Warhammer 40,00 General /40kg/

>Come home after 13 hour long work day
>Wow I cant wait to see the interesting conversations on /40kg/
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Didn't the old thread get nuked because certain Tyranid fangirl went overboard with celebratory rites welcoming new edition?

Posting again for replies

So lads I recently got back into 40k after a decade of withdrawal from my resin addiction and have decided to start anew with a steel legion army.

I kicked it off right away by getting a couple of models to start with:
>Commisar Yarrick
>1 infantry sqaud
>1 heavy bolter unit
>1 lascannon unit
>1 Chimera
>and to top it off one commamder.

The focus of my army is that of mechanised infantry whilst trying to stay as loyal to the fluff imperal guard structure as possible.

My route of action was that of bulking out with chimeras and masses of infantry with a couple of leman russ executioners and rounding off my heavy weapons teams.

Am i doing it right or headed down a dreaded path of no return?


What a dick

If it did and i missed it...actually I don't give a shit, but that might have been nice to see.

can some one tell me how flamers work in overwatch in 8th ? like do they get d6 hits?


What's expected to be the "tournament standard" amount of points? Both power points and the 1000-something points we're used to?

Jesus christ shadowsun's finecast pose is trash. I had to cut the fuck out of her legs to fix that abomination

>Chaos Space Marines can drop their bolters for a Chainsword
>can take special/heavy
>can take another at 10 models
>only one can take a plasma pistol


Any ideas on what to put in new guard lists? I'm thinking

>vet squads with snipers and a heavy weapon
>20-30man conscripts as troops
>Lots of commissars, maybe a lord with powerfist as melee backup
>Power weapons on sergeants are so cheap why not take them
>Taking a few russ variants, maybe 2 punishers and an executioner
>Plasma armoured sentinels, oh yes I'm so hype for these babies

Smart ass answer: Because a new generation of gamer realized they were trying too fucking hard and they are more akin to old gray-haired and bearded men waddling around in renaissance plate armor than anything particularly bad ass you'd want to aspire to.

"Real" answer: They cut themselves off from a vast government that dedicated a shitload of resources towards building and maintaining all their high-tech equipment. It actually makes sense.

Whatever list you build, you better fucking spend most your points on vehicles if you ever want to actually win.

But some guard players actually get off on watching their own flootsloggers die out in the open as much as their opponent does. So hey, man, you do you.

Ok, fan theory time:

Alex Jones is an Imperial Inquisitor who has been trapped in the past by vile Chaos sorcery, and his show is him trying to perpetuate Inquisitorial fears.

Listen to him and tell me that this isn't exactly what an Inquisitor would say: youtube.com/watch?v=P1UCGV441wQ

Why can only 1 in 5 nobz take a cybork body?

Arbitrary restrictions

Convince our local WAACfag that he will get wrecked because all he did was spam the cheesiest of 7th ed Eldar.

>berzerkers with a chainsword/chainaxe in each hand
the future is now

Please r8 my 1500 point Tyranid list.

Not shown because the website calculates their points incorrectly- 20 genestealers w/ adrenal glands for 260 points.

also I forgot to note:

The Hive Tyrant is actually going to be kitted out with 2x Scything Talons, but the website doesn't have their points set up correctly, so I chose the loadout that has the amount of points as a stand in.

My Hive Tyrant has two scything talons and adrenal glands.

Since stern guard lost their special ammo and just got a new bolter so combis got nerfed for them imo
The only reason to take them is those bolters and access to heavy framers
Otherwise company veterans are better?

They can look out sir and are fully customizable

is this recaster stuff?

they still sell the metal ones btb if you ever want the urge to buy them.

desu Chimeras are pretty much overpointed now so Mech Guard is expensive (pointswise) to play. Taurox are amazing now if you are okay with the model or at least converting it. I'm pretty sure at some point the armageddon fluff will have steel legion in Taurox (if it doesnt already) if youre worried about cheese. A couple of Taurox to help round out your steel legion squads with twin autocannons and punisher cannons too is gud but you cant transport regular infantry if you do take that option .

