Sisters of Battle 8e

It may be too soon to tell, but it looks like GW made Sisters competitive again.

>Every transport is assault transport
>Pistols can be used in melee
>Penitent Engines are actually somewhat durable
>Units aren't tied to a single Act of Faith, but can use whichever one you want
>Can Deny the Witch even though they aren't psykers
>Standalone Hospitallers and Dialogus
>Death Cult Assassins and Arco-flagellants look fairly good

Thoughts, fellow sister-fags? I'm hyped.

I'm not. Full disclosure, I've never actually played with SoB, but I've been wanting to give them a shot and none of what they got in 8th stood out to me as exciting enough. Esp. worried about Acts of Faith in high point games, since it doesn't scale at all. On the other hand Sisters should shine in Combat Patrol games for the same reason.

They're competitive in my pants and that's where it counts

>Esp. worried about Acts of Faith in high point games, since it doesn't scale at all. On the other hand Sisters should shine in Combat Patrol games for the same reason.
That's a good point. I hadn't considered that.
Also bump

Also why the fuck do Repentias have to have a separate 2h chainsword that's worse than the regular one but has the same point cost? Was there really no better way they could have balanced that?

Where are you getting that?

>penitent eviscerator
>not just eviscerator
nvm, I see what you're saying

It sorta does. You can spam Imagifiers.

Real Eviscerators are x2 -4 d3

>You can spam Imagifiers.

That's equivalent to a feat tax. They should have just designed the actual rule in such a way that it inherently scales up as your army gets larger.

Should they? It basically works like Guard Orders in terms of scaling.

Guard Orders cost you an officer of 20pts for an auto-pass. Imagifiers are 40pts for a 4+ (though with CP you can be re-rolling that). That said, the acts of faith are definitely more powerful that IG orders.

I'm excited, I've always liked the fluff for the Sisters. Not just looking at their own zeal, but how the humble Guardsman must view them through his own eyes, pure warriors with a touch of the divine. Kind of like how french medieval soldiers must have viewed Jeanne de Arc.

Once I've finished brushing up my Infantry-orientated Imperial Guard I'll take a look at sisters. I might wait it out, see if plastic rumours follow in the months after 8th ed hits. Celestine and 3 Seraphim Squads descending from the heavens like angels, 2 acts of faith means at least two of those units will be in easy charge range after deepstrike. Divine Intervention, baby.

>7+ save

I've been out of the loop for awhile. What the heck does that mean? They're not switching to d8's, are they?

Cover gives armor save bonuses now, so it's 6+ in cover. 5+ in a city ruin. Nothing otherwise. Shield of faith gives them a 6++ though.

Can someone post it all plz

1st link

The fuck are Dialogus gonna do in a wargame?

And soon, my kickstarter will arrive.

Any day now.

Any day...

>shitty unarmoured slaanesh cultists vs. heavily armed and armoured warriors of faith

Can't die gloriously for your sins if you're wearing power armour. That'd be wasteful.

And being wasteful is a sin.

You disgust me, you degenerate. I bet your blood isnt even pure enough for Grey Knights to inscribe their wards with. The only waste is inefficiency in barbecuing the enemies of the Emperor, and dying before getting to roasting range is surely the most wasteful thing that can be done in His Name.

People that get this into the setting worry me a little.

Anyway, it's not like I'm /only/ expecting Tits McGee and the Sisters Three...

That's a good looking notbolter. The only thing I'm not a fan of with that mini is how tall her helm is.

>I bet your blood isnt even pure enough for Grey Knights to inscribe their wards with.
Well played, user, well played.

Sassy Lady Pope would like to have a word with you regarding your disrespect of tall hats.

You can run them with hoods instead.

Holy shit, checked.

I only have 500 points of sisters but a lot of people right now are overlooking how great the Exorcist is on balance.

Most blast weapons are now 1D6 shots.
Like say the Lemon roos now.
So is the exorcist

The exorcist does D3 damage.

It's S8 Ap-3.

Honestly it's better damage than Lemans now and it's decently priced.

