Well then, how 'bout another elf thread boys and girls? Give 'em elfy pics and talk 'n shit about them.
Topic time: How'd elves perform in being in a modern day-style military and what guns, gear and hardware would they prefer?
Well then, how 'bout another elf thread boys and girls? Give 'em elfy pics and talk 'n shit about them.
Topic time: How'd elves perform in being in a modern day-style military and what guns, gear and hardware would they prefer?
Other urls found in this thread:
They'd perform like Finns. Namely that during the Winter War and onwards.
Elf thread wat do
Probably quality over quantity special operator units of either long range snipers, highly precise riflemen that don't even need that much tech to assist their aim, or sneaky assassins, spies and saboteurs. Can operate without support individually in enemy territory over a long time. Best gorilla fighters.
They probably also make great scouts.
Shitpost of course!
Elves are for seuxal.
Say that one more time user.
>this meme post gets a reply before the post that contributes to the thread
Yes, good thread. Quality thread.
Relax, someone's bound to give a reasonable response to such a reasonable post soon. Give it time.
Also I say human women would like/lust/crave for elven men just as much as human men like/love elf women.
There needs to be of this, not only because it would be logical, also because it fucks with waifufags, self-insert-fags and HFY-faggots
They'd basically be like the Asari from Mass Effect. Quick, agile, and good with combo'ing their modern firearms with magic. Tend to prefer highly skilled teams of Spec Ops and Splinter Cell style murder-strike teams.
If we're to take the Elves live a long time (let's say 500 years for shits and grins) perhaps some majority Elven countries/nations would have their citizens join the military as a matter of course so everyone at least receives the basic military training however the process of becoming a professional soldier is a life long endevour that one devotes themselves to entirely.
Now that I think about it I basically described the Eldar but then that makes the most sense for such a race.
Elves are for seuxal.
>human women would like/lust/crave for elven men
Yes. Yesss.
There's like ZERO art of this out there and I hate it.
DnD elves already start proficient with several weapons, which means basic training, at least for personal fighting, is mandatory in their cultures. Warhammer High Elves have every citizen training in the militia as spearmen and archers.
Some while ago a military user explained that after some extensive training your regular elf would just need some basic refreshment from time to time to maintain their skills, like they sometimes did in the medieval world on holidays, festivals or the weekend, and he can be a productive member for the rest of the year. Thus they can get a very high ratio of at least semi professional soldiers compared to their overall population.
Might as well.
>be human boy in lame human village
>hear one day that elfen bards are visiting our tavern and will perform
>all the boys and men get excited
>we all have read those picture books from the far east
>our crotches are swollen by anticipation
>the day has come, but we are late, the tavern is already bursting with people
>wait a minute
>this is not the sound of human men grunting and masturbating under the table, but high-pitched screaming girl voices
>I never thought that elves would sing like this
>we enter
>wait another minute
>those are the girls of the village shrieking, completely out of control
>their heads follow every dance move of these unbelievable handsome elven guys
>their bodies shiver at every hip shake of these timeless elven bodies
>their minds faint everytime these charming elven smiles are directed at them
>local priests carry the exhausted girls out of the tavern
>they were prepared, they knew
>but they didn't prepare us
>"Guys, let's just leave" was all that I could say
>the party didn't stop until the next morning
>some never returned
>The Elven Invasion
"I'v been shipped out and stationed in the elven nation/country of Sarenbel. Where I and hundreds of other marines and various other infantry units and grunts are gonna be working with those High Elf wizards and Wood Elf Rangers and woodsmen.
Also a superior was friendly and kind enough to tell me I'm gonna be one of the many grunts who'll teach our elf bros how to use guns, aim down them sights, reload, pull the trigger, have trigger discipline. And all that other firearms jazz. What advice and tips can you give a little ol' corporal about elven culture and whatnot so I don't make myself a complete fool to our elf bros?"
Fantasy races being stuck in ye olden age while humans advance normally is bad and you should feel bad.
I dunno with you, but thought I'd do a wee lil' RP since this is Veeky Forums after all. Plus if you wana feel the humans shouldn't be too advanced. have set up in a WW2 scenario.
May this one help.
So I guess its safe to assume or say this:
High Elves are battle/tactical mages who'd do firearms-magics combo. And Wood Elves would use rifles, battle rifles and snipers.
they'd mostly prefer semi-auto battle rifles or just assault rifles in burst fire as opposed to longer full-auto assault rifles. And when they have to use automatics, they'd use compact PDWs and smaller sub-machine guns. Or they'd just use pistols instead but generally and most of the time elves would use SMGs, PDWs, and just pistols since they prefer finesse along with their magics.