Stack some demolishers and punishers too. They're objectively the best variants right now on a 6x4 table.

Basilisks are dirt cheap at 100pts with t6 11 wounds and a 3+ while being able to hide and still shoot with no minimum range and objectively having a better cannon than the regular leman russ. They are probably gonna be a sleeper hit in the new book unless nobody can be arsed to buy the model.

honestly all the artillery looks really good.

wait what?

Not enough synapse, if you're going to have only one tyrant keep it grounded with tyrant guard, you don't have enough units to burrow with the trygon to keep focus from your lictor (which should be a deathleaper), if you're taking a trygon don't take a mawloc which is pretty mediocre anyway, if you're taking a trygon always take two units to join him for target saturation. Biovores and especially zoanthropes are too good to not take now. To be honest tervigon are too much of a juicy target to expect to survive very long. You'd be better off with more starting troops and tyrants w/guard.

Hey guys guess what
[Spoiler] Celestine isn't a unique choice and her +1 to invulns stacks [/spoiler]

>Not enough synapse

Not really a problem this edition. All of my assault units are showing up turn 1, and will be positioned so that the enemy unit closest to them is the unit I want to charge.

Then turn 1 or 2, the Flying Hive Tyrant will be zipping up to combat to provide synapse to the Genestealers so they don't die from battleshock.

>if you're going to have only one tyrant keep it grounded with tyrant guard, you don't have enough units to burrow with the trygon to keep focus from your lictor
>if you're taking a trygon always take two units to join him for target saturation
>To be honest tervigon are too much of a juicy target to expect to survive very long.

I mean... the enemy can't shoot them all. That's target saturation in itself.

oh no.

6 months of 2+ invuln sisters running around everywhere.


2000 points:
Detachment one:
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Detachment two:
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Detachment three
Detachment one:
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers
Seraphimx5 2x2 hand flamers

2++ reroll able on everything, 5 auto acts of faith to get any models that die back

Im hyped as fuck this edition

Going to go to the midnight launch and playing a big apoc game with my Orks with the leaked rules

Yes because it will take them that long to FAQ it.

wew lad only 20 bongdollars on ebay too its not out of the realm of cheesy fucking cunts to buy either.

My cheeks are clenched.

Where did you find this out? or did you figure it out?

Figured it out this morning. Playtested it 3 times and it's unbeatable by everything we tried

So what is the new faction?

>sitting on shitter
>start reading through narrative games
>they're fucking awesome
>all of them

Fuck using points. Narrative games a best

death guard

They'll wait until christmas for chapter approved shit to let all the good goys buy up celestine boxes.

top jej

sell the info to BOLS before anyone else gets the scoop. probs already too late but oh well.

>Celestine isn't a unique choice

RAI is so clearly obvious that it's bigger than the dick currently up your ass

Making a mixed Orks / Genestealer cult using the wu tang clan connection for this edition. So hyped.

No way, that dude is a Ministorum Priest in the Imperial Guard.

No I'd be willing to bet its a day 1 FAQ.

Don't make it obvious, I'm taking it to a GT on July first!

It's just not enough target saturation

Not saying my list is much better at 2k but still

How are they in any way a new faction?

>implying you'll get any games or be allowed in any tournaments with that list

The only victories you'll have are all the games you won't be playing that you "count as a win because if you refuse to play me you forfeit"


I was gonna write greentext about someone buying 5 celestines and playing them with a straight face, thinking they've found some power combo that isn't an obvious oversight. And THEN being super assmad that it gets FAQ'd or errata'd and go online and bitch about it.

But I know for a fact that this will happen, somewhere.

Fucks sakes.

they werent a faction, they were part of csm

now theyre a faction like tsons

No worries I've already sent it in to the FLGS/ITC team so I'll make sure it gets plenty of publicity in all the major organizer circuits.

>But I know for a fact that this will happen, somewhere.

People are already planning out armies with the Wu Tang Clan Conundrum unironically. They're going to get double assblasted when it gets faq'd.

