spells, increasing the level of the spells, or giving the spells multiple uses, or letting you freely spread your "uses" around allowing you to cast the same spell multiple times.
How do you put anagrams to use, /5eg/?
Where are there freedom dragonmarks in 5e? The Eberron UA?
tabletops aren't even dying because of pirates I'd posit. game shops and table tops are on the decline because other more popular outlets exist nowadays. Game shops declined with video games became extremely cheap and accessible.
I want to play a Death Cleric/Deepstalker Ranger. What's the best way to do everything?
Theater of the Mind or Grid + Miniatures?
Depends on situation, but almost always unless there's only a few characters grid+minatures so that proper tactical combat beyond 'I walk up and hit stuff' can be executed and you can fully define environmental hazards and such.
Grid + generic tokens
TotM or bust.
Important cities get anagrams while the others get something in relation to the country.
Theater of the mind, grids are for fags
There's times when I use theatre that I wish I had prepared a grid.
The opposite doesn't happen.
I feel that it's possible to reach that level of quality if you're a goddamn master DM to put grid out of use.
But it's a lot of effort, and when it comes to AoEs, it always adds the "How many can I get in X spell" and then you have to come up with an answer, retroactively describe the battlefield about things you missed, or use the aoe rules from DMG.
I'd rather use a grid and have the player already be aware of the area, and make their decision faster, instead of pinging off ideas off the DM during the turn, you know?
whenever a fucking cave appears, theater of the mind.
Theatre. My friends are all college poorfags with vivid imaginations and a basic grasp of spatial awareness.
My expendable income goes toward providing food and drink during game nights.
Theatre of the Mind. Using miniatures, or doodles when it's too hard to describe.
>10 players
Jesus fuck, break that up into two groups for the sake of your sanity and your players'.
my fucking god dude. you'd better not have them all at the same table. each of those players is going to die of old age before it's their turn again. just split them up into heroes and villains or group a and group b or something. like christ.
Use both when appropriate, but bear in mind that combat was designed around playing on a 5'x5' grid, no matter what people want to believe.
I'm in a party of 6 and it literally takes two hours before I get to make a single action or speak up.
>If you want to play the game, you get to pay the price.
How about 0?
Something thrown together (Not balanced for multiclassing)
>Pact of the Outsider
>1st- Zephyr Strike, Sense Emotion
>2nd- Nystul's Magic Aura, Pass Without Trace
>3rd- Conjure Animals- (Swarm of Rats), Nondetection
>4th- Freedom of Movement, Locate Creature
>5th- Mislead, Dominate Person
>Level 1-
>You gain the ability to step through space. As a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You can use this ability up to your CHA mod per short or long rest.
>You gain Proficiency with the Stealth skill. If you are already proficient, you can add double your proficiency bonus to Stealth checks.
>Level 6- Life Sense
>You can detect the life force of living creatures. You have advantage on Perception checks to see hidden enemies. This has no effect on Undead, Constructs, or any creature hidden from Divination magic.
>Level 10- Possession
>Once per short or long rest, you can use your action to Possess a Small or Tiny beast within 30 feet for 1 minute, merging bodies. The target must make an INT saving throw, and automatically fails if it has 2 INT or less. If the target has 6 INT or more it makes the saving throw with advantage. while possessing a creature, you can use your action only to Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, or Search.
This possession ends when you take any damage, the duration ends, or you choose to end it as a Reaction. When the effect ends, you appear in a space within 5 feet of the creature you possessed. You take 15 (3d10) force damage if you end your turn inside a space two sizes smaller than yourself.
>Level 14-
>You can use Possession on Humanoid targets. The target must make an INT saving throw, automatically failing if they have 6 or less INT. Targets with 12 or more INT make their save with advantage.
>When possessing a Humanoid, you can use your action only to Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, or Search and the movement speed of the target is halved.
I dont need grid and figures, but i almost always prefer having at least drawing of the situation. It helps a lot.
Even as a master GM with everything in your head, you can't justify to your players 'oh I see it like this so you can't do that'
Reasonably you could try to allow for players to do cool things and use ToTM to justify it but you'd really have to cover up the fact you're making arbitrary decisions.
Hey, user who is writing the 5e Guide to Sex:
What about menopause? I have a 550 year old high elf (female) warlock. Can she get pregnant still?
Is this really a question?
Of course she can.
Why is pfg still in this thread?
because they're contributing to discussion about 5e, not pathfinder, as such they're welcome for as long as that continues.
It is what it is. Clever tricks are gonna be needed to keep the peace. Stuff needs to be delegated to the players and shit like that. There needs to be a treasure and kill tracker, party voice, chronicler, among other things. people need jobs to stay interested in the game. Secondly, I add a timer turn-taking. 1-2 minutes is usually all the time needed for individual combat choices, and 10-15 minutes for group decisions to be made in an orderly fashion. regardless, I'm not a forgiving DM and kill characters when they make stupid decisions and bad things happen when you don't pay attention. It tends to work, and keep everyone on their toes in combat.
I also expect at least 25% of the player base to drop out or not make it regularly after the first few games, so the player count should drop down to 7-8 over time and be much more manageable. Also, I try to avoid throwing spongy monsters at them and instead opt for much more deadly singular creatures. Storm King's Thunder kind of gets this right by only sending a few giants at a time, with smaller minion creatures.
tomorrow is the beginning of stream of annihilation, starting at 10am pst (or 1pm for the real world)
these models disguised as gamers get to show us what the new hardback will be. i hope its not more dragons