Ever tried getting your girlfriend into tabletop?

Ever tried getting your girlfriend into tabletop?

Yep, we just paint nowadays though.

I'm secure enough to know we can have our own separate things. Wargaming is mine.

Given that I've gotten all my long term SO's through tabletop gaming, it's never really come up.

that picture is terrifying.

No; that would require a girlfriend to introduce to my group, and at least one friend to game with in the first place.

Way to kill the mood man. Thanks.

ok guy


Getting your gf into tabletop gaming is like getting her into anal, you need to butter her up first.

Tabletop? sure, she loves king of tokyo and zombicide
Rpg? yeah, that too, though she turned out to be a murderhobo

boyfriend? friend with benefits? spouse?

Where do you think we are?.png

>Where do you think we are?.png

Wasn't there a survey where ~30% of Veeky Forums is married or in a long term relationship?

Hell, my wife used to post on here. She drew the first lolicron, back in the day. She was already into tabletop games when we met. We also have the bad habit of turning our sex friends into D&D and wargaming friends. And yes, that means 80% of our gaming groups is female. Yes, they all have stable, professional jobs. And they're all normal sized humans who could fit in a kayak or a go kart, except for maybe the one rugby guy, but he's a fucking tank.

Met my SO ten years ago at a Halloween party, but got to know her through tabletop games. We've been together for 6 years now and are having a baby in August.

Not everyone is a fat neet neckbeard. Some of us lead completely normal lives and can actually function in society.

Some of us aren't socially disgusting, get over it /v/

She only wants to do vampire shit and things related to "Young Adult Literature."

And she's shit at math


>having a baby in August
It was nice meeting you user... good luck on the other side

>having a baby in August.
I usually don't plan my BBQs ahead that much.

Normies out ree etc.

Also on topic: my boyfriend's the one to get me into TRPG, so, y'know. I don't think he browses Veeky Forums but we're both ESL so anything could happen.

There's still hope, user.
Plus, I've probably been here longer than you.

I'm going to help my autism gf pick a game and faction common at my LGS on saturday. Is it bad I'm at the point where I can't imagine dating someone who isn't special needs?

Clean your disgusting body on occasion, being completely unlikable is not a prerequisite for playing make-pretend games

I like girls with eating disorders, so who am I to judge?

my ex fiance got me kicked out of college for the shitfit she threw when she found out I played DND
its not even like I was hiding it from her
claimed I raped her and everything

we broke up 2 years after that

I have with my wife, but ironically, we don't really mesh well together on a game table. She mostly prefers dungeon crawling, pure tactics, kill the monster, get the treasure. I prefer more intrigue based games and stuff with more narrative focus, so we tend to butt heads wehn we play the same games together.

I guess you got a few months left to post on Veeky Forums, play tabletop and have any semblance of the life you once enjoyed. It was nice knowing you, see you in twenty five years or so. That is if you haven't forgotten about all of this and taken up bird watching or some such shit.

>t. Man who made the mistake of making woman pregnant and after four months has finally realized he made a collosal mistake.

I am only attracted to girls under 13.
At least you freaks can actually have significant others.

I know everyone says that you basically give up your entire life when you have a child, but I really don't think it's going to be like that. We already game at my house and our friends are our family (through various circumstances, neither of us want to be with our biological families) and they're over all the time anyway. Nothing will really change when we have 6 people at any given time to help take care of a baby. And hell, after the first few years, my kid can even join us if he wants.

I got her into tabletop and then felt bad when she lost her gaming group because we broke up and they were all my friends first. Don't feel so bad now because after a long break she got invited back to the campaign that had since transitioned online after the college graduation diaspora.

There's a certain german user you might learn a thing or two from

It's how I met her.

I met my ex through worldbuilding for the Pathfinder game I was going to run with her and the rest of our friends almost all of which had never played an rpg before. I offered to run a game and suggested the players throw out ideas for the setting, since I was just going to run with a kind of "vaguely fantasy whatever, I'll make it up later" She got a look on her face, ran up to her dorm, and came back with paper and maps, and we spent the next three hours designing ancient empire politics for our setting's bootleg not-mexico. We kept it up over that summer, and by the time we got back to start the campaign in earnest, we had a campaign setting I still use today.

God damn, that was a hell of a time.

I kinda wanna creampie Sailor Moon

She likes to play Blood Bowl and wants to paint a lot with me. She's interested in 40k/AOS, but is a really sore loser and doesn't like the idea of losing a shitload of models she spent time building. She once was afraid that if any of her models died they'd have to be physically destroyed.

