>People don't play traditional games in the washroom
Is this a problem?
>People don't play traditional games in the washroom
Is this a problem?
I miss quest threads on Veeky Forums.
Shut up faggot.
You killed a good and caring thread.
If this was a quest thread, you could have used the filter to hide it. You know how to use the filter, don't you?
Does your group shower at the host's place before each session? I've been told it's normal but it takes so much time waiting for everybody to get done since the rules are only one at a time.
I'll take this garbage any day over quest threads any day.
If this was a shitpost, which it obviously is, you could've just hid it in the catalog. But noooooo, you just fucking HAD to roll in and you just absolutely HAD to post about your pwecious widdle qwests because your persecution complex won't let you move the hell on. You know what? You and every single one of your little faggot fuckbuddies who keep making these threads just so you can proclaim how very much you miss Loli Rapist Simulator Thread #377 are rightly fucking persecuted. You deserve all the hate you get. Do you know why? Because there isn't a questfag alive who isn't a passive aggressive cowardly little shit. You actively ruin every board you touch. When you fuckers were on Veeky Forums, nothing could get discussed except your personal little circlejerks. That is a fucking fact. You can screech about how it took only 5% of the board or whatever all you want. I was fucking there. I know what I saw. You assholes killed any and all threads that weren't quests, plain and simple. And then when you finally got your own board, you actively shat it up for yourselves in some deluded attempt to try and get it to go away. You deliberately schemed and plotted against something that could've only been for your own benefit. /qst/ could've been a genuinely good thing, but you walking, talking, sentient cancer tumors wrecked it. And now that you have to wallow in your own mess, you come here and cry and whine and make shit threads just so you can get everyone to see your self imposed plight. Quests are shit. They've always been shit, and they'll always be shit because they associate with human garbage like you. Specifically you.. SO since you can't get it through your goddamn skull, I'll spell it out real slow for you.
You lost. And you've got no one to blame but yourselves.
And that just shows everyone the kind of poster who hated on quest threads.
You sound madder than questfags even AFTER winning, brah
's not healthy for your blood pressure, you know?
Antiquesters, everybody.
Questfags everyone
Questfags tried very hard to avoid the filters
Im fucking glad they are gone.
hell yeah
>And then when you finally got your own board, you actively shat it up for yourselves in some deluded attempt to try and get it to go away.
The only people who wanted /qst/ were the ones that hated quest threads.
Antiquesters ban-dodged for eight years. The vast majority of quest threads voluntarily put "quest" in the subject field because they didn't want to anger anyone.
Can't have Table Top Games without tables and no one has tables in their washroom.
Please provide proof that antiquestfags are ban dodging. It may come as a surprise to you but the most people get sick of seeing shit like "Mahou Shonen Butler Witches Quest Part MCCXCIII: In which we peep at Hatsuko at the Hot Springs Part 2"
It doesn't matter who wanted it. The fact of the matter is that it happened, questfags were getting exiled no matter what, they decided to fuck the place up, and now they act confused about why they have to swim about in the cesspool that they made.
>they decided to fuck the place up
But how