A high elf battlemage will prefer using an SMG or PDW in one hand so that he/she can use his/her other free hand for magic. While the wood elves are content with rifles, sniper rifles, or battle rifles like the FAL.
>implying wussy daisy eaters could happily deal with the robustly muscular FN-FAL and its weight and recoil
t. Australian infantryman 1989-1994
High elves and wood elves are easy, now do dark elves and/or drow.
>Elven kind has adapted/mastered the use of your firearms, just us much as you humans boast about mastering the magical arts. Now quit this silly rhetoric that we elves can't use guns. Because we have proven efficient with such tools combined with our magics
t. Elven Tactical Mage Larrel Keaven
>now do dark elves and/or drow.
Dude, highly trained urban warfare capable soldiers with a large number of female soldiers and a propensity for fighting insurgents on their own home turf?
Just copy/paste what the Israelis use, no contest.
Most of female israeli soldiers aren't fighting, though.
Well we're talking about fictional races/people with mastery and better connection with magic and have pointy ears. So leave such real life gender roles at the door.
Plus i think Dark Elves/Drow are very unorthodox operatives and fighters too.
Everything else still applies, though.
Also, really? I didn't know that. Even Israel isn't actually gender-neutral, I'm a little disappointed.
7.62 is by no means a slouch of a round but it's not like it destroys shoulders, especially out of a 21" FAL.
Didn't Australia adopt the AUG by then, anyway?
>So leave such real life gender roles at the door
I'm honestly no fan of regular female elf soldiers at all, for various reasons
This of course doesn't concern PCs or powerful individuals
In every western army girls only make up a miniscule part of the fighting force.
Like I said at Dark Elves/Drow are very unorthodox operatives and fighters who have little regard for any variant or version of the Geneva Convention or other ehtical combat rights.
Drow/Dark Elves have very little regard for the well being of other combatants outside of their own. So if one surrenders and raises their arms, a Drow Elf trooper will just shoot that person's face.
The F88 (localised version of the AUG) was rolled out between 1989 and 1992. The SLR (localised version of the FN-FAL) was still in use in various units through that time.
The SLR had decent recoil but it's biggest issue was its length and weight, it's a tiring weapon to carry and use.
Yeah it sucks.
Maybe they'd a lot of shotguns and shit.
>Under estimating elves this much
>my pic when
I think that was also made by a DA artist who so happens to like Neverwinter Nights and is a fan girl for archer/ranger Bishop.
Is it wrong to express how elder scrolls elf girls are cute?
Only if you consult fanart.
ALL depictions are CUTE, same for eldar fan art.
Give me cute canon art.
Honestly, they'd basicly be prussians
>Relataively smaller population surrounded by hostiles states/races
>Rely on winning wars fast as they are at disadvantage in wars of attrition
>Go for knockout blows/concentrate forces in one area to breach and win
Though if you mean modern by our standards, yeah, they'd be all about that spec ops.
Going off Ops & Tactics:
Forest Elven Racial Traits
>Forest Elves are Medium Sized Creatures >Forest Elves have a Mental Limit equal to ((6+WIS Mod)×CL) + 15
>Forest Elves receive the extra feat Archaic Weapon Proficiency(Bows) at 1st level for free >Forest Elves receive a −3 Racial Recoil Penalty to recoil when using any weapon that has recoil (this is the important one)
>Forest Elves possess Low Light Vision, allowing them to see twice as far as normal in poor lightning conditions, as well as distinguish colors, even in dim lighting
>Forest Elves receive the extra feat Athlete at 1st level for free
>Forest Elves have a base Combat Point Score of 17
>Forest Elven CHP formula is CON−1
>Forest Elves have Sidhe as their native language, and receive Trade Bant as a secondary language
In O&T, recoil takes effect when doing anything other than precise single shots. So any sort of autofire is out of the question without low-recoil weapons, serious modification and brawny users. I eventually decided on the L1A1 for their primary service rifle, as it's semi-auto only but fires 7.62x51mm NATO (5d6 damage). There's also custom AR-15s that can fire even larger rounds in semi-auto, but they're prohibitively expensive outside of special ops and well-heeled enthusiasts. They're pretty weak in the modern age, but once energy weapons (which don't have recoil) come into play their usefulness increases again.
