>I find a new group.
>Only women, I would be the only man.
>This makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Should I still try it or can it just end bad?
>I find a new group.
>Only women, I would be the only man.
>This makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Should I still try it or can it just end bad?
Yes to both of your questions.
Try it.
'you have found a group'. That's kind of what matters. If they seem like they wouldn't be fun to play with, either give it a shot and see how it goes or just avoid it and find a group you feel less reservations about.
>Should I still try it or can it just end bad?
They are women, not cannibalistic Russians you dolt.
Do it, just don't be a creep.
Maybe they're really good at hiding their accents?
>not cannibalistic Russians
We don't know that from the description.
or are they?
Look I know where I'm posting so this is asking allot.
But the problem is inherently you, the fact your even asking this question implies that at some point your going to try and fuck one of them, Romance them or Fedora tip one of them and get thrown out,
Then your going to come back her and attempt to imply there were lesbian "that girls" or some fag shit.
You might even throw in an "SJW land whale" or two in your rant
As long as you can keep it in your god damn pants and focus on the game, it'll be fun for all involved.
If you can't do that, if you can keep from dropping your spaghetti all over their nice rugs, because they have tits, and you can't comprehended how tits doesn't mean they owe you some fuck, then polite decline and walk away.
look at it this way
what ever happens you'll have a good story to tell us afterwards
It should go perfectly fine as long as you don't fuck the GM.
Relationships between players is fine, but if the GM is either giving or receiving the dick from one player, the group inherently fractures and dissolves soon after because the GM will make stupid plot decisions in order to benefit their lover.
Only way this can be avoided is if the GM is having sex with no one or everyone, and in either case has no conflict of interests that could lead to bias.
Well, you should not generalize like that. In Russia there's several ways one can get to cannibalism, context matters.
There's convinced cannibals - who choose this out of their own volition, to pursue a twisted urge.
Circumstantial cannibals - who choose this out of desperation as the alternative to starvation.
And ignorant cannibals - who see meat on sale and don't particularly care where it came from.
The first group might be oftentimes dangerous, the second only if you don't bring snacks.
Yes, and yes. But go for it anyways. It will be an adventure.
And make sure to greentext it afterwards. Have and DO NOT overthink it
What kind of snacks are talking here?
Oh you know, the usual.
Well, they could be cannibalistic russian women, we just don't have the information to be able to come to a conclusion on the matter based purely on OP's post.
Spell it out are we talking Cheetos and Mountain Dew or Picked baby hearts.
I can to know before I run shit for my local cannibal tribes.
Do it faggot.
Certainly not the pickled baby hearts, considering how many babies it takes to get a decent portion, it's just terribly impractical, you might have that for a cannibal wedding or some such event of significance, but it really isn't regular snack.
I'd advise against offering the Dew either - it's Russians we're talking about and if you've already put this much sugar into a drink it's considered waste not to let it ferment.
>I find a new group.
>Only brunettes, I would be the only blonde.
>This makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Should I still try it or can it just end bad?
>I find a new group.
>Only whites, I would be the only black.
>This makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
Should I still try it or can it just end bad?
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