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So hover pred confirm?
>custodes get double bananajamma transport.
>new marines get hover rhinos.
Is that a grav tank?
>That twin-lascannon on the front that needs the whole tank to be pointing dead-on at its target
It's super nice you dumb fuck.
It's also looking like the old Custodes Grav Rhino, and that's a massive plus.
It's shit.
Tell me this its a joke please
Fools, it's obviously a snowsledge for the primadonna spess woofs, or bark woofs woofs as they're now called
I cant tell if I love it or I hate it. It's one of the two for sure.
I like it.
>hull mounted TL las cannon infront
>random ass rocket pods on the sides ready to deliver broad sides
The business end of Cawl's crackpipe must be visible from orbit.
>That's no forge world...
Design-wise, I feel it keeps way too many elements of old tanks, especially the front. Now since it looks more like a sluggish, slow antigrav vehicle, I wouldn't say it's entirely unfitting, but it doesn't feel satisfying. They'd better tried some new design.
Or, you know, just NOT try to do a Space Marine antigrav tank. Unimaginative shit.
The real MVP from this announcement!
Do the Design Studio even talk to each other when someone from GW's finance department comes down and tells them they need to make a new big plastic kit?
What is the reason for this layout?
>hat twin-lascannon on the front that needs the whole tank to be pointing dead-on at its target
Now that vehicles have no firing arks or facings GW can indulge in it's design autism with no holds bared.
>day 1 DLC when they already mentioned how much stuff was in the rulebook
"nu"GW are taking you for a mug mate
>What is the reason for this layout?
The reason is to overload the model with details so it's harder to remold, kitbash or paper-craft.
>They'd better tried some new design
>tried new design
If y'all looking for maturity in design this probably isn't the game.
Somebody really needs to compile the tech that's been blatantly stolen from the Tau.
All that's missing is the Not!Tau Ion Cannon
I want two of those pintle mini guns for my Valkyrie door gunners
There is no such thing as tech-heresy when you're buttbuddy with Gorillaman.
I loved chapter approved as much as the next guy.
But it's pretty weird to announce "Chapter Approved!" as a new edition is coming out. It implies they're not really putting everything in the rulebook and are counting on nostalgia being able to sell yet another -different- book. Presumably with stuff that should just be in the rulebook or those Premium army books that are now just so much toilet paper.
It's T'au™©® now
Seriously, that guy is an affront to the mechanicus.
This Basically the Bradley
>We need some way to replace the Rhino?
>Well sir here's a new design i've been working on.
>You know what we need on this ? A turret !
>But we can't fit the troops in.
>Just do it !
Why did they have the retarded idea to place a twin linked lasscannon on the hull?
It looks like it actually has some movement side to side, YMMV. And it's a hover tank, it's not like turning is an issue.
But historically there have been plenty of tracked vehicles with fixed forward guns, usually they're considered 'tank destroyers', they don't have the tactical flexibility of a real tank but they're cheaper, lower profile, and can absolutely blow the shit out of a real tank.
> Gaming in the 41st millenium
> The book is actually about in-universe wargaming
Is that a fucking stubber?
Am I a dork because i'm most interested in the fact the disembarkation doors appear to be on the side rather than the rear?
>all those varied barrels
90s as fuck. I love it. Call it the Deathblood 9000 or something and it's perfect.
It would look so much better without the retarded turret.
thrusters on the back so a door wouldn't fit
There's one at the back as well. Along with yet another dumb-ass rocket box. Check the video:
Looks cool
>Imperials rediscovered grav tech
>and miniguns, apparently.
Decent hull mounted weapon.
Main turret weapon, and a coaxial.
Then a commanders gun. And some extra doodads.
There'll be different turret guns. Maybe exchangeable coaxial. Different hull gun.
Optional commanders gun, and the doodads will be optional with various kit.
High likelihood of command variant.
They'll get stupid names like always depending on the main turret gun.
And maybe a hull mounted super weapon variant.
>so that options are mostly about the turret swap. Or the hull mounting point.
>there are people on this board who don't think this is fucking rad
Yeah, that turret looks really fucking bad.
Look at the fucking front! That's Grav-sphere tech they use for the Grav-inhibitor drones on the pathfinders!
Bellisarius Cawl of the Adeptus Plagiarismus
>put the TL Lascannon on the turret
>remove the hull gun and the fully-exposed gunner
>give the stubber tracer rounds
Might look non-shit then
It's yet more forgettable pish from a gutted Design Studio.
I'd have loved to have seen Adeptus Mechanicus and Genestealer Cults get proper releases with the studio of even a decade ago, instead we got what were in reality two very forgettable releases.
space marine tanks never look right when they're covered in stowage, and that fucking turret..
I think so.
My sides would be in orbit if Games Workshop actually published a book about people playing miniatures wargames in the 41st millenium.
If its an enormous gun the whole tank is actually built around, that's one thing. And it's more understandable if it'll cause enough of a blast that pinpoint isn't necessary
Two pretty small precision-requiring weapons being so rigidly emplaced just irks though
>all that stowage on the outside
Please enlighten us as to how the tau went from zero to inter stellar faction overnight.