Well yeah, obviously an oversight, but for the three weeks or whatever until FAQs are out it's legal

so are orks still horrible

Wtf do necron players even do in the hobby? They can spray paint their shit sliver, and it will look the same as every other necron. whats the point

what wu tang clan shit?

Are the rules for 8th free? The new books are optional right?

No way to tell atm


Putzing around with the new Chaos stuff, came up with this at roughly 2k points, though I got some points floating around still as I don't know the costs associated with marks are in 8th.

Detachment 1 -- Battalion (Chaos/Nurgle)
Epidemius. 100 pts

Warpsmith with basic kit, MoNurgle. 109? pts

Plague Bearers x14, Daemonic Icon. 137 pts

Plague Bearers x14, Daemonic Icon. 137 pts

Plague Marines x7, Plague Sword, Plasma Gun x2. 176 pts

Fast Attack:
Foetid Blight Drone. 158 pts

Foetid Blight Drone. 158 pts

Plague Drones x3. 157 pts

Mutilators x3, MoNurgle. 195? pts

Heavy Support:
Havocs x5, Autocannon x4, MoNurgle. 145? pts

Detachment 2 -- Auxiliary Super Heavy Detachment:
Lord of War:
Renegade Knight, Thermal Cannon, Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Melta Gun. 448 pts.

What are you using to build your list there? Every so often I see one like that, but I can never figure out what generates it.

You can paint them differently you know.

Basically some faggot said if he named his custom chapter/sept/klan/kabal keyword "Wu Tang Clan", then all armies became super battle brothers, because "Wu Tang Clan" the Sept gets the same bonuses as "Wu Tang Clan" the chapter.

Even though the rules clearly and explicitly mention words like "chapter" "sept" and "kabal" right there in the name (e.g. "T'au Sept")

Where do you think we are

The game never checks to see if the keyword has any metadata, it only checks to see if keywords match. If you name the customizable Faction Keywords "Wu Tang Clan," suddenly two factions share a Faction Keyword "Wu Tang Clan" and they can ally :^)

The Indexes are in no way optional - they are required. The core rules are going to be free for download but they do not include the rules for matched play (i.e. force org charts, things like that).

There's beauty in simplicity, in uniformity. In solidarity.

And that will work until the first early FAQs - the real key here is don't come on Veeky Forums and whine when it gets FAQ'd.

Is there going to be digital rules/indexes?

Are you familiar with the euthyphro dilemma?

This is why I like the Canoptek stuff so much. Plus the Warrior hordes are so easy to paint and still look good.

I'm not a Necron player though.

When it gets faq'd, it gets faq'd. Until then, it's perfectly valid.

>the real key here is don't come on Veeky Forums and whine

You should know better than to expect this --
from anyone...about anything -- on Veeky Forums.

You can only have one celestine per army. that's in her rules.

Cant wait to roll up to the lfgs with my friendly, fluffy 5 celestine list

When you buy new kits they're going to come with the appropriate datasheet. Other than that it'll just be the very basic rules for free so new players can play without buying any books. Everyone else will need indexes plus rulebook to play proper games.

Has anyone noticed that IG transports are kinda...redundant?

I mean, the Chimera moves 10+D6 Inches if it doesn't shoot, and only hits with 1 HB and 1 ML if it does shoot. 6 HB shots and 6 ML shots over a game hardly sounds worthwhile. And all this for 93 points. Plus, they must disembark troops BEFORE moving!

The Taurox is slightly better being 85 points, 14+D6 max range and 4 Autocannon shots that aren't really good but at least are high enough strength to kill guardsmen if they hit. Again, must disembark before moving.

But a platoon commander costs 20 points, and comes with 3 attacks, an invuln save, and orders. Most critically, he can follow the squad during movement and during shooting order Move, Move, Move. That gives your infantry a range of 14" minimum, and up to 24". So if your infantry isn't shooting anyways because they're in a transport or running, why not just run? It's faster, you get other orders out of it, and the platoon commander while left behind can catch up next turn and in the interim creates a nice 18" wide corridor of no-deepstrike between your vanguard and your main infantry force. Plus, the order works for conscript blobs that can't fit inside a transport. You can then spend 57 points on an autocannon squad that performs both the chimera and the tuarox's medium strength weapons platform role even better, and some gear for the platoon commander to let him support the advancing squad. All that and your still undercosting the vehicles dedicated to actually moving the troops.

