How old is too old to play?
Is it odd for a man in his mid 30s to still play with teens?
How old is too old to play?
Is it odd for a man in his mid 30s to still play with teens?
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>How old is too old to play?
No such age. Do what you love and fuck the rest.
>Is it odd for a man in his mid 30s to still play with teens?
On the other hand yes this is a bit odd. I don't see why you would want to honestly? Teenagers are immature twats at best.
>playing in your mid-thirties
Dont talk to me or my wife's son ever again.
well if you are still playing 40K and AoS most of the players will be teens/early 20s
Playing in your 30s is a bit odd in the sense that it's rare, but I don't see why it would be bad. Pretty much everyone who was alive to see "old school" roleplaying is about that old or older. At that point though, looking for social interaction with teens is a bit weird.
See you in three years when you are on the news.
My local group as well as a few others tend to be much older than that 30's and 40's. Very few kids. We had one teenager for a while and the guy who runs it son sometimes plays that's about it.
I suppose this differs from area to area and granted I moved onto 30K and don't play AOS (but who does???) , though plenty of 40K players still at the same groups.
Don't get fooled by it, OP. It's a a Jewish conspiracy to make SJWs shame white men into providing for their wive's children from a black man.
You're too old to play when the game interfere with your life noticeably.
>this is her son
Keep in mind that these games are old, the hobby is old. There are plenty of people who are 'old' who are still playing these games. For the most part, we don't play with teens, but it does happen. It is mostly by choice we don't play with teens by the way, lot of old stable groups out there.
For me, I play with teens rather often. But that is because it is a family thing. My daughter and the daughter and son of some friends (and my friends, their parents) play in a campaign I run. The campaign was mostly for my daughter, so the other kids ended up joining in.
Most of the gaming I do is with other older adults.
I actually found out a janitor at my college has been running a game with 13 people in it for about 23 years. His group is mostly middle aged
The man's a legend in our tabletop club
I'm 58 years old. I'm not the oldest person in my gaming group.
I'm actually looking forward to when my friends and I are retired. Plenty of time to roll dice.
You're never too old to play. I still play with my dad. I mean for fuck's sake, look how old Gygax and his buddies were when they started. When I took some community college classes to finish my degree, there was this older divorced dude in my class, he was a huge D&D nerd, I should've talked to the guy even though he was ten years older than me we could've hung out. You are NEVER too old to play.
Don't feel guilty just because you resisted the vaginal jew and haven't gotten hitched to a fat sow and squirted out a couple shitspawn who consume your finances and life while your wife stays home reading internet blogs about "discovering herself" (i.e. nigger cock) and before you know it your shit life is even shittier. I know your pain, OP. You watched your friends peel off one by one, like adventurers travelling through a dungeon being picked off by monsters, or the survivors of a zombie apocalypse dying one by one. You lost one to a promising job across the country, another to a woman who dragged him away from the group to do whatever bullshit they do every weekend, another one probably just bored of gaming because he was never a real gamer to begin with. It's hard to watch them go. But you survived to the end, OP. Your passion for the hobby kept you going.
Now playing with teens is a bit weird, if you mean underage kids. There's some Youth Protection type shit in there that would make me uncomfortable. What you want is the early 20s college gaming club. Find the "dudebro" tier gamers (by which I mean the ones who are cool and aren't spergs), they are usually chill with older dudes. Hell, even most of the asperger gamers are pretty friendly.
Keep up the gaming, OP. Don't be ashamed of not being a cuck. Your friends sold out for a depreciating pussy and screaming children who will one day out them a million bucks for a gender studies degree while dying their hair pink and sewing a pigs cock to their pussy. In the meantime you can enjoy yourself.
>not being the cool adult figure the kids look up to
>her son edit
You are never too old to play. I play with a 56 year old and a 70 year old.
>Tfw when you have very few friends your own age
As far as mtg and warhammer go, I've seen families (mom,dad,kids) enter tournaments together, several greybeards are regulars at fnm and what used to be a games workshop in my area. I'd say the most common age is anywhere between 25 and 45.
This strikes home hard. I'm 27 years old, only started getting interested in shit like D&D at age 21 or so and don't actually have an IRL group to play with. Older groups are usually groups who've been playing for years and simply never stopped. LFG fags are usually youngsters. Like with everything in life, I'm too late to the party. I hate being autistic.
>Is it odd for a man in his mid 30s to still play
>with teens?
Holy shit, that sounds amazing.
>tfw user's college's Janitor's storytime never
I feel you user, I've missed out on having a friend group as a kid. But I don't think it's too late for us. It's never too late 'til your body's falling apart.
>Just lost a fringe group who were into D&D.
Does it ever stop hurting?
>How old is too old to play?
When you're dead and cold in the ground.
>Is it odd for a man in his mid 30s to still play with teens?
In public, no. In private, maybe. It depends on how mixed the company is in general at that point though.
>her son
>How old is too old to play?
You're never too old to play.