Was it the knife ears, tin skellies, or the clockwork martians who did it?
With so muach dakka it's gonna be so expensive we'd get a Wave Seprnt syndrome with a transport that is shit at transporting and 99% used as a tank.
What a fucking mess.
Its like the had 4 good ideas tossed them in a blender, added glue and poured it in a box without looking.
It makes Ork kitbashes look loke streamlined pinnacles of design.
Tell me about this man.
Perturabo, the book, show the IW playing miniature wargames and being real autists about it.
There is already a tt game in 40k
Just to prove my point. I can only hope that the turret is optional.
Who is that handsome lad with the mullet grabing his balls?
Knife ears provided the genes, then crashed a mechanicus ship right on their moon with all the tech they'd need to get a head-start. They're probably one of Eldrad's plots to dodge the Rhana Dandra by using a race of warp-immune foot soldiers.
Personally, I liked it back when the rumor was that Farsight had been corrupted by the Necrons. The Dawn Blade had the stats of a Warscythe and everything. Now it's just more demon-bullshit, that somehow hasn't bothered to eat his soul yet.
I like it. It pushes the idea of the razorback as a frontline transport with tank hunter capabilities to the limit. The excess dakka recognizes that this mobile firing platform will be mostly fighting against massive odds, so just chuck everything on the damn thing.
If iron warriors were not autist about something that would have been a suprise.
>Brother Ezekyle i can see 75.1 percent of your miniature is visible from the point of view of this model, therefore it is not considered in cover.
>Brother Arloc, you clearly are a super humongous retard if you are counting weapons as body parts.
>Listen here Ezekyle you piece of shit, that model has a bionic arm and it counts as a weapon.
>No it does not you faggot
That's Theresa May before she cut her hair short and got into politics.
You can blame Matt ward for that one too.
Personally, I think it would be okay if they replaced the missile launchers with smoke launchers and just got ride of the minigun.
I also hope there is an option to not have a turret for increased troop space.
Its called a land raider Excelsior....
>kill me
This. I don't know what to make of it.
That's a lot of guns. How much you want to bet the launchers above the door are assault frags of some type?
Not op.
Excelsior is the command raider.
Op is a new abomination.
My fucking christ it looks awful
"Yeah let's give SM a hover tank but at the same time lets give the thing a gun that can't aim without the entire fucking thing moving"
>but muh stug
This isn't WW2
I'm sticking to buying shit off ebay and avoiding Primaris junk altogether
>But historically there have been plenty of tracked vehicles with fixed forward guns
these vehicles (Stug3;SU-122 etc) always had gun with limited traverse. They never made it completely fixed.
I like grav tanks and I like chunky tanks. A chunky grav tank is great news for me.
Grav technology is considered extremely rare and now the imperium is pulling it out its ass eh? All hail the new stc that was discovered.
>This isn't WW2
You're right.
It's World War 1
>This isn't WW2
You're right - it's WW1 in space
>lets give the thing a gun that can't aim without the entire fucking thing moving"
It's more likely, looking at the bottom, that Cawl was the first Magos to bother looking at the Land Speeder and saying "What if I put those repulsor pads on a tank?"
I disown you, I have no son!
>No accessibility for the disabled
I'm going to complain to the Imperium
This actually makes sense. Remember this is Cawl pulling this shit out his ass, and he was around when grav stuff was mass manufactured. Having him around allows GW to explain alot of shit. They just need to explain why he didn't help out earlier in the last ten thousand years.
>They just need to explain why he didn't help out earlier in the last ten thousand years.
He was too busy on the Primaris Marines to do anything else
Soo does this mean the Ecclesiarchy use grav as well? Is grav an option that costs points for a greater movement range? Do Sisters get floating Immolators? What happen?
Looks like Admech phosphor cannon.
Nah, he's just stolen everything from the Tau and interbred it. This is what happened when Cawl made a Rhino and a Devilfish do the nasty.
How they would fire from all this weapon in one time? Place only for one person
Wasn't Cawl one of the ones in Trazyn's museum? Or was that the grey knight guy and/or Celestine.
>Missile launchers everywhere
Only available to people who also have access to the Land Speeder STC. Only Space Marines can have nice things.
Greyfax, Cawl has apparently been in a basement on Mars for 10000 years and Voldoris is a Sergeant or Librarian or something who got a field promotion from Draigo before Draigo zipped back into the warp.
So has Relic just given GW license to use the soudtracks to their games for whatever they like? Because I'm pretty sure that OSTs don't fall under their intellectual property.
Inquisitor Valeria was in Trazyn's pokeball. Then after he let her out, he captured Creed and took him off Cadia before it burnt.
Cawl had just not left Mars for 10,000 years, too busy making primaris bullshit.
Well they've been using them for years and years now
They'd probably be remotely controlled by someone who's not sitting in the turret.
Alternatively, machine spirits