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Post pics for the gallery ladies. Will close it after I've finished eating.
pics of little girls or just pics in general?
little girl cyoa huh?
>Not posting the colored version
Does this count?
Please post my cyoa
Which is...?
Well, they ARE little
This one surely must.
how do I post it if I don't know what it looks like?
y-you don't know?
This girl needs to draw more gnomes. She stopped a while back.
Why are people still replying to him? He's posting that pretty much every single thread.
is it zodiac
I see you fags posting multiple pictures.
I'm going to have to really think about this one
fuck you i posted it like 5 times in total, only once in two consecutive threads
I'm not a namefag
not enough CYOAs make people really think anymore
I thought we got three wishes. I'm not making any secret of the fact that I already posted two: and . If that's a problem, ignore two of mine and take your favorite.
Ah, I miss DFO. I really should start playing it again. Remember to gas all witches.
Little Fox Girl Genie here. Please be good boys and girls and only offer up one image, so more people can get their pictures in.
And how will you act, based on that knowledge?
So untrue.
I almost did, but decided against it. Went with a giantess image instead of a giant boobed one since I almost always do that, but then someone else put one instead.
Probably kill myself
The extra strength from Oni will synergize well with shifter.
>Faster Growth
>Wise Hunter
>Fast Learning
Only getting better with time.
>Energy Generator Portable
>Small Module x4
>Power Armour
>Gun + Energy Weapon Upgrade; Shotgun
>Melee Weapon; Brass Knuckles
>Food x10
>Basic Info Pack
Let's get to exploring.
Alright, let's see...
>3 Day Pass (13)
I'll enter on the Purple Line in Norway. I'll browse Stop E, City of Glass, but I don't intend to buy anything listed.
I'll then pay a Doubloon (12) to stay overnight at Stop 6, Heaven's Pass.
At Stop F, Heaven's Halls, I'll purchase a Fruit of Knowledge (10) and an Angelic Cloth Robe (9). This wastes my second day, so we have one left.
I'll hop onto the Blue Line and ride until the Slaver's Market, Stop G, where I will purchase a magical cowgirl (3). I'll gift her the Angelic Robe and promise a better life.
At Stop 7, I'll burn some incense for the forgotten gods and get back on the Line.
I'll look around Stop H, Court of Mist, but will purchase nothing.
Then onto the Green Line, switch to Red Line at the Amphitheater, and come out in the South African airport. Then it's just a plane ride home.
This is just a cursory build, I'll think it through to be more efficient later. Still have 3 doubloons in my pocket
It always warms my heart when people take the time to say they'll burn the incense.
There's no mechanical benefit. But the forgotten gods deserve something don't you think?
oh, wait, the ladies didn't refer to what you wanted for the gallery.
Race: Angel
Class: Winner
Perks: Wise Hunter, Sneak Attack, Multitasking
Equipment: Anti-Magic Shield Generator (500), Energy Rifle (200), Energy Generator (100), 2x Power Modules (0)
Faction: Flechette
Winner and Multitasking effectively makes me Coil - run multiple simulations and keep the one I like best. With that power, my wings, and Sneak Attack I should be able to plan out excellent ambushes, and kill in the best order to take advantage of Wise Hunter. Not to mention that depending on how Winner works, I might be able to do things like scout without any risk.
Well, it certainly needs more Spice. The Spice must flow!
... which reminds me, what happened to Erotic Descent Guy? Still around and working?
No idea. But if you want more spice than you can handle, take Thomas. It's ridiculous how fast he makes Red Sand.
Need help. Going to post a few images need to know if they are only singles or if they have multiple pages that I'm missing.
Fast Learning isn't terribly useful for your build. It works on academic skills and languages, not facepunching and exploring.
Number 2
>Implying demon magic will let you just cut everything off
Number 3
Well with the basic info pack I can memorize it all and not need to look in it constantly. Languages help for ruins that contain dead languages, and the collective knowledge from fighting enemies and figuring out how to fight certain things is a great skill.
gib kitsune image plox
Number 4
Winner is inherently fucking broken. It's the same as Path to Victory in the WORMS cyoa.
Number 5
Number 6 and final
Fairly sure these are singles
This is one of the worlds for Conduit, I think?
Single, I think but there's another simular about Time Magic instead
This one is part of a set
Singles by the same author, AFAIK.
What about a girl (male)?
Singleton. Picking Spirits, because not only can you do all kinds of cool shit, but it's the stealth waifu option.
Singleton. I pick Eternal Paradise, because it's literally all the other options and more.
There's a DLC, and I don't have it. I'll pick Book Keeper and Portfolio - an automatic win. Why? Because I can just make it so everyone else picked Portfolio, and then kill them all one by one.
Part of Conduit. Go check 1d4chan, they have it all.
There's a Time Magic one as well, but they're not linked. Anyway, Upgraded Teleport. It's the only one that'll get me off this rock in practical time, assuming there are any planets with breathable atmospheres. Which I will look for using it.
That's the Time one. I pick Ageless Body and Contradiction, because Contradiction lets me negate all the disadvantages of Ageless Body.
Pick your poison.
Not even close. It doesn't puppeteer you, which means you can fuck up even after simulating the perfect outcome, and even if it did you have to unlock the ability to run large numbers of long simulations, while Path to Victory effectively runs infinite simulations with no time limit until it picks the ideal one.
Like said, you're closer to Coil than Contessa.
"If I jump from this ledge and onto the first guy head, I can then launch myself to the second guy, running low to the third."
Immediately slips on banana peel
>Angel, militant lesbian feminazi with a shit ton of pathological/psychological problems
>Beri, loneliest person on earth who use /cyoag/ to validate his sad existence
>Bliss, an insular cunt who ruins /cyoag/ with endless pvp debauchery and ruins his own cyoa with hamfisted interjection.
>Box Wine, drunk asshole that disappeared off of the face of the planet after making 2-3 cyoas
>HL, allah worshipping sandnigger dwarf who's autism transcends space and time.
>Kit, closet gay faggot who is the most messed up motherfucker to ever grace these threads.
>Stardust, smug shitposting asshole and attention whore, who becomes a mopey emo faggot if nobody replies to his shitposting.
>Quiet, allah worshipping sandnigger who loves inserting convoluted symbols, iconography and secrets into his cyoas, and he probably suicide bomber'd himself to save face with his family.
I'll pass.
Behead those who insult our desert rose
New author waifu cyoa when?
I'll take Bliss.
>tfw I won't be in it even though I try my hardest
when you kys yourself
you should be proud of that
Who would be in it?
When you make it
Needs a Jumpchain edition.
ZBG most definitely.
user please, I hate everyone equally.
You forgot Italics.
If it HAS to happen, active authors preferably. TorkharGhoul for example. Pal's more of a /d/ sort, but I guess it counts.
I'd be grateful if I don't appear on it, honestly.
You can call Kit a lot of things, user, but I don't think you can call him a closet gay, not with how often he posts about how he wants to be some eldritch deity waifu for a regular guy and devote his whole life to them. He is a while little bitch, though.
Litraly whoo?
>I'd be grateful if I don't appear on it, honestly.
>you should be proud of that
You both make excellent points. But I can't lie adoration and appreciation feels good and makes me feel a sense of purpose.
I'm just a fag I guess.