>Is it odd for a man in his mid 30s to still play with teens?
This definitely seems odd, but it somewhat depends on context. For instance, if they are 18 or 19 years old, that's less odd than if they were 15 or 16. And if you're DMing a group for your nieces, nephews, much younger cousins, whatever, that is much less odd than playing in a game run by a high schooler and titled The Quest for Titties and Beer.
>And if you're DMing a group for your nieces, nephews, much younger cousins, whatever, that is much less odd than playing in a game run by a high schooler and titled The Quest for Titties and Beer.
5e ruined Quest for Titties and Beer. They completely changed the underlying cosmology, and nerfed the death traps and logical puzzles to the point where it's nothing but a boring monster grind. I'd tell you to play the original, but since it's downright impossible to find these days, your best option is probably to play something else entirely. I suggest F2, In Search of Bitches, but the entire Titty Witch series is pretty good too.
Never too old
A little, but that happens in most hobbies. My brother is in his early teens and flies model planes with older people. It's just a new generation being taught by a more experienced generation.
Weird to play with kids unless it's a situation like that one user who runs it for his kids and all.
And it depends on the game. Is it a pen and paper rpg? No age. Miniature wargame? 20s at oldest. Traditional games (cards, chess/variants, checkers, etc.)? No age limit.
Thats really cool. Your a cool dad.
>and this is her son
cuck alert
>Is it odd for a man in his mid 30s to still play with teens?
Speaking as a high school teacher, yes, this is pretty fucking weird. Unless they're maybe 18 or 19, then it's not so odd.
If you play games as an adult you are a failure.
Oh no! My unwillingness to be cucked is ruining things for ungrateful women!
Whatever shall I do!?
>whatever shall I do
Have you considered not responding to obvious b8
Your parents, and their parents and their ancestors before them each struggled and fought to raise kids. If you don't carry on your lineage you have failed the work and sacrifice of untold generations, user. They all struggled to make it possible for you, you specifically, to exist, and you'd let all that work go to waste?
Yes. Fuck my ancestors.
>existing for the sake of existing
sounds redundant and ultimately pointless.
To the contrary, everything except carrying on your genes is pointless in this world.
You have duty to your people, like it or not user.
>Thinking there are any women my age who would make good mothers
The times are not as they were, user.
exist, or dont. makes no different to the universe. only thing that can possibly mean anything are the choices you make for the sake of yourself because in the end the only real impact you have in the universe is yourself.
>Muh genes
If the only reason my parents had me is to be a vessel to pass on their genes then they can go fuck themselves. And I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
>only thing that can possibly mean anything are the choices you make for the sake of yourself because in the end the only real impact you have in the universe is yourself.
That seems like a pretty narrow view. You certainly have the power to make an impact on other people in your life as well.
thats nice and all, but in the view of the entire universe it means nothing.
>why do we exist?
to pass on genes so that they may exist to pass on genes and so on. existing for the sole purpose of perpetuating existence is meaningless. there is no difference between existing and not existing in the cosmic view of things.
But you don't watch the world from the cosmic view of things, you watch it here and now. It sounds to me that you're making up excuses for your own failings, user.
m8, soon there will be 9 billion people on this planet. Our duty is to stop this madness.
This logic is stupid. Several of the people in all of our lineages just wanted a quick screw, and several of them managed to scrape by and survive just because they had no choice. Our ancestry is meaningless, and of no intrinsic worth.
Someone post a picture of Max Stirner.
The cosmos is fascinating, but the entire universe's view of things is about as relevant to me as I am to it. Other people are what I have to interact with every day.
I'm pretty sure your parents have in fact fucked themselves...
And fewer of those people are white every passing year. How that isn't an urgent wake-up call for you? Don't you care about the future of your race?
>Listen to this man.
That's absolutely awesome. I wish I'll still have a group when I'm your age.
John Blanche is 70-something. Dude still games regularly in Warhammer World with guys several decades his junior.
>implying I have anything in common with some inbred retard from Texas just because he has light skin
Nigger, women want you to raise Tyrone's son for them, not your own petty genes.
>Don't feel guilty just because you resisted the vaginal jew and haven't gotten hitched to a fat sow and squirted out a couple shitspawn who consume your finances and life while your wife stays home reading internet blogs about "discovering herself" (i.e. nigger cock) and before you know it your shit life is even shittier.
A thousand times this. Never give up your passions for the sake of 'growing up.' That shit is over-fucking-rated. I'm by far the happiest of the small group of people I've kept in contact with.
The youngest person in the group I play Legacy with at the LGS is 27.
I think the youngest Magic players in general at this store are in the 19-20 range.
Teens are the weird ones out nowadays.
Are you mormon
>sounds redundant
>he doesn't know what redundant means
I think the word you're looking for is "axiomatic". Redundancy is maintaining multiple copies of a thing even though maximum efficiency can be achieved with fewer of those things, in case one of them fails.