Acts of faith are good, being able to shoot twice a turn is pretty good. Or use your rhinos to safely deliver a celestine squad and pretend you're Khorn Berzerkers and fight a second time. (Technically at the start of your next turn but assault is the last phase so...same difference. )

You can even un-kill models.

Given the fact that infantry heavy lists are looking more likely sisters will be quite at home.

Now all Sisters need are some actual models.
Not overpriced old metal crap.

I'm still really upset they got rid of the command squads. There's no way to load out a team with all Combi-weapons now.

I'm loving the changes to Hospitallers though. They're one of my favorite designs

>Not!boltgun has a Nurgle symbol on it

I understand the meme of this picture, and I approve.
>tfw no spunky Sob gf to purge heretics with
why live.

I suck at rules and I barely have any sister models, let alone an army, but I hope they get the bone thrown that they desperately need and deserve. Celestine got revamped - she could go from being a second-hand cheerleader to the leader of a beautiful War of Faith, where unaugmented humans with faith and bolters show that they still have the grit and drive to fuck up the darkness surrounding them.

Even if she doesn't mesh well anymore I still plan on running Celestine alongside my Guardsmen for that exact reason.

Had a fluffy Witchhunters list back in 4th Ed I was considering revising. Haven't played a game since 4th so dont really know whats going on but is this list legal/viable? Would it even win a game?

10 guardsmen (40), autocannon (15), grenade launcher (5) = 60


platoon commander (20) w/ power weapon (4) and 4x guardsmen (24), 3x with plasma guns (21), 1x with platoon standard (5) = 74

Leman Russ demolisher (132) w/ demolisher cannon (40) and lascannon (20) = 192

7x battle sisters (67), 1x with flamer (7), sister superior with power weapon (4) and hand flamer (6) = 91
Accompanied by 1x imagifier = 40
Accompanied by 1x ministorium priest (35) with eviscerator = 57
Accompanied by 1x Cannoness (45) with eviscerator = 67
Squad mounted in a Rhino (73) w/ 2x storm bolters = 81
= 336


yo I did almost the same thing. I had a fluffy sisters with guard they would be reinforcing.

The guard was a big infantry blob, heavy weapon teams, basilisks, and leman russes that I deployed at the start in defensive spots.

Then I had mechanized sisters, 4 rhinos full of troops, Celestine, Seraphim, and immolators, who would roll in from reserves like they landed on whatever besieged planet the guard were defending.

It was pretty fun and functioned alright through 4th and 5th editions.

I'm hoping it's still viable, I haven't gotten a chance to sit down and tally out what I have points wise in the new edition but I'm excited.

but how does allying work?

You can do that still?

Havent read the rule books much yet

you still can.
but differently.
its both more and less free than 7e.

Now eveything in a detatchment (or army in matched play) has to share at least 1 faction keyword in common. But you can otherwise mix and match. So you can make an "Imperium" detatchment with Space marine captain HQ, guardsmen troops and sisters exorcist heavy support since they all have the "imperium" keyword.
but the keywords olny extend as far as the fluff factions, so theres Imperium and Chaos and Aeldari (eldar) keywords. But Tau and necrons don't share a keyword so they can't mix.

in narrative play the keywords is only enforced at the detatchment level so you could still take an army of 1 ork detatchment and 1 chaos detatchment.

the whole battle brothers or desperate allies thing is gone. instead pretty much every buff ability targets specific keywords, so there's no cross faction ability use. transports specificy the keywords of units that can ride in them and so on.

Has anyone had any experience ordering from these guys? They look fucking amazing.

they look awkward and silly

Use SoS and small amount of conversion

What? Those look almost exactly like what I would expect updated sisters to look like. A squad of 5 also comes with a flamer, a meltagun and plas/melta/flamer combi attachments.

That's what I ended up doing for mine. The only thing you really need to change are the helmets. Some of the special weapons have been a bit tricky.

Fuck I wish I had gotten this rip off Celestine instead of the geedubs one.

It's worth pointing out buffs and other special abilities are -very- specific in which units they apply to. No more using allies to buff your main force. Saint Celestine is one of the few exceptions, her +1 inv save explicitly applies to Astra Militarum Infantry as well.