>someone post about OaTs elves
I am joyous of this.
Also I'd give elves ar 15s
I went with the L1A1 for the sake of novelty and comparative firepower and a potential ELF1A1 pun. Realistically speaking, any semi-auto-only rifle could work.
Laying traps, sniping individual squad leaders, and general guerilla warfare.
>mad cuz he doesn't belong to best race (the elven race)
Essentially Israel.
>Universal conscription and large ppol of reservists to counter the lowish population.
>Mobility, airpower, manoveur and superior firepower to win against larger armies.
oh my god a thread died for this?!?!?!?!?!?
It died for a good cause
Anybody got any Mystic/psionic looking elves?
>Nine months later
>Village teems with half elf babies
More gun/rifle elves please
>I'm honestly no fan of regular female elf soldiers at all, for various reasons
I've never understood this.
They're magical beings bruh. In many setting's they literally exist to fight for the forces of good.
>Forest Elves receive a −3 Racial Recoil Penalty to recoil when using any weapon that has recoil (this is the important one)
>They're magical beings
This isn't really how fantasy settings threat them most of the time.
>In many setting's they literally exist to fight for the forces of good
One good reason more not to throw their baby factories into the meat grinder of battle.
>This isn't really how fantasy settings threat them most of the time.
I mean, take D&D. The average wood elf is automatically better at magic, has the ability to guide through difficult terrain like it's not even there, and can see in total darkness. Then you got high elves, who can teleport innately in a few editions, and drow, who can levitate and create supernatural darkness by concentrating.
Tolkien elves literally have more 'soul' than men (or, more accurately, their fea is their body) and can as such effect the world in a way men would consider magic.
WHFB elves and Eldar are both supernaturally swift and innately capable of magic.
Elves in IKRPG, unlike humans, have an in-built knack for arcane magic; while certain humans can have abberative magical powers, elves have magic by default and whether they can do it or not is a matter of whether they've had the time/education to hone this ability.
Elves are pretty dang magical in most settings.
These are all not good reasons to put them into armor and send them to get crushed in the frontline.
>Ywn be the househusband to a qt elven wife who you cook good meals with before cuddling up on the couch and watching your favorites shows
I have a fetish related to this but I don't know what to call it.
>but I don't know what to call it
It's called 'lacking a spine'
Yeah but everyone here has that one.
But that's the actual American Dream. Being able to do a stay at home job and lounge about the house with your loving exotic wife.
Since elves are faster than humans, they would perform amazingly in modern military
It's called being single for so long you fantasize about having a completely normal relationship.
>Tfw I do the same thing
Heh, at least Israelis have hotter blondes than most Euros, while also having badass anti-terror teams and units.
RIP Jonathan Netanyahu.
The exact same as any other modern day military force. There isn't any reason to assume that they'd be equipped or function differently based on their race. There's a thousand parameters your topic didn't bother to ask first.
I feel the need to point out that the most common weapon elves wield is the bow, specifically the long bow. Long bows required a great deal of upper body strength to shoot and a lifetime of training to properly master.
To this point, I would agree with the others. Battle rifles would most likely be their go to weapon with magic specialists getting something like a .45 Luger or PDW. Something precision crafted and decent caliber.
Something of note is that elves would likely do a lot of night ops. They can see significantly better than humans in low-light even before any gear to help them.
>>Forest Elves receive a −3 Racial Recoil Penalty to recoil when using any weapon that has recoil (this is the important one)
Why would they do that? Any race good enough at archery to be all trained in longbow usage is going to be strong enough to handle recoil as well as any human soldier.
Having been into archery since I was a kid, I can confidently say that's bullshit. The strength required for a longbow depends on the bow itself (a 25 pound draw bow is light to carry and use).
The effort to draw a bow is also limited to the time where you draw, which is a short, static effort, not like lugging around a rifle constantly.
The FN is roughly ten pounds unloaded and almost four feet long. It's heavier than any longbow I've ever encountered.
I can assure you as a six foot two, 240lb adult male who's had extensive experience with both bows and FNs, that the FN is a far more tiring weapon all around.
>I can assure you as a six foot two, 240lb adult male who's had extensive experience with both bows and FNs, that the FN is a far more tiring weapon all around.
Mind you, that doesn't really make make much sense. The entire race is athletic enough to get 'Really good at athletics' as a bonus feat as well as longbow training and yet they somehow can't handle recoil?
> Not having the carry handle taken off on a British L1A1.