Seven Grimdarks

Some new, unimaginably dangerous and powerful threat is approaching the galaxy of 42nd millennium, and at least a small part of absolutely every faction in the galaxy notices it and actually takes it seriously.

So they decide to do the unimaginable and team up.

You of all people have been chosen to hand-pick seven individuals of any WH40k faction to combat this unknown threat. Three rules apply:
A) You can't pick any named characters.
B) You can't pick more than one character from the same place (the same Assassin branch or Eldar craftworld, for instance).
C) You know absolutely nothing of the adversary.

Whichever characters you pick, they will bicker and argue in an appropriate manner, but ultimately become bros and do their best to complete the mission. Even if they succeed, some of them are almost assuredly going to die: it's grimdark after all.

Whom will you choose for this mission?

>You can't pick any named characters.
>You know absolutely nothing of the adversary.

What exactly did you want out of this thread?

Solitaire for melee and psyker, Vindicare for range, Callidus for infiltration, Fire Dragon exarch to kill vehicles, Necron Lord with some ancient alien shit, an Imperial ace pilot to fly them around and provide comic relief, and an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor to keep them in check and be the relatable main character.

r8 my team

A Jokaero, a Salamanders 3rd company captain, an Ulthwé Farseer, a Xanthite Inquisitor, an earth caste Tau, and a techpriest.
This can't end well...

>Six characters
Fuck, add a Thousand Sons Rubric Marine in the mix.

A Chapter Master
An Archmagos
A Nemensor
A Farseer
An Inquisitor Lord
A Mad-Dok
A Tau Crisis Suit Pilot with Suit

Space Marine Chaplain, Chaos Sorcerer, Lord Commissar, Inquisitor, an Obliterator, and a Bloodthirster.

Oops, need one more.

An Ork Warboss with a Megamek.

Ah, what the heck, make it a black templar chaplain.

Khorne Beserker, Nob Biker, Deff Copter, Battlewagon, Rubric Marine, Ogryn, and a Chaos Sorceror

They all ride the battlewagon and re-enact Mad Max meets Friday the 13th on a crazed killing spree.

If and when they deal with the threat will be a complete accident as they simply go from place to place killing everything they meet. If they happen by the plot they will run it over.

A lord of change
An avatar of khaine
A C'tan
A Tau Commander
A Vindicare
An ork kommando
An a catachan.

they are trapped in a warp storm during a Tyranid invasion. Somehow the warp twists them into even more horrible monsters.

Stealth Suit, Pathfinder, Culexus Assassin, Ork Kommando, Space Marine Scout, a Ratling, and a Genestealer

I honestly just wanted to make the team that would be hardest to get along with. There is no way you could make this cannon.

>Hive tyrant
>Genestealer Patriarch
>Lord of change
>Necron destroyer lord
>Chapter master
>Ork warboss

if the advesary is a bunch of culexus assassins I'm fucked.

You got a Necron lord, you'll be fine.

>Alpha level psyker
>Norn Queen
>Great unclean one
>CSM Demon prince
>Grey knight chapter master
>A lowly Adept of the Adeptus Adminstratum

fite me

Random unnamed Ctan shard
Lord of change
Random Chapter Master

>Orikan the Diviner
>The two missing Primarchs
>The two other members of the Triarch
>A living saint
>A C'tan, not a shard, the whole C'tan
what can I say, time-travel is one heck of a drug

>Orikan the Diviner
>cant pick named characters


Solitaire alone brings an otherwise shitty team to about 6/10