How do you name your PCs Veeky Forums?
I can never seem to come up with any names
How do you name your PCs Veeky Forums?
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i just try and be as cheesy as possible when it comes to character names
For something in the real world or based on a real world culture, I look up national sports teams.
For fantasy stuff, I'll pick a relevant culture to warp something from, or just go full fantasy ridiculous. Or sometimes choose a thematically appropriate word for the character and warp it into something that sounds like a name.
Lots of fantasy and even sci-fi settings use nicknames as surnames. I.e., stuff like "Blackmane, Hellscream, Brightblade, Brightflame," etc. So my surnames are [adjective][noun]. Given names are based on what culture I think the character's race is related to.
Ive got a couple methods, but this one is fun.
If you want something mystical sounding, take a descriptive word for the character, and google translate it to other languages. Then just slam like, two halves of the word in different languages that sound nice together and bam, you got a weird elf name.
I come up with a character concept, my GM tells me what type of name would be appropriate, I go grab a name from the appropriate cultural groups that references my character's abilities.
Like naming a Pyromancer a name that means "fire", "heat", "summer", etc.
Because I love shit like that.
My own PC's usually follow a basic trend: short first name so it's easy for everyone to remember. I honestly tend to go with normal-sounding names for human PC's. Surnames can get more fantasy-ish, find some latin or turkish or something.
Semi-related: The important dragons in my campaign setting I named by picking a random consonant and vowel, then started adding on random syllables until I got something I liked.
As for my PCs, I usually look to see if the race I'm playing has a sample name list and start adding and subtracting letters. If there isn't a sample list, I go looking for unusual names on the internet.
I mostly play games in modern or science fiction settings. This makes it easy as fuck because all I have to do is pick last names from my old school teachers and just pick a first name.
>I go grab a name from the appropriate cultural groups that references my character's abilities.
Absolute trash. This is how you end up with an afflicted werewolf named Remus Lupin.
>Implying I wouldn't do that
>Implying I don't find that name hilarious
>Implying Fenrir Greyback isn't even better
I'm the type of man who has most of my Solar Exalts have "Orichalcum" in their name.
If I ever encountered you IRL I would slay you.
I'm sorry I can't hear you over Mortis The Necromancer's 9000 skeletons.
I try to be as generic as possible.
I never include the word "bane" or "foot" or "x-slayer" in my last name.
If I have a first and last name, I always make sure I have a name that can be easily shortened to one word and avoid sounding edgy at all costs.
"Normal" but uncommon names are ideal. Examples: Luther, Desmond, Sven, etc.
I name all my characters John.
Are you saying Remus Lupin is not a fantastically thematic name for a werewolf? Because it sounds like that's what you're saying and I just want to make sure.
Tell me how I name them.
My newest character, kind of focused on combining sword, awesome and guns, will be named Simon D. Vergil.
I think he's arguing it as a name for an AFFLICTED werewolf, as opposed to a natural born. Meaning the person had that name before they were a werewolf.
He's still wrong, but it is important to note that he used the word 'afflicted'.
That's exactly what I'm saying. It's on the nose to an absurd degree. Maybe if it was a family of genetic werewolves with a sense of humour but not someone who was cursed later in life. It's trash tier. He might as well have the middle name Wolfgang.
>Reminder than Remus was targeted because his father pissed off Greyback
What if Remus' father had a weird fixation on Werewolves and, knowing of Greyback's tendencies to go after children, intentionally got his son bitten?
That's hella dark
Tom's mom raped his dad, Molly Weasley canonically used a love potion to get Arthur's 'attention', and people who had known Sirius for two decades just assumed he was guilty and didn't try to get him a trial.
I just give then normal names that anyone woulds have. Their actions are what gives their name weight.
I try to work in subtle puns based on the inspiration. Some are better than others desu
inb4 iaintclickinthat.jpg
Probably the most robust fantasy name generator I've ever used- EBoN
>quickly google foreign words for my character's hair color
>masculinize/feminize one if necessary
>tack on some generic last name at the end because who cares about surnames
e.g. Nero Hunter, Valkoinen Hawke, Volamena Sinclair, Cinza von [Townname], etc.
Harry Potter can get pretty fucking dark sometimes. If it wasn't for the ridiculous inconsistencies (one you just mentioned about Sirius, Lupin's name and so on).
I pick words that would vaguely sound like a name provided you didn't speak English. Basically how they name Gundam characters.
Easy, something dong related, a vauge pun, or some generic name describing what my job is.
>Quandong Foresythe
>Juan Johnson
>Mike Hunt
>Joe Magicflinger
>not unironically enjoying bizzarely "appropriate" names
I assume they're all going to die, so I tend to go with the first thing that comes to mind. Usually a name related to whatever concept I'm basing my character off of.
I look up ye old germanic names, look up the meanings behind them and roll with it.
I've gone with looking up common names for a given time period within a given culture that I might model a character on. At least when I am smart about it. Of late I've started just googling for something like 'random name generator of culture X'.
What have you guys done for titles? Like what sort of titles have you given players as marks of greatness?