With the recent changes in both psychic phase and force weapons, I think it's time to gather and have a drink for these glorious bastards.
We still have the dreadknight though.
Grey Knights 8th edition
Well in the resent leak of the csm codex we saw a points drop in most psykers, exampel ahriman dropped to 131 points, exalted sorcer sat at 86 points (without wargear). Maybe we will see a points drop for our psyker brothers
Same poster
Picture reference
I think it's an improvement overall. Mishap free DS, force weapons having a use against all units at all times and not just infantry and creatures plus no longer being deniable, every single psyker being able to attempt a (admittedly neutered) smite, 2 wound termis and 3 wound paladins, Storm bolters being essentially four shots assuming you're DSing in, draigo granting re-rolls on all misses to units in 6", less of a penalty for moving and shooting with purgation squads, massive buff to the "purge soul" equivalent power, etc. I for one am greatly looking forward to it.
Hammerhand is better, gate of infinity is better, more stuff as it comes to mind. Also, here are the point values.
Improvement over all the basis but upgrades feel subpar specially ranged weapons, to expensive and small benefit over the improved storm bolter
I have to know how it may be better compared to the old +2 str
always better with the new wound tables +2 str is only better for t3 while the new power is better for t7+
That... makes sense.
Halberds or Swords?
Does it really even matter in most cases?
dead army
pack it up boys, 8e isn't for you
maybe next time around
What is with that paint scheme?
Halberds and HH for maximum stomping.
Swords and GoI for maximum kek.
Played my first game of 8th edition as them against some deathgaurd. I lost 2 models in the whole game. Their gun line is incredibly strong with paladins draigo and psilencers. Even charged a hammer interceptor squad into typhus for the kill. They are much more effective in 8th than they where in 7th. Giving all units a sactic power of your choice is nuts. Stormbolters are crazy with the draigo rerolls, same goes for venerable dreadnought shooting.
EC loyalists?
what the fuck
what the FFFUCK
Can you share your list user?
They're pretty good. I played a 2k game of them v Marines, and they feel like how you want the line of shimmering steel to feel.
Big takeaways:
>swords kick arse, halberds are okay but the extra AP is better than +1S imo
>hammers are monsters, a squad of termies with them is certifiable rape
>mindbullet phase is bueno, clumping guys together to smite away whole chunks of mean units is awesome
>shooting is meh, but incinerator and psycannon (while expensive) are cool
I just ran a grand master, 5 Paladins (actually useful), 2 termie squads, 2 interceptor squads, 2 dreadknights and a pair of purgations.
Yet to play against daemons but I can tell they're going to be extra-special good at gibbing princes and the like
Oh and an apothecary, they work really well with W3 termies. It takes an army of fire to keep guys down
on pagk? always falchions since it doubles their attacks
on term and palas? debatable, +1s helps with t4,5,8 which appear to be abundant
This seemed like the tastiest thing to me.
Apothecary that has pseudo reanimation protocols in an army of terminators...
wew lad
finally a reason to build an apothecary. The main problem is: I will have three paladins lying around after I build an ancient and an apothecary. Maybe I could make a captain out of the remaining models? Instead of going for old resin models
Oh yeah. Especially when in cover, GK are unstoppable. Teleport in behind a rock T1 and enjoy the 1+ save. Nothing short of a lascannon can hurt you
Nah mate, build a squad. They're actually worth taking now, a squad of five with 2 psycannons is like 299 points whereas a Reggo termie one is like 250. 50 points for an extra attack, wound, and sarge hitting on 2+ is so damn worth it.
Did the "always fail on the roll of a one" dissapear?
Are 1+ autopass saves actually possible now?
If I buy another Termie box, i'll have enough bits for 4 Paladin Apothecaries and can still throw in an Ancient. How many should I go for?
Also, can someone explain to me the point of terminators now? They seem way to expensive for their actual capabilities, especially when you can use the completely superior paladins instead for just 40-50 points more like said? I mean, they have +1 wound, +1 attack, a better sergeant, more flexible unit sizes, can take 2 heavy weapons per 5 man unit, synergize better with apothecaries due to 3 wounds being healed by d3, AND their biggest weakness, instant death, is no longer in the game.
No, a 1 still always fails
No psybolt, no pskotrope grenades, no rad grenades, no fun
Draigo, 5 paladins with hammers and 2 psilencers, 10 man strike squad 2 psilencers, 5 man interceptor squad with hammers, venerable dreadnought with twin auto cannon and assault cannon, a paladin ancient with psilencer, apothecary. This is roughly what my list was, hard to remember completely because I had it on a piece of paper I threw away since battlescribe isn't up yet. Psycannons are garbo imo.
They kinda are. Only 4 shots with D1 AP-1, it's pretty trashy.
and psi lancers are good. don't they have an even lower str and - AP ?
6 shots and d3 wounds though, also only 4 points for normal dudes. 10 on termies.
Can we play with Brotherhood Champions already? They are prob the coolest concept in the whole codex.
Picked up a 10 man PAGK kit and I'm at a loss on what to kit it out as. Here's what I have so far:
> Kaldor Draigo
> Librarian
> 15 PAGK: 4 Immolators, 2 Hammers
> 11 Terminators; 5 Halberds (1 with Psycannon), 4 Swords (1 with psycannon), 2 Hammers
> 5 Interceptors: 1 Immolator, 1 Halberd
> 2 Dreadknights: 1 Sword + Psycannon, 1 Magnetized
I want to say there's room there for a purgation squad with Psilencers, but I just don't know if I trust Psilencers yet. Any other recommendations?
My GW manager said they are beasts. I'm excited to go up against them.