Have you ever played a character who by any description is a terrible concept or a mary sue but ended up being a lot of fun to play, and play with?
Pic related.
Have you ever played a character who by any description is a terrible concept or a mary sue but ended up being a lot of fun to play, and play with?
Pic related.
This is Waz-Cutta.
He has been described as cancer, aids, and a summer fag special.
Shockingly fun to play.
Lesse. He was prone to blowing himself up, was a nobmando with imperial, ork, and haemonculus augmentations.
He had various "gifts" from the chaos gods. He had claimed the sword of a mandrake imbued with a slaaneshi daemonette and a chain-axe with a blood hound in it from a world eater champion who boarded our ship and beat the shit out of the rest of the party.
He had armour taken from a nurglesh daemon entity. A giant worm 120 feet long and 30 feet wide. He fought it in a suit of orked up artificer power armour that was of huge size. It was a utility turned combat suit. That was fun. Than our Tzeentch worshipping navigator forced him to roll a mutation check vs some DM created mutation eye ray, and he ended up getting a pair of wings. That was his gift from tzeentch. Over and above that a plague champion ended up infecting him with... something. He went blow for blow with the plague champ for a good while, finally getting the upper hand when his allies showed up. Plague champ left a little of himself behind, unbeknownst to the party.
After that our magos biologis figured out how to use deldar drugs on his orkoid system (grinding up tyranid adrenaline glands apparently has quite a kick) and by the end of our two year campaign I was flying around at mach 1 flipping tanks and playing super heroes.
After the campaign he became a legendary freeboota looking for the biggest and baddest to throw down against.
He was more or less an ork warp daemon by that point.
Really silly stuff, but a lot of fun to develop.
Oh yeah, he took out a dreadnought by tying 20 kilos of explosives to a magnetic grappeling hook, and setting it to reel in automatically after he hooked the dreadnaught.
That was a fun session. DM didn't see it coming.
>Pic related.
thanks for the bump.
But its not a bad example. If someone described Stephen to me I would have never started watching the show, but given the rest of the story its quite enjoyable.
I want to make a Gem character, but not one of those personal "Gem-Sonas", just a character who is one of that alien race.
Would be a renegade/exile to help get around the fact there's a lack of information on how their home civilization does outside of terraforming colony worlds.
A drifter gem with wind powers wandering space (the choice of for wind-based elemental powers is wannabe-poetic with her nature as a leaf on the wind that is always on the move)
When getting into fights has a kick-based melee style because kicking things is cool and it would mesh well with agile air/wind-power effects
An SU rpg would be a pretty good outlet for that.
As a lorefag my heart bleads most of the time watching SU. Eventhough I like that show I could sometimes strangle someone over how shitty the lore progresses and characters devolved.
At least one I saw an user post a 5e SU rulepdf or something. Been a while though
And I bet you, your friends and especially the rest of Veeky Forums can come up of WAY better stories, lore, and worldbuilding for Steven Universe. Than the hack fraud Cal-Arts writers and show creator themselves that doesn't involve singing and crying.
Don't be a big fussy baby just because of an OP image
What's his name again???
Chill, we have 40k threas on /co/ when we talk about the comics, so we can talk here about worldbuilding stuff of things that aren't 40k. This is Veeky Forums after all and not /wh/. Also OP diddn't nececarrily made this thread exclusivly about this one show
I'm specifically asking for stories from players of at-first-glance special snowflakes that ended up being better than expected.
Did you even read the text or is your asshole trigger finger just that itchy?
>Expecting people to read the text after they glanced over the image
Just because OP decided to use an image completely unrelated to the topic doesn't mean that SU should be posted outside its containment board. We have those for a reason.
/co/ is not a containment board, unless you are defining it as every board outside of /a/ is a containment board for shit that isn't anime.
So this is the power of nu-Veeky Forums. Years ago anything that would have been posted here would recieve constructive stories, works, whatever. Now it seems we have elitist board seperation.
It's just some dude, dude. Chillax.
People just like getting mad at stuff. People are still mad at SU even though it came out 4 years ago and they haven't stopped. Same thing as the 7 year old ponies.
SU is not nearly as obnoxious as the ponies were. Every borad was spammed with them.
People just hate on it because it's the popular thing to do right now.
Stephen Galaxy.
Jack Nebula
And female pedophiles watch SU instead of male ones
I mean, I hate on it because I loathe the art style.
I have a friend who actually watched a little of it and hated it because the main character is unlikable and learns nothing.
>People just hate on it because it's the popular thing to do right now.
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
Hey, the singing is very nice. Its no gloryhammer but still.
Mark Solar
Tyrone Blackhole.
John Cosmos
Nah I hate it because it's written by a pedophile obsessed with rape.
Frankie Pulsar.
>cuck universe
>not steven cuckiverse
Actually a big part of the series appeal (to me) is the fact that the characters DO grow and learn from their mistakes. It self references a lot.
That said, if you are only watching a few episodes you arent going to see character development.
>Steven Universe
Go back to /co/mblr
Heh. Steven Universe is basically Veeky Forums, /u/, and /t/ put together.
Kill yourself OP
They don't grow and their character gets rolled back for the sake of filler town episodes every time.
They only get to grow when the writing removes them from the town, which also makes their appearances in the show rarer
Friend of mine played an adult SU in a Pokemon tabletop United game and ended up becoming his own character. It was a ton of fun really. Considering I'm the one who is borderlining "that guy" in our game.
You sure you weren't playing with me?
This thread is kinda hard to answer, because by definition the creator of a Mary Sue will assume everyone around them likes the character and enjoys playing with them, even if everyone absolutely hates everything about them.
I once made a character for a campaign set around a dungeon crawl. It was kinda weird because it involved base building and a merchant empire type thing, too, but that's besides the point. The character was a Chaotic Evil Orc Barbarian who was also a cannibal. In a mostly Neutral with some spattering of Good party (There were a lot of PCs due to the nature of the campaign).
Della was an Orc born and raised in a Colosseum style arena, as a gladiator. Most of the other 'competitors' hated the place and only cooperated for the chance of being free of it, one day. But Della? She thrived on that shit. She loved it. Not because she got to kill people (But that was pretty cool) or that the owners of the arena let her eat her opponents (she was hungry and the one plentiful source of food around...), it was because she loved the attention. The crowd, the spectacle. She showboated and built herself up into a Pro-Wrestler like cult of personality. When she won her freedom, she actually begged to stay, but rules are rules (actually she was costing them a lot of money in new gladiators and they couldn't just kill her or the crowd would riot). So she traveled around and did the adventurer thing, but as flashy and over the top as absolutely possible. When she found her way to that dungeon, it almost felt like she was back in the arena, and with a captive audience.
TL;DR: I took a very stereotypically edgy character idea and turned her into a semi-face wrestler analogue. Who happens to eat things she kills. Hey, it works in Nethack.
Oh yea, and her rage was fluffed as an absolutely JOVIAL glee at being in a fight, and trying to show off as much as possible.