Are you fat?
Do you have acne?
Do you have a shitty beard?
Answer honestly please.
Are you fat?
Do you have acne?
Do you have a shitty beard?
Answer honestly please.
A bit.
delete your thread
Upper end of healthy, prior to being overweight.
Yes, it's quite mild though.
My girlfriend would kill me if I had one.
No, no and no.
6'2, 155lbs
I get pimples occasionally I guess but my last pizzaface breakout was years ago
>Shitty beard?
I can't grow facial hair outside of a scruffy mustache so I shave away the crap that gathers on my face bi-weekly
What do I get for filling out the survey?
>Are you fat?
Nope. Not even skinny-fat. Although I have been a lot Veeky Forumster than I am now.
>Do you have acne?
>Do you have a shitty beard?
Just shaved mate.
>Yes though I am working on fixing that. I have lost almost 20kgs this year.
>No. I have never had problem with acne
>No, I shave every morning
>No, I'm very thin.
>Yes, I have some at 22. I use fifteen thousand different kinds of soap to get rid of it, but never manage to actually do it. I think it's caused by my eating habits.
>No, I shave.
I'm somewhat fit
A little bit
I shave every two days.
I'm in the army.
Forever DM'ing for 12, 13 years now
>Are you fat?
Not very. Though I'm neither fit nor a skeleton.
>Do you have acne?
Only a bit. I wash my face everyday, but it just doesn't go completely away.
>Do you have a shitty beard?
Nope. My father could never grow a good beard, and neither can I. So I don't even try.
Very littlle
>my beard is full and well groomed
130kilo fat, do want to change
I have a spot here and there from time to time
If I let it grow it becomes a proper neckbeard but I shave cos it's needed to for work (hotel restaurant)
And I wear glasses
>Are you fat?
>Do you have acne?
>Do you have a shitty beard?
Nope. My job requires me to shave daily.
No. Out of shape, yes, but I'm skinny.
No. I would if I didn't have the decency to shave it off, though.
I can only grow a neckbeard and a fu manchu mustache. I would envy Joe Dirt's facial hair if I cared.
Also, I have more digits than chest hairs, since you're asking.
Hell to the no.
Yep, yep, yep.
Stereotypes gotta come from somewhere.
Shave regularly
Nah I adhere to the gay stereotype of being very self-conscious about looks.
do i win?
admittedly my weight has gone up recently, but i'm working on it though. running or at least jogging every day does wonders.
nope, haven't for years. i must be really lucky or something because i don't use any creams or anything
nope. i shave anything past stubble.
>Are you fat?
Out of shape, but not overweight.
>Do you have acne?
I might get a zit once a month, but rarely.
>Do you have a shitty beard?
Clean shaven.
Not really, I used to when I was younger but I got pills for it.
Only when I haven't shaved for a couple of days.
> fat
6'2", 152 lbs
Very rarely, my teens are beyond me.
It's quite decent as far as beards go. I use a trimmer, ????, PROFIT.
>Veeky Forums confirmed for handsome, but still autistic, social misfits
Overweight. I'm 5.6" gone from 210 lbs to 130 lbs back up to 175 lbs over 4 years. Slowly losing it now.
I wish I had any beard.
Right now, yeah, but only because I can't be arsed shaving on holiday.
Nope. Working on abs actually.
I got a few pimples. Need to was my pillows more.
I have some scruff because I'm too lazy to shave more than bi-weekly.
Yes i have a beard. But is it shitty? Well... i don`t know.
Are you fat?
Do you have acne?
Do you have a shitty beard?
Big Bang Theory lied to you.
No, I'm skeletally thin
I have spots, no terrible clusters though
I guess? I don't like it so I stay shaved.
No, biweekly workouts and weekly 5k runs made sure of that.
No, my half Asian skin means I'm immune from acne since my teens.
No, my half Asian skin means I can't grow a beard for shit.
The most minor (a pimple or 2 at a time)
Yes, but it's growing into an actual beard
10 kilos above my ideal weight
Once in a blue moon I have one of this fuckers.
I have an awesome bear that I take care more of than most people care of their hair.
>Are you fat?
>Do you have acne?
>Do you have a shitty beard?
I look like a short haired version of pic related, dead stare and all.
I know this board is mostly RPGs, but you don't have to roleplay (with portraits and all) in every thread.
>Yes, but am changing that. Have dropped from 210 to 175 and my goal weight is about 160.
>No. Can't remember last time I had an actual pimple, let alone more than one.
>No, but I probably would if my job didn't require me to be clean-shaven.
>Are you fat?
What you consider fat people are thin to me. I am the next level of obese.
>Do you have acne?
Have had since puberty. Never stopped. My entire face is literally covered in acne. My phallus too. My anal circumference is just one big pus fest, going to the toilet is an adventure every time; thank god mom knows how to handle it.
>Do you have a shitty beard?
I have about 10 separate hairs on my chin, each being about 12 cm long.
My mom says it's ok
>Are you fat?
I'm 190 pounds and 6'1, so I don't believe so. A bit flabby though was 300 pounds a couple of years ago.
>Do you have acne?
Sometimes, but usually no.
>Do you have a shitty beard?
I did. It was ugly as shit, so I got rid of it. Not going to grow a beard again.
Extremely no
lil bit
God no
Nope, I'm a giant and I'm pretty well built, particularly since I started exercising. 6'6", 225 lbs.
Nope, I rarely get zits.
Yup only because I can't be arsed to shave.
>you don't have to
but I can
What is this, a dating website?
Like a slight breakout every now and then, but nothing too serious.
it's scraggly, but controlled.
>all those American measurements
REE stop this I can't understand it
My beard is glorious.
I'm thin but athletic, have barely any fat on me but I'm not a big bulky swole guy.
I used to have really bad acne, now I've just got a bit on my back which people barely notice.
I've got a pretty shit beard, around my mouth it's thick but I get fuck Salk around my cheeks.
I could stand to loose some weight
no, never
I have a nice well groomed beard.
i guarantee this guy is a huge fucking fatso with an ugly face
Only in the winters
No, only a shitty mustache
270 lbs, 5'11 (180 cm)
Yes, but on acutane and cutting fat out of diet
>Are you fat?
No I'm fit
>Do you have acne?
Used to have
>Do you have a shitty beard?
Mustache and side burns.
I mean fuck it, why lie?
I can make excuses all day,
won't change how I live my lifestyle.
I don't like it, but I don't feel as though I can change.
define shitty beard
The real problem is I don't ever do anything about it until it gets out of hand. Its just not something I can get a handle on every day.
>I don't like it, but I don't feel as though I can change.
Then change how you feel about changing first.
Working on it, 10 kilos down already.
No longer.
I shave this atrocity away.
Basically, its at the point where its still fixable, but so long as its not a problem its not going to get fixed. Something has to be broken before you take it in for repairs.
I'm too lazy to shave more than once a week
Embrace the inevitable of failure based on past evaluations?
As long as you still try, sure.
this is you
Little bit, no, no.
I could do with working out again. Got a little chunky since I stopped school.
How can you try in earnest if you already know you are going to fail?
See, the way I look at it, is there is a small chance, say 3-5%, that you will succeed. Each time you try, you have a chance at succeeding, and if you try enough times, eventually you will succeed.