For example, a Sister Hospitallier can't heal a Guardsmen Infantryman, her powers are restricted to the Adepta Sororitas Infantry keyword. Which sort of sucks since I was keen to have a dozen medics and heals running around my lines taking care of the wounded. Then making my opponent feel like an evil shit if they ever dared target them.

>Paint them up like nurses
>Bro come on you can't shoot the nurses

I would love it if seraphim got a melee option like a spear or Lance, maybe like the rough riders one. That would be fun to run.

>and none of what they got in 8th stood out to me as exciting enough

That kind of sums up the entire edition. Dull, dull, dull.

it''s just the rules. its all the dogshite nobody cares about.

where's the bloody story???

you have terrible taste

can't get squads of 20 sisters no mo

would have been awesome with the new acts of faith for maximum value

agreed, fucking horrid, along with

There's another 200 pages in the rulebook.

who's hoping for a zealots troop unit for sisters in near future

Only new unit I want is Repentia on bikes.

I'm actually kind of excited for them. But I've not played 40k in two editions and haven't played Sisters since they were called Witch Hunters.

I regret not buying Penitent Engines when they were cheap(ish). I'll need to dig out my Sisters and see what I actually have. I had enough for a 2000pts army back in the day.

Yeah, you e-mail the guy, he sends you his prices, then you place an order. Pretty standard stuff.

Models are nice, if finicky. Scale's a bit off, but pretty good for garage stuff.

Anyone know of any good proxies for a Hospitalier?

Holy shit-man

It is 50 or 56 usd or something shipping included for a squad of 10 for them.
Worth the buy but gw may release plastic sisters after the marine hype dies down.
So it would be best to get a squad and leave it at that for now.

What are you talking about, i have them and scale is exactly what it should be ?

They will look out pf proportion next to heroic scales but next to a FW human, they look just right..

Could you upload a pic of one of them next to a guardsman and a GW sister? I've only seen comparisons with marines.

Here you go.

My thoughts on the SOB is that they are interesting (Faith powers are a lot nicer than before) but could have used another run over from an editor.

If I had the chance to edit them (Slightly) I'd go with:

>HQ characters all give a chance for a faith power like the Imagifier
Helps the army scale more naturally

>Shield of Faith lets them dispel like a Psyker
1d6 right now makes it only work on 5+ powers, only if the psyker rolls a 5 and only if you then roll a six

>Add X (Hospitaler, Imagifier, Dialogus) Superior to the HQ options, like how Commisars and Lord Commisars are separate things.
The non-special characters right now are limited to just a Cannoness, nothing else.

>Work out what the Evicerator stats are, keep them the same for every unit.
Just good for reducing confusion.

>Faith powers are used at the phase they emulate.
Makes them flow more naturally/be more useful.

All in all, I like the codex but I do feel like a few things (Especially the Shield of Faith) were rushed out the door without a proper editing pass.

>It's S8 Ap-3.

Isn't it -4?

>Gang of Bondage nun babes on motorcycle.
>That fix their internal problems with a making out duel

I tabled a dark eldar player in 3 turns last night and they just had scourge/lance spam.

Retributors backed with imagifers are absolutely brutal.

>What are you talking about, i have them and scale is exactly what it should be ?
People don't typically have legs that short, among other things.

Them being better than "heroic scale" doesn't really change that.

Thanks user!!

But if the whole point of them is being used in a heroic scale wargame, then it is fitting that they aren't true scale. Otherwise they would stick out like a sore thumb.

>Short legs
But they are as long as DKKs ?
And longer than neanderthal cadians as it can be seen here ?

>shitsters of basshole
wow it's literally garbage

Penitents looks interesting with the second melee phase and a lot tougher than they used to be. We can also squadron them, which is cool.

I think you mean 6++++

They don't cost the same penitent eviscerator is free compared to 22 for the normal

i get that, but why weren't they photographed instead of a bunch of boring ass rules for a game nobody plays?

For all those melee weapons their models have?

Yeah, badly. An army of Sisters with an angry mob meat shield has been my dream for ages. All that Imperial citizen conversion potential.