>implying I have anything in common with some inbred retard from Texas just because he has light skin
If you also are of european ancestry (what you reduce to "light skin"), then yes you literally do have something in common.
>hurr durr I don't like your hobbies so you're a failure
My dad had three kids and he's a huge nerd, my uncle had four kids and he's a huge nerd, my brother is married and he's a huge nerd, I'm engaged and I'm a huge nerd
What exactly?
Last time a guy obsessed with the race he tried to kill my absolutely white grandma.
Women don't think, they just feel, and right now they feel ignored because they're shit and men'd rather do other things. So they come up with bullshit to make men feel bad not knowing that we'll resort to logic, as you did, and continue to ignore their shit.
>If you also are of european ancestry
I'm native american
>giving (you)s to /reee9k/ /pol/posters
It was you user
You were the retarded one in this scenario
take your pick.
ignoring /r9k/ hooting in the background, this is actually something i worry about, me in m30s playing pickup games versus youths at gw does feel weird and would be worse except the manager is older than me and the most evangelical gwer this side of an arch redemptionist.
>I won't settle for a man who's life doesn't revolve around making money like me!
>I want babies! Why can't I find a husband?
>Men suck!
>a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books
The question was answered at the beginning of wargaming.
I'm a green eyed redhead.
I'm also mexican so texans are literally the last people on earth I'd fuck in the name of.
>Women earn more than men now
What happened to that wage gap they wouldn't shut up about?
Is this the normalfag thread
I'm 47, I have friends in their early 60's who still play.
>Do what you love and fuck the rest.
But I was one of several children. Provided even one of us proceeds with generational offspring, my own personal continuance is generally irrelevant.
Most women are fucked up, but you speak it like it is and thirsty beta faggots will reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on your face to impress a m'lady that isn't even present, and wouldn't fuck them anyway.
Good women are still finding good men, good men are still finding good women. For everyone else, the problem lies within.
Hi, /pol/.
The fact that my parents had sex in order to create me makes me want to be buried alive
When your brain stops working, that's when.
>Implying deconstructivists aren't experts at trying to have their cake and eat it too.
They're Olympic level mental gymnasts, I'll say that much for them.
>Teenagers are immature twats at best.
and you hope that they will stop being immature twats by themselves, without the help of someone who's mature, not a twat or both? ayy lmao
>To the contrary, everything except carrying on your genes is pointless in this world.
That's only a thing that helped life survive. Will you say that shotgun is the only non-pointless thing in the whole Phobos hell?
>They all struggled to make it possible for you, you specifically, to exist
No, they didn't. The last two generations of my family all had kids by accident, because they were too poor to afford condoms. Taking the barest minimum of responsibility for your offspring is the least you can ask for, although I would have preferred it if they got an abortion.
>you literally do have something in common.
Nothing that matters.
A lot of women are legit like that. That's no reason to generalize about the entire gender, but they do exist and they are common.
It feels like it to me but then I don't play at all as a result.
Wouldn't mind trying to get my friends now in to playing board games but it's a bit of an ask even though they're all from a video gaming background. I don't know what games to start them on, most stuff is either too complex and they'll get frustrated or too simple and they'll get bored.
Your mom being like that does not mean they are common.
Oh really?
I’ve done my math. While I won’t inherit shit anyhting untill I am in my 60’s, my young half sister will get her share of inheritance just as she graduates university! Why the fuck would I want my children to live the life of hardships I have to face!?
Don't worry, your kids won't have anything to inherit anyway. The destruction of the middle class will be complete.
Or you could just dump your genes at a sperm bank and call it a day
>Do what you love and fuck the rest.
>Unless the rest is just playing a fucking board game with younger people; that's just too odd dude; under those circumstances don't do what you love
Yeah, man, it's almost like pedophilia.
It's odd because you're very likely to want different things from the game.
When I was 17 I disliked tabletop because my friends just wanted to be lolsorandumb.
Now that I'm 26 my game are more serious even if we have the occasional laugh and I love it.
I started playing with people in their 30's when I was 15, so no I don't see a problem.
my babysitter and her husband were classic D&D fans that started in school at some point and had been playing their whole lives. i think i was 7 or so when i was first introduced to the game. they used the AD&D rule books. honestly cant recall if it was 2e or not.
i can say with certainty those D&D sessions, although the rules were extremely lenient since we were kids, are the main reason i ever got into D&D and high fantasy at all. even though they shunned me like a leper when i brought 3.5 books over one day
I am always the youngest in the group.
I am 29 now...
>Teenagers are immature twats at best
I when I was about 17 mostly played tabletop with 60+ year old lawyers with no real issues. Just depends on the people you find to play with I guess.
Whenever you feel like you are too old to deal with it I guess. If a game group can last long enough for everyone to be in their 60s minimal with no issues I don't really see anything outside of a personal reason why there would be a limit.
Where I used to work a bunch of the upper management played DnD.
They couldn't have been younger than late 30s/early 40s