To cultivate a proper atmosphere for his cyberpunk game...

>To cultivate a proper atmosphere for his cyberpunk game, the GM insists that all of his players smoke electronic cigarettes while at the table.

I wont risk getting cancer to play some dumb game.

I'll just smoke weed like they do in Neuromancer, thanks

360ยบ noscope and moonwalk away

Sure. I don't usually but I'm down to vape some low-nicotine or even nicotine-free juice. Especially if it's mint flavored.

As long as it's either nicotine free or THC-laced, sure.

I don't smoke shit, I don't care if it's just 'vapor'. I'm not putting any junk in my lungs if I can help it.

One of the players in my group vapes plain water

If it came down to this Id just pool money together to invest in a smoke machine and a blacklight.

You put dirty air in your lungs every day. What's the big deal?

that air by and large doesnt contain shit in such concentrated amounts. There's all sorts of weird aromatic chemicals that you can get from fucking vaporizing a flavoring agent.

>if I can help it
Reading shouldn't be hard for this board.

>He doesn't wear a respirator 24/7

plottwist, GM mixed some sleepdrug into the electric cigarettes
now you play in his "real" "dungeon",...forever...

And his "D-ragon" wants to make a deal with you.

Bring a hookah. Play a Saudi Arabian cyberpunk Prince.

This. Get on my level.

Very well, but on the condition I get to slay beats on my keytar as my heart dictates.

better use a waterpipe then

>you wont so stop being a fag
>Implying one cant do both...


How big of a town are you from buddy? Does it have industry?


mouth fedora

Vancouver, fuck off poor fag

sup fellow redditor


But I've already been known to noodle some riffs while board gaming.

I suppose it's better than doing it next to a major road or a loading bay, so you're surrounded by ambient noise.

I spend enough time in a dieselpunk dystopia at work, don't want to do it in my free time as well.
Srsly, one of the resident pigeons dropped dead last week, presumably from lung cancer.