I mean that it would be cool to have both the option rule wise and model wise if they ever update sisters. The current serphim models look fucking miserable and a melee option would be really fun to pile a bunch in with Celestine.

>Tfw you will never have a host of angels to smite the foes of the Imperium.

Feels bad man.

two of the worst female faces i have ever seen

Ally rules are more flexible than they have ever been. Just take a detachment of counts as Guardsmen with 2x30 conscript blobs with a commissar, priest and company commander for some orders.

look in a mirror and you'll see one worse than those

Sisters players have been asking that they be squadroned in threes for ages. Finally you can do it, and together they can tear down some of the largest units in the game by hitting them with tons of S10 D3 attacks. In a lucky round of melee, a Penitent Engine trio can deconstruct a Knight from the legs up, and their increased durability means they might actually get there to do it.

Of course, now they're just as expensive as the units they're likely to deconstruct, but I suppose that's balance for you. Hopefully they can use their six Heavy Flamers to clear out some cheap squads that are bubblewrapping the thing you want to tear apart, and earn a little more than their points back in kills.

Looking at their stats and what they cost, I think penitent engines are going to be fucking great this edition.

I think I might get 3 from Mr Chinaman because the sculpt is good, but fuck putting up with all that metal arms bullshit.

I still dont get it why some heretic with a stubber just cant shoot the bitch tied infront of the penitent engine.

You can, that's why it's T5 despite being made of metal.

Open top stuff is less tough to represent the risk to the pilot.

Repentia are looking pretty good too.

With the ability to assault out of well positioned rhinos, or even slogging it with double run each turn.

Honestly I think sisters looked a little lackluster up front because no new things but what is there is more in line with other factions now and then have some neat tricks.

Eh, I'm leaning Death Cultists over Repentia. They do the same job a bit better imo.

Can't blame you but I am a purist so I would want to run all sisters.

I don't have stats in front of me: can death cultists knock out big bugs and vehicles?

Repentia look way better though.

iirc (I wasn't the one that ran the numbers) Death Cultists win until t8, when the Repentia start to lead due to wounding t8 on 5+ rather than 6+.

Any bike unit would be very cool, but I mostly wish forold-school repentias, when they were exiled from their order and became travelling death-seekers.

That or a frateris militia comeback.
I'm a sucker for the dapper clergymen with giant cutlasses and handcannons.

If Fraternis Militia ever come back, they're likely to be more like Empire Flagellants. Actually more like CSM Cultists, which are from the same era if I'm not mistaken, so there's precedent.

Now that the Imperium has figured grav tech out, sister with power weapons on grav bikes woukd be fucking cool, especially if they looked like sammaels bike.

If Sisters get bikes I want Skitarii to get Cavalry.

>find models like that in an old player's bitsbox that I inherited
>don't recognize them as 40k (no skulls) so give them away
>learn my mistake months later

>Sisters get gothic as fuck jetbikes
>Admech get robot dinosaur steeds

I'm ok with this.

I'd personally lean towards SOB cavalry or beastmasters over bikers. Get some separation from the marines.

So you might have a trio of 2 wound SOB on heavy gene-engineered mounts with lances, cybermassif hunting hounds and grapplehawks.

I'd be happier with servitorized horses, but raptor-like dino mounts evoke a Wizards vibe.

Don't they already have them? Those guys with the lances on the walker-mounts.

I imagine they'd be a bit more like old Guard Whiteshields - they have guns and other weapons, but they aren't as good as guardsmen. They're just armed congregation and lay members.

Imagine robot mounts. Yes, I know that robots are heretical in 40k, but just try to imagine what that would look like. A lot cooler than horses, right?

Where do I see the rules?

Does the re roll buff on the cannoness and the mistress of repentance stack? I guess it probably doesn't but

>Tfw re rolling your advance, charge, to hit rolls
>then re rolling those 1s on to hit thanks to cannoness
>Three attacks each thanks to the priest you would be dumb as fuck not to include

Fuck even if they don't stack that will still be a scary as fuck cc unit. Everyone striking at S6 AP-2 D2.

I've been playing 49k since 5th edition but I've been playing exclusively on vassal and TT simulator.

Is $5 a model really considered a reasonable price in the hobby?