How do I stop making Mary-Sues/Chuuniybous, but still have fun?
How do I stop making Mary-Sues/Chuuniybous, but still have fun?
Give up or get good at roleplay.
It doesn't matter if the character you make is a magical pixie catgirl with superstrength as long as it fits the tone of the setting and you're good at roleplaying nobody's gonna care.
All you need to do to quit being a Mary Sue is give people reason to not like her, maybe she's a bit impious around clergy or has an obnoxious laugh.
Give characters some roleplaying flaws and quirks.
>stop making chuunis
Just be self-aware with them. Ask your GM if you can auto-fail something that you know someone else can step in and take over for. Give them flaws and make them amusing.
SUBSTANTIAL roleplaying flaws and quirks, mind you. Don't just be a weeb and make it so that your character has the flaw of getting too fired up about things or being too caring about others. Make them a bit schlubby. Give them a serious bad habit. Make them make bad decisions some of the time. Don't let your character have all the information they need.
>the flaw of getting too fired up about things or being too caring about others
What if those are taken to the EXTREME, though?
I don't suffer from being a weeb, what the hell is a Chuuniybous, and why would you randomly lapse out of English when trying to ask a question?
I thought the classic non-flaw was being hungry all the time.
>I don't suffer from being a weeb
Cue yotsuba in wonderland pic.
Other guy here. Still doesn't answer the question of what the hell a chuunibiyou is.
It translates to "2nd Year of Middleschool Syndrome", and refers to people older than twelve-ish but still having childish tastes and delusions.
Stuff like wearing all black, having a demon sealed in their arm or eye, coming from another dimension, being secretly royalty, and being some kind of peerless swordsman or mental prodigy.
It's Japanese for edgy middle schooler. Sometimes the poor kids snap under the inexorable march of collectivism and death of the self over there, and they start claiming wild things like having a demon in their eye or possessing fell powers.
Consider them like you'd consider That Guy who Sonic Ran to Class in a Trenchcoat, only worse.
Ah, clears things up. Thank you gentlemen.
Play an actual chuuni little fucker. A dorky face character who brags about being a kungfu wizard assassin but doesn't know shit about shit and can't do shit. Then put all your points into Bluff. As long as you and everyone else at the table knows you're being retarded on purpose and you keep it in check, you're good. Nobody likes that kind of person but if you can be endearingly lame you can pull it off as a character by letting everyone else do all the heavy lifting.
I once ran a session where everyone played a bunch of dorks, but that level of self awareness and pure meta isn't to most players taste and could easily start a shitfest.
make your character with a personality in mind first.
best way to avoid mary-sueism is to maybe directly use the personality of a person you know personaly. then you have a balance of flaws and positive traits you can use as it is or work with it as an orientation of a well-rounded character.
keep all the tacked on things like a skills, equipment, appearance and relationships out of creation of the character's personality.
if you still want to have them, put them on after making your character, but only if you are sure that it is interesting even without all of that shit.
I believe the classic "non-flaws" are as follows:
1) being "clumsy"
2) being cocksure/conceited (with a heart of gold)
3) being too nice/too naive
Mind you, there are ways to play these as non-Suish traits; not every character that's clumsy, conceited or naive is a Sue, and viceversa.
Yeah I have been playing a "too naive, too open and honest" character unironically and its been quite a real flaw throughout the entire campaign. Poor guy just wants to map this uncharted island no one ever returns from and keeps getting pulled into the island's political shenanigans.
It´s satisfying to see a very flawed character grow, so go ahead and make a pathetic little shit, make him go through hell and polish him on the way
>Don't make your character make the other characters redundant by being unbalanced and strictly better versions of that character.
>If you can't make your character likable, make them interesting and give them significant flaws. Play out those flaws reasonably and let the other characters call your character out.
>If you can't make your character interesting, make them likable at least. OP characters that are fun, cool, or thrilling may not have much depth, but they at least bring the audience joy. Mary Sues fail by making the plot not fun, boring, and are overrated by the creator.
>Don't make your character unique for the sake of uniqueness. Tacking on different clashing traits goes from a tool of design to a crutch for character personalities.
Say that again.
What would happen if every PC was trying to out-Sue each other?
Something wonderful, and putrid.
First, make sure they fit into setting. Second, give them a purpose other that being weabooish Mary Sue. Third, they must have flaws that can and will hurt. Every flaw will feel like a non-flaw while it have no consequences.
I had a character who was too naive, quite clumsy because of low agility, and pretty Mary Sue all around. Then she lost an arm, a part of her spine, and a lot of sanity all thanks to being naive and trusting strangers. It even wasn't GM's revenge to obvious Sue, only stupid naive character doing stupid naive things.
My hive-brother.
add a modern boring salaryman to the party or something equivalent of the setting
New hit anime coming this fall.
Make them an addict of some kind. Alcohol's a little cliche, but it works, can also be some mana crystal in some worlds.
Another good thing to do is to actually not make them important at all. literally just someone fighting to prove themselves and being shaped by that journey rather than anything that came before.
>1) being "clumsy"
That's only a non-flaw if you're never going into a dungeon.
>Not having to roll a dexterity roll to even cast a spell
>taking penalties on dex/ref saving throws.
I can see you will have alotta fun tormenting your snowflake
As a DM, I can safely say.
Rocks fall, everyone dies, the world forgets about all of you as a random peasant saves the kingdom.
Could be worse
Good end.
I would 'allow' this character for a time, but the moment anything started to happen, describe it all as a dream as he wakes up, drooling into his journal at his desk, mother screaming at him to get to school, and that this is why she drinks.
Much worse
I could see it working in Exalted.
needs demon wing on the other side and tacticool accessories for the guns and it's good to go
It's got one demon and one angel wing that I can see. Also, the revolver probably fires small swords.
oh fuck I didn´t notice the wing, silly me
What the hell is wrong with his left hand?
>>What the hell is wrong with his EVERYTHING?
I don't hate this. Remove the really iconic stuff and it's a decent enough character design.