Are Tyranids the true communists of Warhammer 40K?
Are Tyranids the true communists of Warhammer 40K?
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No, they are the locusts.
How does a individual consciousness and temporary semi-sentient tactical programs translate to any human ideology?
...i don't think you know what Communism is, user.
No Necrons are
>Super elite that control everything and live like royalty
>Everyone else is so equal that they lost their individuality and are defined solely by their role
>100% Biotax rate
>goes back to help the creatures
Bourgies out.
Those aren't communists, they're just a suicide cult.
>We will rise up and seize the engines of labor that have bound us in servitude.
Sounds pretty communist to me.
>they're just a suicide cult.
Well sure: gulags, Great Chinese Famine, Tyranids. I don't see your point.
You gotta look at the specific material and ideological differences rather than just saying its only an oligarchy. Specific communist oligarchy is usually when the revolutionary vanguard takes control of state apparatus/means of production and doesn't give them up/never reaches that kingdom of heaven on earth. Nids never really had the pretence of doing it for a greater good, nor have the technocrats violently seized and maintained control. They're more consumption for its own sake.
Wow, a politically loaded, single sentence question without any reasoning behind it. I can be sure this thread won't get many arguing replies.
>goes back to help the creatures
>help know they just throw every Tyranid into a gigantic, open-air stomach, and reabsorb them into biomass, right?
Which helps the species, yes. Therefore, it helps the individual Tyranid. Technically.
They're clearly a corporation hellbent on establishing a biomass monopoly.
Vertical integration for Hive Fleet Zaibatsu!
>dieing helps you individually
you should try it out
No,they're the pizza delivery.
Pic related.This massive palace was built for Nicolae Ceausescu.It was literally tailor made for him,so the stairs were a pain to climb because they were made for ceausescu's tiny feet.
The closest state to communist are the Imperium
>Heavily centralized state
>A single "party" (in this case, a religion) is in control
>All means of production directed towards state goals and treated as state property
Seems more a authoritarian capitalist-monopoly,
i.e Monarchy
And a dead leader beign worshipped.
the hivemind stores the minds of individuals and can out them in new bodies for the next invasion if they're good.
the imperium is a fuedal oligarchy.
the Higlords of terra have control of the state (in the emperors name), plantary governors are the lords and planets are their feifdoms.
Yeah, that's not communism at all.
Nah they are an anarchist hivemind.