Does this coin actually work as it was intended to or not yet?
Does this coin actually work as it was intended to or not yet?
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it works very well - there was 500tps testing the other day.
you looking into future right now
you have to buy it before it works, duuuh
this coin will save you from bitcoin fallout
buy it now
That's funny, because only my iota and bitcoin are in the red right now.
ye i want to buy a fridge who pays my fucking toaster for data collected
alright geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
this is high speculative sci fi shit not real world use coin like XRP
nice try you shitty shill
>talk to me when you top 10 you pencil penis
XRP and iota are both scams. You might be able to make money on the xrp scam if you buy now and ride the pump. Iota isn't looking too good, they already burned their credibility. It's gonna bleed for the next year as they have no chance of turning the coordinator off or making any of it work correctly without getting hacked
>buy iota
>send to wallet
>funds gone
Too many open questions for me to invest in it.
neck yourself faggot
It won't work until their mega top secret Jinn processor being designed in a boiler room somewhere is released
>you rang
If by intended you mean in a buggy, slow and unreliable fashion, then absolutely yes
Anyone used Its a web browser mine that mines Monero and converts it to IOTA and pays out now and then.
Seems scammish but I used it once and got a 700 payout. Not sure if its even worth the effort or if I'm better letting my computer do a real monero mine somewhere else and converting it myself.
Your complete shit tier meme coin does not fucking function.
> transaction lost by the wayside
Literally open up the new wallet, click the bundle, click reattach, then click promote. It'll be done in about a minute.
You are retarded, I reattached 4 times on 3 different nodes, and I rebroadcast 2 times.
This coin was written by a PHD poo in loo in india.
> rebroadcast
It's not IOTAs fault you dont know how to use the beta software. It specifically says on the manual "You should never need to do this ever"
The network was clogged for a long time, the new IRI came out like 2 days ago to fix a lot of the major problems. Old transactions need to be reattached and promoted. Promotion is a new feature added in the new wallet. Go download it, login with your seed, open the bundle, click attach and promote. The next wallet has autopromotion.
Or just give me your seed and I'll do the work for you if you're too lazy
> click reattach
> I reattached 4 times on 3 different nodes
do you even know how to read?
Did you miss the part where the update came out 2 days ago? Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to reattach multiple times, because after you reattach the option becomes Promote.
Go download the new wallet and stop being a fucking idiot
No and it won't anytime soon. If it becomes decentralized that's going to be big, but you have a hack of a hold until that happens.
Iota Akbar
>Ethereum shill
>FUDs Iota
Really activates those fucking almonds
I was on the new client as soon as it came out.
How is Raiblocks better than IOTA?
Absolute state of iota hodlers
I doubt that, or your transaction would have been repromoted.
Likely you're just being a shit troll but on the off chance you're not, go download 2.5.6 wallet. 2.5.5 had some promotion issues, 2.5.6 just came out and fixes promotion (I've tested it myself with a hefty transaction) from here
Next, pick a node from
Open the bundle for the big transaction, re-attach, then promote. It'll say promoting 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, and once it's done your transaction should get a huge bump in line and be done in 1-10 minutes.
Or don't and leave the 5k out in the ether and spend the time bitching about it on Veeky Forums
This is the 4th time I've been told to update my client and reattach in a month. Everything is fixed this release they say
It's beta software, what do you expect? It's not "done" software like Bitcoin or even Raiblocks. It's new and has kinks to work out. This is what happens when you adopt beta versions of stuff. You have to deal with the beta problems.
Then stop pretending like it functions.
It does :) Enjoy not having that $5000 because you'd rather be an anti-iota crybaby and can't jump through the couple of hoops to get beta software to work.
Next time go buy more LINK
Iota does honestly have some applicability in the real world with their micro transactions shit, but not enough of one to change the fucking world
>applicability in the real world
Refugee cities. Checks out
>not wanting your homelands to be handed to low iq ragheads
It's not like we're talking about a ton of successful Jap entrepreneurs taking over Europe, by purchasing property and investing in businesses. No, it's a bunch of fucking human trash and it's being paid for by the benevolent and wonderful state.