She wants to try an RPG though, but I'm not a fan of them so it's not likely to happen anytime soon.

>She once was afraid that if any of her models died they'd have to be physically destroyed.

the only fun bit of any of those games is smashing your opponent's pieces at the end if you win

>She once was afraid that if any of her models died they'd have to be physically destroyed.

Were you dating an 8 year old?

She had never played a game before.

Now I am curious.

Were you dating an 8 year old?

Oh wow, that sucks, although I wouldn't go telling anyone IRL about your condition. And I won't judge, as long as you keep it in your pants around the kiddies

>t. fellow sufferer of unobtainable fetish

My girlfriend likes 40k and the grimdarkblore and painting my models with me, but she'll only play with me/some of my friends because she can't stand shop autism. Neither can I, but I'll muscle through it for tourneys and campaigns.

No, we're both 22.

Lexi Belle.

She somehow beats me at every 40K game we play, despite only having a rudimentary grasp of the rules. The dice just like her more.

She also joined a Dark Heresy game with mates once and pulled of the best boss kill I'd ever seen.

>t. fellow sufferer of unobtainable fetish
Oh god, I'm going to regret this, but what's yours?

I'm guessing snuff, judging by his image

It's actually quite mild, all things considered.

>I'm guessing snuff, judging by his image

Could be worse. At least there's simulated stuff that won't get your house raided, and you can probably find someone who's freaky enough to try all sorts of dangerous games with ropes and razors.

"into tabletop"
like gaming is all the same and all appeal the people equally.
I'm into a lot of types of games, and have gotten pretty good and understanding what types of games people like. So I play Love Letter, Guillitine and other other low set up quick session game with my girlfriend, and in groups she likes lying/bullshitting games like Sheriff of Nottingham and Secret Hitler.

Planning and resource management games aren't her things, and for RPGs she only likes freeform storytelling.

Not that guy but I think its cute. I hope you bully her about it constantly.

Oh, giant ladies? That's easy then. Assuming dating a 6'2 amateur volleyball player is out of the question, get a pair of magnifying goggles and reverse the lenses. Suddenly, everything feels huge and far away. Lie down and have a young lady or gentleman hover over you. Done.

This guy from Veeky Forums that's putting the moves on a little girl, biding his time till he can legally bone her at 14 so it might not be up your alley

>This guy from Veeky Forums that's putting the moves on a little girl, biding his time till he can legally bone her at 14 so it might not be up your alley

I'm 6'6", I haven't met a lady taller than me in years.

>get a pair of magnifying goggles and reverse the lenses. Suddenly, everything feels huge and far away. Lie down and have a young lady or gentleman hover over you
I think I'll just stick to the drawings. And hey, at least you can't get arrested for loli art. Japan's got you covered.

Don't worry.
The only person that knows IRL is my best friend and he understands.
I would never touch a little girl.
I get along just fine with hentai and stories.
It just sucks knowing that I can never have a truly fulfilling romantic relationship.

Just kill yourself.
>t. someone who was raped about once a week by their parents drug dealer from age 10-15

I would if I had ever had a girlfriend, but I am 22 and still never have. I've run plenty of good campaigns though and gotten loads of other people into gaming, so that's good, right?

>but I am 22 and still never have

>someone who was raped about once a week by their parents drug dealer from age 10-15
Sorry for your personal trauma, but do you really think that that guy is the exact same kind of psychopath as your parents?

>And hey, at least you can't get arrested for loli art.
People have been.

They all are. They should be executed in the streets.

You gotta get out there and be a person, man. Go do something. Anything. Meet people and do things. High school is over, man, you can't be a shut in nerd forever. If you just talk to people, you'll be surprised how receptive to interaction people can be.

>People have been.
Really? In the USA?

>They all are. They should be executed in the streets.
Calm down, Khorne, we're not savages

Yeah, I looked it up one time out of curiosity because you see it so much on places like 4chins, and in the U.S. animated child porn seems like a weird grey area that no one agrees on the legality of.

aw I'm sorry I bothered you so much you had to post a tumblr gif about it.

I do meet people and do things but none of those things are women. I also don't have a car so that's part of it.

Not much trying needed she loves taking it on the kitchen table because it's the perfect height.

I don't have a car, or know how to drive, and I'm not even vaguely a virgin.