So what's the point? Keeping the troops alive doesn't matter when you can instead double the amount of troops and target saturate the battlefield with men instead. Transport or no you still can't fire your guns, the transport iself is outclassed by HWTs giving covering fire, and the actual range of the transports is outpaced by the infantry on foot!

So long as you use this ability wisely i.e. running the troops to cover, it feels like transports are a waste.

What other factions got wrecked like the Thousand Sons?
>access to 3 non-repeatable spells
>squad psykers heavily nerfed
>invulnerable saves dropped across the board
>Ahriman a chump
>Exalted Lost his bombardment and no Seer's Bane or Astral Grimoire

>using 5 of a named character
>perfectly valid
>unironically thinking this

Holy shit you guys.

>it's perfectly valid

Except GW has stated that RAI trumps RAW. Ergo, by both RAI and GW's RAW statement, your RAW exploits are not valid.


holy fucking kek he is inquisitor jones


Transports are so obscenely expensive across the board I'm wondering at their purpose. Especially as someone who tries very hard to never footslog anything.

Sure - I wouldn't play you regardless so it doesn't really matter to me and I know how the ITC will rule on it so I'm safe in knowing I won't have to play against anyone else doing it at large events.

50 power points are generally around 1000 points but kept in mind, points wise, most stuff is a bit more expensive.

Something to keep in mine - having less drops than your opponent is a good thing now so you're able to decrease your total drops with transports.

You just pick a god keyword. They do nothing on their own.

>I play Chaos Space Marines

I was wondering about that.

I still haven't convinced myself I can use a bloat drone in non-death guard.

So, my store usually ran 850 point games to keep them short and simple. Will these clock in higher this edition or lower?

My gut is telling me that generally those 850 armies and games will end up at a 1000 point mark now.

But they are incredibly religious.
Fedora fits more Tau than anything.


How does this involve the Wu Tang Clan?


Are you sure?

no. they look very good.

Alright, newfag here. With 8th edition dropping soon I thought I should jump on the bandwagon and try my hand at this Warhammer stuff. I've already scoped out my local gaming store and decided on the Battle for Vedros Marine Expansion thing (pic related: atomicempire.com/item.aspx?item=196283) since it looked cool and $10ish is a good amount to spend on finding out if I'll like this hobby.

So, with that said, does anyone here have any tips for a newguy? Painting help will always be appreciated but is there anything I should know that a complete stranger like me wouldn't even think of? Should I stay away from anything entirely? Places I should go to buy minis instead of GW.com or my local store? Anything at all would be appreciated.

I fucking love this man
>yfw everythting he says is true

well the design team heard that transports were too cheap so then decided that turning them all into monstrous creatures was a good idea to make them obscenely expensive.

Or ya know. there should be a discount for taking a squad with a transport to make it a viable option instead of just spamming more troop choices.

I am a gamer, not a modeling hobbyist.

I've been reading the new rules and this got me concerned.
Does it mean that if I had a custom chapter "Emperors Buttbuddies" that counted as Ultramarines successor it would prevent me from taking Gulliman and affecting my army?
Doesn't this completely kill off any reason to play any chapter other than big 4 since you would be restricted only to vanilla commanders, weapons and vehicles? Are we just stuck with play "ultra/da/ba/sw or gtfo?"
It seems the same with CSM with how much better Abbadon is compared to other HQ and making anything other than Black Legion/DG just worse, if not pointless to play.

>I am a gamer

Wu Tang Clan is the name being used for the tactic of giving units from different factions the same Custom Keyword. That placeholder of or or that you fill in yourself. If every unit has the Keyword or whatever you want, then you can use them all. At least, that's the WAACfag justification anyway.

It's a suggestion. Here's how you work around it - you don't take their suggestion, you paint your models whatever color you want and don't change their key word. Done.