Oh I do. Sometimes when I kill a guy in Blood Bowl I pretend that it's time to smash the model and she gets annoyed.

>aw I'm sorry I bothered you so much you had to post a tumblr gif about it.

>Really? In the USA?
Depends on the state and how many fucks the police, judge, jury, and your lawyer give about somebody who reads/watches child porn, drawn or otherwise.

Doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would earn you a lot of sympathy.

Also good to see a fellow Hetzanon

My right hand is always with me

Do you live in a city, though? I can't even get to work or a friend's place without asking my parents for a "ride" (which consists of me driving since I know how, yet they drive me back).

Worst part is I have more than enough money for a car yet they refuse to let me take the test despite the fact I know how to drive perfectly and have never been in an accident save for clipping a curb in a literal white out. They don't make me pay any rent or even for my food even though I offered, and even though I have enough to sustain myself with paying for my own insurance, they still won't let me. And since you have to bring your own vehicle I am pretty much unable unless I get one of my friends to let me use his, and none of them will.

This kind of joke is so unfunny that I sometimes wonder if the person posting it is being dead serious

Erica too?
Maybe he's Jaime Lannister.

>Erica too?
Great minds think alike

RIP in peace, my child.


Had an ex force herself into a game once.
Nobody was having fun and she was weirdly touchy the whole time. I still apologize about it to my pals to this day

she's massively into DnD 5e. i'm trying to get her to DM, but she's too nervous and doesn't improvise well. she's also nervous about trying other systems.

I'm a /k/ommando, so having these pics on hand is obligatory.

My girlfriend had played a bit previously, now I DM for her and some of her classmates.


>Wasn't there a survey where ~30% of Veeky Forums is married or in a long term relationship?

Vocal minority, it's the same reason surveys about how big your dick is are skewed.

My girlfriend usually is the one who tries to move the story forward, always asking questions about the scene, trying to get more details. She's currently playing a Skinwalker(Werebat) Investigator in our Pathfinder game, where before it was a Human Fighter (Champion) in our 5E game, and a Human Rogue in our 4E game. I'm glad she's a part of our group, and it makes our relationship that much stronger for it.

And no, fuck that GM's girlfriend bullshit, there's no way she gets preferential treatment compared to everyone else. Sometimes, I make sure the monsters target her just a little more often than the rest.

Nope, you got me. No Gia art on hand.

My ex once begged to see the "gaming garage", a neutral garage in my friend's backyard that we all played in. I brought her and she feigned interest. After we broke up I learned from a friend that she thought it was the gayest shit she had ever seen and didn't understand why I brought her.

I've tried but it's not her thing, something about it (numbers, roleplaying, having the spotlight on you at times) stresses her out and she hates it. She does love it when we play at our house tho, she cooks for us and fixes us cocktails.

I don't mean to be a dick to my fiancee but she's not exactly "deep", bought her breast implants and ever since she's been content with life.

Yeah. She's one of the best players, most engaged, doesn't get any favoritism, etc.
She's probably the best role player in the group desu


Get over to your preferred Booru and start saving!

my group finally kicked out That Guy so a friend is recruiting his GF for our summer game. She wants to play a magic-user though so he's got his work cut out for him.

Honestly, I think my dog hinders gaming but we work around it. Play at my house since we can't leave him alone etc. Need to buy a nice toy or bone so he's got something to do on game nights...

With a kid you just hire a sitter. Not gonna pay someone to watch dog for eight hours tho.

Yes sir!

Yeah, but she wasn't interested. She thinks it's "nerdy" and refused. It's alright, all things considered. I shit on her pop songs every chance I get, so I don't feel too bad.

I had a girlfriend get me into D&D

I hated it

I'm pretty sure her and her gal pals ruined the game, they took out 90% of all combat stuff and it was just Call of Cthulu quest grinding.

Happily returned to my card games after that.

Hey, man. Sounds like she's happy. I'd rather have a nice pretty kinda ditzy girl than some raging bitch

Basically this.

I gotta say that women in roleplaying are maladjusted as often as the men in my experience. I've had good women players, I've had bad ones too.

Some things I've seen over and over from playing RPGs over the last 16 years with women is:
* They're just as guilty of being murderhobos as men.
* Arson is oddly common.
* They have no problem using their character's bodies to reach their character's goals.
* They will hit on me / date me if I meet them while GMing, but not if they meet me while playing.
* Usually decent to great at roleplaying, and awful to decent at the mechanical parts.

I'm glad I ended up dating a non-nerd honestly.